"Do disciples of the Shangqing Sect have this attitude towards their elders?" The Lonely Sword Master glanced at Li Xiaoyao without any emotion, and Li Xiaoyao immediately felt as if there was an invisible big hand in the air, squeezing his throat. , even breathing became unsmooth.

Lin Ge stretched out his hand, and with a sword cry, the black sword flew out, directly cutting off the spiritual pressure of Dugu Sword Master, and hovering in front of Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Dugu Sword Master with an evil look: "You dare to do it but you don't want to admit it?"

Lin Ge's face turned cold, he looked at Dugu Sword Master and asked, "Senior, what do you mean? As early as last night, I presented the evidence, but I fell into someone else's trick, so I had no choice but to retreat temporarily. Now that Brother Situ is here. Testify, why are my people imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower?"

Dugu Sword Master said coldly: "Evil monsters should be driven into the Demon Locking Tower."

"Evil? Monster? Old man, if your eyesight is dim, go see the doctor. Don't talk nonsense while occupying the position of the head of Shushan!" Li Xiaoyao watched helplessly as Dugu Sword Master threw Zhao Ling'er and others into the Demon Locking Tower, facing the bullying Shushan. The leader doesn't have a good impression.

As the saying goes, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, what's more, now that the master is here, he can finally vent the grievances he suffered overnight.

Dugu Sword Master's expression remained calm, and he looked at Li Xiaoyao and Lin Ge as usual: "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong? The soul body does not go to the underworld to be reincarnated, but practices evil methods and evil methods, which is against the way of heaven. More What’s more, the ghost tribe behaves strangely and should not appear in the world. And the other person is actually a snake demon. If they are left alone, they will only endanger the people."

"Watching the people's life and death but doing nothing, and just standing in the air and maintaining a graceful heart, the stone-hearted man will actually think about the people one day?" Lin Ge sarcastically asked.

Dugu Sword Master said: "As a disciple of the Qing sect on Maoshan Mountain, you should know that we ascetics are most afraid of being seduced by fox spirits and ghosts, losing our minds, and thus falling into the devil's way! Don't you understand this truth?"

Lin Ge said coldly: "I have no interest in listening to your big principles. Please release them immediately! The leader of the Shushan Sect is nothing more than that. As my disciple said, if you are blind, go see a doctor, Nuwa Future generations will not be able to recognize her, and she is a demon snake, but if she is a demon, you will be a thousand-year-old demon!"

Dugu Sword Master obviously would not be angered by Lin Ge's words, and just said calmly: "You should give up this idea, the Demon Locking Tower is another world, and the monsters trapped in the tower have no way to be released. .”

When Lin Ge got angry, Qianshi Nuo's face instantly turned into an "angry face" and appeared. He reached out and made a move, and the black sword flew into his hand. Upon seeing this, Jiujianxian quickly stepped out of the way and stood between him and Dugu Swordsman.

"Hey, hey, what's going on with you two, that you suddenly got into a fight?"

Lin Ge looked at the Dugu Sword Master behind him and said coldly: "You won't let me go, right? Believe it or not, I demolished your Demon Locking Tower today!"

"In the hundred years since our sect was founded, no one has ever come back alive after entering the tower. If you are not afraid of death, just do it!" Dugu Sword Master didn't seem to want to talk to Lin Ge anymore and walked away.

Looking at the leaving Dugu Sword Master, Jiu Sword Master sighed: "Brother Lin, you are kidding me!"

"Brother Situ, I'm not just talking." Lin Ge said seriously.

The Jiujianxian was stunned and saw that Lin Ge really wasn't joking, so he quickly advised him: "My senior brother is right, it is easy to enter the Demon Locking Tower but difficult to get out... Oh, this is also my fault, if I come back If you are more timely, you can prevent senior brother from sending your friends into the tower."

Lin Ge didn't answer, turned around and walked out.

"Brother Lin, the monsters in the Monster Locking Tower are all extremely vicious monsters. For hundreds of years, no one has come out alive after entering the tower." Jiujianxian chased after him and said.

Li Xiaoyao also chased him out of the hall: "Master, I will accompany you!"

Lin Ge thought for a moment and shook his head: "No, Xiaoyao, I have other things for you to do..."

Then he said a few words in Li Xiaoyao's ear, and then turned back to look at Jiujianxian: "Brother Situ, I hope you can take care of my three friends while I enter the Demon Locking Tower."

Jiu Jianxian glanced at Gu Shijia and the other three who were also chasing after them, and sighed: "Oh, Brother Lin... you go, I will help you take care of them."

