"This was... ten years ago?" Lin Ge felt a trance in his consciousness. When he looked at the surroundings again, he found that he had appeared outside a small forest.

According to the plot of "Sword of Immortality", Li Xiaoyao was summoned by a trace of the soul of the Witch Queen left in the statue of Nuwa, and was sent back ten years ago to save Zhao Ling'er.

The stalker obviously wanted to use this plot to travel back in time to achieve some purpose, but Lin Ge, who did not want to sneak attack the stalker, was also brought here.

But, what about the stalker?

Lin Ge kneaded the secret and wiped his eyes, and looked around with his evil-seeking eyes. There were no evil spirits around, but there were dozens of light beams far away. The largest one was almost as big as the original evil spirit ghost master Pi Bo.

"According to the plot, after Li Xiaoyao comes out of the woods, he will encounter Jiang and Zhao Ling'er who are being hunted by black Miao soldiers..." Lin Ge thought that the pursuers had also come to the past, but he couldn't let him find Zhao Ling'er first and change the situation. the future.

As a result, on the way, Lin Ge did not wait for Jiang and Zhao Ling'er, but instead waited for a group of black Miao soldiers.

"Han Chinese!"

"There are actually Han people who have been arrested. Take them back!"

The Black Miao soldiers didn't give Lin Ge a chance to speak and swarmed him directly.


Lin Ge shouted low, and when he used the Lion's Roar Kung Fu, the strong spiritual energy directly knocked more than a dozen people away. Just as these black Miao soldiers were about to get up, they saw Lin Ge snap his fingers, and a bolt of lightning shot out from his fingertips, directly knocking those who were thinking of them away. The black Miao soldier who tried to get up fell to the ground.

Lin Ge stepped forward, looked down at the leader, and asked, "Answer me, where is this place?"

"Nan, Nan, Nanzhao Kingdom." The Black Miao soldier thought that Lin Ge was using a demonic method to summon lightning. He was so frightened that he almost lost his soul and stammered his answer.

Lin Ge asked again: "Why are the Han people arrested?"

"Yes, it's the order from the leader."


"Bai, the Moon Worship Sect, the leader of the Moon Worship Sect. The leader said that the snake demon advocated that the Witch King get close to the Han people, but in fact he allowed the Han people to infiltrate our country and want to devour us. After the snake demon's conspiracy was discovered by the leader, he recruited Flood, trying to turn Nanzhao into a land of marshes!" Under Lin Ge's pressure, the black Miao soldiers stammered out the reason for arresting the Han people.

Lin Ge pointed to the red aura captured with his evil-seeking eyes and asked, "In which direction is the royal capital?"

"Yes, it is."

"How many Han people have you arrested?"

"We don't know this either."

"Kill them all?"

"No, as long as you are willing to have your face tattooed and agree to be a slave, you can avoid death." The black Miao soldier looked at Lin Ge timidly.


Lin Ge narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly: "In that case, let me get a tattoo for you too!"


As a thunder exploded, thunder light flickered in the forest. A moment later, Lin Ge flew out of the forest on his black sword and flew towards the distant capital of Nanzhao.

Almost all the lower-lying areas of Nanzhao were submerged by floods, and the floods in higher-lying areas also reached the roofs of thatched houses.

In the villages and towns surrounding the royal capital, villagers used wooden planks to ride on bridges over thatched houses. Only the area near the royal capital was not so severely affected.

Now I don’t know whether the stalker came to the same time period as me, or whether the Witch Queen just sent me back. But without knowing the whereabouts of the stalker, Lin Ge thought it was best not to alert the enemy.

So Lin Ge found a secluded place to settle down, changed his camouflage clothes into the clothes of the Black Miao Moon Worshipers, did some simple treatment on his face, and walked into the capital of Nanzhao.


Not long after entering the city, Lin Ge was stopped by several soldiers wearing Lunar Worship Cult costumes.

Lin Ge was speechless. He felt that his disguise was pretty good. How could he be seen through so quickly? Could it be that he had to fight all the way in?

"Which branch are you in?" the leading soldier asked.

Lin Ge didn't know which sub-helms there were in the Moon Worship Sect, so he could only say casually: "Well, I am a newcomer who has just arrived at the headquarters to report. My brothers and I went to capture the Han people outside the city. I came back first to report the situation. .”

"That's it, then you come with us. The leader calls all the brothers to gather together. Don't wander around at this time." The man said.


Lin Ge originally had a headache about how to find someone next, but now that someone has taken the initiative to recruit him into the group, it naturally saves him a lot of trouble by directly joining the Moon Worship Sect.

Lin Ge followed those people and walked towards the largest building in the entire royal capital in the distance.

The floods surged, and the situation in the capital was not optimistic. Many places were flooded. The few people took Lin Ge all the way around.

"Tsk, the flood seems to have reached higher again. If this continues, even the palace may not be protected." said the leading Black Miao soldier.

