Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 407 Hey, you are accompanied by a fairy, but you are not allowed to enter the ring!


The moment Aunt Li entered the door, an iron spoon flew in and hit Li Xiaoyao's forehead with a crisp sound.

Everyone: ...It sounds like a good idea as soon as you hear it.

"Li Xiaoyao, I've pushed you so hard, you just want something to happen to me, right? Don't you see that I'm so lively now?"

"If you want to make a living, then go make a difference. Don't tell me, I feel like I'm going to die! Don't I know your bad habit? Even if you don't leave now, you'll always want to run away every few days!"

"It's impossible for you to be able to stay in this country. Why don't you take advantage of this time to fulfill your dream of being a gangster? Get out of here! I don't need you to serve me!"

Aunt Li's output made Li Xiaoyao stunned for a while. Apparently Aunt Li had just heard the conversation in the house from outside the door.

"Wait here!" After finishing speaking, Aunt Li walked back to her room alone, and came out soon with a blue package.

"Take this package with you." Aunt Li threw the package to Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao asked curiously: "What is inside?"

"You don't know how to open it yourself?" Aunt Li lectured.

Li Xiaoyao opened the package and took a look. Inside was a change of clothes, silver, broken silver, several hundred copper coins, a hand scroll, some healing medicine, a pair of embroidered shoes, a jade bracelet, and a slightly rusty iron sword.

"Wow, so much money... Auntie, when I grew up, you never gave me more than a hundred cash as pocket money." Li Xiaoyao couldn't help but sigh when he saw the contents of the package.

Aunt Li glared at Li Xiaoyao, turned around to look at Lin Ge, bowed her hands and said, "Taoist Priest, I know you are a very capable person. Xiaoyao has never traveled far in his life, so I would like to follow you out to see more." Okay. I hope the Taoist Master can take care of me, and I would like to thank you."

"Don't worry, Xiaoyao is destined to me, I will take good care of Xiaoyao." Lin Ge replied.

Li Xiaoyao picked up the rusty iron sword and looked at it, and said in surprise: "Huh? Isn't this dad's sword? I thought it was gone, but it turns out that you have been guarding it, aunt."

"Oh, take it, he has the same temperament as your father. Be careful on the careful." Aunt Li shook her head helplessly, turned and walked into the kitchen.

After bidding farewell to Aunt Li, the two protagonists Lin Ge, Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Ling'er, and Gu Shijia came to the dock, chartered a boat, and headed for Suzhou.

Lin Ge stood on the bow of the boat, feeling the sea breeze. He looked at Huang Ni beside him and asked, "Aren't you going back to the astrolabe to rest?"

"If you want me to go back and make swords, just say so... Well, after being locked up in the astrolabe for so long, I have forgotten many spell restrictions and formation markings. Maybe I will remember them when I blow in the wind or go shopping." Huang Ni leaned against On the baffle, he sighed rather melancholy.


If you want to fish, just say so.

Lin Ge sighed and looked sideways at a certain ghost fairy sitting on the edge of the bow, swinging his feet to feel the sea breeze: "What about you? Won't you go back to practice?"

"Hmph, are you starting to dislike me for disturbing your and Sister Ni's world now?" Chen Qing turned around and wrinkled her nose.

Lin Ge looked back at the three new reincarnators who were sitting in the cabin chatting with Zhao Ling'er, and Li Xiaoyao who was sitting outside the cabin studying with a hand scroll...

...This is also called a world of two?

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao's behavior caught Lin Ge's attention.

I saw Li Xiaoyao opening the letter wrapped in the hand scroll and reading it. While studying the hand scroll carefully, he raised his hand and changed his moves.

Then, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the cabin. Li Kai, who was sitting with his back to him, had the package given by the Lord on his back, which appeared in his hand without any warning.

Flying Dragon Cloud Explorer?

Lin Ge remembered that this was a secret skill of the Li family, which could steal an item from a target without anyone noticing.

To be honest, this skill...

He was very interested.

"Practice?" Lin Ge walked to Li Xiaoyao and sat down and asked.

Li Xiaoyao nodded excitedly and handed the letter in his hand to Lin Ge: "Taoist Master, aunt said this is my parents' unique skill..."

