After listening to Li Dechun's words, Jin Zihong looked at the crowd carrying out rescue work with dull eyes. At this time, two colleagues got up and ran to the distance to seek help from the emergency personnel. As soon as they left, they immediately gave up their positions and let Jin Zihong saw clearly that the surrounded figure was exactly the same person as him.

"Am I...really dead?" Jin Zihong murmured.

Jie Yuanmai stepped forward and introduced himself: "I am the daily duty officer Jie Yuanmai, responsible for the safety of your 49-day trial trip."

Li Dechun stepped forward and bowed politely to Jin Zihong: "I am Li Dechun, the monthly messenger, and I am your assistant during the 49-day trial. It is an honor to meet you, Mr. Jin Zihong! Please give me your advice!"

Before Lin Ge and Nita could speak, Jie Yuanmai said first: "Why are there four of the three messengers of hell? Because they are interns and are not included. The remaining regular employee is currently participating in your Funeral. Although this is a basic procedure, I suspect that he went to eat the sacrifices. What a shameless uncle. This habit is really weird, isn't it? "

Jie Yuanmai spoke very noisily, as if he wanted to eliminate Jin Zihong's fear and divert his attention through chatting.

But Jin Zihong didn't listen to Jie Yuanmai's words at all. Instead, he stared blankly at his body, his nervous body trembling, and he kept breathing heavily.

Seeing that something was wrong with Jin Zihong's state, Jie Yuanmai stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder and said: "Calm down, don't be afraid, it's your first time to die like's very strange and at a loss, right? Just get used to it." Okay... Let me tell you, we are a professional team and we will definitely give you the best reincarnation experience."

Lin Ge: ...God, just get used to it.

Lin Ge and Nita took a step back silently, trying to reconcile their grudges and distance themselves. After all, it was too embarrassing to stand with them.

And after entering this world of reincarnation, although they can understand the meaning of the language spoken by Jie Yuanmai and Li Dechun, they still speak stick language.

Lin Ge always felt a little awkward listening to three smectas in one sentence.

"No, no." Jin Zihong looked at Jie Yuanmai in horror and stepped back nervously: "I can't die yet... I can't die yet!"

"My mother..."

"I can't leave my mother behind!"

Hearing this, Jie Yuanmai pointed at Jin Zihong angrily and said, "Item 1 of Article 3 of "Underworld Punishment" states that the deceased is not allowed to wander around Jiuquan and is not allowed to say goodbye to anyone. If you exercise your right of silence, it will be detrimental to you."

Lin Ge:......

Nita looked at Lin Ge and asked with a puzzled look on her face: "What do you mean by your expression, which looks like you've drunk rat excrement soup?"

Lin Ge was also helpless. If he was just an ordinary reincarnation, he would at most regard the behavior of resolving the resentment as a standard narcissism in Korean dramas.

But unfortunately, Lin Ge himself is the messenger of the underworld.

Although Hu Bufan and others are sometimes unreliable, they are "professional" both inside and outside when performing the soul-binding work.

So when Lin Ge looked at Jie Yuanmai, there was all kinds of disgust in his eyes.

Jie Yuanmai was trying to persuade Jin Zihong to calm down, but Jin Zihong just wanted to distance himself from him, so he backed away in horror, retreated, and suddenly floated up.

Seeing this, Jie Yuanmai said seriously: "As expected of a noble man, we don't need to do anything. Very good, continue walking back and enter the portal behind you."

At this moment, a circular rotating twisted space suddenly appeared in the air behind Jin Zihong, gradually sucking him in.



Jie Yuanmai kept cheering for Jin Zihong: "It will be safe if you go in. This is a direct train to the underworld, so safety is guaranteed."


A second later, she retreated to Lin Ge, who was a few meters away.

Lin Ge looked at Nita and spread his hands helplessly: "Now you know why I dislike him? He's not like a messenger from the underworld, but more like a tour guide."

Li Dechun stared at the two people who were far away from Jie Yanmai and himself, and asked in confusion: "You two, what are you... doing?"

"Uh, it's nothing. I'm afraid I might get infected if I get too close." Lin Ge replied.

Li Dechun said blankly: "What is the infection?"

"Hysterical retardation syndrome."


At this time, half of Jin Zihong's body was sucked into the teleportation array, and he kept struggling and shouted: "I can just take a look at my mother and leave, okay?"

"I have something to say to my mother!"



Li Dechun looked at Jin Zihong who was struggling in the air and murmured: "You are so filial."


"Let me see my mother one last time!"

"Mommy mommy!"

