After a brief trance, Lin Ge regained consciousness and found that he was standing in the middle of the rooftop of a building, surrounded by many pipes and air outlets.

The sky was dim and it was hard to tell whether it was morning or evening, giving people a gloomy and depressing feeling that made people feel a little breathless.

In addition to Lin Ge, there are four other figures in the safe area.

"Multiple reincarnations?" Lin Ge looked at the four reincarnations. When he was looking at the first person, he heard one of them turning on the curse mode.


"Nightmare, how can it be a nightmare? I, Li Shuiwang, am so virtuous and capable that I can enter the nightmare cycle in my lifetime!"

"Lord God, didn't I just complain that the reward was too low after the last extremely difficult reincarnation? There's no need for such a big battle to punish me, right?"

The cursing man was half a head shorter than Lin Ge, with a messy chicken coop, and dark circles under his eyes that were so heavy that he looked like he was wearing smoky makeup.

Wearing a gray long-sleeved T-shirt, black casual pants, and a pair of dark leather shoes, they looked very mismatched.

The first reincarnation person Lin Ge looked at was a slightly elegant man wearing black-rimmed glasses and a black suit. He was frowning and didn't know what he was thinking.

There are two remaining reincarnations standing together. The one on the left is wearing a camouflage uniform, has a Chinese character face, is tall and looks like Schwarzenegger.

The one on the right is completely opposite to the strong man. He is short and fat. He is 1.67 meters tall and at least 300 kilograms. He is almost round into a ball.

At this time, the faces of the four of them were not very good. They seemed to have heard about "The First Commandment" for a long time. Coupled with the "nightmare level" difficulty, the danger can be imagined.

Lin Ge clicked on his watch to view the main line:

[Current Reincarnation World: "The First Commandment" (Nightmare)]

Main mission: Survive for 7 days. The plot characters Li Guoqiang and Huang Yaozu need to survive.

(Note 1: "Li Guoqiang", one of the protagonists of this world, will join the miscellaneous department in 48 hours.)

(Note 2: For every death or possession of one of the two protagonists, 5,000 reincarnation points will be deducted.)

(Complete the mission and you will be rewarded with 5,000 reincarnation points. For each protagonist who survives, you will be rewarded with an additional 5,000 reincarnation points. If the mission fails, 10,000 reincarnation points will be deducted. If the reincarnation points are not enough to pay the penalty, the reincarnation will be eliminated.)

Nightmare: A world abandoned by God.

Countdown to the start of reincarnation: 29 minutes and 3 seconds.


It is a mission mode similar to "Zombies", but this time there is a nightmare effect called "The World Abandoned by God".

"If both protagonists are killed, they can return to the main god space even if they survive to the end. The price is 20,000 reincarnation points."

Lin Ge felt that this way of "survival" was written by the Lord God for fun. After all, no one knew whether he could survive the next reincarnation. Who would be stupid enough to be a farm rat and resist strengthening the reincarnation point? Go into the coffin.

Lin Ge has watched the movie "The First Commandment" and it is one of the few movies that he thought was pretty good but was unwilling to watch it twice.

The reason is simple, this movie is too desperate.

The plot of the movie is very simple. Patrolman Li Guoqiang encounters a cram school teacher who drives without a seat belt in the parking lot.

He stopped him and issued a ticket, and kindly reminded the other person that the taillight was not working and asked him to get tools to repair it.

When the tutor went to get tools, Li Guoqiang noticed blood stains in the trunk. When he opened it, he found the body of a female student who had been tortured to death.

Li Guoqiang never dreamed that the tutor was a serial murderer. When he was drawing his gun, he was shot down by the other party first.

At this moment, the body of the female student in the trunk, which had been dead for three hours, sat up, frightening the murderer and buying time for Li Guoqiang to shoot the murderer to death.

Li Guoqiang, who killed a serial murderer, should have been promoted, but because of his personality, he was unwilling to change his confession of "liar", so he was transferred to the miscellaneous department by the police chief.

Huang Yaozu, the chief of the Miscellaneous Section, has been in office for 19 years. He talks about the "First Commandment" every day and keeps repeating it to Li Guoqiang - "There are no ghosts in this world."

Then Li Guoqiang, who joined the miscellaneous department, encountered ghosts every now and then. After solving several supernatural incidents, Huang Yaozu had no choice but to tell him the truth.

There are not only ghosts in this world, but they are everywhere. They can't be driven away or killed. The only way to kill a ghost is to wait until it possesses you and then kill the possessed person along with it.

However, ghosts are like a "curse" and "virus". Once the possessed person successfully touches another target, he can possess the new target, and the previously possessed target will become Become an "empty shell".

Moreover, if the ghost commits suicide while possessed, it will live in the body and look for opportunities to touch new targets and transfer.

When Huang Yaozu came to the miscellaneous department, there were more than a dozen people here, all dead and gone. Now only he and a four-eyed guy who does housework are left. He doesn't want to think about anything now, he just wants to resign and fly away with his lover.

But at this moment, a strange suicide case occurred, and Li Guoqiang discovered that the murderer he killed, Chen Fulai, turned into a ghost and came back to take revenge. After killing several innocent people, Chen Fulai focused on Li Guoqiang's wife, possessed her, and then possessed Li Guoqiang through physical contact. He killed the four-eyed boy, killed Huang Yaozu, and finally took the job of the chief of the miscellaneous department. Location.

The movie ends here.

A movie in which justice fails to see the light of day and evil ultimately wins.

When Lin Ge first watched this movie, he wished he could go to the next door department and borrow Chef Xie to help Huang Yaozu and cure the evil spirit Chen Fulai who was killed throughout the movie.

"The evil spirits in "The First Commandment" seem to be nothing special except that transfer is a bit difficult, and the attack method of possession is also very simple."

However, the difficulty is - a nightmare.

In the movies, the only way to kill ghosts is to kill the possessed person along with the ghost.

The "Exorcist" in the movie only has miscellaneous subjects, and there is no setting like Taoist priests.

Lin Ge had a bad premonition, so he took out an exorcism talisman and rubbed it with two fingers, but the talisman did not burn. He took out three more sticks of incense and poured some incense, but it didn't burn.

"A world abandoned by God..."

Good guy, there is no spiritual energy in this world, but it is completely "forbidden". Lin Ge cannot feel even a trace of spiritual energy in his body!

"Brother, don't try."

At this time, the man in the suit looked at Lin Ge, pushed up his glasses and said: "I heard a big boss in the space who has experienced nightmare reincarnation mention that nightmare-level reincarnation will have a negative effect similar to a curse, which is related to the world of reincarnation. The world view matches.”

"A world abandoned by God. I guess all the powers related to God in this world cannot be used."

As he spoke, he took out a "Please God Card" and then shook his head: "You can't even use such high-level consumable items."

The strong man said: "What are you afraid of? The evil ghosts in this world can't fly and escape. They can only possess people and kill people. At that time, we will go to the miscellaneous department to control the two protagonists and stop them from running around. Then each one will have a gun. , just make a fuss when seeing people, just stick to the sundries department for seven days, isn't it enough?"

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