Lin Ge had two fist-sized dark circles under his eyes, his cheeks were almost sunken, and he opened the door to his private space with a dejected look.

Nita stood outside and said: "I contacted you two days ago to ask if I needed to make any preparations, but you didn't respond to the two calls. I thought you might be in retreat."

"Retreat? Haha. Retreat!" Lin Ge said, clasping Nita's shoulders with both hands, shaking her hard: "Five days! Five days! Do you know how I spent these five days? Do you know?"


Nita said with a dull face: "See a doctor if you are sick."

Lin Ge sighed: "Hey, let's go and buy some supplies. Although the leader's income was good in the last reincarnation, the recovery supplies were completely used."

"Do you still have reincarnation points?" Nita was a little surprised. After all, Lin Ge spent 60,000 to save him, and by accident, he completed the Ghost Rider's bloodline and turned it into an A-level bloodline.

Lin Ge said listlessly: "One more thing."

Seeing Lin Ge's depressed look, Nita thought she was worried about the reincarnation points, or regretted that she was far away from resurrecting her teammates. She hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I owe you the reincarnation points, I will think about it." There is a way to pay it back...if I can't pay it back, I will..."


Lin Ge suddenly turned around excitedly, clasped Nita's shoulders with both hands, looked at her seriously and said: "You paid it back, you must have paid it back, I saved your life, and there are many more." This time... you must not commit kindness to revenge with your own body!"


Nita originally wanted to say that if she really lacked reincarnation points, she would sell some of her commonly used equipment, but her fists clenched when she heard Lin Ge's words.


There is no bonus to the lion's roar skill, but it is better than the bonus to the lion's roar skill!

Regarding recovery products, Lin Ge's first consideration was the "Nine Flower Jade Dew Pills". After being enhanced by the Lord God's power, this product was the most cost-effective among a bunch of pills of the same level.

I spent 10,000 reincarnation points to buy two bottles of Jiuhua Jade Dew Pills, and another 1,000 reincarnation points to buy a lot of paper talismans and fragrant wax paper candles.

Finally, comes the most important part——

Return to the elixir.

Every time Lin Ge fought in a higher level, he was either short of blue or on the road to lack of blue. Especially when using equipment such as the Sword Box and the Black Sword, you can basically drain all your spiritual energy with one big move.

Although after five days of juicing, the spiritual energy stored in Lin Ge's spiritual spring has doubled, and the basic spiritual power has exceeded the 200 mark, the difference between the consumption of spiritual weapons is still once and twice. As long as it is not used for a long time, it is still a "blue deficiency" situation for him.

Lin Ge spent 20,000 reincarnation points to replenish three kinds of spiritual recovery potions. One was a B-level instant spiritual recovery liquid. One bottle can directly restore 50% of spiritual power.

The first is a B-level "slow-acting recovery pill". One pill can restore 80% of spiritual power, but it takes a quarter of an hour to fully recover.

The last one is his commonly used "Hui Ling Powder". One pack can instantly restore 20% of spiritual power, and then slowly restore 30% of spiritual power. It is the most cost-effective Hui Ling Powder.

After buying the recovery medicine, Lin Singer still had 47,000 reincarnation points left. He spent 12,000 to buy some supplies for Nita, and still had 35,000 left.

"I still have two B-level item redemption coupons in my hand. Do you have anything to add?" Lin Ge looked at Nita and asked.

Nita shook her head: "After the Ghost Rider has been replenished, his mental energy consumption has also dropped a lot, and his equipment...has not been replaced for the time being."

Lin Ge nodded, first used a B-level exchange coupon to replenish 30 "Barrett Sniper Cannon Modification" shells, and sent it back to the astrolabe for Huang Ni to help engrave.

The second B-level exchange coupon was used to exchange for a "Spirit Gathering Ring", which has +10 spiritual power. It can also slowly absorb spiritual energy and store about 100 spiritual energy. When casting a spell, it can be consumed by the ring. The aura replaces the consumption of one's own aura.

Although the speed of gathering souls is not as fast as one's own soul recovery speed, only about one-fifth of the speed of one's own soul recovery, for Lin Ge, who is "always short of blue", it can be regarded as a high-quality and low-priced artifact.

"Let's go." Lin Ge and Nita returned to their private space and applied to the Lord God to enter reincarnation.

[The world of reincarnation has been matched successfully, and the transmission is about to begin——]




[This reincarnation of "Walking with Gods" is "extremely difficult". 】

After waiting for the brief blur of consciousness to end, Lin Ge's vision recovered and he found himself standing with Nita in a huge square.

In front is an ancient palace building with a great Celestial Dynasty style, and there are many people wearing black suits around it, but these people are currently in a "fixed" state.

""Walking with the Gods", what is this? Have you seen it?" Lin Ge asked Nita and at the same time told the people in the astrolabe the background information of this reincarnation and asked them to help check the plot.

Nita said: ""Along with the Gods" is a movie with a mythological background in the Bangzi Kingdom. It tells the story of the dead people in the Bangzi Kingdom who go to the underworld and undergo a total of seven trials for 49 days. Only the souls who pass the trial can Entering reincarnation. The underworld will assign hell messengers to the dead souls to assist the dead souls in arguing during the trial."

Lin Ge's eyes twitched and he complained: "What's this mess? Is this an underworld system mixed with a modern background?"

"So, those people wearing black suits are all messengers of hell?" Lin Ge glanced around and couldn't help but think of the underworld in "The Deadly Covenant".

Looking again at the three-story Chinese-style building, there is indeed a sign "Hall of Hell" hanging below.

"...This Palace of Hell is worse than the Yin Lusi in the ghost city."

While complaining, Lin Ge and Nita looked down at the reincarnation watch at the same time to confirm the mission of this reincarnation.

[Main mission: Assist the protagonist of this world "Jin Zihong" to pass the seven trials of the underworld, successfully enter reincarnation, and be reincarnated. 】

[The distribution of this reincarnation task has ended, and now the safe time countdown is entering: 28 minutes and 31 seconds. 】

After experiencing various "special edition" reincarnations, Lin Ge was a little uncomfortable with the sudden "serious" reincarnation and the "serious" main line.

"Could there be a few more stalkers popping up along the way?" Lin Ge couldn't help but complain.

Nita asked: "It feels like you have a lot of resentment towards the stalker."

"What is the probability that you will meet a stalker?" Lin Ge asked.

"70%, isn't this a fixed probability? Although it seems quite high, in fact, the leader only meets the stalker once every two or three reincarnations." Nita replied.

"Hehe, hehe. There is no probability here, only 100%." ​​Lin Ge helplessly told Nita that he encountered stalkers every time he reincarnated as a leader.


Nita said with a subtle expression: "In a sense, your luck is 'really good'."


Lin Ge looked around: "I don't know what kind of identity the Lord God will arrange for us this time, but no matter what, hell... then we will go home."

In the luggage bags at the feet of Lin Ge and Nita, there were men's black suits, women's black dresses, the hell messenger's "license", and some hell coins.

Just when the safety time ended and the protective shield shattered like glass, the Lord God's prompts sounded in Lin Ge and Nita's minds.

[When a person dies and becomes a dead person, he will be judged seven times in the underworld within 49 days. The seven kings in the underworld will judge from "lies", "laziness", "injustice", "betrayal", "violence", "murder" and "family relationships". Only the dead who pass all the trials can be reincarnated. ——"The Buddha Speaks of the Sutra of Longevity and Life\

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