"Don't worry, I have a way to take them down." Lin Ge replied.

In fact, except for Huang Ni and Chen Qing, Zhao Ling'er, who is a descendant of Nuwa, is a "god" and not a "demon", so he will not be affected by the demon-turning water.

But at this time, Zhao Ling'er, under Lin Ge's intervention, had not yet been tortured by the Demon Locking Tower, and had not forced out Nuwa's power to reveal the true form of the "snake demon".

Zhao Ling'er's strength during the Suzhou City period will not have much effect if he continues.

After Lin Ge discussed with the Heavenly Ghost Emperor and others the specific plan to contain King Ming, he sent Huang Ni and Chen Qing into the astrolabe and jumped into the sea of ​​blood.

"Master, be careful..." Zhao Ling'er stood by the blood pool and shouted with worry on his face.

But before the final sound of the word "ah" was over, there was a burst of blood splashing in the blood pool. Lin Ge flew back to the stage and released Huang Ni and Chen Qing.

"What happened?" The Ghost Emperor hurriedly stepped forward and asked. Lin Ge was related to whether he and the demons could leave the Demon Locking Tower. Lin Ge's every move naturally made them nervous.

Although Lin Ge had memories of the game "Sword of Immortality" and Gu Shijia also wrote him detailed strategies, everyone ignored a key issue.

The space under the blood pool is not an independent space like other levels of the Demon Locking Tower. It is an area soaked in the demon-transforming water. Therefore, there is no so-called "passing through" the demon-transforming water. The Dragon Pillar is soaked in the demon-transforming water. Transformed into demon water. If Huang Ni and Chen Qing are released from the bottom of the pool, they will also be affected by the demon-turning water.

In the original plot, Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru were human beings, and Zhao Ling'er had fully awakened the power of Nuwa, so the three of them would not be affected by the demon-turning water.


After hearing Lin Ge's explanation, everyone looked at each other speechless. They didn't know what to do for a while. After all, Lin Ge couldn't be expected to deal with seven dragons by himself.

In the end, after struggling for a long time, Huang Ni and Chen Qing could only be allowed to stay. Zhao Ling'er sneaked into the blood pool with Lin Ge, and at least they had someone to take care of them.

Soaked in the blood pool and unable to speak directly, Lin Ge could only use sound transmission to ask Zhao Ling'er to cooperate with him in investigating Long Zhu's situation.

The distribution of dragon pillars is basically as mentioned by the fairy in the book. There are seven pillars in total, arranged in the direction of the Big Dipper Pan-Dragon Formation. They need to be destroyed one by one starting from the dragon head position.

On each dragon pillar, a lifelike dragon sculpture is carved.

Lin Ge pinched the spell, opened his evil-seeking eyes and took a look, and found that there was a trace of "evil spirit" wrapped around these dragons. In other words, they were not heavenly dragons.

Seeing this, Lin Ge also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the celestial dragons were all immortal-level powers. Even in the game, Li Xiaoyao and the three of them worked together to destroy seven of them in one go.

These dragon-shaped sculptures are just "stone demons" that have absorbed the dragon's energy. Their bodies have the super strength to cast divine sword pillars, and they are still "demon" in nature.

It's just a "demon" collected by the upper realm. The situation is similar to that of the Prison-Suppressing King, but it is a few levels lower than the Prison-Suppressing King.

It is nothing more than absorbing the dragon energy of the dragons from the upper realm, allowing them to transform into dragons. Protected by the dragon energy, they are not affected by the demon-transforming water.

At this time, Zhao Ling'er made a gesture, as if asking Lin Ge whether to use magic to destroy the benefactor. Lin Ge thought for a moment, waved his hand, and instructed Zhao Ling'er to swim forward with him.

After observing around the blood pool, Lin Ge and Zhao Ling'er finally stopped in the center. Then, Lin Ge began to take out various "equipment".

Just when Zhao Ling'er thought Lin Ge was going to use some "magic weapon" to attack, Lin Ge took her back to the blood pool and back to the platform.

Everyone:? ? ?

Why are you back?

"What happened?" Huang Ni asked.

Lin Ge said: "I need you to help me build some equipment."


