Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 412 You were still playing in the mud when I killed three corpses

"Is this...found that we lost contact and found the Demon Locking Tower?"

Lin Ge guessed that Huang Ni must have solved the biological monsters last night and found that Chen Qing and others had lost contact and could not contact him, so he used Red Sword and Green Sword as a guide to find the Shushan faction.

"Sister Ni is here? Let's find a way to get out quickly. Otherwise, with Sister Ni's temper, she may have to come in later." Chen Qing said.

Lin Ge nodded and was about to ask Jiang Waner to help send them to a lower level, but he noticed the Heavenly Ghost Emperor fighting against two monsters beside him.

"By the way, what's going on with that one?" Lin Ge winked at Chen Qing and asked in a low voice.

Chen Qing said: "This matter... it's a long story."

"Then let's make a long story short."


last night.

"Ah - I'm so angry! I'm so angry! The smelly old man threw us into the Demon Locking Tower indiscriminately!"

"Fortunately, I liked the Shushan sect quite a bit when I was watching the TV series, and since then I have transformed into Little Heizi!"

"I use my brother's luck to curse that stinky old man Dugu Sword Master into a lifetime of misfortune. He will never be able to accept a disciple and will die alone!"

"Son of a bitch!"

After Chen Qing, Zhao Ling'er and others were captured by Dugu Sword Master and Shushan disciples in Shu Mountain, Dugu Sword Master had Zhao Ling'er thrown into the Demon Locking Tower on the grounds that Zhao Ling'er was a "snake demon" and would surely cause a bloody disaster.

Chen Qing originally wanted to stop him, but before the recorder could blow, Dugu Sword Master threw him into the Demon Locking Tower with a flick of his sleeves, without even giving him time to sing!

Zhao Ling'er said guiltily: "Uncle, I'm sorry for causing you to be imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower."

Chen Qing waved her hand and said boldly: "It's not a big problem... Anyway, my brother and sister Ni will definitely come to rescue us. Before that, we first find a way to pave the way for my brother."

"Paving the road?" Zhao Ling'er asked curiously.

Chen Qing nodded and said: "The Demon Locking Tower has imprisoned countless demons since its construction, including many powerful demons, demons, and ghosts. If we can get these people to join the gang, it will be easy for my brother to come in and get us." More. Although I am used to being taken advantage of by my brother, we still have to do our best, right?"


Fortunately, Zhao Ling'er didn't have the ability to complain, otherwise with this short paragraph, Lin Ge would have been able to complain for two hours.

"But...if Master also enters the Demon Locking Tower, will we all be trapped here in the end?" Zhao Ling'er asked worriedly.

"That's not the case. The Demon Locking Tower can only go in and out. If you want to go out, you can only destroy the dragon pillar at the bottom. It's definitely not possible for just the few of us." Chen Qing replied.

Zhao Ling'er was surprised and said: "Uncle, do you even know this?"

"Of course, my brother can figure it out."


Chen Qing and Zhao Ling'er were talking while looking for a downward passage. As a ghost fairy, it is natural to deal with the resentful evil spirits in the first few floors.

As for the demons on the lower floors, Zhao Linger, a descendant of Nuwa, was present, so the little demon did not dare to make any mistakes and went all the way down to the floor where Jiang Qing was.

"Hey, this sword is too resentful." Chen Qing saw the sword stuck in front of Jiang Qing and wanted to pull it out for a look, but was forced back by resentment before she even got close.

Zhao Ling'er said: "This sword is inserted into the teleportation array, so that we didn't react after entering the array... Why don't I try it with a spell?"

Chen Qing thought for a moment and shook her head. A skinny camel was bigger than a horse. Although Jiang Qing died, he was still an elite of the Shushan Sect during his lifetime.

If, like in the game, the sword awakens its soul, it would be better to let him deal with it. After all, he has an official position in the underworld and can suppress ghosts.

When Chen Qing was having a headache about how to get to the next floor, Jiang Waner appeared. After learning that the two women only wanted to go to the lower floor, the kind-hearted Jiang Waner took the initiative to help and sent the two to the lower floor. Along the way, Chen Qing and her two daughters also became familiar with Jiang Waner, and asked some sideways questions about Jiang Qing's stories.

After sending Chen Qing and Zhao Ling'er to the lower level, Jiang Wan'er wanted to leave, but Zhao Ling'er stopped her: "Sister Jiang, aren't you going to leave the Demon Locking Tower?"