Lin Ge took a look at the letter and saw it said:

"Xiaoyao, the Cloud Detector is a unique skill that made your father and mother famous in the world during their lifetime. Now it's time to teach it to you. You must use this skill in a good way and don't disgrace your father's reputation as a Southern Thief."

"Wait!" Lin Ge suddenly realized a very serious problem. It had only been a few minutes since Li Xiaoyao studied the hand scroll...

He just... learned it?

"How long have you been reading this secret manual? Have you studied it before?" Lin Ge asked.

Li Xiaoyao thought for a moment and said, "It's been a while. I've been reading it since I sat here just now...I haven't learned it before."

…Isn’t it really just a few minutes?

Lin Ge asked: "Can you show me this secret book?"

"Okay." Li Xiaoyao handed the secret manual to Lin Ge very generously.

Lin Ge unfolded the secret manual and took a look, only to see the formulas and moves diagrams of "Flying Dragon Cloud Explorer" and "Bing Xin Jue" recorded on it.

Lin Ge tried to learn the seal formula of "Flying Dragon Exploring Cloud Hand", then recited the formula silently and reached out to grab Gu Shijia's package in the cabin——

……Nothing happened.


Seeing Lin Ge's depressed and confused look, Li Xiaoyao comforted him tentatively: "Taoist Priest, don't be discouraged. Maybe... this is the Li family's unique skill. Is it easier for our Li family to practice it?"

Lin Ge asked: "Have you practiced "Bing Xin Jue"?"

Li Xiaoyao shook his head.

"Try it."

Lin Ge handed the secret manual hand scroll back to Li Xiaoyao. Li Xiaoyao glanced at the hand scroll as if he glanced at it, and then sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

After a while, he opened his eyes.

"Taoist Priest, it's done."

"...Have you gone to the Mountain Temple to learn the sword from the Wine Sword Immortal?" Lin Ge asked.

Li Xiaoyao nodded seriously: "I've learned it. The old man taught me a 'sword control' technique. Do you want to show it to the Taoist priest?"

"Are you a genius? Come on, let me teach you a few spells to try." Lin Ge seemed to realize something and called Li Xiaoyao to the bow of the boat.

Li Xiaoyao stepped forward with excitement on his face: "Really, Taoist Master?"

Lin Ge stood at the bow of the boat and presented a silver needle to Li Xiaoyao: "Prick your finger to squeeze out a drop of blood, then pinch the secret and recite it to me... You don't need much to know the secret, the southern needle must be sharpened. Don't ask Sanqi Teach, subdue the demons in the world.”

Lin Ge taught Li Xiaoyao the most basic Taoist technique "Blood Seal". At his level, he no longer needed the oral formula, but Li Xiaoyao needed the assistance of the oral formula when he first learned it.

Li Xiaoyao imitated Lin Ge's stance of pricking his fingers, squeezing blood, and chanting a dragon's incantation. Then he saw the squeezed out drop of blood flying into the distance like a bullet.

"Taoist Master, have I learned this?" Li Xiaoyao looked at Lin Ge and asked with surprise on his face.

Lin Ge: ...Good guy, I have practiced the spell for several hours, and I can learn it in seconds... Are you using the Master God Cultivation Method?

I can only say that he deserves to be the "protagonist".

"I'll teach you another move." Lin Ge said, clapped his palms, and then pulled out a bolt of lightning, making Li Xiaoyao's eyes shine.

The Great Compassionate Thunder Palm!

Lin Ge raised his hand and struck the sea with a palm, and with a "bang" sound, a ball of water exploded.

Li Xiaoyao's eyes lit up and he was so excited that he couldn't help but try the seals and formulas taught by Lin Ge.

The first blow was a slap of both palms, and nothing happened.

the second time.

the third time.

A full ten times, Li Xiaoyao still couldn't convert his spiritual energy into thunder and lightning, so he used the Great Compassionate Thunderbolt Palm.

"Hey, Master, are you teaching Brother Thunder Method? But you said at the beginning that we must cooperate with the 'Thunder Curse' to understand Thunder Method..." At this time, Zhao Ling'er noticed the movement on the bow of the ship and couldn't help running. I came over to join in the fun and saw Lin Ge teaching Li Xiaoyao spells, and I immediately became interested.

Thunder spell?