"Yes, an ordinary harpoon with a rope that can fly things out and then nail them to the wall..." Lin Ge briefly described a few pieces of equipment he needed.

"...You think of me as a blacksmith." Huang Ni was helpless.

Complaints are complaints, after listening to Lin Ge's "needs", Huang Ni flew back to the astrolabe, and the time of half a stick of incense appeared again.

All Lin Ge needed were "mundane things", so for a fairy like her who had no trouble forging fairy swords, it was naturally not difficult.

There is no need to take it out after it is built. Lin Ge can take whatever he puts in the astrolabe and use it at will. While Huang Ni was building equipment, Lin Ge was not idle either. He used his tools to make boxes one after another, and then filled them with various grenades, bombs and explosives.

After Lin Ge prepared the things, he was about to enter the blood pool when Zhao Ling'er came up to him: "Ah, Master, wait for me."

"You don't have to come down." Lin Ge asked Zhao Ling'er to stay on the platform.

"...Huh?" Uh, don't you even need me this time?

So why did you go down just now?

Traveling with you?

Before Zhao Ling'er could recover, Lin Ge had already jumped into the blood pool.

According to the original plan, he and Zhao Ling'er wanted to fight from the dragon's head to the dragon's tail together, but then he thought about it, if the purpose was just to dismantle the dragon pillar, why kill the demon dragon?

Lin Ge returned to the place where he had arranged the dragon pillar before, took out the "harpoon" made by Huang Ni, set the time for the high-explosive bomb, and aimed it at the top of the dragon pillar——


The harpoon flew out with a high-explosive bomb and nailed it directly to the empty position without "alarming" the dragon-shaped sculpture below.

Lin Ge followed the same method. After nailing high explosives to all the dragon pillars, he piled the "boxes" filled with various explosives, grenades and other explosives that had just been displayed on the platform under each dragon pillar. The location of the dragon sculpture.

After emptying his bag of everything that could be "exploded", Lin Ge returned to the platform.

Everyone:? ? ?

Why did you come up again?

Lin Ge looked at the confused Tiangui Emperor and said, "Be prepared for battle. If the Dragon Pillar is destroyed, the Prison Suppressing King will appear. After solving it, you must find a way to stop the Demon Locking Tower before it collapses." 'Stay alive' until you escape."

"What are you going to do?" This time not only the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, but also Huang Ni and others were very curious.

After Lin Ge released Arcee and let her transform, her arms turned into artillery and aimed at the sword pillar. At the same time, he took out the remote control and said, "Of course - show off art!"

Art is an explosion!


With a loud bang, the high explosives at the dragon's head and various explosives in the manifest box below exploded, forming a huge vortex in the blood pool.


The dragon pillar was attacked, and the dragon-shaped sculpture immediately turned into a demon dragon and flew out from below. Since it absorbed the dragon energy from the heaven, it would not be affected by the demon-transforming water.

The demon dragon flew above the water. Now it had to face not only Lin Ge and his party, but also thousands of demons, mainly the Heavenly Ghost Emperor!

"Quick fight!" Lin Singing took the lead in attacking with a black sword.

At this moment, as the Demon Locking Tower shook, a huge figure appeared above the platform. It was the guardian of the Demon Locking Tower——

The Ming King who suppresses the prison!

"We've held back the Prison-Suppressing King, Heavenly Ghost Emperor, you guys quickly deal with the demon dragon!" After Lin Ge sent a message to the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, he and Huang Ni faced the Prison-Suppressing King together.


King Zhenyu Ming pressed down with his palm, and directly blocked Lin Ge, who was flying into the air with Ladder Cloud, with his spiritual pressure. Seeing this, Huang Ni immediately slashed a wave of fire with his red sword, breaking the spiritual pressure.

Lin Ge took advantage of this to attack with a slash of the black sword, and most of the spiritual energy in his body was instantly drained, forming a black crescent sword energy and slashing towards King Zhenyu Ming!

Prince Zhen Yu Ming blocked it with both palms. When Lin Ge saw this and avoided the restraint of his spiritual pressure, he used Ladder Cloud to escape while swallowing a handful of the elixir.


At this time, with a miserable howl, a demon dragon had died under the siege of the Heavenly Ghost Emperor and the demons. Upon seeing this, Lin Ge immediately detonated the second dragon pillar!