Jiang Waner shook her head: "Although there are rumors that as long as you eat ninety-nine people or a thousand monsters, you will have the ability to escape from the Monster Lock Tower. But this is just a rumor after all. It is more like a trick from the outside world to trick the monsters here into talking to each other. Massacre... Well, there should be no way out. Since I was born here, I plan to stay here with my father's bones. His resentment cannot be dissipated, so how can I leave."

Chen Qing said: "Sister Jiang, you don't have to worry. My brother will come in to look for us soon. He is the judge of the underworld. Maybe there is a way to send your father to reincarnation."


"Of course. You have helped us, I will definitely not lie to you."

"Thank you. Then...I will stay by your father's side. If your brother enters the Demon Locking Tower, I will take her to find you."

"Thank you."

Chen Qing and Zhao Ling'er said goodbye to Jiang Wan'er and continued to look for the entrance to the lower level. Since Chen Qing did not have barrier-breaking eyes, she could only look for it with Zhao Ling'er.

Fortunately, the two of them defeated ghosts and monsters. In less than an hour, they finally found the teleportation array leading to the lower level. In front of the array, there was a jar sealed by a yellow talisman.

"……let me out."

A rich man's voice came from the jar.

"Uncle Master, then, someone in that jar is asking for help." Zhao Ling'er said.

Chen Qing walked to the altar and squatted down, knocked on the jar with her hand and said, "Hey, hey, can you hear it inside? Can you hear a squeaking sound?"

"……let me out."

These four words kept repeating in the jar.

Zhao Ling'er said worriedly: "Uncle Master, you said that there are many big demons in this Demon Locking Tower. Is it possible that the ones inside... are the same?"

Chen Qing naturally knew that these were the most powerful demons, named "Tiangui Emperor".

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor is the leader of the Heavenly Ghost Clan. As his name suggests, he is very domineering, extremely loyal, and knows how to repay kindness. But he has no brains, is easily taken advantage of, and is somewhat vain.

Decades ago, out of his deep sense of loyalty, he was trying to rescue the demon flag bearer brother who tricked Jiang Qing into entering the tower. As a result, he was sucked into the demon altar and has been imprisoned until now.

Chen Qing felt that he must let go, but he had to figure out how to deceive him first. After all, what this guy is best at is repaying kindness in reverse.

Chen Qing turned back to look at Zhao Ling'er: "Can you play a musical instrument?"

"Ah?" Zhao Ling'er was stunned, then shook his head.

"Come and let me teach you." Chen Qing took out the erhu and handed it to Zhao Ling'er, teaching her to play the simplest and most lethal tune to ghosts——

"The First Appearance of Buddha's Light".

Zhao Ling'er, on the other hand, was similar to Li Xiaoyao in that his comprehension level was ridiculously high. In less than half an hour, he could already play the erhu more smoothly than Chen Qing.

"Dharma instruments and music scores are very lethal to ghosts. If the evil ghost is released from the altar and he wants to deal with us, use "The First Appearance of the Buddha's Light" to deal with him."

"Okay, uncle."

"Back off."

After Chen Qing asked Zhao Ling'er to retreat, she took out her recorder and opened the yellow talisman on the demon altar. She heard a "bang" sound and a black smoke exploded from the altar.

A ghost man with green hair and a blue face appeared wearing a general's armor.

"Hahaha! I finally came out!" The Heavenly Ghost Emperor looked at Chen Qing with a big smile and said with a loud smile, "Did you let me out? Well, then I should repay you."

"Oh? How are you going to repay us?" Chen Qing asked.

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor laughed heartily and grabbed Chen Qing with one claw: "My reward is to eat you and make you a part of me!"

"What a beautiful idea!" Chen Qing flashed her hand and appeared next to Zhao Ling'er the next moment.

Then, the dihu ensemble version of "The First Appearance of the Buddha's Light" played. Originally, the erhu version of "The First Appearance of the Buddha's Light" was already very awkward, but fortunately Zhao Ling'er's understanding moved back a bit and she played it in a decent manner.

But when Chen Qing's clarinet sounded, it was like a thousand cat demons scratching the wall with their claws at the same time. If Zhao Ling'er hadn't been determined, he might have been led astray by Chen Qing in an instant.

At this time, not only was Zhao Ling'er uninjured, nor was her strength affected by her pregnancy, the power in her Nuwa bloodline invisibly affected the Erhu's sonic attack, which immediately tortured the Heavenly Ghost Emperor to unspeakable agony.

"Ah - ah! It's so noisy, it's so noisy! What do you two mean? I repay you with my kindness, but you torture me with your devilish sounds!" the Heavenly Ghost Emperor covered his ears and cursed.

Chen Qing was playing the recorder and couldn't answer the question, so she had to let Zhao Ling'er take over.

