Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 418: So you were so easily deceived when you were a child?

"... Master, are you going to kill him now?" Li Xiaoyao chased after him and couldn't help but ask when he saw the "cauldron" with no residue left.

"Otherwise? Talk nonsense with him, and then he runs away? Xiaoyao, walking in the world, the most taboo thing is to talk too much. Cut the grass without eradicating the root, and the spring breeze will grow again... I don't know where his organization's base is, otherwise I I also want to serve it in one pot to save trouble later." Lin Ge replied.

Li Xiaoyao nodded: "I understand, Master."

As the stalker said, with No. 15 as a "learned lesson", he already knew that he would die even if he handed over his things.

The stalker originally wanted to use this point to get in touch with Lin Ge, trying to find a chance to survive, but he forgot the most important point. After Lin Ge saw him fake death and resurrected, he did not dare to spend more time with him.

Things in the biochemistry department have always been weird. Who knows if a few words about it will lead to another piece of meat?


At this moment, Zhao Ling'er's exclamation came from the cliff. Lin Ge and Li Xiaoyao hurried back to the cliff, only to see the sea surface churning and setting off a huge whirlpool.

Immediately afterwards, the water monster roared and emerged from the whirlpool. Jiang's face, which had been injured and lost blood, became even paler. Li Xiaoyao stood beside Lin Ge with his sword raised.

"Master, Master! What is this? It's so big!" Li Xiaoyao said in surprise.

Lin Ge said in a deep voice: "The water monster raised by the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult."

Lin Ge was also very surprised. According to the plot, Lin Qing'er should die together with the water monster and seal it.

What's more, he also gave Lin Qing'er three high-level elixirs produced in the main god's space, so there couldn't be any shortage of spiritual power!

Lin Ge was surprised and was about to take out the Five Elements Bagua Disk to deal with the water monster, but something unexpected happened. The dozens of heads let out a miserable scream, and then the body trapped in the whirlpool turned gray!

The body of the water monster was gradually petrified and slowly sank to the bottom of the water. When it completely disappeared, the sea surface gradually calmed down and the wind and waves were calm, as if it had never appeared before.

" going on?" Jiang murmured, looking at the place where the water monster disappeared.

Lin Ge did not tell them the truth, but just said to leave here quickly. The Moon Worship Sect had issued an arrest order, and they would not be able to leave if they did not leave.

Mrs. Jiang thought about being surrounded by black Miao soldiers in the Witch Queen's palace, and considering Zhao Ling'er's safety, she didn't hesitate anymore and took out a small flute and played it.

As a cry sounded, a fiery red and colorful bird flew out of the forest.

"My benefactor was such a great kindness and kindness that Mrs. Jiang will never forget it. However, the current situation is critical and there is no chance to repay her kindness. In the next life, she will work hard to repay her benefactor!" said Mrs. Jiang.

Lin Ge said: "In order to prevent the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult from attacking you on the way, I will go with you. It just so happens that I have to go to Yuhang Town for something."

"How did you know..." Jiang didn't expect that Lin Ge actually knew the destination of her trip. If he was a member of the Moon Worshiping Sect, then the leader of the Moon Worshiping Sect must also know.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "I am a member of the Shushan Sect, and I have a certain fate with your Witch Queen Lin Qing'er. I promised her to take care of her daughter."

"I see!"

Although she was rescued twice by Lin Ge, Jiang still didn't fully trust Lin Ge as her "benefactor" until now. It wasn't that she was too suspicious, but it was about the little princess, so she had to be more cautious.

"But I'm afraid Du'er can't bring so many people." Mrs. Jiang was confused.

Lin Ge said: "It doesn't matter, we can just fly with the sword."

Only then did Jiang think that she and Zhao Ling'er could successfully escape from the capital, thanks to Lin Ge's sword that sent them out, so it was easy for him to fly with his sword.

"Du'er, let's go!" Mrs. Jiang called to the big red bird. The big bird chirped, clasped Ms. Jiang's shoulders with her claws, and took her and Zhao Ling'er to fly away.

Lin Ge threw the black sword away, dragged Li Xiaoyao and jumped on the black sword, threw a few soul-reviving pills into his mouth, and chased Jiang with his sword.

"Master...that great god is the Jiang family? And on Fairy Island, that little girl is the junior sister?" Li Xiaoyao was obviously a little bit behind-the-scenes.

Lin Ge joked: "You're such a smart guy, why is it so slow to start up?"


"By the way, why are you here?" Lin Ge didn't explain much, but asked why Li Xiaoyao appeared ten years ago.

It stands to reason that he replaced Li Xiaoyao and went back to the past, and there were a lot of plots missing in the middle, such as the general's tomb, the death of Yue Ru, finding medicine for Zhao Ling'er and getting to know the Miao girl Anu, etc.

In other words, if Li Xiaoyao had not met Anu, it would have been impossible for him to enter the Miao Holy Land and be sent back by the soul of the Witch Queen on the statue of Nuwa.

