Lin Ge flipped through "The Secret of Maoshan" which didn't even have a cover in his hand, feeling extremely melancholy in his heart. There are only two ways in front of him, one is to resurrect the master; the other is to wait for a certain time to enter the reincarnation world with "fellow disciples".

No matter which one you choose, you must remember to go through the process with the Patriarch.

Lin Ge brought a large amount of fish and meat to Master Chicken, and placed a pile of good chicken feed. He said with a smile: "Master Chicken, eat well and drink well."

Chicken Master squatted in front of a pile of delicious food and said "Oh" listlessly.

"Oh. (If you have something to do, go to court, if nothing happens, leave the court.)"

Lin Ge smiled and took out two scrolls from the [Inventory], one "f-d" grade and one "e-c" grade, and placed them in front of Master Ji.

Master Ji shook his head and rolled his eyes at Lin Ge, as if to say, "Even such a trivial matter requires my help, don't you have the skills?"

Chicken Master raised his head and pecked at the rope of one of the scrolls, opened one, and pecked open the second one without any pause.

There is a way of helping others open bags without any pressure or guilt.

[Your follower opens "Random Item Scroll x1 (Level F-D)" for you - get "Fucking Italian Cannon" x1, 75mm artillery shells x10. 】

"You fucking Italian cannon (D grade)"

French 1897 75mm field gun

Enchantment effect 1 "Fire": Shout "Fire" and fire the shells, increasing the explosion power by 1%.

The louder the shout, the greater the power of the promotion.

[Evaluation: Fire! 】


[Your follower opens "Random Item Scroll x1 (level e-c)" for you - obtain "Nuo Noodles". 】

“Nuo Noodles (Grade C)”

The angry faces in happiness, anger, sadness and joy are all white, rough and ferocious, with glaring tiger eyes and long fangs in the mouth, showing no anger and self-power. Generally used in Nuo rituals, Nuo dances and Nuo operas.

The Angry Face White Nuo is rumored to have been worn by a powerful exorcist master in ancient times.

Spiritual power +10

Enchantment effect 1: "Exorcism": Nuo dance exorcism steps, suppress ghosts and exorcise demons.

Enchantment effect 2: "Avoid evil": Light the three incense sticks to seek good luck and avoid evil, and turn danger into safety.

Enchantment Effect 3: "Evil Suppression": The influence of resentment and evil spirits is reduced, and it is not easy to be bewitched by evil spirits.


Looking at the two items in front of him, Lin Ge couldn't help but sigh that "people are not as good as chickens."

"Master Chicken is mighty!"

"Look at the difference between the skill of this hand and the best. If I open the scroll by myself in the future, I will be like a dog."

Lin Ge stroked the rooster's comb, and immediately the skin on the back of his hand was pecked by the rooster. He was not angry, and happily packed up his things and left.

Lin Ge took advantage of the fact that there was no one in the main god space and came under the main god ball to exchange.



[Current reincarnation point: 15793]

This time in "Hong Kong Conspiracy", Lin Ge's technological props were useless. The unlimited bullet ump9 could not even scratch the spider monster. Apart from demolishing the house and changing the terrain to delay time for himself, the only explosives that had some effect were Molotov cocktails.

He didn't plan to buy firearms, but Lin Ge still bought 3 high-explosive bombs, a set of flash bombs, a set of G4 grenades, and a set of Molotov cocktails, for a total of 600 reincarnation points.

After all, no one can guarantee that the next reincarnation will involve dealing with ghosts, so having some prepared will always make you prepared.

Lin Ge checked the price of "75mm artillery shells" by the way. Lin Ge did not expect that this thing would cost 500 rounds per round.

Everything that comes out is "money"!

The [Inventory] was expanded to fifty slots. Lin Ge didn't bother to buy two sets of yellow paper, so he bought ten sets.

After all, all 200 "Hong Kong Gui" cards were scattered at one time. If we encountered a more dangerous reincarnation, the talisman would not be enough to squander it.

What's more, Lin Ge draws the talisman himself and only needs to buy the raw material "yellow paper", which is cheap.

In "Hong Kong Ghost", Lin Ge was able to stop the ghost mother and get rid of the red shadow female ghost, and the cloak and hair Bagua chart was indestructible.

This time Lin Ge directly exchanged ten pieces of good quality fabric for use slowly, which was only 500 reincarnation points, without even blinking an eye.

Lin Ge then picked out a few yellow Taoist robes. There was a big difference between these Taoist robes without enchantment and those with enchantment.

The former comes with a set of 10 reincarnation points, while the latter only has one "exorcism" enchantment, and the starting price is 3,000 reincarnation points.

It's a pity that Lin Ge doesn't know how to tailor, otherwise making a set of woolen yellow cloth would be much more reliable than those E-level Taoist robes.

Lin Ge finally bought three sets of ordinary Taoist robes and replenished some sundries, leaving 14,393 reincarnation points.

It seems that I bought a lot of things, but most of them were materials, and the total cost was only 1,400.

Finally, there are the most important recovery "consumables", which are the most difficult to obtain. Low-level ones have low recovery and slow effectiveness; high-level ones are surprisingly expensive.

The most cost-effective one is the "First Aid Spray", but one spray restores 10 points. At a critical moment, if you stand there and "spray perfume", the enemy will kill you ten times.