"You repay kindness with revenge, you stinking monster!" Unfortunately, Zhao Ling'er didn't know how to criticize people at all.

The Ghost King said angrily: "The way we ghosts repay humanity is to eat their bodies and make them our companions!"

"Wait, listen to me first!" Chen Qing stopped playing the flute and already had a plan to deceive him.

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor raised his head arrogantly and said, "Let me tell you what last wishes you have. When I have eaten ninety-nine people and left this Demon Locking Tower, I might be able to fulfill it for you."

Chen Qing spread her hands and said helplessly: "I can understand that you have to eat ninety-nine people to leave the Demon Locking Tower, but... we are not human either."

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor was stunned when he heard this, and then said: "It's okay to eat a thousand monsters."

"But we are not monsters either." Chen Qing continued.

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor took a closer look and found that Chen Qing was neither a human nor a demon, but actually a soul: "Wait, why are you a ghost too? But your aura..."

Chen Qing made a move, her figure suddenly dimmed a bit, and then said: "I am a ghost cultivator, so I don't need your help, I am already a ghost clan."

"This..." The Heavenly Ghost Emperor was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to do.

When Chen Qing saw the Heavenly Ghost Emperor being speechless, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that he was indeed the IQ of the Immortal Sword. Chen Qing was fooled by him in just one or two sentences. No wonder he was imprisoned in the demon altar for decades.

Chen Qing took the opportunity to say again: "What's more, if we didn't let you out, there wouldn't be anything like this, right?"

"Yes." The Heavenly Ghost Emperor nodded subconsciously.

Chen Qingdao continued: "Since the incident happened because of me, we should bear the responsibility. You don't have to be responsible, don't you think so?"

"That's right." The Heavenly Ghost Emperor nodded.

Chen Qing said again: "Since it is our responsibility, then you don't have to follow the rules of your ghost clan. And our way of repaying you is not suitable for us."

"But we are all ghosts, what should I do to repay you?" asked the Ghost Emperor.

Chen Qing said: "It's easy... We want to go down to the lower level to find a way out of the tower. Why don't you go with us? We can have someone to take care of you along the way."

"That's fine." The Heavenly Ghost Emperor nodded decisively.

Zhao Linger:? ? ?

Is this... okay?

"Tsk, tsk, it's really easy to fool me." Chen Qing couldn't help but sigh in her heart. No wonder she kept thinking about escaping through the gate all day long.

Chen Qing and Zhao Ling'er found the way to the lower level with the help of the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, and encountered a green-skinned ghost with "difficulty in choosing" in front of the lower level teleportation array.

The green-skinned ghost stood in front of the formation, not knowing whether to step with his left foot or his right foot in the next step, so he struggled for decades.

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor originally wanted to kill the green-skinned ghost directly. Considering the needs of the plot, Chen Qing found the wisdom in the Demon Locking Tower to act as the "book fairy" according to the plot, and then gave the answer: "If you chop off both feet at the same time, it will be gone." Trouble” passed the level successfully.

This time, not only Zhao Ling'er, but also Chen Qing was speechless by this "high IQ". Only the Heavenly Ghost Emperor looked like "That's it".

Chen Qing and Zhao Ling'er met the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, the Green-skinned Ghost and the Book Fairy Queen, and went all the way to the bottom. The only thing left was to destroy the Dragon Pillar.

Of course, Chen Qing couldn't do it with her strength, so she prepared to rest on the spot and wait for Lin Ge to enter. In order to hold back the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, he proposed a "landlord fight".

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor was stupid, but fortunately he quickly learned how to fight the landlords, so the five of them started fighting the landlords on this floor until Lin Ge came down.

At this moment, Chen Qing and Zhao Ling'er were talking to Lin Ge. Green Skinned Ghost and Book Fairy took advantage of the three people's conversation to "fill in" and compete with the Heavenly Ghost Emperor.

"Hey, it's your turn to play your cards." The Heavenly Ghost Emperor looked at the green-skinned ghost and urged.

The green-skinned ghost looked at the seventeen cards in his hand and struggled: "Oh, should I use an A to push you one card, or should I use a 2 to directly push your head."


Everyone was speechless.

"Ahem, everyone, I think we should discuss together how to leave this Demon Locking Tower?" Lin Ge asked tentatively.

Lin Ge didn't expect that the most critical part of destroying the Demon Locking Tower, "finding the Immortal in the Book", had already been completed by Chen Qing. He also tricked the Heavenly Ghost Emperor into joining the team, and there was also Jiang Waner... So as long as he gathered his combat power and went there Destroy the dragon pillar on the lowest level and everyone can go out.