Lin Ge nodded, threw the black sword away, jumped on the black sword, and flew toward the Demon Locking Tower towering into the sky at the back of Shushan Sect.

Li Xiaoyao looked at Lin Ge's leaving figure, looked at Lin Yueru and said, "Miss Lin, my master told me how to find your father and ordered me to accompany you to find Lord Lin."

Lin Ge came to the Demon Locking Tower, put away his sword, and walked towards the main entrance of the Demon Locking Tower.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped into a Bagua diagram on the floor in front of the door, his eyes flashed and he was transported to the top of the Demon Locking Tower.

The top space is not large, and there is also a Bagua teleportation array on the floor directly in front.

Lin Ge was about to walk into the formation when he saw a six-armed monster five or six meters tall suddenly appearing in front of him, sitting cross-legged and hovering in the air.

"Who are you and why are you here?" The voice was like a drum, deafening.

Lin Ge remembered that this "monster" was actually the King of Zhenyu Ming who guarded the Demon Locking Tower. He was formerly a disciple of the Shushan Sect, and later used his companions to practice evil magic and become an immortal.

He originally wanted to break through the underground burial ground in Shushan Mountain, massacre Yao Lei, and gain greater power, but after being stopped, he was named the "Prison Suppressing King" by the gods to guard the Demon Locking Tower and prevent the demons in the tower from escaping.

In the end, Li Xiaoyao and the other three teamed up to defeat him and died from Zhao Ling'er's Nuwa power.

This guy is the "big boss" of the Demon Locking Tower, and his strength is already at the immortal level. Lin Ge's current strength is still difficult to deal with.

However, he has plenty of ways to fool this guy.

The world of gods.

Everyone works for it.

Lin Ge took out the judge's pen and the judge's order, showed the order, and said: "I am the left judge of the Yinlu Division. I was ordered by the King of Hell to go to the Demon Locking Tower to find someone. Who are you?"

"I am the patron saint of this tower, the King of Prison Suppression! You are looking for someone, but I am afraid you are looking in the wrong place. There are only monsters in the Demon Locking Tower, not humans. If a mortal body enters the tower, there will be no life, so please retreat quickly! "

Lin Ge said: "They are said to be 'people', but they are actually two ghosts. One of them is really a 'snake', but she is actually a Miao saint who is a descendant of Nuwa."

"Are you a Shushan disciple?" King Zhenyu Ming asked.

Lin Ge denied: "No."

Prince Zhenyu Ming said: "I am ordered to guard this place to prevent the demons in the tower from escaping. Except for the Shushan disciples, others who want to enter the tower are not included in the ban. If you want to enter, I don't have to stop you. You can do it yourself."

After saying that, the figure of Prince Zhen Yuming gradually faded and disappeared from Lin Ge's eyes.

Lin Ge stepped into the Bagua array on the floor in front of him, his eyes flashed once again, and he had reached the next floor.

The space on this floor was several times larger than the previous one, and there were gusty winds. As soon as Lin Ge came down, his keen sense of smell caught the ghosts wandering here.

Perhaps the yang energy of the living person in Lin Ge attracted the attention of these resentful ghosts. A faint ghostly howl was heard, and the candlelight on the wall swayed in the absence of wind, as if It will be extinguished at any time.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of resentful ghosts gathered towards the entrance.

Lin Singer turned the page, and the judge's pen appeared in his hand. He glanced around and said, "If you want to die, you can just keep going forward. It will be a good time to gain some merit."


These resentful ghosts suddenly dispersed like birds and beasts, disappearing in the blink of an eye. Even the candles on the wall no longer flickered, and even became a little brighter.

Not to mention the resentful ghosts, even if the evil ghosts came now, as soon as Lin Ge showed the judge's order, the judge's coercion alone could kill the evil ghost instantly.

Lin Ge took out an exorcism talisman and stuck it against the wall. Then he used Ma's soul-sealing technique and grabbed it with his hand, pulling out a ghost from the wall.

"Lord Judge, have mercy on me, Lord Judge, have mercy on me!" Li Gui begged for mercy.

Lin Ge asked: "Where is the entrance to the lower level?"

"Young man, take the judge immediately and ask the judge to spare my life!" After Lin Ge let go of Li Gui, he kept kowtowing and begging for mercy.

"lead the way."


With Li Gui leading the way, Lin Ge saved himself the trouble of searching for the teleportation array in the Demon Locking Tower, and found the teleportation array leading to the next level under Li Gui's guidance.

Stepping into the formation, Lin Ge went down another level.

This floor is several times larger than the space on the previous floor. It is unknown whether it was formed "naturally" by the Demon Locking Tower or due to man-made influence. Several overlapping mazes were laid out.

