"Your Majesty..."

The sudden appearance of the Witch King caught Lin Qing'er off guard. She didn't know how to explain it to the Witch King for a moment, but when she saw the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult who had followed the Witch King down to the dungeon, her expression suddenly turned cold.

The Witch King looked at Lin Qing'er and asked, "Qing'er, are you really going to betray me?"

"Your Majesty, you have misunderstood me." Lin Qing'er said anxiously.

The Witch King sighed: "They all say that you are not a human, but a demon. Do you think I should believe you? After all, we... sigh."

Lin Qing'er said: "I... I can express my feelings for the king. It is known to everyone that I have no intention of harming the king!"

The Witch King's expression was a little hesitant, but then the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said first: "Your Majesty, you don't have to listen to her sophistry, the facts prove everything. I will let her show her true colors in front of you and let her bow her head and confess her guilt!"


The Witch King sighed and turned around, leaving only one sentence: "Just do it."

"Your Majesty!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult didn't wait for Lin Qing'er to say more. He raised his hand and asked his men to surround Lin Ge and Lin Qing'er. He then cast a spell on Lin Qing'er and recited a spell: "Witch, show your true form!"


Lin Ge was well prepared. He ducked in front of Lin Qing'er and raised the Five Elements Bagua Plate in his hand to block it!

I saw that the white light shot out from the hands of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was blocked by the golden light of the Five Elements Bagua Disk and bounced to a Moon Worshiping Cultist on the side.

"Ah, ah ah ah!" The Moon Worshipers screamed while holding their heads, and their lower body suddenly turned into a snake's tail!

"Hey, your magic... doesn't seem to be very effective." Lin Ge looked at the half-human, half-snake cultist and teased.

Seeing this, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said angrily: "Boy, who are you to dare to stop us?"

Lin Ge stood up straight and shouted with an upright face: "I don't want to change my name, but I don't want to change my surname. I'm here with Dugu Yuyun of the Shushan Sect! Leader of the Worshiping Moon Sect, don't think that I don't know about your conspiracy. Sooner or later, I will do something scandalous to you." Announce it to the world, if you have the ability, come to Shushan and beat me!"

"Dugu Yuyun, you can't even think of leaving here today!" The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult roared angrily, holding up the magic formula and preparing to attack Lin Ge.

"You can't defeat them, come with me!" Lin Qing'er knew the strength of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult. Seeing that the other party was about to take action, she quickly dragged Lin Ge and jumped into the reservoir behind her.

"...I'm not eldest sister, I'm very good at fighting. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Lin Ge was dragged down into the water before he finished speaking, and the reservoir below was like a whirlpool, pulling the two of them directly. Deep into the bottom of the pool.

There is a water channel directly under the reservoir. This is the "escape route" built by the royal family of Nanzhao Kingdom in case of emergency. Once the palace is lost, they can escape through this water channel.

Not many people know about this waterway. Lin Qing'er knows about it, and unfortunately, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult also knows about it.

As soon as Lin Qing'er flew Lin Ge into the secret passage in the water and added a "water breath" spell to Lin Ge, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult appeared and blocked the way.

"Hahaha! Want to escape through water? Just wait until you become the bait of my water monster!"

As soon as the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult finished speaking, a huge waterspout appeared behind Lin Ge and the two of them, and then a monster with a body like a hill, skin covered with green scales, like a hydra, and with more than a dozen heads appeared. In the vortex.

Some of these heads have human faces, some are snakes, and some are ferocious beasts. Almost every one of them has a different head on top of its long snake-like neck!

Lin Qing'er looked at the behemoth in the whirlpool and said in shock: "You, are you really cultivating evil beasts? Do you know how serious a disaster this will cause?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult snorted disdainfully and laughed: "It just caused a small flood. This loss is nothing at all. What's more, the whole clan believes that you are the evildoer who caused trouble! In order to appease the gods of wrath, you have but one death!"

"Sure enough, all this was planned by you!" Lin Qing'er said angrily.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said: "Haha, this monster can only blame you for not being human. No one will believe what a snake monster says!"

After saying that, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult laughed, melted into the water, and Lin Ge and the others disappeared before their eyes.

"Knights, be careful. This water monster is made from the corpse of an ancient evil beast. Don't take it lightly!" Lin Qing'er said as she raised the heavenly snake staff and chanted spells, creating a waterspout in the water to try to force the water monster back.

Now in the water, Lin Ge's fire spells were basically useless, and the fire sign was also restricted. He turned his hands and summoned the trident and soul cuffs.