Chen Qing also looked at the Immortal in the Book and said: "Old Immortal, you said before that you have read all the classics and history in your life, read the works of hundreds of schools of thought, and read countless scriptures in the three realms of heaven, earth and man over the past five hundred years, discussing the abyss of knowledge and the breadth of knowledge. , even the gods and Buddhas in heaven may not be able to compare with you, and you are the smartest immortal in this Demon Locking Tower, so you should know the real way to leave this Demon Locking Tower, right?"

Chen Qing was so excited after hearing the book's praises that she couldn't help stroking her gray beard and laughing: "Hahaha! This makes me feel comfortable! If you want to understand the principles of heaven and earth and solve the mysteries of ancient and modern times, come and ask me about the book. Immortal, that’s right! This is the way to leave the Demon Locking Tower..."

"It's your turn to play your cards!" The Heavenly Ghost Emperor finally waited until the green-skinned ghost played his cards, but the book fairy next to him started to write ink again.

"Cough, cough." Chen Qing didn't expect to teach a card fan, and suddenly said in embarrassment: "Tiangui Emperor, don't you want to get out of this Demon Locking Tower?"

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor said: "Well, I have been busy for hundreds of years, but I am not locked up here. But now that I have these cards, I don't feel so boring."

"Oh, then you don't know how much the world outside has changed now, and there are many more fun things than these cards." Chen Qing said.


"Really, I swear on my brother's character that I will never lie to you." Chen Qing said swornly.

Lin Ge:......

"Hey, old man, do you really have a way to get out?" Tiangui Emperor looked at Shuxian and asked.

The Book Fairy said proudly: "Of course, I am the Book Fairy now. Ahem. There is only one way to leave this Demon Locking Tower - break the tower!"

"What the hell kind of trick is this!" the Heavenly Ghost Emperor cursed disdainfully.

The immortal in the book explained: "This pagoda was built five hundred and eighty-four years ago by Emperor Wu of Liang who gathered diamond white jade from all over the world and summoned thousands of first-class craftsmen who spent twenty years to build it. He also invited countless eminent monks and magicians to build it inside and outside the pagoda. After activating countless forbidden spells and going through hundreds of years of changes, this tower was taken over by the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect."

"From a theoretical point of view, this tower has only an entrance and no exit, and the walls on all sides are difficult to destroy even with magical weapons. Lightning strikes and fire cannot damage them, and magical spells are even more indestructible. The entire tower is due to the forbidden curse. , it cannot open any exits to the other six paths, let alone teleport out. Therefore, only by focusing on the weaknesses of its architectural structure can everyone find a way out."

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor scolded: "I've been talking nonsense for a long time, so what should we do?"

The book says: "In the blood pool purgatory at the bottom, there are eleven sword pillars. Seven of them are arranged in the direction of the Big Dipper Pan-Dragon Formation, and the remaining three are arranged in the direction of the dragon's tail, which means locking the dragon's tail. . The most important thing is that once the sword on the dragon head is nailed, the flying dragon is trapped on the land, rising to the sky and falling to the ground. As long as these sword pillar supports are destroyed, the entire Demon Locking Tower can be destroyed."

"So that's it, then let's leave for the lower level immediately!" The Heavenly Ghost Emperor looked happy. After being imprisoned for hundreds of years, he could finally go out and see new things in the world.

At this moment, as a familiar aura appeared, Lin Ge sensed that Huang Ni should have entered the Demon Locking Tower, and immediately took out the transmission talisman.

The two of them were in the tower together and quickly connected the transmission notes.

"Why did you come in?" Lin Ge asked.

Huang Ni replied: "You can only get in and out of the Demon Locking Tower. To get out, you can only destroy the dragon pillar according to the method provided by the book fairy in the plot. I was worried about you, so I simply came in to help. Where are you now?"

"Above the blood pool, wait, I'll ask Miss Jiang to pick you up." After Lin Ge finished speaking, he told Jiang Waner about Huang Ni's situation and asked her to go up and help pick him up.

Jiang Wan'er has lived in the Demon Locking Tower for eighteen years. She has magical powers and is familiar with the road. With her help, Huang Ni can save a lot of energy.

After waiting for less than half an hour, Jiang Waner successfully took Huang Ni to the lower level.

"Master's wife!"

"Sister Ni!"

Chen Qing and Zhao Ling'er were very happy when they saw Huang Ni. After all, Huang Ni stayed alone last night to hold off those biochemical monsters, and the two women were also worried that something would happen to her.

Lin Ge asked: "Did you come to Shushan Sect to alert the old guy?"

"Who said no? As soon as I got close to the Demon Locking Tower, I was spotted by the old guy. Yujian chased me all the way." Huang Ni said helplessly.