Lin Ge pondered for a moment and suddenly understood the key. He was inspired by the Heavenly Master to understand the thunder method, and combined it with the lightning palm created by the Lightning Thunder Fist, of which "thunder method" is the foundation. Without the blessing of thunder, no matter how intelligent Li Xiaoyao was, he would not be able to comprehend the Lightning Palm.

In "Tai Gui", the reason why Huo Wang succeeds when he teaches him is because Huo Wang himself has learned the Five Elements Conjuration.

"Ahem. If that's the case, then it's up to you to guide your senior brother in his cultivation." Lin Ge looked at Zhao Ling'er and said.

Li Xiaoyao caught the "keyword", looked at Lin Ge excitedly and said, "Tao, Taoist Priest, are you willing to accept me as your disciple?"

"Oh, you are destined to me, since..."

"Thank you, no, thank you Master! Disciple pays homage to Master!" Li Xiaoyao knelt down to Lin Ge excitedly and kowtowed three times.

Zhao Ling'er looked at Li Xiaoyao and said with a smile: "Master, cough, you started school later than me. Shouldn't I be the senior sister?"

"...As long as you are happy, anything can happen." Li Xiaoyao scratched his head with a smile. He would be very happy as long as he could become a disciple. Not to mention a junior disciple, he could even be a disciple.

"Brother, let me teach you the Thunder and Lightning Curse first." Zhao Ling'er walked up to Li Xiaoyao and taught him the Thunder and Lightning Curse. Li Xiaoyao was indeed a genius, and he really learned it in one go.

Then, Li Xiaoyao tried the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Lightning Palm again. As expected, he was able to successfully shoot lightning, and the power was not low.

Li Xiaoyao enthusiastically slapped him several times, and then found to his embarrassment that his spiritual energy was exhausted.

Upon seeing this, Huang Ni said: "If I'm not wrong, Li Xiaoyao's comprehension should be at full value, but no matter how high his comprehension is, it will only affect his ability to comprehend spells. The basic spiritual energy for casting spells must be practiced step by step, or in actual combat. Make improvements.”

"That's it." Lin Ge nodded thoughtfully.

Zhao Ling'er asked curiously: "Master, are you talking to us?"

Chen Qing appeared in front of Zhao Ling'er with a "bang" and said with a smile: "He is talking to us, hehe."

Then, Huang Ni also kneaded the secrets to reveal his figure.

"Wow! You, are you fairies?" Zhao Ling'er said in surprise. She seemed to have forgotten that she was the "fairy" in everyone's mouth a day ago.

Lin Ge briefly introduced the situation of Huang Ni and Chen Qing, and Zhao Ling'er quickly chatted with the two women, saying "Master's wife" and "Master's uncle", as if they had known each other for many years.

After a while, Gu Shijia also joined the three women's chat, while Ying Delei and Li Kai were still surprised by the sudden appearance of Huang and Chen.

Lin Ge gave Ying Delei and Li Kai each a Glock 19. These were the only small pistols he had left. The firearm inventory in his [inventory] basically belonged to other reincarnations. Now, except for Ba Lei Te changed firearms that could cause damage to spiritual bodies. Ordinary firearms had no effect on Lin Ge.

Unless he wants to play the Great Merciful Gatlin Taoist and get a Vulcan machine gun, otherwise the small pistol can only be sold to ordinary reincarnations at dozens of reincarnation points in the reincarnation world.

It's a pity that the reincarnations in the space numbered 999 are the most popular ones. There are almost no newcomers, so Lin Ge is too lazy to sell.

After teaching Li Kai how to use firearms, Lin Ge discovered that Ying Delei was quite proficient in using firearms. In his words, he "learned it in Los Santos."


God damn Los Santos.

Seeing that Ying Delei was proficient in using firearms, Lin Ge simply "lent" him an ump9, two grenades, and a high-explosive bomb.

If Ying Delei can produce enough reincarnation points before the end of reincarnation, these things will belong to him, otherwise they will be returned to Lin Ge.

And this ump9 is the one that was lent to Luo Youwei before. It can be said that it is an old trick.

Early the next morning, the boatman sent Lin Ge and his party to a small fishing village a few miles away from Suzhou. After taking a short rest in the small fishing village, they set off for Suzhou.

Chen Qing and Gu Shijia were at the front of the team. These two "modern people" of similar age were discussing what dramas they were watching before entering the world of reincarnation.

Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er, as well as Ying Delei and Li Kai, were walking in the middle of the team, but the two in front were discussing magic practice, while the two behind were discussing gun usage skills.

Lin Ge and Huang Ni walked at the back of the team. Seeing Lin Ge's frown, Huang Ni asked, "Are you worried about the stalker?"

Lin Ge nodded: "It has been three days since the Lord God released the news. It stands to reason that the stalkers have entered this world. But neither the newcomers nor the paper figures left in Yuhang Town have received the news. Stalker-related information.”

"It's useless to worry. We have to protect the protagonist and the newcomers. Even if the enemy is in the dark and we are in the dark, we can only use soldiers to cover up the water and the earth." Huang Ni comforted.

Lin Ge sighed. He was right. He would rather face the stalkers who wanted to kill him in a head-on battle than deal with the old Yin Coin who was hiding in secret.

After all, this is the world of Xianxia. If this guy goes to join forces with the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, or persuades the old stubborn of the Shushan Sect to do something, it will be troublesome.

"No matter what, we can only take one step at a time and escort the protagonist to Suzhou as soon as possible to complete the main plot, so as to avoid the appearance of stalkers and make it difficult to take care of the beginning and the end." Lin Ge mused.

At this moment, a woman's scream suddenly came from the front.

"Master!" Li Xiaoyao heard the cry for help and immediately turned around to seek Lin Ge's opinion.

"Go and have a look."

A group of people followed the direction of the sound and saw a girl in a purple skirt holding a long whip in the woods a few hundred meters outside the Suzhou city wall, tying a man and a woman to a tree and whipping them.

"Wait, stop!" Li Xiaoyao stepped forward to stop the girl and asked, "Sister, what mistake did they make? Why did you beat them like this?"

"Wow! Famous scene!" At this time, two melon-eating girls, one person and one ghost, were squatting aside to watch the show with popcorn and melon seeds in their hands.

"..." Lin Ge sighed helplessly when he saw this. It had only been a day, but it felt like this "literary girl" was infected by Chen Qing's humor.

But what makes Lin Ge even more speechless is Li Xiaoyao... The others are still one year younger than you, so you can say "big sister" out loud.

"These two people are my maids and long-time workers. They have been secretly communicating with each other for I don't know how long, and they actually want to elope! Now if I bump into them, I should be punished!" the girl said angrily.

Li Xiaoyao advised: "Since they are in love with each other, why not be a smooth favor and take the initiative to bring them together? Isn't it a good thing? Why force each other so hard?"

Zhao Ling'er stepped forward and said: "Senior brother is right, sister, they are so pitiful, why not let them go."

"You dare to break our family's rules, how can you give them an advantage?" the girl snorted.

Li Xiaoyao asked: "May I ask if Miss has a sweetheart?"

"No, no, what do you mean?"

"Ha! That's it. A beauty like this girl doesn't have a sweetheart. No wonder she can't meet anyone else and fly together." Li Xiaoyao said sarcastically.

The girl said angrily: "You! If a dog can't spit out ivory from its mouth, what do you want me to do to discipline my servants?"

"Servants are human beings too. If we fight like you, someone will die." Li Xiaoyao said.

"Okay, I will spare their lives..." the girl said coldly.

"The girl is indeed a sensible person, let me help them untie the rope." After Li Xiaoyao finished speaking, he stepped forward to untie the two people tied to the tree.

The girl said at this time: "Wait a minute! Death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be escaped. Each of them will cut off one hand as punishment!"

"Ah, no!" Zhao Ling'er stepped forward to stop the girl.

"Step aside!"

Li Xiaoyao also stepped forward and said: "You have gone too far. Although they are your slaves, you can't take human lives lightly because of this!!"

"have a finger in the pie!"

Without saying a word, the girl picked up the whip and whipped it towards Li Xiaoyao. Li Xiaoyao reacted extremely quickly and immediately drew out his bronze sword to block the whip.


Zhao Ling'er was about to step forward to help, but was stopped by Lin Ge: "Ling'er, it's okay, let them fight."


Lin Ge also wanted to see who was stronger between his "apprentice" who had been teaching for a day and a night and the heroine of "Sword of Immortality".

This girl is none other than the second heroine in "Fairy Sword", the little princess of Linjiabao, Lin Yueru.