Li Xiaoyao replied: "I followed Lord Limbao into Dali. After driving away the black Miao soldiers in the city, I killed a monster and rescued a girl named Anu. Then I met my uncle who was making noise. He told me that you went to the Holy Land and asked me to help you. So with Anu's help, I entered the Holy Land, but I didn't see you, Master, but I felt that the statue was calling me. If I didn't pay attention, I would It’s in the woods.”

Lin Ge: ...are you making noise?

Your evaluation of your uncle is really accurate!

But... Lin Ge didn't expect that after skipping a few plots, Li Xiaoyao would get to know Anu, and he suddenly sighed that the two were really destined.

"Where are your master's wife and the others?" Lin Ge asked.

Li Xiaoyao said: "The old man of the Shushan Sect, ahem, the leader, is finally willing to take action against the Moon Worship Sect. I wonder if he killed too many members of the Moon Worship Sect and actually lured the leader out. It's strange to say. , when the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult heard the name of the leader of the Shushan Sect, he said that he had spoiled his own plan, and shouted and killed the leader of the Shushan Sect. The fight was inextricable in the sky. Seeing this, the master's wife called the leader of Linbao. When the martial arts masters came up to help, I originally wanted to help, but my uncle called me and stopped me."

Lin Ge: ...As soon as you hear the name, you shout and kill?


It shouldn't be any of my business, right?

While Lin Ge was flying with his sword, he asked Li Xiaoyao what happened in Dali after he left. After confirming the safety of Huang Ni and others, he thought about how to return to the normal timeline.

"By the way, Master, the big bird flying with Junior Sister looks so majestic. What kind of bird is it?" Li Xiaoyao suddenly asked.

Lin Ge said: "Phoenix."


Lin Ge recalled the plot and explained: "There is a male and a female phoenix. The phoenix is ​​the male and the phoenix is ​​the female. If I remember correctly, this bird also laid an egg in the sacred wood. It should be the phoenix among the phoenixes."

"That's it... tsk tsk, although it's majestic to fly with a divine beast, I still prefer flying with a sword. This is a hero!" Li Xiaoyao said.

Lin Ge said: "Practice hard and you can fly with a sword."

"Yes, Master."

Just as Lin Ge was flying with his sword and imparting some cultivation experience to Li Xiaoyao, the big bird began to fly downward, and finally stopped at a ruined temple on the top of the mountain, where it dropped Jiang and Zhao Ling'er.

I don't know whether it was because of the long flight or some other reason, but Jiang put Zhao Ling'er down when she landed, walked to the temple door with force, and fell down against the wall.

"Grandma!" Zhao Ling'er hurriedly stepped forward to help Jiang.

At this moment, a little boy wearing coarse clothes came out of the mountain temple, looked at the two of them and asked doubtfully: "Ah, who are you?"

At the same time, Lin Ge and Li Xiaoyao also arrived.

Seeing Lin Ge and Li Xiaoyao descending from the sky, the child in coarse cloth suddenly shouted in surprise: "Wow! Are you immortals? I saw you coming down from the sky, you must be an immortal."

Li Xiaoyao was stunned when he looked at the Mountain Temple, and said in surprise: "Is this the Mountain Temple? Are we back to Yuhang Town so soon?"

At this time, Lin Ge noticed that the little boy was playing with a light blue glass bead in his hand. With a focused gaze, he recognized it at a glance as the water spirit bead among the five spirit beads.

In the game plot of "Sword of Sword 1", it was Li Xiaoyao who returned to five years ago and found the water spirit beads. Only then did he gather the five spirit beads to activate the mechanism of the Nuwa Holy Land, causing the drought in southern Xinjiang to rise. Heavy rain prevented the war between the Black Hmong and White Hmong.

Then, the little boy in front of me is the childhood Li Xiaoyao.

"Kid, the beads in your hand are very beautiful, can you let me have a look?" Lin Ge asked with a harmless smile.

The little boy held the water spirit bead and put his hand behind his back, shaking his head: "No, no, daddy gave it to me, I can't give it to you."

Lin Ge thought for a while and said, "Then let's discuss it. I like your marble very much. I'll buy it from you. Is that okay?"

"Really?" the little boy asked.

Lin Ge nodded: "Really, how much do you want?"

The little boy thought for a long time, then shook his head and said: "I don't want money, I want the black sword you flew on just now. If you give me the sword, I will give you beads."

"I'd rather give it to you, but you're still young and can't afford this sword." Lin Ge said, calling out the black sword and thrusting it towards the little boy.

The little boy stepped forward and grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands, but he saw that the black sword was stuck on the ground and was motionless. After several attempts, he found that he could not pull out the black sword, and he was suddenly a little discouraged.

"I don't care. I've wanted a sword for a long time. I want to practice martial arts and go out to find my parents!" The little boy got angry.

