Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 410 Master, this stinky old man imprisoned the junior sisters and the others in the Demon Lo


The expression on Dugu Sword Master's face did not change at all, and he still had the same calm and elegant look. But just this word can reveal the doubts in his heart.

The disciples of Shushan naturally knew what their leader meant. The leader of the disciples quickly said: "Master, we found the culprit who caused this disaster, but this person blocked us and allowed that person to escape."

"Chase." Dugu Sword Master still cherished his words like gold. After saying just one word, those Shushan disciples immediately understood and wielded their swords to pursue.

"Don't even think about it!"

How could Lin Ge let these disciples succeed? With a wave of his huge fire sign, he directly shot out a wave of fire that formed a wall of fire in the air, blocking the path forward of the Shushan disciples.

However, Dugu Sword Master just raised his hand slightly, and a strong wind suddenly appeared in the air, directly blowing away the wall formed by the hellfire.

Seeing this, the Shushan disciples seized the opportunity again and rushed out with their swords.

"Are you allowed to leave?" Lin Ge, who was in the form of General Zeng's armor, raised his foot and stepped hard. While the ground shook violently, a large stream of turbid water magma spread out, forming a huge palm wave. , while fanning several disciples from the air to the ground, it also successfully blocked the pursuit of the other disciples.

Although the power of the Yin Wu Lei field will be increased several times while maintaining the state of acting, the consumption of spiritual energy is also very huge.

But at this moment, Lin Ge no longer cared about so much and could only try to delay Huang Ni as long as possible.

At this moment, Lin Ge suddenly felt a huge threat coming, and subconsciously raised the trident and the fire sign and crossed them in front of him.


With a harsh sound, the fire sign was hit by an invisible sword energy. The terrifying collision force caused the fire sign to hit the trident and burst out with dazzling sparks!

Lin Ge was also knocked back dozens of meters by this blow. Even the forest behind him was pushed to the ground by his huge body. Thanks to the resistance of the trees in the forest, he only retreated a few dozen meters. Stop.

Lin Ge raised his hand and saw the lonely swordsman still standing in the distance with his hands behind his back, as if the terrifying blow just now was not from his hand.


Lin Ge spat and suddenly felt something bad.

The Lonely Sword Master is the apparent combat power ceiling of "Sword and Fairy 1", and his immortal-level strength is indeed beyond what his low level of achievement can handle.

If it weren't for the many magic weapons on his body, that sword blow just now would have knocked him out of his wits!

Although I don’t know what the stalker did specifically, which even alerted Dugu Sword Master, but it was nothing more than what Lin Ge had done before.

As a modern person, it is extremely easy to produce some "evidence" that can influence the thinking of the characters in the plot. What's more, the Dugu Sword Master is still an old stubborn who only believes in what he thinks. In his eyes, a demon is a demon, no matter what. Distinguish the good from the bad!

If Huang Ni and his party are caught, it doesn't matter whether Chen Qing, a ghost cultivator, will be thrown into the Demon Locking Tower by him, but Zhao Ling'er will definitely not be able to escape.

Lin Ge once thought that this was a bug in "Sword and Sword 1". The leader of the Shushan Sword Sect could not recognize the bloodline of Nuwa's descendants?

I'm afraid I've become a fake immortal!

Although Huang Ni and others had left for about a quarter of an hour, based on their flying speed, they should already be not far from the Hidden Dragon Cave.

But these disciples are also flying with swords, so they must buy more time to be safe.

"Hmph, to be honest, I really don't know whether you self-righteous Shushan sect disciples are here to save people or to cause trouble. Now Suzhou City is full of monsters and the people are in danger. I don't want to save a few more people, but I keep trying. Slandering good people. Bah, is this the Shushan sect?" Lin Ge stood up straight, pointed the trident towards the ground, raised the fire stick and pointed it at the lonely sword master and cursed.

Dugu Sword Master frowned slightly when he heard this, and looked towards the city. The fire engulfed most of Suzhou City. The roars of monsters and the miserable howls of humans in the city came one after another.

Lin Ge scolded: "I would like to ask Senior Dugu Sword Master, is it true that in the eyes of your Shushan sect, mortal lives are like ants? Your disciples come indiscriminately, take out a piece of photo, and don't care about the lives of the people, shouting and killing. We need to arrest people!”

Hearing what Lin Ge said, the disciple immediately defended: "The evidence is conclusive that you are still deceiving the public with your lies. It is obviously you who is covering up the disciple!"