But this had no effect on Lin Ge at all. Once he opened his "Obstacle Breaking Eyes", he could see through the maze of formations and easily find the teleportation formation in the center.

In the corner next to the formation, I saw a corpse wearing a Taoist robe similar to that of the Jiujianxian, sitting cross-legged, with a sword full of resentment stuck in front of him.

Lin Ge called out the judge's pen and danced towards the sword, wanting to resolve the resentment on the sword, but he didn't want to awaken the soul in the withered bones.

"Oh, Senior Brother, I'm sorry for you! I'm sorry for you!" The withered bones let out bursts of wailing, which made the human hair and bones tremble.

Lin Ge turned his left hand and pointed his head toward the withered bones. He saw a remnant soul summoned by the judge's order and appeared above the corpse.

"Who are you?" the resentful soul asked.

Lin Ge asked, "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Ah - who am I! Woo hoo hoo, senior brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you!" The resentful soul seemed to have lost its memory, holding its head and wailing continuously.

Although Lin Ge didn't remember the plot related to this person at first, there were detailed records in the "strategy" made by Gu Shijia.

This soul is named "Jiang Qing". He was originally a disciple of Shushan, but he fell in love with the daughter of the Demon King and lived in seclusion in the Ice and Fire Cave in the back mountain of Emei.

Later, as the power of the demon clan gradually grew and the Demon Lord's demonic skills were about to be completed, the head of Shushan at that time decided to gather the strongest disciples under the sect to set up the Tiangang Thirty-Six Sword Formation in order to eliminate the leader of the demon clan and completely attack the demon clan's power.

Jiang Qing was recalled by the gate order. On the eve of the war, he was bewitched by the demon flag envoy, telling him that his beloved wife had been caught by the elders of Shushan and thrown into the Demon Locking Tower. Life would be worse than death.

Regardless of the battle, Jiang Qing rushed into the tower to find his beloved wife.

After learning about the evil plot of the demon clan, the daughter of the demon king broke into the Shushan sect alone. She was injured by the leader of the Shushan sect and took the opportunity to escape into the Demon Locking Tower.

After the leader of Shushan learned the whole story, he sent dozens of disciples to fall into the Demon Locking Tower. They must rescue Jiang Qing and kill the daughter of the Demon Lord. Unfortunately, they were all buried in the Demon Locking Tower.

At that time, the Shushan Sect lost its elite and could not gather the number of people in the Tiangang Sword Formation, so it could only barely defeat the Demon Lord. Therefore, it was established that Shushan Sect disciples were not allowed to enter the Demon Locking Tower without permission.

Jiang Qing had been tortured to the point of being reduced to a human form in the tower. Although the Demon Lord's daughter was pregnant and seriously injured, she still tried her best to heal Jiang Qing, and finally she was exhausted.

The Demon Lord's daughter was seriously injured, and the daughter in her belly was protected by her true energy. At this time, in order to save Jiang Qingqi, the Demon Lord's daughter knew that she was hopeless, so she passed the last bit of power into her daughter's body and died.

When Jiang Xingqing woke up, he was extremely heartbroken, so he named his daughter Wan'er after his beloved wife, and they lived together in the Demon Locking Tower.

In the future, Jiang Qing told Jiang Wan'er all the past events, and taught his daughter all the Shushan sect's unique skills combined with demonic martial arts.

Later, Li Xiaoyao entered the Demon Locking Tower to rescue Zhao Ling'er. After destroying the Demon Locking Tower, Jiang Waner also left and came to Mount Emei to found the Xianxia Sect, claiming to be Qingrou Zhenren, and started teaching disciples.

When Lin Ge saw Jiang Qing's body, he had a plan in mind to deal with the stalker.

This time in the leader mode, the enemy was in darkness and we were clear. The opponent first destroyed most of Suzhou City, and then tempted the Shushan faction to take action.

Lin Ge knew without thinking that the next step for this stalker would be to use a specially prepared biochemical virus to spread poison around the world to confuse the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult who dreamed of unifying the world.

Dugu Sword Master, the ceiling combat power on Zhengfang's side, is a stubborn old man. It is difficult to fool him under normal circumstances. A new force like Jiang Waner is crucial.

After all, he has practiced and integrated the Shushan School's secret techniques and the Demon Lord's secret techniques since he was a child, and his strength will definitely be among the top among the demons in the entire Demon Locking Tower.

Then gather the Heavenly Ghost Emperor and other "big demons" in the Demon Locking Tower, and assemble a demon army, as well as the power of Lin Family Fort and Nan Wulin, to fight against the Moon Worship Sect!