At this moment, Huang Ni appeared here safe and sound, obviously not injured. Chen Qing suddenly turned into stars and asked: "Then, what, did you beat that smelly old man? That Lonely Sword Master is so annoying, he doesn't even have a chance to take action. If you don’t give it to me, just throw me in.”

Huang Ni said: "I asked him if he had imprisoned you all. He said that I am a ghost and immortal, which is against the laws of heaven, and he wanted to imprison me together. When I killed the three corpses, he didn't know that he was playing with mud, and they combined in a fit of anger. The green sword and the red sword restrained him, gave him a sword, and then entered the tower."


Lin Ge: ...Good guy, as expected of you.

Zhao Ling'er: ...Master Niang is mighty.

Chen Qing: ...Sister Ni is domineering!

However, Huang Ni has a good temper and does not have the same experience as the "junior" Dugu Sword Master. If he wants to be replaced by Huang Shang, he must not dismantle the Shushan sect as well.

Of course, Huang Ni's current level of reconstruction is only at the Dacheng level. If he really wants to compete with Dugu Sword Master, he probably can only use the power of the red and green swords to fight and run away.

Huang Ni came, adding another member to Lin Ge's fighting strength. When everyone gathered together, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor summoned all the demons and ghosts in the tower, and hundreds of them went to the lower level.

On the lowest floor of the Demon Locking Tower, there are eleven "huge stone swords" more than ten meters high stuck in a huge sea of ​​blood. The top hilt of each stone sword just touches the ceiling.

But as soon as the Heavenly Ghost Emperor's army, which was originally full of momentum, saw the demon-transforming water bubbling with blood in the "blood pool", it suddenly stopped.

"Old man, are you kidding me! Not to mention my subordinates, I can't stand it if I get even a little bit of the demon-transforming water in this pool. How can I dive down and destroy the dragon pillar without being completely transformed?" The Heavenly Ghost Emperor grabbed the book. The scroll possessed by Zhongxian cursed angrily.

The Book Fairy hurriedly said: "The people who originally designed this tower injected monster-transforming water at the bottom of the tower to prevent monsters from escaping from the soil at the bottom of the tower. On the other hand, it was also to protect the sword pillars from corrosion. But they did not expect that, One day there will be humans who will reach the lowest level. The monster water is fatal to monsters, but harmless to humans."

After a pause, the book fairy continued: "However, the designer also paid attention to leaving a very viscous layer of grease on the surface of the demon water. Considering the weight of this fellow Taoist, I am afraid it will be difficult to dive into it. . After you go down, there will be an evil dragon guarding the sword pillar. If you go down alone, you won’t know whether you can defeat him... The most important thing is that when you destroy the dragon pillar, you will definitely alert the Prison Suppressing King who is guarding the Demon Locking Tower."

Lin Ge was able to include Huang Ni and Chen Qing in the astrolabe, and then he could lead them down to the blood pool, so that there was no such thing as the power of one person, but the prison-suppressing king was a bit difficult to deal with.

According to the plot in the game, the Prison-Suppressing King was ultimately defeated by Zhao Ling'er's Nuwa power, so Zhao Ling'er is the key to dealing with the Prison-Suppressing King.

Lin Ge thought for a moment, looked at Chen Qing, and winked in the direction of the Heavenly Ghost Emperor. Chen Qing immediately understood and immediately started to flatter: "Immortal old man, what do you mean by this? You look down on me, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor. Big brother? I am just a prison-suppressing king, but my brother, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, can fight ten of them, okay? I think back when the Heavenly Ghost Emperor’s brother was able to conquer all the invincible opponents in the world, that was (500 words omitted here)... Besides, aren’t there a bunch of ghosts and generals, as well as the power of Lingzi Nuwa! How can they not be able to deal with a prison-suppressing king?”

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor blinked and said in a daze, "Was I so powerful back then?"


Huang Ni said: "As far as I know, the dragon guarding the dragon pillar under the Demon Locking Tower is not a real dragon. After we go down, we can find one to test its combat power. If it is easy to deal with, we will kill it as quickly as possible and then come up to support you. If If it is difficult to deal with him, he will trigger the Dragon Pillar and then come up to deal with King Zhenyu Ming first, and then find a way to destroy the Dragon Pillar."

Lin Ge agreed: "Yes, you don't have to kill them one by one to destroy the dragon pillars. I still have a lot of high explosives and artillery shells here."

The Ghost Emperor looked at Huang Ni strangely: "...You are also a soul body now, right? This demon-turning water is not only effective on demons, it is also very lethal to ghosts!" (End of Chapter)

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