Just when the stalker was about to be caught by the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, his body suddenly swelled and turned into a fleshy tumor in the blink of an eye, which exploded with a bang!


In an instant, blood and flesh rained down from above the entire palace.


Lin Ge was stunned for a moment, then swept down quickly, then quickly put on his ghillie suit, hid in a house, slipped out of the back door, and returned to the palace all the way, wearing black Miao clothes and blending into the crowd.

The stalker must not be as simple as "self-explosion", it must be some kind of "escape from the golden cicada" method. After all, in the world of reincarnation, the most important thing for the reincarnation is to save life and escape.

Lin Ge even suspected that the flesh and blood were also virus-infected bodies, and it was possible that the hunters were spreading biochemical viruses through this method.

What surprised Lin Ge was that the stalker hadn't joined forces with the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult yet?

But now that the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult has appeared, Lin Ge can only avoid the danger for the time being, because in addition to sending Jiang and Zhao Ling'er away smoothly, he has one more thing to do.

Find the Witch Queen.

In the original plot, Li Xiaoyao rescued the Witch Queen from the dungeon, and then the Moon Worshiping Leader released the Water Monster in order to hunt down the Witch Queen.

And this water monster is extremely terrifying. If the Witch Queen hadn't died with it and "temporarily" sealed it, otherwise the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult would have been able to invade the Central Plains in the next ten years with just this terrifying water monster.

Lin Ge must complete this key "part", and the biochemical monsters and viruses of the stalkers must be eliminated. Otherwise, when he travels back ten years, a "Sword and Sword Doomsday" may be waiting for him.

The Black Miao and Moon Worshipers gathered in front of the palace had obviously noticed what happened in the Witch Queen's Palace. After all, it was difficult not to pay attention to the sound of more than a dozen rocket "fireworks".

And Lin Ge's "performance" in the air was regarded by the Moon Worshipers as a "monster appearing in the world". Now there was no need for the Moon Worshipers to publicize it. The rumors he had spread before were confirmed by Lin Ge.

"The leader! We want to see the leader!"


"The monster is here, leader, leader, please save us!"

A cultist standing in front of the palace shouted loudly: "Why are you panicking? Didn't you see that the leader has taken action to capture the demon?"

"Quiet, everyone quiet!"

"The leader is here!"

At this time, the leader of the Moon Worship Cult, who was a bit bigger than the average Moon Worship Cult member, flew down from above the palace wearing the leader's costume.

"Don't panic, the demon has been captured by me!" After a pause, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult continued: "Everyone has seen that the demons of the Witch Queen are still trying to cause chaos, but as long as I am still the high priest of Nanzhao, they will His treacherous plot will never succeed!"

"The leader is wise, long live the leader!"

"The leader is wise, long live the leader!"

"The leader is wise, long live the leader!"

Among the shouting believers, a few people ran out and knelt in front of the stairs leading to the palace and worshiped:

"The leader is wise! Master, please save us. The flood has submerged the village. Many villagers have been killed in this disaster, and we are also homeless."

"Please, Lord, save us!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult raised his voice and said: "Everyone, our country and our people are facing a disaster. Our city towers are submerged in the floods, our people are homeless, and our cultivated land has turned into a marsh. , who caused these?"

"It's the snake demon girl!" all the believers said in unison.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said loudly: "When the country is about to perish, there must be monsters! The souls of the ancestors of all generations descended on the altar to tell me that the hundreds of years of Nanzhao Kingdom's foundation will be destroyed at the hands of a snake monster. If we don't take action, the Black Miao people will Will suffer the fate of destruction!"

"But the leader of our country was deceived by beauty and refused to order the execution of the demon girl. If this continues, the anger of the ancestors' dead souls cannot be quelled, and we will face even greater disasters!"

"As the high priest and your leader, I have the obligation to take responsibility to save our country and the people!"

After listening to the words of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, all the believers immediately knelt down and worshiped. Even the surrounding Black Miao soldiers also knelt down and shouted in unison:

"The leader is wise, long live the leader!"

When Lin Ge saw this, he raised his hand in a pretentious manner and yelled a few words desperately. He couldn't help but tease in his heart... Good guy, are you trying to force the palace?

How about you take the Witch King's seat?

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult shouted again: "Brothers, you must support me, kill the evildoers, and clear the emperor! Today, the king must order the execution of the Witch Queen in public, and all those who stand on the Witch Queen's side must also be eradicated!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

It is obvious that these Moon Worshipers have been completely brainwashed by the Moon Worshipers, especially after their emotions have been aroused. Almost no one dares to raise a different voice in this situation.

Just when Lin Ge thought that the believers were going to follow the leader of the Moon Worship Cult into the palace, a middle-aged man wearing red priest clothing walked out.

"Leader! What you did was wrong! Even if the king has some faults, he is our king after all. You led troops to surround the palace, and it was not the king's fault!"