"What I, Li Xiaoyao, hate most in my life is bullying the weak. Now that you have met me, I will not allow you to bully others with your power!" Li Xiaoyao first used sword control to force Lin Yueru back, and then took advantage of the opponent's attention on the flying sword. At this time, he suddenly drew back his palms and clapped them, using his electric palm to get close.

Lin Yueru originally relied on the advantage of the whip to prevent Li Xiaoyao from getting close. After being defeated by the sword control skills, Lin Yueru was fought at close range by the opponent again and couldn't swing the whip at all.

Lin Yueru was not paying attention, and the whip in her hand was shot away by Li Xiaoyao's electric palm. Then Li Xiaoyao pulled out the iron sword from his waist and pressed it against Lin Yueru's throat.

"You lost!" Li Xiaoyao said proudly.

After saying that, he turned back to look at Lin Ge, with a look on his face asking for credit, as if he was asking: Master, did I not embarrass you?

Zhao Ling'er suddenly exclaimed: "Brother, be careful!"

Lin Yueru took advantage of the moment Li Xiaoyao turned around, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and stabbed Li Xiaoyao fiercely. When Li Xiaoyao turned around, it was too late to dodge.

Seeing that the dagger was about to hit his lower abdomen, he heard a "dang" sound. Lin Ge stood beside Li Xiaoyao at some point. He held the dagger between his two fingers and blocked it. He looked at Lin Yueru with a half-smile and said: " Little girl, my apprentice has spared your life, but you made a sneak attack. Isn't this what a righteous person would do?"

"You, you!" Lin Yueru didn't see clearly when Lin Ge appeared in front of her, and she suddenly realized with horror that the strength of the man in front of her was probably far beyond her, no, even far beyond that of a martial artist. The leader's father!

Lin Singer pressed her fingers slightly, and with a flash of lightning, the dagger in Lin Yueru's hand was broken into two sections. She grabbed the whip on the ground and ran towards Suzhou City in horror.

"Hey, we haven't said let you go yet." Li Xiaoyao called from behind.

Zhao Ling'er said: "Okay, senior brother, don't bully others."

"She almost killed me just now."

"Master is here," Zhao Ling'er said, and together with Li Xiaoyao, he lowered the two people tied to the tree.

After Li Xiaoyao let the two servants take the opportunity to escape, the group returned to their previous state and walked all the way to Suzhou City.

A big city like Suzhou is obviously not comparable to a small county like Yuhang County. As soon as you enter the city gate, you will be surrounded by lively shops and newcomers shopping on both sides.

The group of people wandered all the way to an inn, but the innkeeper told everyone that all the rooms were fully booked, and not only their hotel, but the entire Suzhou city was overcrowded.

After asking around, I found out that the Lin family was holding a contest to recruit a bride at noon today.

The whole inn was talking about the Lin family's martial arts contest to recruit a bride. In addition, Lin Yueru's father, Lin Tiannan, was the leader of the martial arts alliance. Many people came for the position of the son-in-law of the martial arts alliance leader. Suddenly, many people came to participate in the competition in the entire Suzhou city. man.

"Hey~ you know, I heard that the Lin family is going to hold a contest to recruit brides again, but it will definitely be the same as before, and the result will be inconclusive."

"Isn't that right? The eldest daughter of the Lin family has inherited the Lin family's swordsmanship since she was a child. From the age of thirteen, no man in Suzhou City can beat her. How can this compare?"

"That's true..."

Listening to the conversations of the people around them, Lin Ge and others were about to leave and check out another inn, when they heard a commotion at the door.

"Beat him to death, kick him to death! The toad wants to eat the swan's meat, but he doesn't urinate to show off his appearance!" Several tall and strong men were surrounding a weak scholar and beating him up.

Lin Ge said to Li Xiaoyao: "Xiaoyao, go and stop them."

"Okay." Li Xiaoyao was eager to take action. He had dreamed of being a hero every day, and now he finally got his wish.

These three strong men looked as strong as cattle, but they didn't even get beaten. Li Xiaoyao stepped forward and used his electric palm, hitting each one accurately.

After rescuing the beaten man from the three strong men, the man stood up, straightened his clothes, raised his hands to everyone and said, "My lord, Liu Jinyuan, thank you all for your help. To express your gratitude, please prepare a table of wine and food to thank everyone." of life-saving grace.”