The Demon Locking Tower shook violently again with the explosion, and then a roaring dragon roar sounded, and the second demon dragon flew into the blood pool!

"Bold demon! How dare you damage the dragon pillar? Hurry up and capture him!" Prison Suppressing King Ming held a technique in each of his six hands, and used several different techniques to blast towards the platform below.

With this kind of power, if all of them hit the platform, even if they cannot kill all the monsters on it, they will most likely sink the platform. Once the platform sinks, the thousands of monsters on it will all be wiped out!

Lin Ge and Huang Ni quickly stepped forward and resisted with black and red swords!

Fortunately, Huang Ni's busy work in the horoscope in the past few months was not in vain. The various mandatory restrictions prepared for Lin Ge came into play at this moment, allowing the two of them to work together to successfully block the attack of the Prison Suppressing King!

Seeing that the second demon dragon was about to be killed by the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, and there were still five dragon pillars and five demon dragons left, Lin Ge decided to stall for time.

"Prince Suppressing Prison Ming, I would like to ask, what crime did my sister and my apprentice commit? Do you want to imprison them in this Demon Locking Tower?" Lin Ge shouted.

"This snake girl has extremely terrifying demon power potential. If it is not eradicated, once it is allowed to awaken, it will definitely endanger the world!" The thunderous voice of the Suppressing Prison Ming King resounded throughout the Demon Locking Tower.

Lin Ge asked back: "So what if she is a demon? Have you ever seen her harm a human being? To sentence a living being to death based on identity without any evidence? If so, should all animals and plants except the human race be extinct? This To avoid harm to the human world?"

"Huh! Such strong words! Although the young tiger is docile, who can guarantee that it will not become a man-eating tiger in the future? Since I have been ordered to guard this tower, it is my duty and destiny to eliminate the evil of the demons. I will not show mercy!" King Ming of Prison Suppression! He was about to attack when he saw Chen Qing standing on the platform and yelling:

"Fuck you! Who do you think you are? A god? You have six hands, three eyes, and a face that looks more like a monster than a monster!"

"Be bold!"

With Lin Ge blocking the way, Chen Qing was not afraid at all. She continued to point at King Zhen Yu Ming and cursed: "Ling'er is born with strong spiritual power. This is her blessing. You are just jealous! If you want to judge good from bad by appearance and demonic power, I You look more like a monster than her, bah, you stinking monster!”

The Prison Ming King said angrily: "Ignorant people! I am a god, different from these mountain spirits and water monsters! You should turn around and don't associate with demons and act against heaven, otherwise you will be thrown into purgatory and suffer the eternal calamity of fire!" "

Lin Ge said coldly: "I don't know who is a fool. My disciple's mother is a direct descendant of the Nuwa clan. Although she is a demon in body, her heart is not a demon! How can you accuse her of this?"

King Zhen Yu Ming laughed and said: "Nu Wa? There is no such figure among the gods and Buddhas in the heaven under the Tathagata of the West. Her ancestor is just the holy spirit worshiped by the witches of the Miao tribe in Nanyi. There is no such person in the world today." You have been deeply transformed into Buddhism by me, and there is no room for heresy!"

Good guy, it turns out that it's not that King Zhenyu Ming doesn't recognize Nuwa, it's that the other party's "faith" doesn't recognize Nuwa's existence at all.

Forget about your differences in beliefs, even if the Buddha comes in person today, he still has to kowtow to the Nuwa Empress!

"Here's a sect? Hahaha! You're so loud. Those who don't know would think that Buddha is your godfather! You don't even recognize the ancestors of mankind. You guy, you haven't forgotten how you became the King of Prison Suppression, right? Former disciple of Shushan! You are so wise!" Lin Ge snorted coldly.

"You, why do you know about me?" King Zhenyu Ming asked slightly surprised.

Lin Ge took the opportunity to speak and detonated the fifth dragon pillar, and continued: "Let's not mention that you betrayed your friends to practice magic skills in order to become an immortal. As a disciple of Shushan, as a 'human', it is impossible for you to I don’t know where the allusions like ‘Nu Wa created man’ and ‘Nu Wa mended the sky’ come from! Without Nu Wa to mend the sky, your God would have to fill the holes and restore the people’s holy spirit!”