Thinking of this, Lin Ge raised the judge's pen and drew the word "Edict" in the air. Jiang Qing, who was originally a little confused and irritable, immediately calmed down.

Then, Jiang Qing glanced at Lin Ge with a scrutinizing gaze and said coldly: "Huh? Living people, how can living people enter the Demon Locking Tower? Who is your master? Didn't he tell you that living people cannot enter the Demon Locking Tower? ?”

Lin Ge: ...Yes.

You have become a resentful spirit, but you still remember the sect rules?

Lin Ge flashed the judge's pen and the judge's order in his hand, and then said: "I am Lin Ge, the left judge of the Yinlu Division, here to look for someone."

"It turns out to be the judge of the underworld. Are you... here to judge my crimes?" Jiang Qing calmed down immediately when he saw the judge's order in Lin Singer's hand.

Lin Ge asked: "What crime did you commit?"

Jiang Qing told Lin Ge about "killing" his senior brothers, and what he said was basically consistent with the "strategy" written by Gu Shijia.

"Please don't hurt my daddy." At this moment, the wall shook, and then a girl wearing ethnic minority clothing appeared in front of Lin Ge.

Although this girl looks young and fair-skinned, she has a unique charm.


Jiang Waner bowed to Lin Ge: "My little girl's name is Jiang Waner, and she is his daughter. For eighteen years, my father's soul has been unable to free himself from self-blame until his death, and he has been in a confused memory. Thank you, Lord Judge, thank you You awakened his consciousness."

Lin Ge said: "But did you know that he is just a remnant soul now, and he cannot even be reincarnated? There is a risk of dissipating at any time?"

"I know, but..." Jiang Waner bit her lip. After a while of silence, she finally raised her head and looked at Lin Ge and asked, "Master Judge, you are from the underworld. Can you send my father to be reincarnated? Waner is willing to spend the rest of his life." I will repay you, serve you, and go through fire and water without any hesitation!"

Jiang Qing heard the words and said anxiously: "Wan'er, no! I am already a remnant soul and have committed unforgivable sins. How can I let you spend the rest of my life in exchange for..."

"No, daddy, this... is what Wan'er should do. Wan'er doesn't want to see you so distraught that you will never be reincarnated," Jiang Wan'er said anxiously.

Looking at the "arguing" father and daughter in front of him, Lin Ge was speechless for a while.

You two, are you so sure that I can send a remnant soul to be reincarnated?

While watching the two father and daughter arguing about whether to reincarnate or not, Lin Ge, who had originally planned to increase Jiang Waner's favorability, said: "Your father's soul is too damaged, so I can only give it a try. As for the rewards for the rest of my life, I guess No need. I just need you to help me once when I need Miss Wan'er!"

"Wan'er is willing!" Jiang Waner responded quickly.

Lin Ge pinched the magic formula and summoned the "Book of Life and Death". Although this was not a genuine product and was just a batch product distributed to the judges, it had the effect of collecting souls.

After being recorded in the "Book of Life and Death", Lin Ge only needs to send it to the underworld of the current world. After accepting the "trial" of the underworld and confirming that it can be reincarnated, it can enter the reincarnation cycle and record a meritorious deed.

Judge Lin Ge waved his pen and said: "Jiang Qing, since you are dead, you will have to pay double what you owe in this life and the next life. I will record you in the "Book of Life and Death", and you will be sent to the underworld for trial before you can enter reincarnation. .”

"Thank you, Lord Judge." Jiang Qing and Jiang Waner paid their respects to Lin Ge at the same time.

Lin Ge wrote Jiang Qing's name in the "Book of Life and Death", and the other party turned into a black smoke and flew into the "Book of Life and Death", waiting to be sent to the underworld.

Lin Ge put away the judge's pen, looked at Jiang Waner and asked, "Have you lived here for eighteen years?"

Jiang Waner nodded: "My mother gave birth to me here...so I have been in this Demon Locking Tower since I was born."

Lin Ge asked curiously: "There are so many monsters here, how did you survive?"

Jiang Wan'er replied: "I am half of the blood of the monster race, not to mention that for the sake of my dead mother, other monsters will not do anything to me."

Lin Ge asked: "Do you know a way to leave here?"

Jiang Waner thought for a while and said: "It is rumored that the monsters here can escape from the Monster Lock Tower as long as they eat ninety-nine people, or a thousand monsters. But this is just a rumor after all. I remember that I once ate a thousand monsters." The big monster of monsters still couldn’t escape from the Monster Lock Tower.”

Lin Ge nodded, thinking that after finding Huang Ni and the others, if they wanted to leave the Demon Locking Tower, they would have to follow the plot of "Sword of Immortal 1" and destroy the dragon pillar from the bottom of the tower.