The remaining products such as "Shiquan Dabu Pills" and "Black Jade Intermittent Cream" are expensive, and they all have "slow recovery" effects.

Lin Ge searched around and finally replenished 10 sets of "First Aid Spray", 10 sets of "Bleeding Bandages", and 10 sets of "Huiling Powder", spending 2,500 reincarnation points.

In the end, Lin Ge gritted his teeth and spent 5,000 reincarnation points on a bottle of 9-piece "Nine Flower Jade Dew Pills."

One pill can not only restore 30% of health instantly, but also slowly recover injuries, and is extremely effective in treating internal injuries.

The most important thing is that it also has the effect of "prolonging life (life span +1 week)". Although it is only effective for healthy people and cannot extend the lives of people who are dying, for Lin Ge, it is the most suitable restorative prop.

[Current reincarnation point: 6893]


It seems that one reincarnation has gained a lot, but in the blink of an eye, there are only a few thousand reincarnation points left. It’s really easy to spend money but hard to make money.

Lin Ge was about to return to his private space to continue practicing when he suddenly returned to the main ball and checked the price of "Goblin Rocket Boots".

["Goblin Rocket Boots (Level D)": Priced at 3,000 reincarnation points. 】

Lin Ge checked the prices of the "Exorcist Talisman", "Evil Suppressing Talisman" and "Fixing Talisman". Since the talisman paper has certain requirements on the user's spiritual power and Taoism, ordinary people can only use the talisman to make full use of it. The most basic power of paper.

Therefore, the price of entry-level talismans is very low. The exorcism talisman costs 10 reincarnation points, while the evil-suppressing talisman is more expensive, costing 30 reincarnation points.

When it reaches the basic level, the price directly doubles.

Lin Ge thought for a while and decided to give up exercising for the next time and spend all his energy on practicing Taoism.

Lin Ge simulated several evil wood stakes in the gym and practiced Taoism every day, almost making himself anemic.

After practicing, Lin Ge did not "rest", but took advantage of his spiritual energy recovery to pick up a pen and paper and learn new spells from "Maoshan Secret Technique".

There is no 996 in the infinite world, only 007. If you don't work hard, you will die.

As the last week approaches, Lin Ge finally breaks through the "entry level" and successfully masters the "Maoshan Secret Technique" to the "basic" level.

[Reincarnation Number 486: Lin Ge]

Status: Cursed.

Monthly lifespan -2

Current lifespan: 32

[Occupation: Taoist priest, experience value 5203 (obtained after exorcising demons and protecting the Tao, which can be used to improve Taoist skill levels)]


"Taoist·Basic": When wearing this title, the power of Taoist magic weapons will be +10%, and the spiritual attributes will be +10.

[Justice value/crime value]: -1300


Strength 15 (+3); Agility 15 (+3); Constitution 15 (+3); Spiritual Strength 40 (+30)

HP: 180/180

(Health recovery: 15/hour)

Aura value: 700/700

(Aura recovery: 40/hour)

[Special attributes: (maximum value "10")]

Lucky 2

Charm 10


"Maoshan Secret Technique·Basic": Level lv1, 3/100000 experience required for upgrade.


"Maoshan Technique·Basic":

Eye of Heaven


Immobilizing spell

Yu Ling Chasing Soul

Qiankun borrowing method

Ghost Festival (Forbidden Technique)


Drawing talismans: exorcism talisman, burning talisman, evil-suppressing talisman, immobilizing talisman, soul-sealing talisman, soul-chasing talisman, and manifesting talisman.

Throwing Talisman


The art of "raising the dead, flesh and bones (Level ×)"


Bulletproof suit (level D, enchantment 1 "self-repair"; enchantment 2 "attribute increase"): strength +3; agility +3; constitution +3; spiritual power +10

Nuo Noodle (C level, Enchantment 1 "Exorcism"; Enchantment 2 "Avoid evil"; Enchantment 3 "Suppress evil"): Spiritual power +10


Type 97 shotgun (e level, enchantment 1 "Exorcist Mark: Celestial Master Suppressing Evil Talisman")

Butcher's knife (level D, enchantment 1 "Keep integrity and ward off evil"; enchantment 2 "dog demon nemesis")

Bronze Sword (Level D, Enchanted 1 "Suppresses Evil")

Five Elements Bagua Disk (A level, Enchantment 1: "Changing flowers and trees"; Enchantment 2: "Turn the world around"; Enchantment 3: "Educate the soul")

You fucking Italian cannon (level D, enchantment 1 "fire")

Goblin Rocket Boots (Level D, Enchantment 1 "Take Off")

V-shaped boomerang (level F, enchantment 1 "Exorcist Mark: Exorcist Seal")

Tang Hengdao (F level)


"Gigi Ou"

Status: Dead, Cursed.

Strength 41; Agility 23; Constitution -; Spiritual power -

HP: - No fear, no pain, will not bleed to death, will only be killed when the head and body are completely destroyed.

Aura value:——

Lucky 5

Charm 9


Blood-stained embroidered shoes (level D, enchantment 1 "Wronged Soul Seeks Life"): All attributes +3, evil spirit +1


"Three-inch big red crown"

Strength 1; Agility 1; Constitution 1; Spirit 9

Health: 10/10

Lucky 9

Charm 3


[Reincarnation Point: 6893]

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