Lin Ge recited the spell, flicked the soul cuff, and turned into a stream of light directly towards the water monster, locking two of its heads and entangling them together.

The other heads of the water monster stirred wildly, and waterspouts suddenly appeared under the water, and then several heads turned toward Lin Ge at the same time.

Lin Qing'er pointed her heavenly snake staff, and the waterspout in front of Lin Ge started to form ice cubes, and the water monster crashed directly into it.

Lin Ge saw the right moment and threw the trident with all his strength, hitting the head that was locked by the soul cuffs and piercing it directly with a "pop"!

Black blood spurted out from the severed head of the water monster, and quickly spread towards Lin Ge and Lin Qing'er. Seeing this, Lin Qing'er grabbed Lin Ge and used a spell to swim away quickly.

"No, the water monster's blood is extremely poisonous!"

Seeing the water monster chasing after him again, Lin Ge released the Yin Wu Lei Domain and formed a wall of turbid water magma to try to block it.


Under the impact of the Water Monster, the Yin Wu Lei Domain was shattered after only blocking one blow. At the same time, Lin Ge saw that the head of the Water Monster that he had just chopped off had grown back!

"The regeneration rate is so fast?" Lin Ge said slightly surprised.

"The water monster will live when it encounters water. As long as it is in the water, it will be immortal. No matter how many times it is cut into pieces, it will be useless. Let's run away!" Lin Qing'er looked back and swam faster in the water. .

Lin Ge suddenly felt a headache. He was about to suggest that Lin Qing'er lead the water monster to the surface to deal with it, but saw Lin Qing'er suddenly stopped.

Ahead is a mountain wall with no underwater passage.

Lin Ge took out a small bottle and gave it to Lin Qing'er and said: "Witch Queen, there are three elixirs in it, which can quickly recover physical injuries and restore spiritual energy. Eat the three pills together, and then find a way to lure the water monster to the water... …”

Lin Ge wanted to think of a way to lure the water monster to the surface to fight, but he saw that the water monster was already chasing after him very quickly. Lin Qing'er saw this and said quickly:

"My dear benefactor, although I don't know why you would help me, I have a final, merciless request. If you can meet my daughter, please take good care of her for me!"

The water monster suddenly launched an attack, with more than a dozen heads rolling the water at the same time, turning the entire underwater into a high-speed rotating whirlpool!

The Witch Queen rolled up her staff and summoned a waterspout to send Lin Ge to the surface.

"Hey, hey, hey, pull up, I'm very good at hitting the water!" Lin Ge shouted speechlessly.

As the most powerful evil in the water, the Water Monster can even cause floods around the royal capital and flooded villages when angry.

The water monster is rolling underground at the water prison, and this waterway leads directly to the lake and sea outside Nanzhao. With this stir, there is another flood on the ground!

Lin Qing'er didn't dare to let the water monster continue to cause chaos. If this continues, the entire Nanzhao Kingdom will turn into a swamp. At this moment, there is only the last solution left!

Lin Qing'er poured out the three recovery pills produced by the Lord God Space given by Lin Ge and stuffed them into her mouth, raised the Heavenly Serpent Staff: "Monster, you and I should not have existed in this world in the first place, turn into dust with me!"

On the outskirts of the capital of Nanzhao, there was the small forest where Lin Ge was teleported.

Li Xiaoyao's figure suddenly appeared outside the grove, and then he looked around with a confused expression: "Where is...where is this place?"

He followed the army into Dali and drove out the black Miao soldiers in the city. When he heard that his master had gone to the Holy Land, he chased him all the way to the Holy Land.

As a result, as soon as we arrived in front of the statue of Nuwa, the surrounding environment changed.

Li Xiaoyao walked out of the woods with a puzzled look on his face. At this moment, he saw a woman holding a little girl, and the little girl held a black sword in her arms.

"Master's sword!" Li Xiaoyao recognized it as Lin Ge's sword at a glance, and immediately rushed towards the women, trying to save them.

And this group of people were Jiang and Zhao Ling'er who were sent out of the city by Lin Ge. Lin Ge left the soul paper man on the black sword, so he deliberately did not recall the black sword to prevent the stalker from taking advantage of him to enter the dungeon to save Lin Qing. When he was young, he attacked Zhao Ling'er.

Jiang looked at the pursuing soldiers and asked angrily: "Who sent you here?"

"According to the order of the leader, all the queen's accomplices will be killed without mercy!" The leader of the Black Miao soldiers shouted in a cold tone.