"Oh, my apprentice also knows the sword-controlling skills of your Shushan sect. My brother Situ Zhong taught him it personally. What do you mean, you can't even believe the opinions of your Shushan sect elders?" Lin Ge is best at wielding swords. After the water is muddy, we can slowly break up with the plot characters.

"You're talking nonsense. You monster, how can you possibly know our elder Situ!" The leading disciple raised his sword and cursed at Lin Ge.

Lin Ge snorted coldly and threw out a few developing talismans, forming several scenes in the air. Among them were scenes of him and Situ Zhong having a drink and chatting on the roof of the mountain temple, and there was also a scene of Situ Zhong teaching Li Xiaoyao sword control at the mountain temple. , and in order for the disciples of the Shushan Sect to see clearly, multiple "camera" images were provided.

Lin Ge went to the Mountain Temple before to leave a trump card for himself. He originally planned to use it to deal with the plot of Zhao Ling'er entering the Demon Locking Tower later, but he did not want to be manipulated by the stalker and become the "enemy" of the Shushan Sect. It just happened that now Use it to reduce the credibility of the photo of Li Xiaoyao poisoning.

When the Shushan disciples appeared, Lin Ge also thought about using it to gain the Shushan disciples' trust, but as soon as these people were a little out of touch, they would shout and kill each other when they met.

Secondly, if Huang Ni and others were present and Dugu Sword Master arrived, and these photos could not gain the trust of Shushan Sect, in the end the power of life and death would be completely in the hands of Dugu Sword Master.

But after Huang Ni and others left, Lin Ge no longer had any worries. It didn't matter whether it was a "peace talk", a breakup, or being invited to the Shushan Sect for tea.

Fighting would certainly not be able to defeat this ceiling, but "running" was hard to say. Lin Ge was confident enough to escape from Dugu Sword Master.

To take a step back, the worst case scenario would be to use up some of his original energy to perform a "big transformation" for Dugu Sword Master.

Dugu Sword Master still had no expression on his face. He stood with his hands behind his hands with an enigmatic look. He just glanced at the disciples lightly and said two words.

"Save people."

"Yes, Master!" A group of Shushan Sect disciples gave up chasing Huang Ni and others, and entered the fire-filled Suzhou City with their swords. They began to kill biological monsters and save survivors.

At this moment, among the disciples who flew into Suzhou City, a few of the lower-level disciples also had problems. First they fell from the flying swords without warning, and then they wailed in pain like those mutants, and the skin on their bodies It begins to fester and mutates at a speed visible to the naked eye!




Hearing this "familiar" voice, Lin Ge suddenly felt bad. As expected, in the next second, familiar time and space gates appeared in the dark night sky directly above Suzhou City.

Immediately afterwards, three missiles flew out of the time and space gate and fell towards Suzhou City!

"Dugu Sword Master, stop those missiles!" Lin Ge shouted, suddenly throwing the trident in his hand and stabbing one of the missiles.

However, Dugu Sword Master did not move and was still hovering in the air, but this time he was not holding his hands behind his back, but holding a bead with his brows slightly furrowed.

The image bead was playing a scene, which was exactly the scene in "The Three Heroes of the East" when Lin Ge controlled the spider tactical missile to blow up the factory!

At this time, the trident hit the missiles in the air. It did not detonate or destroy the missiles in the air. Instead, the moment it pierced those missiles, a stronger yellow poisonous gas spread in the air.



Two other gas bombs also exploded, as if Lin Ge was controlling everything. Following his actions, the original survivors in Suzhou City began to mutate rapidly, and some higher-level disciples were also infected by these viruses!

Dugu Sword Master raised his hand and waved, and the huge spiritual pressure instantly dispersed the yellow poisonous gas that filled Suzhou City. However, this was not an ordinary poisonous gas, but an advanced virus that had been improved many times through poisoning all over the world. Both the infection rate and the contagiousness were very high. It is not comparable to the T virus!

Seeing that one-third of Shushan's disciples were gone in an instant, there seemed to be a trace of anger in Dugu Sword Master's cold eyes. He raised his hand and a sword energy hit Lin Ge.

Lin Ge raised his hand and threw the gigantic trident at Dugu Sword Master. At the same time, he decisively canceled the acting state. The giant body disappeared just in time for the sword energy to hit the air.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ge took out his black sword and ran away decisively.