"You, you!" King Zhenyu Ming was stunned into silence.

Lin Ge didn't give him a chance to refute, and continued to curse: "Besides, even if you practice magic skills and become an immortal, it has nothing to do with Western Buddhism. Why, after you go to heaven, you won't even recognize your ancestors? Oh? By the way, back then you were designed by a ghost to become the guardian of the Demon Locking Tower. When you saw my left judgment order, did you tremble with fear and kneel down to beg for mercy?"

"Shu Ming, now outside the Demon Locking Tower, the Shushan Sect, no, I should say the entire human world, all know about the bad things you did before you became an immortal!"

"Want me to help you recall?"

When Shuming, the prison king, was still a human being, he was a very sophisticated man, cunning and greedy, fond of great achievements, and good at conspiracy. He and Qing Leng were childhood friends. They joined the Shushan Sect together and became Qing Leng's junior brother. The leader of the Shushan Sect at that time was Xu Changqing, who elevated the Shushan Sect to the number one sect in the world.

Shuming had an engagement before joining Shushan, and Shushan had regulations that the leader must cut off the world of mortals. Therefore, in order to have a chance to become the leader of Shushan, Shuming forced his fiancée to break off the engagement, but her fiancée refused to agree. After Shuming was forced to get married, he abused his wife in every possible way. Finally, his wife couldn't bear it anymore and committed suicide by hanging herself from the beam.

After his wife's death, Shu Ming used the fact that his wife had complained to Qing Leng to coerce Qing Leng to use the Five Spiritual Wheel to practice. Finally, when Qing Leng achieved great success, he used magic skills to steal his magic power and successfully became an immortal. Later, it was revealed that Qing Leng used the Five Spiritual Wheel to practice, and he was punished by the Shushan sect's rules.

After Shuming became an immortal, in order to further gain the trust of the gods and gain power and become a god, he volunteered to go to the human world to find out about the blockage of the Lishu Mountain earth veins, thus assisting several protagonists in "Sword and Fairy 3" to open up the earth veins, and then Steal the credit. It's a pity that in the end he was designed by the ghost soldiers in the protagonist group to become the prison-suppressing king guarding the Demon Locking Tower.

But even so, Shuming still believed that he had godhood and regarded himself very highly. In his eyes, mortals and demons were just inferior creatures.

The most ridiculous thing is that he finally died in the hands of the power of the Holy Spirit that he did not "recognize", which was the power of Nuwa that Zhao Ling'er awakened.

"Impossible, impossible!" King Zhenyu Ming did not expect that what he did back then would be known to the world. When he heard Lin Ge detailing the scandals he had done one by one, his mind was immediately affected.

Looking at the nearly collapsed King Zhen Yu Ming, Lin Ge and others couldn't help but sigh in their hearts——

Spoilers are terrible!

"His Taoist heart is damaged now. Take advantage of his illness to kill him!" Lin Ge finished digesting the elixir in his mouth, detonated the sixth dragon pillar again, and launched an attack with a black sword.

Huang Ni followed closely with two red and green swords in hand, while Chen Qing took out a recorder from below and played, creating a magical sound that deeply affected the Taoist heart of the prison-suppressing king.

Zhao Linger kneaded the secrets and cast spells, adding a "Vajra Curse" to Lin Ge and others, which could increase the physical strength to a certain extent and resist spells.

The crowd gathered to attack, but the emaciated camel was bigger than the horse. No matter how affected the prisoner Ming Wang's Taoist heart was, he was still a powerful man at the immortal level!

"Qing Leng, are you here to help us deal with Shu Ming?" Lin Ge shouted in surprise as he slashed wildly with his sword, looking behind King Zhen Yu Ming.

Prince Zhen Yu Ming was distracted, and Huang Ni cut off both of his hands.

"Ah, Shu Ming, your wife is here to take revenge on you!" Lin Ge kept shouting out the names that frightened him deep in King Zhen Yu Ming's memory, and at the same time, the offensive continued to intensify.

"Headmaster Xu Changqing! Why are you here too!" Lin Ge shouted, and Shu Ming suddenly showed a look of horror on his face and turned around.

All I saw was a flash of black light——

Head down! (End of chapter)

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