As Jieyuanmai spoke, he pulled back Li Dechun who was walking. At this time, Li Dechun made a seal with his hands and placed them on his lower abdomen, closing his eyes and reciting a mantra.

Jie Yuanmai explained: "Our youngest has superpowers. She is quickly scanning to see the content of your 'murder' charge. See how to defend you."

Jiang Lin couldn't help but glare at Qie Yuanmai's "easy-to-understand" explanation.

"It looks like a superpower, but it actually feels like retribution. She has seen too many killing scenes like this and knows too much about the karma of the deceased. She must be very tired herself." As she said that, Jie Yuanmai lowered her head to the person in front of her. Li Dechun looked at it and asked curiously: "So...who did he kill?"

Li Dechun raised his head with a solemn expression, looked at Jin Zihong and said: "In a fire, he... refused to save his teammates."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud roar, and where the few people were standing, the surrounding lava field suddenly collapsed. Lin Ge was about to summon the black sword, but saw that the ground under his feet had not changed, but the ground cracked. It turned into several pieces and separated them from Jin Zihong.

The entire stone platform that Jin Zihong was standing on collapsed around it, like a grand canyon with no bottom. What supported his platform was a stone pillar dozens of meters high. There were countless people on the entire stone pillar. Try to climb up through the pillar.

People step on others, and people pull others down.

Howling and roaring, one after another.

If you don’t know that this is the underworld, just looking at this scene will give you a sense of déjà vu as zombies climbing the city wall in “World War Z”.

The reason why these people struggled to climb up to the stone platform was because there was a piece of magma with no end in sight at the bottom. Countless people fell into the magma and were burned beyond recognition, screaming and wailing.

All kinds of terrifying sounds echoed in the canyon, the hell of fire and soup, hence the name!

Seeing someone trying to climb up the stone platform, Jin Zihong almost subconsciously threw himself on the edge of the platform and lay down, reaching out to grab the person closest to the platform: "Quick, reach out and grab me! Quick!"

Lin Ge noticed that after the ground they were standing on separated from Jin Zihong, a three-story palace rose from the lava field behind them.

At the same time, the surrounding lava field seemed to have erected a high wall, surrounding them, forming a "trial" venue.

"What are you doing, you brat!"

Suddenly, an angry voice came from above the third floor of the palace. A bald ghost wearing a red official robe was sitting on the third floor of the palace, glaring at Jin Zihong on the stage below.

Jin Zihong looked along the sound. The moment he saw the bald ghost, he was so frightened that his hands relaxed. The person who was almost pulled to the platform by him lost his center of gravity and fell directly into the magma below.

Jin Zihong stood up in horror and faced the terrifying ghost on the palace.

The ghost's bald head was covered with red bloodshot threads, which seemed to be alive and constantly moving.

His eyes were red and his face was covered with dark lines.

Nita stood behind Li Dechun, moved closer, looked at the bald ghost above the three-story palace and asked Li Dechun in a low voice: "Who is that?"

Li Dechun explained: "That is the king in charge of the Fire and Soup Hell, King Biancheng."

"This guy is King Bian Cheng?" Lin Ge asked in surprise.

When Li Dechun heard this, he quickly made a gesture of silence and whispered: "You should have more respect for King Bian Cheng. He is in charge of an army of the dead, and he is very cruel in the underworld."

"Uh, does this King Bian Cheng have anything to do with King Bian Cheng next door?" Lin Ge asked.

Li Dechun explained: "I heard that King Bian Cheng admired King Bian Cheng next door. In order to make himself as powerful as King Bian Cheng, he inherited the fire soup hell in my domain and named it Bian Cheng... But you Don’t tell anyone. I have read books about King Bian Cheng before. He is the real king who controls a ghost city! That city... seems to be called the City of Wasted Death, and it is much more majestic than our King Bian Cheng."

"..." Lin Ge couldn't help but wonder what these people's expressions would be like if they knew that he had beaten King Bian Cheng.

At this time, Jin Zihong stood in the center of the platform, looking at King Bian Cheng trembling above the three-story palace opposite, and couldn't help but look at Lin Ge and others for help.

Jiang Lin raised his hand and pressed it down, signaling Jin Zihong to calm down and not be nervous.

At this time, on the second floor of the palace where King Bian Cheng was, a thin man on the left, wearing a very majestic white official robe, stood up, took the verdict and read: "The defendant ignored his fellow firefighters who were in danger and clearly There was enough time, but he was indecisive and worried about his own safety, which eventually led to the victim's death. If he had rescued him, the victim would have had a chance to survive. The defendant missed the golden time and was guilty of indirect homicide!"