As soon as these words came out, a person next to him immediately echoed: "Isn't it true? My house outside the royal capital is completely underwater."

The captain of the Black Miao tribe added: "I heard that this disaster was all caused by the Witch Queen. I really don't know what grudge our tribe has against her. She actually wants to destroy our country."

"Yes, if the leader hadn't exposed the true face of the witch, even the king would have been kept in the dark."

"Tsk, I didn't expect that the Witch Queen, who has always been respected by the tribe, turned out to be a snake demon girl." The captain sighed with regret.

"Who would have imagined this? It is said that wherever the snake girl appears, disaster will occur. Therefore, as long as the snake girl dies, the flood will definitely recede."

"But think about it, after all, the witch has been married to the king for many years. Can the king be cruel enough to execute her?"

"So this time, when the leader suddenly called everyone back to the palace, he must have an important decision to announce to everyone."

Lin Ge heard this and asked curiously: "So, that witch, ahem, snake demon girl, has been arrested by the leader now?"

A believer waved his hand helplessly: "How is it possible? The Witch King was so ruthless that he just locked the Witch Queen in the palace. Well, it is the palace that is heavily guarded."

Lin Ge looked in the direction pointed by the believers. Sure enough, outside a palace that was smaller than the royal palace, there were several groups of black Miao soldiers patrolling back and forth.

Lin Ge followed these people to the palace. At this time, many people had gathered in front of the palace, waiting for the leader of the Moon Worship Sect to appear.

Lin Ge also waited outside the hall for half an hour, but before the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult appeared, he saw hundreds of black Miao soldiers entering the place where the Witch Queen was imprisoned in the distance.

Lin Ge sneaked over, found a corner where no one was paying attention, and directly used Ladder Cloud to fly into the backyard. As soon as he entered, he heard a childish exclamation.

"Wow, grandma, grandma, there are bad guys!" But he saw a cute little girl wearing white Miao costumes running towards the house in a hurry.


Hearing Lin Ge call out his name, Zhao Ling'er was stunned, stopped and tilted her head to look at him: "Bad guy, do you know me?"


This little girl grew up to be quite smart. Why doesn’t she look like she’s not so smart now?

"You are a little princess, so I naturally recognize you." Lin Ge said.

Zhao Ling'er wrinkled her nose: "Humph, I don't believe it. I rarely go outside since I was a child, and not many people have seen me. You must be a bad person!"


You're not that much older now, are you still "growing up from a child"?

At this moment, there was a commotion in the front yard, followed by the sounds of shouting and killing, and weapons clashing. Soon, a woman dressed as a Miao woman rushed in.

"Little princess!"


Lin Ge recognized at a glance that this woman was the Jiang family who had led Zhao Ling'er to escape from southern Xinjiang and live in seclusion on Xianling Island. But before she could speak, Jiang took out the dagger from her waist and blocked Zhao Ling'er behind her: "Bold thief , How dare you break into the Witch Queen’s palace without permission!"

"Ms. Jiang, don't get excited, I'm here to help you!" Lin Ge said.

Mrs. Jiang snorted coldly: "You are talking nonsense. You villains just took the Witch Queen away by force, and now you want to do harm to the little princess. As long as I, Mrs. Jiang, are here today, you can't even think of harming the little princess!"

"The Witch Queen has been taken away?" Lin Ge asked.

Mrs. Jiang said angrily: "Don't you know what you are doing?"

At this moment, a group of black Miao soldiers entered from the front yard. When they saw Jiang and Zhao Ling'er, they immediately rushed up and surrounded everyone.

"Witch, hand over the little princess and capture her quickly!"

"You can't escape anymore!"

Lin Ge clapped his palms together, pulled out a bolt of lightning, and directly used the Lightning Thunder Fist, killing the black Miao soldiers with one punch.

Seeing that more than twenty people were knocked down by Lin Ge in the blink of an eye, Jiang was completely stunned. With her ability, if Lin Ge really wanted to attack them, she and the little princess would have been captured long ago.

"Don't be afraid, I'm really here to help you."

"who are you?"

"It's not important. I'll escort you out of the city first."


At this moment, two burly men in Lunar Worship attire broke through the backyard wall and rushed directly into the backyard.

The skin of the two men was pale, without a trace of blood, with veins popping out on their faces, and each was carrying a rocket launcher.

"I was worried about where to find you, but I didn't expect you to show up at my door yourself!" One of the strong men raised his head and stared at Lin Ge with red eyes.


Lin Ge had a fight with the Stalker outside Suzhou City. At that time, the Stalker was hiding in the dark and talking to him through the Biochemical Tyrant.

Apparently as Lin Ge expected, after being sent to this era, the stalker found a hidden place to hide, and then drove his biological monster into action.

"Tsk, tsk, you're so stubborn." Lin Ge snorted coldly.

call out--

call out!