Lin Singer flipped it over and conjured an exquisite peach wood sword like a magic trick, and said: "How about this, I will give you a peach wood sword, and you can also use it to practice spells."

As he spoke, Lin Ge raised his sword and pointed at the big tree in front of him. A golden light flashed from the sword and flew out, exploding a big hole in the big tree with a bang.

"Okay, okay, as long as it's a sword. Come on, let's exchange it!" The little boy couldn't wait to stuff the water spirit bead into Lin Ge, and then ran towards Shilipo with the peach wood sword, for fear that Lin Ge would regret it.

Li Xiaoyao looked at the little boy's back and murmured: "Is this... could it be me?"

"...Were you so easy to fool before?" Lin Ge teased.

Li Xiaoyao was speechless. He really wanted to say something... Master, are you calling yourself "old and cunning"?

But in the end, he didn't say anything. He looked at the bead in Lin Singer's middle and said with some hesitation: "I remember that I did have such a bead when I was a child. My father gave it to me and said it was some kind of treasure... But then it became I don’t know where I went, it turned out that I was deceived by you, Master!”

"... What you're talking about is cheating, I'm obviously 'changing'." Lin Ge said.

Li Xiaoyao whispered: "But... I remember that I don't have a peach wood sword."


Lin Ge was too lazy to talk nonsense with Li Xiaoyao. When he walked to the door of the mountain temple, Zhao Ling'er said anxiously: "Uncle Immortal, Uncle Immortal, look at my grandma, she, she is injured."

Lin Ge hadn't noticed that Mrs. Jiang was injured before, so he asked doubtfully: "Are you injured?"

Ms. Jiang turned her left foot sideways and saw that the heel to the calf were stained red with blood: "When I took the little princess to escape from the pursuers, I was injured by a hidden weapon. My injury is not important. My benefactor, can I ask you for one more thing?" Something! Please take this handkerchief to the port. If anyone recognizes this handkerchief, please tell her that I will bring Xiaoqing’s daughter to find Master Lingyue Palace.”

Jiang said, taking out a hand scroll from her arms and handing it to Lin Ge.

After Lin Ge took over the hand, he turned around and told Li Xiaoyao: "Xiaoyao, go to the pier and follow Mrs. Jiang's instructions to find someone who knows this hand scroll."

"Yes, Master." Li Xiaoyao took the scroll and immediately ran towards Shilipo.

Zhao Ling'er looked at Lin Ge with tears in her eyes: "Uncle grandma, my grandma..."

"It's okay. You can take this medicine and spray it on her wound, and it will stop the bleeding." After speaking, Lin Ge took out a hemostatic spray and handed it to Zhao Ling'er, and then taught her how to use it.

Zhao Ling'er gave it a try, quickly ran to Jiang's side, sprayed the hemostatic spray on her wound, and immediately saw that the wound on Jiang's leg was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Wow, this medicine is amazing! Uncle Immortal, thank you." Zhao Ling'er exclaimed, excitedly ran to Lin Ge, and handed the hemostatic spray back to Lin Ge with both hands.

Lin Ge raised his hand and rubbed Zhao Ling'er's head, and said with a smile: "I gave it to you, keep it."

"But such a precious thing..."

"It's okay. Just keep it." Lin Ge rubbed Zhao Ling'er's little head again.

Zhao Ling'er lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking. Then he seemed to have made up his mind and knelt down in front of Lin Ge: "Uncle Immortal, they all bullied grandma and caused her to get hurt. Uncle Immortal, you are so powerful. Can you teach me your skills? I can do it." Protect grandma."

"Oh? You want me to be your teacher?" Lin Ge asked with a smile.

"Is that okay?" Zhao Ling'er looked at Lin Ge expectantly with her big, smart eyes, leaving him unable to say no for a while.

"If you want to become a master...don't you need to ask your grandma?" Lin Ge remembered that in the plot, Jiang found Zhao Ling'er's master, who was the master of Lingyue Palace.

Mrs. Jiang naturally heard the conversation between Lin Ge and Zhao Ling'er. Three life-saving graces had made her completely trust Lin Ge. Seeing Zhao Ling'er turning back to look at her expectantly, she said, "My benefactor is so kind and kind. We will never forget it. If the little princess can have her benefactor as her teacher, she will be lucky for the rest of her life!"

Lin Ge said: "Since your grandma agrees, then I will accept you as my disciple."

After hearing this, Zhao Ling'er kowtowed to Lin Ge three times in surprise. Lin Ge looked a little funny due to his serious look. He raised his hand to rub the red spot on his forehead.

"Ahem, since you have already become a disciple, Ling'er... I will teach you the secret technique of my sect, the 'Thunder Technique', the 'Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Lightning Palm'!"

Half an hour later, Li Xiaoyao brought a woman with the same temperament as Guanyin Bodhisattva to the mountain temple, and happened to see a little girl driving a tree stump there.



"Look at my great mercy and thunderous lightning palm!"

"Look how dare you bully my grandma in the future!" (End of Chapter)

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