Mrs. Jiang snorted coldly and asked: "Huh! Leader! Leader? Do you still have the Witch King in your eyes? You don't even let the little princess go!"

The Black Miao soldier laughed and said: "Hahaha! This matter is because the leader has obeyed the order of His Majesty the Witch King to punish you, a group of witches who deceive others with your monstrous words, and save the Black Miao people!"

Mrs. Jiang cursed: "Hmph! Your bullshit leader is the monster. You don't believe in the Witch Queen, but you actually believe in the old devil's lies!"

"What a pair of sharp teeth and sharp mouth. Brothers, cut off this shrew's head and go to the leader!" The Black Miao soldiers swarmed up. At this moment, a figure rushed over and stopped them.


Although these black Miao soldiers were surprised by Li Xiaoyao's sudden appearance, when they saw the Han clothes he was wearing, they immediately said coldly: "Oh? There are actually Han people. Are they slipping through the net?"

Li Xiaoyao had just fought to the death with these black Miao soldiers in Dali. Naturally, he would not hold back at this moment. He clapped his palms and summoned the thunder method!



The Great Merciful and Great Compassionate thunderbolts and lightning palms were blasted in random directions, and the black Miao soldiers were immediately blown up, causing their corpses to fly everywhere, and they were all wiped out on the spot.

Ms. Jiang thanked Li Xiaoyao and said, "Thank you for rescuing us."

"Auntie, can you please tell me, where is this place? I just went to the temple to worship a statue, and then suddenly I was here." Li Xiaoyao asked.

Jiang replied: "This is Nanzhao, the capital of the Black Miao people."

"Nanzhao? I was clearly in Dali City just now..." Li Xiaoyao was stunned.

Ms. Jiang felt that the young man in front of her was strange, but he saved her and Ling'er after all, so she reminded: "You wore Han clothes and killed those three soldiers. You must find a way to leave quickly, otherwise you will The situation will be very dangerous. I have to take the princess away, young man, take care of yourself."

"Wait!" Li Xiaoyao quickly stopped Jiang and asked: "Auntie, the black sword your daughter is holding in her arms belongs to my master. Do you know where he is now?"

"Your master?"

"That's right." Li Xiaoyao briefly described Lin Ge's appearance to Jiang.

At this moment, the body of the black Miao soldier who was killed by his thunder technique turned into balls of flesh and blood, squirming and gathering in one direction as if alive.

The next second, the flesh and blood turned into a seven or eight-meter-high sarcoma, and then exploded with a "bang", and a strong man nearly two meters tall walked out of the broken sarcoma.

"Bah, can't these bastards die early? I wasted a bottle of serum, eh? Hahaha! I really got lucky this time!"

The naked strong man was none other than the Stalker who faked his death and escaped from the hands of the Moon Worshiping Leader and was "resurrected" with a bottle of A-grade serum.

He hid in the palace and attacked Lin Ge secretly. He thought he could take Lin Ge away with one shot of the electromagnetic gun, but he didn't expect that the opponent successfully blocked this devastating blow!

Although he was shocked, he didn't want the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult to suddenly take action. There was a wolf in front of him and a tiger in the back. The pursuer had no choice but to use his trump card, Jin Chan, to escape.

Unexpectedly, not only did he escape, but he was lucky enough to meet Zhao Ling'er who had escaped from the imperial city, and Li Xiaoyao who had given away his life!

As the protagonist, Li Xiaoyao's strength reaches this stage in the game, and I'm afraid he is no match for him.

But this time the reincarnation accelerated the development of the plot due to the intervention of the reincarnator, and Li Xiaoyao had no time to grow up at all!

The stalker is confident to deal with Li Xiaoyao in this period!

As long as Li Xiaoyao is killed and the Jiang family is not afraid, she can take Zhao Ling'er back. This fairy embryo will be very happy if she is raised from an early age!

When Li Xiaoyao saw the sudden appearance of the stalker, he felt something bad, so he could only bite the bullet and use his thunder method to attack!

However, although his understanding was high, his thunder method was still much lower than Lin Ge's level. An electric palm strike didn't even break the skin of the stalker who had just used the serum!

Li Xiaoyao bit his finger, drew a blood trigram on his palm, clapped his palms, shouted "The world is infinite, the universe borrows the law", and instantly opened up more than a dozen golden light palms to blast towards the stalker!

The stalker raised his hands, and his arms instantly turned into more than a dozen fleshy strips, which rolled towards Zhao Ling'er in Li Xiaoyao's and Jiang's arms respectively.