Lin Ge responded with two rockets, but after a battle outside Suzhou City, the stalkers knew that rockets alone could not hurt Lin Ge, so the two shells, one on the left and one on the right, were fired at Lin Ge's rear. Jiang and Zhao Linger.

Lin Ge stepped forward and opened the Yin Wu Lei Domain. Turbid water magma immediately emerged under his feet, turning into two big hands to grab the two cannonballs and squeeze them.



As two clouds of smoke exploded, two powerful rockets were easily defused by Lin Ge.

Then he raised his hand and took out the "Barrett Sniper Cannon Kai" in his hand, aiming at the head of the biochemical tyrant in the distance and firing.

"This is called cannon!"


With a loud noise, half of the tyrant's body was blasted through. This is a specially modified sniper cannon. It can be loaded with a maximum of five bullets. It does not consume spiritual energy when used. It is suitable for dealing with biochemical tyrants.

However, at this moment, the walls around the yard were smashed through at the same time, and more than a dozen biochemical monsters with shoulder-to-shoulder rocket launchers rushed in at the same time.

"Fuck, you guys are really rich in biochemistry!" Lin Ge cursed, stamped his foot, and turned into an afterimage as fast as he could and rushed towards Jiang and Zhao Ling'er.

Lifting Jiang, Zhao Ling'er hugged her and directly used Ladder Cloud to fly towards the roof.

When Lin Ge was still a newcomer, he had seen the "rich woman" who came out of the biochemical world, and this stalker was a member of a mysterious organization from the main world. Not to mention a dozen rocket launchers, he just took out a nuclear bomb to kill Nanzhao. Even Lin Ge would not be surprised if the king was razed to the ground.

Lin Ge and the Stalker fought outside Suzhou for most of the night, destroying a forest. Although a lot of the Stalker's "inventory" was destroyed, in the end they failed to find the Stalker's hidden identity.

Although Lin Ge's strength was higher than that of the stalkers, there was Zhao Ling'er now. It was difficult to care about Zhao Ling'er's safety during the fight, so he decided to send them out first.

call out!

call out!

call out!

As a burst of sound broke through the air, rockets dragged long smoke tails and flew towards Lin Ge in the air. Not only were their speeds fast, but they also seemed to have the effect of tracking down enemies.

At this moment, Lin Ge noticed a dark shadow above the palace. When he took a closer look, he saw that it was the stalker, armed with a sniper cannon similar to the "Barrett Sniper Cannon." The muzzle of the gun was "sizzling" with electric light. It was obviously not an ordinary artillery piece.

This guy used biochemical monsters and ordinary rockets as bait, but in fact he wanted to distract Lin Ge, and then use his trump card to kill him with one strike!

Lin Ge kneaded the secret, summoned the black sword, put Jiang upward, and stuffed Zhao Ling'er into her arms: "You go first!"

Before Ms. Jiang could speak, the black sword jumped out with a "swish" sound, and at the same time, the sound of cannons rang out from the direction of the palace.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ge saw a "super electromagnetic gun" with a diameter of at least one meter, as if Sister Cannon was in person, blasting towards him.

The speed is so fast and the momentum is amazing!

Lin Ge didn't dare to make excuses, let alone get out of the way directly. He was afraid that if he dodged, Jiang and Zhao Ling'er who hadn't gone far would be reduced to ashes in an instant.


The Yin Five Thunder Domain was fully opened, and the turbid water magma sucked away most of Lin Ge's spiritual energy, quickly forming a wall of turbid water. Lin Ge hid behind the wall, pricked his finger, and took out the Five Elements Bagua Disk.


With a loud noise, the electromagnetic light of the electromagnetic gun merged with the thunder light of the Yin Wu Lei field, and the huge impact directly pushed away the turbid water magma!

At this time, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared in the turbid water magma, instantly forming a wall of golden light, which directly collided with the railgun!

Then, the electromagnetic gun was bounced away!

Five Elements Bagua Pan!


This block almost exhausted all the spiritual energy in Lin Ge's body, and the "jelly beans" in his mouth were bitten hard. When Lin Ge fell, his spiritual energy had recovered a lot, and he immediately used Ladder Cloud to rush towards the palace. .

"You're done fighting, it's my turn!"

Lin Ge expected a total of three levels of defense, the first level of the Yin and Five Thunder Domains, and the second level of the Five Elements Bagua Pan. If these two levels failed to stop him, there would be the Dragon Horn Ring!

As long as the aura barrier of the Dragon Horn Ring's "Dragon God's Protection" is not broken, Lin Ge himself will not be harmed. This barrier seems to be a gamble, but it is actually quite reliable.

When the stalker saw that Lin Ge had blocked the electromagnetic cannon without any damage, his expression changed, he put away the sniper cannon, and jumped towards the bottom of the palace.

At this moment, a black shadow swept out from below and struck the hunter with a palm: "Who dares to cause trouble in our Nanzhao King!"

The visitor is none other than the enemy's ceiling in "Sword and Sword 1" -

Moon worshipper! (End of chapter)

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