In order to ensure Lin Ge's safety, Huang Ni placed most of the formation restrictions on the black sword to serve the sword's flight. If nothing else, this speed is almost the same as that of an immortal wielding a sword.

Therefore, when Dugu Sword Master used his sword energy to blow away the trident, Lin Ge's figure had already appeared several miles away. Dugu Sword Master originally wanted to pursue him, but the wails of the disciples in the city caught his attention, so he could only fly into Suzhou City to check on the Shushan disciples who were infected by the virus.

On the other side, Lin Ge flew away from Suzhou City and was relieved when he saw that Dugu Sword Master was not chasing after him. He was about to use the transmission talisman to contact Huang Ni when he suddenly heard a gunshot!


The bullet hit Lin Ge from the side and rear, triggering the "Dragon God's Protection" of the Dragon Horn Ring. Although the damage was completely resolved, the powerful impact of the bullet and the huge impact caused by the collision of the protective shield directly knocked Lin Ge out of the air. It flew out in the air.

Lin Ge made a move with his hand, and the black sword flew back to his feet again, and stabilized his figure in the air. At this time, he was only three to five meters away from the ground, but he was surprised to find that the trees, grass, and fields on the ground were all covered with thick A thick layer of disgusting "bacteria blanket" was still bubbling.

At this time, a huge bubble appeared on the fungus carpet. After it exploded, a naked man who looked like the Resident Evil Tyrant appeared from it and looked up at Lin Ge in the sky.

"You are stronger than the information sent back on the 15th. It's a pity that I don't have a recommendation position, otherwise I would recommend you to join the organization and make a fortune. So, in order to make up for the price I paid for accepting the killing order, how much are you prepared to spend on your life? Money? A veteran as powerful as you should have a lot of property, right?"

Sure enough, killing people and selling goods, paying for life... the old tricks of reincarnation people.

Lin Ge summoned the trident and his eyes were cold: "Zhengchou didn't know where to look for you. Delivering it to your door yourself saved me time. It depends on who pays for life in the end!"


The silver light struck the ground and immediately blasted a huge hole in the fungus blanket, destroying most of the tyrant's body.

But as a burst of bubbles burst, huge bubbles continued to emerge from the ground, evolving into biochemical mutants.

"Hey, guess where I am!"

Huang Ni and Chen Qing flew to the vicinity of Hidden Dragon Cave with a few people. Chen Qing and Zhao Ling'er's spiritual energy was almost exhausted, so they could only take a short rest.

However, not long after the few people stopped, there was a rustling sound in the forest, and then several lickers rushed out.

Huang Ni fired several sword energy and chopped off the heads of several lickers. However, the strange thing was that these lickers stood up from the ground tremblingly without their heads and staggered towards the crowd.

Zhao Ling'er kneaded the magic spell and cast a fire spell to ignite the licker. The licker turned into a burning man and rushed toward everyone.


"Qi sword finger!"

Since Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru were carried flying the whole time, they didn't consume much spiritual energy. They both took action and chopped the burning licker into pieces.

The scary thing is that whether it was the lickers killed by Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru or the lickers split into pieces by Huang Ni's sword energy, these pieces of meat actually gathered together at a speed visible to the naked eye to form a new body. .

In the process of their "resurrection", Huang Ni discovered that these were not conventional biochemical mutant monsters at all, but more like viscous monsters such as fungus blankets!

Huang Ni pinched the magic to create a burst of spiritual fire. The effect of the fire attack was obviously much better than the sword energy, and some lickers were directly burned into mummies.

At this moment, a large number of monsters, mutant spiders, poisonous snakes, and rats emerged from the Hidden Dragon Cave, but they were all infected with the virus and turned into biochemical mutations!

Forts suddenly appeared above the Hidden Dragon Cave, and with a burst of "whooshing" sounds piercing the air, "cannonballs" were fired in the direction of Suzhou City!

"No! In order to ambush us in Suzhou City, the stalkers probably laid down the Hidden Dragon Cave as early as when we entered Suzhou City, turning all the monsters inside into biochemical monsters and turning them into their own stronghold!" Huang Ni realized something was wrong and was about to let Chen Qing take everyone away when the monsters in the Hidden Dragon Cave came out like a wave!

The sky is bright.