If someone dares to raise objections in such a mood, his status is obviously not much lower than that of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult snorted coldly: "If you want to save the country, you must use extraordinary means! If you stick to the rules at this time, you are not a loyal minister."

"But..." Before the man could finish speaking, he was directly interrupted by the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

"Elder Shi, you don't have to worry about this matter. I will bear all the consequences!"

Elder Shi?

If Lin Ge remembered correctly, Elder Shi was a very important role in Southern Xinjiang.

Although he was bewitched by traitors and constantly made things difficult for Li Xiaoyao and his party, he was actually a loyal minister who was loyal to the country and loyal to the Witch King.

When the Witch King was still a prince, Elder Shi helped him get to know Lin Qing'er, the high priest of the Bai Miao tribe, who is now the Witch King and Witch Queen.

The Witch Queen was unjustly imprisoned. Elder Shi was ordered by the Witch King to protect the Witch Queen's confiscated Heavenly Serpent Staff, but he did not believe that the Witch Queen was a witch.

Therefore, after the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult led his followers to surround the palace and force the Witch King to execute the witch, he did not hesitate to stand up and try to stop the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader.

But he obviously underestimated the Moon Worship Cult, which had been completely brainwashed, and could only watch helplessly as the leader of the Moon Worship Cult led thousands of followers into the temple.

Just when Elder Shi was wondering what to do, he saw a member of the congregation walking up to him and suddenly said, "Qing'er asked me to pick a lotus flower."

Elder Shi was stunned and whispered: "Who are you?"

Lin Ge once again thanked Gu Shijia for writing the guide, especially the part where Li Xiaoyao was sent back ten years ago and entered the dungeon to rescue the Witch Queen. He also specially marked the "password", which is "Qing'er asked me to pick it." of a lotus”.

Lin Ge said: "Elder Shi, I am a member of the Bai Miao tribe. I believe you also know that the Witch Queen is unjust! The leader of the Worshiping Moon Cult has committed the crime, and now he wants to persecute the Witch King! If his plot succeeds, the Witch King will be executed Witch Queen, after learning the truth that all this is a misunderstanding and slander, have you ever thought about how sad the Witch King will be?"

"What do you want to do?" Elder Shi asked.

Lin Ge said: "Where is the Heavenly Snake Staff? I want to rescue the Witch Queen, so that the green mountains will not have to worry about running out of firewood, and the Witch Queen will not die, so that the grievances can be washed away."

Elder Shi thought for a moment, gave Lin Ge a map, and said: "That day, the snake staff was in the secret room deep in the dungeon on the left, and the mechanism was hidden behind the third lamp. Go get it for Qing... for the Witch Queen. With the Heavenly Snake Staff, I will go to the palace to stop the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader. If I fail, I can delay it for you."

"Thank you, Elder Shi." Lin Ge accepted the map and thanked him.

Looking at Lin Ge's leaving figure, Elder Shi sighed: "Qing'er, that's all I can help you..."

The Heavenly Snake Staff is one of the three great artifacts of Nuwa in "Sword of Immortals". It is the "exclusive weapon" of Nuwa's direct descendants. Only when the witch queen obtains the Heavenly Snake Staff can she release the power of Nuwa. To deal with the water monster, you must help the Witch Queen get the Heavenly Serpent Staff.

It's just... Lin Ge always felt that Elder Shi's hesitant "Qing'er" sounded like a story.

When Lin Ge entered the temple, he saw corpses strewn all over the place. Members of the Moon Worshiping Sect were purging Han Chinese and Bai Miao people in the temple.

From the palace gate to the main hall, hundreds of corpses were piled up on the way.

In addition to those who were killed, many others were tied up with ropes, and some black Miao people were using branding irons to brand their bodies as slaves.

Some people would rather die than obey, and what greeted him was the light of the sword.

Lin Ge followed the map given by Elder Shi and walked all the way to the entrance of the dungeon, only to find that there were no soldiers guarding the place, not even a patrolling person.

In confusion, Lin Ge opened the dungeon's iron gate. As soon as he entered, he saw a black smoke filling the passage. He raised his hand to wipe his eyes and looked with his barrier-breaking eyes, but he saw that there was something hidden in this seemingly normal passage. Mystery.

In addition to the maze, there are also hidden traps.

"Tsk, no wonder there isn't even a guard." After breaking through the obstacle, Lin Ge avoided the trap and directly used Ladder Cloud to jump over the trap.

The first floor of the dungeon was unremarkable, with only a few prisoners in it.

According to Elder Shi's map, the Heavenly Serpent Staff was placed on the second floor of the dungeon, and the place where the Witch Queen was imprisoned was also on the second floor.

Lin Ge followed the map and walked all the way to the second floor of the dungeon. When he was about to go to the secret room on the left to get the Heavenly Serpent Staff, his keen sense of smell caught a pungent demonic aura.


Lin Ge followed the smell and went directly to the third floor, only to see that various monsters and monsters were imprisoned in various cells on the three underground floors!