Jin Zihong's voice became smaller and smaller, and in the next second, his whole person was sucked into the teleportation array. Below, Jie Yuanmai and Li Dechun stood side by side waving goodbye to the portal.

After sending Jin Zihong away, Jie Yuanmai came to Lin Ge and the two of them and asked with a smile: "How do you feel about these two rookies experiencing 'picking up someone' for the first time?"

"Uh... so scary?" Lin Ge said tentatively.

Jie Yuan Pulse:?

Obviously, he didn't understand what Lin Ge was talking about.

"Hey, why do you feel that you look down on 'picking up people'? Let me put it this way, this time it's just good luck. When you become the official messengers of the sun and the moon, you will encounter ghosts who don't want to leave the world of the world when picking up people. , once they wander around in the world, they will turn into evil ghosts, and you will be the ones to suffer!"

A certain Zuo Shen \u0026 the fifth member of Maoshan F4, and a certain Ghost Rider, nodded with 100% synchronization: "Evil ghost, it's really scary."

"Right? So, 'picking up people' is very still have to learn." Jie Yuanmai said proudly.

Li Dechun said: "That... noble Mr. Jin Zihong has gone to the underworld. Should we go to Chujunmen?"

"What is Chujunmen?" Nita asked.

Jie Yuanmai said: "You don't even know about the junior military sect? How on earth did you pass the newcomer assessment? Could it be through the back door?"

Li Dechun explained: "The Chujun Gate is where all the souls of the dead gather. Only the souls who have been brought through the Chujun Gate by the messengers of hell are qualified to be judged."

"Oh, the gate of hell." Lin Ge suddenly said.

Jie Yuanmai raised his eyebrows: "Do you still know about the 'Ghost Gate'? That is the gate of the underworld of the Great Celestial Empire. Alas, I heard that the best-performing sun and moon messenger within a hundred years will have the opportunity to study in the underworld of the Great Celestial Empire. Observe, work hard, and you will have a chance.”

"Alas, I was lucky enough to see the soul-gathering envoys of the Great Heavenly Dynasty and the Underworld. Tsk, tsk, that's a level you can't even imagine in your lifetime!"

"Come on, work hard!"

"...Uh." Lin Ge didn't know how to answer the question for a while.

If you give Zuo Shen's token to Jie Yuanmai to play with, will he become a fanboy instantly?

After Jie Yuanmai finished speaking, he and Li Dechun used the token of the sun and moon messenger to summon an elevator to send several people up. They took the elevator through the narrow pipe and finally came to a "canyon".

On the huge canyon plain, densely packed people were walking forward. Just as Jie Yuanmai said, a three-person team consisting of two sun and moon messengers and a senior hell messenger escorted a soul towards the right direction. Advance towards the mouth of the huge canyon ahead.

After receiving Jin Zihong who was teleported first at the entrance of the canyon, a group of five people followed the crowd into the canyon and walked towards the "exit" directly in front.

There was a huge statue standing on the huge rock directly above the exit. Jie Yuanmai looked at it from a distance, raised two fingers and wiped them across his forehead, as if to salute, and shouted casually: "Loyalty!"

"..." Lin Ge felt that he didn't know whether he was loyal or not, but he was good enough anyway.

Jie Yuanmai didn't notice Lin Ge's expression, but looked at Jin Zihong who was walking numbly behind and said, "That's the statue of King Yama! The judge of Tianlun Hell, the king among kings, isn't he very domineering?"

Lin Ge visually inspected the size of the statue. It seemed that it was not as big as one leg of Hu Bufan's immediate boss, King Wu Guan. It actually had little to do with the word "dominance".

At this time, several people noticed a middle-aged man wearing a black suit from Hell's Messenger waiting for them ahead.

Jie Yuanmai stepped forward and introduced: "He is the third hell messenger Jiang Lin, the leader of the three hell messengers, and also the captain. A strong man who has successfully reincarnated 47 people over the past millennium. Oh, captain, they are the new ones. Intern, this is...the noble man, Jin Zihong!"

Lin Ge:......

It took a senior hell messenger to successfully reincarnate 47 dead people in a thousand years?

Even if you go out to buy groceries in the ghost town next door, your performance is not the only one you can achieve.

"Mr. Jin Zihong, nice to meet you." Jiang Lin extended his hand to Jin Zihong.

Jin Zihong ignored the other party's handshake, walked straight over, and said without looking back: "I am not a noble person."

Jiang Lin didn't care, laughed twice, turned around and followed Jin Zihong towards the front door.

At this time, several long queues had already lined up in front of the entrance to the canyon, which was similar to the "Entrance to the Haunted House in an Amusement Park." Just when Lin Ge thought that he and others could only wait in line slowly, he saw Li Dechun standing on a building in the distance. In front of the stone lion statue, he jumped and waved to a few people.