Lin Ge stepped on the black sword and stood above the forest filled with fire. He looked at the carpet below that was burned cleanly by the flames of hell he summoned with the fire sign. He spread out his mental perception but could not catch the hunter's movements. trace.

Obviously, the other party ran away.

However, in the process of fighting the stalker, Lin Ge finally understood why the stalker's appearance was so strange from the opponent's "arrogant, narcissistic and conceited" words.

The poisonous bald man Lin Ge killed in "The Three Heroes of the East" was the organization's No. 15, and he was considered to be a powerful Kinmen Samsara in the middle and upper reaches of the organization. This is why we can produce highly efficient biochemical viruses with this characteristic, as well as the equipment specially provided by the organization - the "transmitter".

The problem lies in this "transmitter". Since it is a high-end equipment only controlled by the elites and senior leaders of the organization, it is expensive to build. Once destroyed, the loss to the organization will be huge.

Unfortunately, Lin Ge dismantled one.

When dismantling the transmitter, Lin Ge was locked by those electronic mosquitoes and electronic bees. The data of his subsequent battle with the big bald man was collected and transmitted back to the organization through a special terminal device.

In other words, before the big bald man died, Lin Ge's information was recorded and sent to spread poison all over the world for analysis by their elites.

Finally, a fatwa was issued.

On the one hand, experts like Lin Ge have more good things on their bodies and have a high probability of recovering their losses; on the other hand, the organization is also collecting the bodies of senior reincarnators. It is unknown whether the recovered corpses are used to create stronger biochemical mutants or are used for other purposes.

The person who received the kill order this time was the ninth-ranked "No. 9" in the organization. He was also the only strong person who had the ability to enter the main space but had not yet entered.

The "price" mentioned by No. 9 is to use special props to track Lin Ge's reincarnation, and when he enters, he will cancel the quota of the original stalker and force his way in.

But the problem is that according to the information fed back by the organization's special props, Lin Ge will not have a stalker in this leader mode, so spreading poison around the world will consume one more special prop.

Hearing this, Lin Ge wanted to say something like "mmp". He didn't know whether to say it or not. He was originally complaining that the probability of a stalker appearing in the Lord God's space was "Markovsky probability", but he didn't expect that it would be a rare encounter without the guidance of a stalker. , to be interfered with by this fatwa.

Lin Ge was so angry that he set fire to the forest, directly eliminating the fungus carpet from the root, so that the stalker could no longer hatch biochemical mutants.

However, "No. 9", who is ranked ninth in the organization, actually has the ability to mutate characters in the plot of Xiaocheng Realm, and it is also the "Xianxia World". This terrifying strength is somewhat beyond Lin Ge's expectation.

In the past, most of Lin Ge's experiences were supernatural reincarnations, so he subconsciously believed that ghosts were scarier than technological monsters. In fact, if compared at the same level, the latter's destructive power far exceeds that of the former!

Thinking of this, Lin Ge suddenly felt overwhelmed. Now he not only had to face the Shushan Sect, but also had to prevent "No. 9" from secretly attacking, which suddenly raised the difficulty of reincarnation to hell level. The most troublesome thing now is that the main mission of the newbie has not been settled yet!

But no matter what, we can only meet up with Huang Ni first and then make long-term plans.

Lin Ge used the power transmission to contact Huang Ni, but after waiting for a long time, the power transmission seemed to have disappeared into the sea, and there was no response for a long time.

Lin Ge quickly used the transmission talisman to contact Chen Qing, but the effect was the same.

"What's going on?" Lin Ge frowned slightly, wondering if there was something wrong with Huang Ni? But Huang Ni's cultivation level is better than his own, and he has the red sword and the green sword in his hand. Let alone ordinary monsters, even if No. 9 personally leads the biochemical army, it will be a matter of giving up his life.

Lin Ge lost contact with Huang Ni and Chen Qing, and suddenly remembered that he had placed a soul-seeking curse on Li Xiaoyao. He pressed the spell to control the curse and found that Li Xiaoyao was hundreds of miles away!

Lin Ge didn't have time to think too much and quickly flew with his sword towards the location of Li Xiaoyao.

Half an hour later, Lin Ge came to a mountain filled with white mist. At the mountain gate, it seemed like a sword thrust into the sky, separating the earth and the sky. The cliffs on both sides of the mountain gate face each other, forming a narrow entrance connected by a wooden ropeway bridge.