A spider monster with a human face and a body as fat, sarcoma, and rotten as a "boomer"; a piranha that looks like a tree and vine but has a sarcoma-like body; a half-human, half-snake monster... each It was a strange creature. The visual impact in the dungeon was much more terrifying than the pictures of the monsters in the game. Lin Ge had the illusion that he was not in the world of fairy swords, but in Umbrella's underground laboratory.

"Tsk, tsk, it's a pity that the stalker hasn't discovered this place yet, otherwise he would definitely be able to show off his skills here." Lin Ge said, taking out a few paper figurines and throwing them out.

Then return to the second floor of the dungeon, follow the map to the secret room on the left, and turn on the mechanism behind the third light. The wall in front suddenly rotates, revealing the secret room behind.

In the center of the secret room, there is a staff wrapped around a green snake.

Lin Ge stepped forward and touched the Heavenly Serpent Staff, only to see that it contained a huge source aura. He tested it with the source plate made of Huang Ni——


The original aura of the Heavenly Snake Staff is comparable to that of a quasi-evil god-level boss. It is indeed one of Nuwa's three great artifacts!

Lin Ge pulled out the Heavenly Serpent Staff and was not in a hurry to absorb the original aura from the Heavenly Serpent Staff. After all, he still wanted the Witch Queen to use the Heavenly Serpent Staff to seal the water monster.

Lin Ge took the Heavenly Snake Staff and left the secret room. Following the directions on the map, he found the Witch Queen, Lin Qing'er, who was imprisoned deep in the dungeon.

Lin Qing'er was wearing a black Miao queen's costume and a red cloak. She was sitting in the corner of the cell. She hadn't even had time to take off the hairpin on her head. It can be seen that even she herself was worried about this "prison disaster". They didn't believe that the Witch King would be so heartless.

"Witch Queen?" Lin Ge shouted.

Lin Qing'er raised her head when she heard the sound. Her appearance was 70% similar to Zhao Ling'er, but unlike Zhao Ling'er's lively girlish aura, she had the charm of a mature woman, and something that cannot be described in words, making it easy for people to take a look at it. Incarnate the beauty of Prime Minister Cao.

"Who are you?" Lin Qing'er looked at Lin Ge with some confusion.

Lin Ge said straight to the point: "Witch Queen, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult is leading the followers to force the Witch King to execute you. I'm here to rescue you."

Lin Qing'er shook her head: "I appreciate your kindness. I can't leave, I want to stay here. If I escape, won't it prove that I am the witch who subjugates the country as they say? If my life can be exchanged, Peace in this country, then...my death is worth it."

Lin Ge asked back: "You can clear your grievances while you are alive, but after you die...who do you expect to clear your grievances for you? Ling'er? Not long after you were taken into prison, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult sent people to your palace to try to deal with you. It’s not good for Ling’er.”

As soon as Zhao Ling'er was mentioned, Lin Qing'er rushed to the cell in excitement and asked nervously: "Ling'er! How is Ling'er?"

"I sent Jiang and Ling'er away from the capital, but the Moon Worshiping Cult will not let them go easily. Do you want to continue praying here for someone to clear your grievances in the future, or do you want to go out with me and find a way to overthrow the Moon Worshiping Sect? Teach, give your daughter a safe life?" Lin Ge said.

"I understand." Lin Qing'er can ignore her own safety, but she cannot ignore Ling'er's.

"You stand back, and I'll break this lock."

"Wait, we can't alert you yet. In order to prevent me from using magic anymore, the king confiscated my staff and hid it in the underground palace. You..."

"Is this it?" Lin Ge took out the Heavenly Snake Staff and handed it to Lin Qing'er.

"You...then, Elder Shi?" Lin Qing'er asked with a slightly nervous expression.

Lin Ge replied: "Elder Shi went to the temple to stop the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult and buy us time. You take the Heavenly Snake Staff and we leave here immediately."

"So you are one of Elder Shi's... Sigh, I didn't expect that he would still believe in me in this situation." Lin Qing'er sighed.

Lin Qing'er mistook Lin Ge for Elder Shi's subordinate, so Lin Ge naturally saved the effort of explaining. The most important thing right now is to seal the water monster and then find out the whereabouts of the stalker.

Lin Ge kneaded the secret to wake up the paper man left on the black sword. Under his escort, Jiang and Zhao Ling'er had left the capital without anyone noticing.

As long as these two people are safe, even if the stalker drops a nuclear bomb and blows up the royal capital, there will be no threat to Lin Ge.

What's more, if the hunter dares to do this, it means that the Lord God will give him a great gift in return.

Lin Ge broke the lock and released Lin Qing'er. The two were about to leave when they heard footsteps coming from the entrance of the dungeon.


The leader was dressed in black robes and had an extraordinary bearing. From his clothes, we could see that he was similar to the Witch Queen. He must be the king of Nanzhao Kingdom.

At the same time, Lin Ge faintly felt a huge wave of evil energy in the water pool deep in the dungeon, and the water monster was awakened! (End of chapter)

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