The stalker's ability is standard for high-level mutant bosses in Resident Evil, but in the eyes of Li Xiaoyao and the others, it is shocking enough!

Li Xiaoyao didn't have time to think too much, he pulled out the bronze sword on his back and slashed at the hunter, but he was touched by flesh and the bronze sword was immediately bounced away!

Li Xiaoyao immediately made a secret to cast a spell, pointed his sword and said: "Sword Controlling Technique!"



With a sword cry, the black sword held in Zhao Ling'er's arms flew out, slashing sword lights in the air. The hunter's flesh touch could block Li Xiaoyao's bronze sword, but it could not withstand the power of the black sword. , the sword energy slashed, instantly cutting off the stalker's flesh!

Li Xiaoyao was stunned when he saw this, and looked at his hand holding the sword secret with some surprise, and thought to himself: "Am I so powerful? I can actually call the master's sword?"

Li Xiaoyao obviously still lacks some martial arts experience. In this stunned effort, the stalker swung away the black sword at the cost of an arm, rushed towards Li Xiaoyao, knocked him away, and then rushed towards Jiang. And Zhao Linger!


"Don't even think about it!" Li Xiaoyao stepped forward and rushed towards the stalker again.

At this moment, on the left side of the trail, whether it was the sea surface or a flooded area, a staged vortex suddenly formed on the water surface, and then a waterspout shot straight into the sky!

After the waterspout flew out of the water, its rotation force had become much smaller. Upon seeing this, Lin Ge immediately used Ladder Cloud to jump out of the water.

Just as he was about to fly back to the sea to deal with the water beast with Lin Qing'er, he saw huge waves rolling up on the entire sea surface. He was not good at water at this level of waves, so he would definitely be swept up and dizzy.

Just as Lin Ge was thinking about how to break the situation, a familiar voice came from the shore nearby——


Lin Ge looked back and saw Li Xiaoyao being beaten to the point of defeat by a burly naked biological man. He asked in surprise: "Xiaoyao?"

Lin Ge had just focused on the water surface and the water monster. Now he was distracted and noticed that the soul paper man placed on the black sword was activated.

Looking at the biochemical naked man again, who is he if he is not a stalker?

While Lin Ge used Ladder Cloud to fly towards the shore, he raised his hand to call out the soul cuffs, picked up the magic formula, recited the spell, and suddenly threw the soul cuffs towards the hunter!

"If you run away this time, Master Dao, I will write your name backwards!"

The stalker never dreamed that Lin Ge would suddenly appear. Just as he was about to run away, he heard a "click" and the soul cuffs were already cuffed on his feet.

Then there was a flash of silver light, and the trident turned into a stream of light and shot towards the hunter, inserted into his abdomen, took him flying out, broke a dozen towering trees, and finally nailed him to a tree.

Having had the experience of fighting the stalker several times before, Lin Ge knew that the stalker had many ways to save his life, and the true body was extremely difficult to find. This time it was rare to encounter the true body of the stalker, so how could he hold back!

Lin Ge quickly rushed towards the hunter, summoned the sword box, and picked up the magic formula. The sword box turned into a circle of small squares. Under the control of the power of fire, it tied the hunter to the tree like an iron ring!

Lin Ge stretched out his hand, and the black sword in the distance flew into his hand. He put the sword against the stalker's throat and said with a smile: "Hey, I'm very interested in your railgun. If you can hand it over, , I can spare your life. How about it being a 'reconciliation' between me and you who spread poison all over the world?"

The stalker sneered: "Hmph, it's as if No. 15 surrendered his equipment and you spared his life!"

"So, you won't give it to me?" Lin Ge raised his eyebrows.

"Don't even think about it, even if I die, you won't be able to get these things, unless... you are willing to drink the gateway drug that spreads poison in our world."

Lin Ge still remembered that this thing had a similar effect to the "Three Corpse Brain Pill", so he obviously wouldn't take such a risk for a piece of equipment.

"That means there's nothing to talk about?" Lin Ge narrowed his eyes, held a black sword and cut off his head under the astonished look on the hunter's face.

The stalker is all in bad shape. How can you "surrender" like you? Others are coercing and tempting you to get a treasure. If you don't agree with these two words, just behead him?

However, something even worse for the stalker happened in the next second. In order to prevent the stalker from having any means of resurrection, Lin Ge chopped it into more than a dozen pieces with a black sword, and then a large cauldron appeared. All the blood clots of his corpse were put inside, and he took out the fire lotus and summoned the flames of hell to burn him!

In the blink of an eye, the stalker's body was burned cleanly!

Really shattering! (End of chapter)

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