"Here, here, Mr. Jin Zihong, here!"

Jie Yuanmai pushed away the crowd directly: "Give me a moment, give me a moment, borrow it, borrow it!"

Nita couldn't help complaining when she saw this: "This... you are talking about privileges in the underworld? As long as you are senior enough or have a 'noble' status, you can still jump in the queue?"

Lin Ge replied calmly: "If you die next door, I can also let you enjoy the VIP one-stop reincarnation service."


"What do you mean by that... Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, it is about human relations. Wherever there are people, this is the way to go." Lin Ge joked.

After all...a certain boss next door was demoted for taking bribes.

After Lin Ge and others took the lead in Jieyuanmai, they came to the stone lion where Li Dechun was. Li Dechun stuffed Jin Zihong's deceased identity card with the word "noble" printed on it into the stone lion's mouth. It felt like going through a high-speed rail security check. The card went from The stone lion popped out from behind.

Then, a red word "righteousness" appeared behind the stone lion.

When Li Dechun looked up, on the stone wall directly above the gate of the underworld, a huge word "righteousness" appeared with a red light.

Li Dechun raised his head with a silly smile on his face, and clapped his hands excitedly: "Yes, yes, he is a noble person, a noble person who is rare to meet in hundreds of years!"

"As for that?" Lin Ge couldn't help but complain.

Jiang Lin glanced at Lin Ge and explained: "In the underworld, noble people are the representatives of 'performance'. If you bring ten ordinary dead people to reincarnate, you won't get as much merit as bringing one noble person to reincarnation. Now it's time for Dechun to take the promotion assessment." , naturally we value the souls of noble people more."

"That's it." Lin Ge nodded after hearing this.

Li Dechun excitedly ran to Jin Zihong and grabbed his arms: "Mr. Jin Zihong, you are indeed a righteous death! This is a rare occurrence in hundreds of years! The chance of passing the seven-day trial within 49 days is very high!"

Lin Ge... having said that, although I can understand why she was so excited, if I were the dead person, I would definitely greet her with a slap in the face right now.

However, the noble person only has a "high" chance of passing the trial, but is not certain to pass the reincarnation trial. The reincarnation rate of Bangzi Country is indeed very touching.

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Lin said to Li Dechun.

Li Dechun excitedly pulled Jin Zihong and took him through the security check... er, through the gate of the underworld and entered the underworld for trial.

When Lin Ge and Nita followed a few people through the gate of the underworld, they saw that the world at the door was a scorched earth, filled with lava everywhere, and a world where magma flowed through.

"Fire and Soup Hell???" Jie Yuanmai opened his mouth wide and looked around with a surprised look on his face: "Why is the first level the 'Murder Hell'?"

Jie Yuanmai pointed at Li Dechun and asked, "Didn't you say he is the messenger of justice from hell?"

Before Li Dechun could answer, Jie Yuanmai pointed at Jin Zihong and asked: "The trial has just begun in a place like this. Have you ever killed anyone?"

"Wha, what?" Jin Zihong was shocked and looked at Jie Yuanmai with a confused look on his face: "I, I have killed someone? I haven't."

Obviously, Jin Zihong himself didn't even know that he had killed anyone.

Li Dechun explained to him: "The crimes in the underworld are divided into seven categories, betrayal, violence, family relations, murder, laziness, lying, and injustice. The murder hell, also known as the fire and soup hell, is the act of 'killing' the deceased during his or her lifetime. Hold a trial.”

Jiang Lin said: "The order of trial is arranged by King Yama. The deceased will be tried from the least serious to the most serious crime. So no one knows the order of your trial except King Yama."

"Well, this is called professionalism." Lin Ge took a look at Qianyuanmai and felt that this guy was "unreliable" inside and out.

The Lord of Hell in your family is really tired. Everyone has to personally make arrangements for the trial.

However... as far as the fertility rate in Bangzi Country is concerned, not many people are reincarnated in a year, so the Lord of Hell really has nothing to do.

After hearing this, Jin Zihong said nervously: "Killing? I have never hurt anyone, let alone kill, kill!"

Nita said: "If the order of trial is arranged by King Yama, and the deceased's crime is judged from the least serious to the most serious, then for him, 'murder' should be the lightest crime."

Jiang Lin replied: "'Murder Hell' will also judge the crime of indirect homicide. If your words and deeds cause someone to die, you will be prosecuted for this reason alone."

Jie Yuanmai took over and said: "So don't leave random messages online, records will be left! But don't worry, what do you think she is doing?" (End of Chapter)

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