There are countless peaks above the clouds, with undulating pines and waves. There is a fairy temple on the main peak. The temple is surrounded by rich aura, shrouded in clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

Shushan Immortal Sword Sect!

Lin Ge put on Chen Qing's auspicious suit, put a few concealment charms on his body, hid in the mountains, and released soul paper figures to search for the whereabouts of Li Xiaoyao and others.

However, when they searched the main hall, they suddenly felt a powerful spiritual consciousness immobilizing the soul paper figures, and then the voice of Dugu Sword Master echoed throughout the mountain:

"Now that you're here, why hide!"

At the same time, a hearty laughter sounded: "Brother Lin, my senior brother has extraordinary senses and has already known that you have come to Shushan. Why don't you show up and meet, let's make things clear, and take this opportunity to clear up any misunderstandings, Lin Brother, what do you think?"

Lin Ge did not reply or show his body, and continued to control the new soul paper man to bypass the central hall and arrange it on other mountain peaks.

At this time, Jiujianxian said again: "Brother Lin, I vouch for the quality of my wine. There is indeed a misunderstanding on this matter. My senior brother is not an unreasonable person. Can you show up and see me?"

After Lin Ge waited for all the paper figures to be arranged, he took off his auspicious suit, took out his black sword, and flew towards the main hall with the sword.

In the main hall, Dugu Sword Master and Jiu Sword Master stood in the center, while Li Xiaoyao, Lin Yueru, Ying Delei, Li Kai and Gu Shijia sat on the chairs beside them. They sat upright with stiff expressions and only their eyes were moving. At first glance, it looked like someone had placed a ban on it.

However, the whereabouts of Huang Ni, Chen Qing and Zhao Ling'er were missing. Lin Ge's heart sank, and he suddenly had a bad feeling. The situation seemed to be developing in the most difficult direction.

"Junior Lin Ge, a disciple of the Qing sect on Maoshan Mountain, pays homage to Senior Dugu, Brother Situ!" Lin Ge walked into the hall and said to the two of them with cupped hands.

Situ Zhong laughed and said: "Hahaha! My senior brother and I analyzed what happened yesterday, and also questioned these children, and compared the previous 'evidence', and we did find that there was something fishy. Alas, it's all my fault for drinking and causing trouble yesterday. If I had not been able to be there, there would have been no misunderstanding between you and senior brother."

Lin Ge said: "Brother Situ, if I'm not wrong, your sect received the mysterious man's photo stone yesterday, which contains images of my apprentice poisoning Suzhou City and me using those 'missiles', which are poisonous gas weapons. , and the accompanying text portrays me as a world-famous devil, please take action against us, right?"

"That's right!" The one who spoke this time was Dugu Sword Master. He took out the previous photo stone and threw it to Lin Ge. The scene recorded on it was indeed the previous battle scene recorded by Tianxia Budu, but it had been "edited". It looks like Lin Ge triggered the zombie virus in the city in "The Three Heroes of the East".

Lin Ge noticed something was wrong after careful observation. The first was the video of Li Xiaoyao poisoning. It looked like he was poisoning in a well, but comparing his clothes and the environment in the picture, it was not difficult to tell that he was in Yuhang Town. The picture, in other words, the stalker had been lurking nearby for a long time, recorded the video, and then edited it using special means to create an image of Li Xiaoyao poisoning and the drinker mutating.

This kind of thing is difficult for the characters in the plot, but for reincarnations who are basically modern people, they can cut a blockbuster for you just by giving them a few clips. It is not simple to cut a video to frame the blame.

Fortunately, Lin Ge still had a trump card at this time, and that was Lin Tiannan, who had been with Dugu Sword Master more than ten years ago. After entering Suzhou City, their group basically interacted with the Lin family, and the entire Suzhou City There are no similar buildings or wells in the image.

The many questions raised by Lin Ge allowed Dugu Sword Master to dispel some of his doubts and agreed to try to find Lin Tiannan to testify.

"Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, can Senior Dugu remove the restrictions on my friends?" Lin Ge looked at Dugu Sword Master and asked.

"Of course, of course." Before Dugu Sword Master could speak, Situ Zhong took the lead and broke the restraints on Li Xiaoyao and others.

As soon as Li Xiaoyao's restraints were untied, Li Xiaoyao stood up with a cold face, pointed at Dugu Sword Master and cursed: "Master! This stinky old man imprisoned the junior sisters and the others in the Demon Locking Tower!" (End of Chapter)

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