On the second floor of the palace, in addition to the thin judge on the left, there is also a fat judge on the right who is lying on the table and taking a nap.

The thin judge dressed in simple clothes and quickly knocked on the table.

The fat judge was awakened by the sound of knocking on the table. He quickly stood up and said: "Well, the judges unanimously agreed to prosecute the defendant Jin Zihong for the crime of negligent death. Punishment with hot water... hot water..."

Seeing the fat judge looking at him, the thin judge quickly raised five fingers quietly. Upon seeing this, the fat judge immediately said loudly: "Punishment of hot hot water...fifty years..."

When the thin judge heard this, he panicked and cursed in a low voice: "Five years! Five years! How can you sentence a noble man to fifty years, you idiot!"

King Bian Cheng narrowed his eyes when he heard this, as if he couldn't stand it anymore, and reprimanded: "We are trying the prisoner now, so be careful in sentencing!"

The fat judge was so frightened that he broke into cold sweat. He opened his arms and said in an extremely exaggerated manner: "Because the defendant is a noble person, we have decided to impose a five-year punishment on the defendant that is as painful as fifty years!"

King Bian Cheng glanced at Lin Ge and the others and said loudly: "Hell Messenger, the trial charges have been announced. Now you can start your final defense!"

Lin Ge sighed... This is really child's play!

He is now certain that the underworld system in Bangzi Country wants to copy the settings next door, but because it is too amateurish and lacks scale, painting a tiger cannot be an anti-dog!

After reading "Sweet Home", Lin Ge learned from Mistress and Zuopi that every country has its own divine domain, which is the so-called "my domain".

The formation of the Divine Realm is basically the existence after the "fusion" of myths and stories from various countries, and the Bangzi Kingdom was basically a "vassal state" of the Great Celestial Dynasty in ancient times. Its cultural foundation was seriously affected by the Great Celestial Dynasty, so it created a kingdom that was not as large as the Great Celestial Dynasty. An "underworld" on the scale of a ghost town.

However, although the scale is not as large as that of the underworld of the Great Celestial Empire, the "trial" process is still quite similar. After all, this process is also followed in the Great Celestial Empire.

The deceased was taken to the underworld by the soul arrester, and the life story of the deceased was read out by the underworld judge. The judge then decided on the crime and handed it over to the Ten Halls of Yama for trial.

It's just that both King Bian Cheng and the judge here are "amateur".

But... I'm good at escaping with my mouth!

Lin Ge was already eager to try.

As the representative of the team, Jiang Lin was naturally the first to step forward and speak: "I would like to ask the defendant Jin Zihong first, do you remember the last words of that colleague?"

Jin Zihong recalled the colleague who died at that time. When he recalled, a white mist appeared in the air behind him, forming a huge mirror.

This mirror is a "karma mirror" and will play the scene that Jin Zihong recalled at this time.

In the building filled with fire, the collapsed ceiling pressed down on the lower body of colleague Jin Zihong. Jin Zihong tried hard to help lift the stone slab, but the stone slab was too heavy and he could not lift it no matter how hard he tried.

At this time, the survivors' cries for help came from the distant ruins. The firefighter who was pressed by the stone slab said to Jin Zihong: "Leave me alone, move the injured first, and go quickly. As long as the fire is controlled, It's safer here. Break down the wall first, and then get the fire-fighting equipment to save people. Do you understand? If it's too late, it will collapse. Go quickly! Leave me alone!"

Jin Zihong hesitated for a while when he heard the cry for help in the distance, but finally decided to rescue the injured first. Before leaving, he said: "Then I'll go and come back as soon as possible. Just hold on!"

Then, the scene in Ye Jing changed again. Jin Zihong kept rescuing survivors one after another from the fire. When he passed by the colleague, the other person was telling him to hurry up and leave.

Lin Ge stared at the mirror and counted that Jin Zihong had rescued a total of eight injured people in the process.

Jin Zihong thought about his partner's death and lowered his head in pain. Jiang Lin saw this and said loudly: "Mr. Jin Zihong, please raise your head. You are not a sinner now. I ask you again. You followed the instructions of your colleagues but could not be rescued." That day, how many people did you save at the fire scene?"

"Six people. Seven people. I don't remember clearly." Jin Zihong replied.

Upon hearing Jin Zihong's answer, the thin judge on the stage smiled disdainfully, while the fat judge yawned with an impatient look on his face.

"Please use the 'mirror' to see clearly." Jiang Lin said to Li Dechun. Obviously he wanted Li Dechun to go to the mirror to see how many people Jin Zihong had saved.