Seeing Lin Ge's frown, Jiang Wan'er asked, "I don't know why the judge came to this Demon Locking Tower. If there is anything Wan'er can help with, please feel free to ask."

Lin Ge told Jiang Waner about the Dugu Sword Master throwing Huang Ni, Chen Qing and Zhao Linger into the tower, and briefly described their appearance.

"Eh? Lord Judge, you are actually here to look for Sister Qing and Ling'er? Ah - Sir, are you the 'brother' that Sister Qing said is so capable that you will definitely enter the tower to save her?" Jiang Waner said in surprise.

Lin Ge: ...Qing, sister, sister?

Good guy, in just one night, Chen Qing has already become familiar with the monsters in the Monster Lock Tower?

"Yes, do you know where they are?" Lin Ge asked.

Jiang Wan'er said: "Sir, don't worry, they are safe. Wan'er will take you to find Sister Qing and the others now. Please come with me."

Lin Ge followed Jiang Waner to a certain floor in the middle of the Demon Locking Tower, and then saw Chen Qing, Zhao Linger and several ghosts sitting on the ground...

Landlord fight!

"Bomb! Hahaha! I won, Heavenly Ghost Emperor, you lost again, then as agreed, you have to take us to the next level!" Chen Qing said with a proud smile.

"..." Lin Ge didn't know how to describe his mood for a while.

At this moment, Zhao Ling'er noticed Jiang Waner and Lin Ge entering the center of this floor, and immediately ran over in surprise: "Master!"

"elder brother!"

Lin Ge was relieved when he saw that the two of them were okay, but thinking about it, Chen Qing was also a reincarnation after all, and she naturally knew the plot of "Sword of Immortality". She should have no problem dealing with a simple-minded and powerful Heavenly Ghost Emperor with her mind. .

"Why are you two alone, where is Huang Ni?" Lin Ge asked.

Chen Qing said: "Sister Ni? Sister Ni didn't enter the Demon Locking Tower..."


Chen Qing told Lin Ge what happened last night. Hidden Dragon Cave had long been captured by stalkers and turned into a base camp for biological monsters.

The demons in the Hidden Dragon Cave were affected by the virus and turned into more terrifying monsters. Not only can they regenerate instantly like biochemical monsters, but they also have the strength of the original demons.

In order to cover the retreat of Chen Qing and others, Huang Ni single-handedly dragged down the demons in the Hidden Dragon Cave. However, Chen Qing and others were killed by the Dugu Sword Master who arrived before Chen Qing and others could run far.

Dugu Sword Master saw through Zhao Ling'er's identity as a "snake demon" at a glance. Chen Qing couldn't help but say a few words, and then she and Zhao Ling'er were thrown into the Demon Locking Tower.

With Huang Ni's strength, even if the demons in the Hidden Dragon Cave have ghost king-level strength, they can still run away casually if they can't be defeated.

But why did the transmission notes lose contact?

Lin Ge couldn't figure it out, so he decided to find a way to leave the Demon Locking Tower with Chen Qing and others first, and then find a way to find Huang Ni's whereabouts.

"Sister is not in the Demon Locking Tower?" At this time, Huang Shang's voice sounded in the astrolabe.

Lin Ge replied: "I originally thought that Huang Ni, Chen Qing, and Zhao Ling'er were imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower together, but I didn't expect that they were separated before."

"Can't contact me with the transmission talisman?"


"Silly, use a sword box. My sister brought a red sword and a green sword, and these two swords have the same restrictions as the sword box. They can be sensed no matter how far away they are!" Huang Shang reminded.

Upon hearing this, Lin Ge immediately took out the sword box from the astrolabe and used the magic formula that Huang Ni had taught him before to control the sword box to unfold.

Then, streaks of light appeared on the indented incantations on the outer surface of the sword box. When Lin Ge raised his hand and pressed it, a feeling similar to a soul-chasing curse suddenly appeared!

Lin Ge closed his eyes and kneaded the technique, and tried to feel the aura in the "red" and "green" sword slots. Sure enough, he felt that the red aura was moving at an extremely fast speed!

And the target is exactly...the direction of the Demon Locking Tower!


Outside the Demon Locking Tower.

Huang Ni held a green sword and stepped on a red sword, standing in the air with Dugu Sword Master and Jiu Sword Master. She raised her sword and pointed at Dugu Sword Master: "I dare to arrest my people. Believe it or not, I have demolished your Demon Locking Tower." !”


It’s amazing to hear this sentence twice in one day! (End of chapter)

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