After hearing this, Li Dechun was about to light the incense burner under the white mist mirror and use the magic of the underworld to check the mirror, but he heard Lin Ge say: "No need, I just counted them, there are eight people in total. Although the defendant's memory is vague, he Saved eight lives in distress.”

Jiang Lin immediately took over and said: "Yes, the defendant Jin Zihong became a hero for saving people, and even appeared on the eight o'clock evening news. Now I want to ask all the judges, the defendant saved 8 strangers, but... A good partner lost his life and died. So, which of the two lives is more important? Can you please answer?"

The fat judge heard this and said angrily: "You are making excuses. How can human life know who is lighter and who is heavier, and it cannot be measured. Even if there is weight, it is the same weight, isn't it? What qualifications do you have to decide a life? One person sacrificed, or eight people sacrificed? Even if you saved eight people, one victim was still born! Therefore, the defendant’s indirect homicide charge is established!"

Jiang Lin frowned and was thinking about how to answer the fat judge's question, but he heard Lin Ge say: "Oh? In that case, judge, please answer me a question. If a train loses control on the track, the left One person is tied up, and 500 people are tied up on the right, and you hold the switch that can control the train to go left or right. Should you kill one person to save 500 people, or kill 500 people to save one?"

"This..." The fat judge hesitated.

Lin Ge added: "Make a decision quickly, the train is still running."

"Of course, to save five hundred people!" the fat judge said anxiously.

" have now 'indirectly' killed a person!" Lin Ge spread his hands and continued: "The defendant also made the same choice as you, not to mention that this was the person he killed. required!"

When Li Dechun heard Lin Ge's speech, an excited smile suddenly appeared on his face. He couldn't help but give Lin Ge a thumbs up and mouthed: "It's amazing!"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Lin looked at King Bian Cheng and said: "Dear King Bian Cheng, as my colleague said, Jin Zihong's 'indirect killing' is based on saving more people, and these are still victims. The final request should be to adopt this point as the basis for the final judgment against the just deceased Kane Zihong."

At this moment, the scene in the "mirror" behind Jin Zihong changed again. A group of firefighter colleagues were grabbing Jin Zihong, who was still trying to rush into the fire to save people.

"Don't go, don't go! The inside has collapsed. If you go in, you can't get out!"

"Let me go, let me go! My partner is still in there, let me go!"

"It's dangerous, it's collapsed, it's already collapsed!"

Eventually, the entire building collapsed and was engulfed in raging flames.

King Bian Cheng saw this and said loudly: "I am making the final judgment now. The defendant sacrificed his partner's life and in turn saved more lives. The defendant proved life through death, and the crime of negligent death is not established! I, the king The noble Jin Zihong was acquitted of the murder charge! And we appreciate his selflessness!"

"Awesome!" Li Dechun clapped his hands excitedly.

Lin Ge and Nita looked at each other. Their main mission, seven trials, became 1/7. They didn't expect that the "first level" would be so easy.

After Jiang Lin took a few people to say goodbye to King Bian Cheng, he took Jin Zihong through a passage and came to a large, dark lake.

"Where is here?" Nita asked Li Dechun.

Li Dechun explained: "This is the Santu River leading to the second level, which is the River Styx."

Lin Ge:? ? ?


Just this small lake, you told me it is Santu River?

Jiang Lin stood by the lake and waved to the lake. In the distance, an unmanned boat came slowly and stopped in front of a few people.

"Go up."

After Jiang Lin asked everyone to get on the boat, he cast a spell on the bow of the boat, and the boat slowly sailed along the lake towards the other side.

At this time, Jiang Lin looked at Jin Zihong and said: "Mr. Jin Zihong, the next level is the 'hell of laziness' that judges whether the deceased wasted his life. You must confirm whether you were fulfilled during your lifetime!"

"Captain Jiang Lin!" Li Dechun ran over excitedly and said, "I have seen Mr. Jin Zihong's life. We have simply won the jackpot!"

Li Dechun said and gave Jin Zihong two thumbs up: "There is no indictment in the 'Sloth Hell'. Mr. Jin Zihong only needs to read out his diligent and fulfilling life in court to pass!"

Hearing this, Jie Yuanmai said: "Even if you meet the worst judge in the underworld, you will definitely pass. In that case, you have indeed won the jackpot."

Jiang Lin glanced at Jie Yuanmai, then glanced at Lin Ge and others, and said in a deep voice: "Don't be careless, you must be careful of the judges. They lost in the first level, and they must be sharpening their swords now... After all, the noble man is guilty. , the judge will reward you greatly, and your destiny will change!"

After hearing this, Lin Ge finally understood why the two previous judges wanted to kill Jin Zihong in the fire hell. If they did it for a long time, there would be a big reward! (End of chapter)

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