"You're welcome, you're welcome. It's such a simple task, why bother Brother Liu? Besides, we have just arrived in Suzhou City and still need to find a place to stay, so we won't delay here." Li Xiaoyao refused.

Liu Jinyuan said: "I do have a room here, but I'm just giving it to you. It doesn't seem to be enough for your family, which has so many people."

Lin Ge smiled and said, "You're welcome. Let's take a walk around Suzhou City first. I heard that the Lin family is holding a competition to recruit brides, so I just happened to go and watch the excitement."

When Liu Jinyuan heard the words "competition to recruit a bride," his expression suddenly changed. He cupped his hands and said, "In that case, I'll take my leave first."

After Liu Jinyuan left, Lin Ge and his party also left the inn.

"Master, do we still want to go to another inn?" Li Xiaoyao asked.

Lin Ge thought for a while and replied: "I heard that the Lin family's competition will start at noon. Let's go and have a look first. Maybe... we can save money on the inn."

"Ah?" Li Xiaoyao didn't know why, but he thought that his master would figure it out, and maybe he had figured out where everyone could stay.

When Lin Ge and his party drove to the arena set up in Suzhou City Square, the area was already overcrowded and no one could squeeze in. Lin Ge could only use some small means to open a way.

"Oh, why am I so numb? I feel uncomfortable standing here..."

"Oh, oh, oh, why are my legs so weak?"

"Ah, who stabbed me with a needle?"


For a moment, the crowd was wailing, and Lin Ge and others also squeezed into the front row. As soon as they squeezed in, they saw a figure flying down from the ring and hitting Zhao Ling'er below.

Lin Ge had quick eyes and quick hands. He pushed the man's vest with his hand and successfully threw it to the ground.

"Thank you, thank you Master." Zhao Ling'er said with lingering fear.

At this time, a cold snort came from the arena:

"Huh, it's useless... who else is ready to be beaten?" After saying that, Lin Yueru turned back to look at the middle-aged man standing on the long side and hummed: "Dad, none of these guys are decent at all. It’s not fun, let’s go back and forget it!”

"Nonsense! Ru'er, your attack is too harsh, isn't it? The person who challenged the ring either had his hand broken off or was blinded by you. Who dares to come up?" Lin Tiannan scolded.

"Blame me again? I'm a girl, these stinky men are so useless!" Lin Yueru said dissatisfied.

Lin Tiannan said in a helpless tone: "How much time and effort did dad put into finding opportunities for you to choose a husband? You have never taken it seriously!"

"I don't have one. Look for yourself. All those people in the audience are timid. How can they be worthy of being a daughter of the Lin family..." Lin Yueru was talking, facing the smiling face on the stage, and suddenly She couldn't even speak clearly. The stammering daughter didn't say the word "son-in-law" for a long time.

Lin Ge looked at Lin Yueru and smiled slightly: "Miss Lin is not old, and her tone of voice is not small. But for some reason, she still has a stuttering problem?"

"Hey, hey! You, you are accompanied by several fairies, but you are not allowed to come up to compete in martial arts!" Lin Yueru pointed at Lin Ge and said nervously.

Lin Ge looked at Huang Ni, who was standing next to him and attracted countless attention, and nodded with a smile: "That's true, don't worry, I won't go up."

Lin Tiannan heard someone talking to his little daughter, so he came to the sidelines and took a look. He immediately saw Lin Ge, who was dressed in a Feiyu suit and showed off his good looks and temperament. He wanted to invite Lin Ge to the stage, but found that his daughter seemed to be afraid of him. Likewise, he blocked the other party's plan to take the stage as soon as he opened his mouth.

However, the other party already has a family, so it is really not suitable for him to compete on stage.

"By the way...can we give it a try?" Ying Delei said thoughtfully, holding his chin in one hand as if thinking, and patting the slight rush on his chest with the other.

Li Kai touched the Glock 19 on his waist and was a little ready to move.

"I advise you to give up these days. With Lin Yueru's skills, the situation of 'the gun is accurate and fast within seven steps' will not happen to you." Lin Ge sighed.

"Ah! It's you barbaric girl again!" Li Xiaoyao finally saw Lin Yueru clearly on the stage, pointed at her excitedly and cursed.

Chen Qing slapped her forehead and couldn't help complaining: "Brother, your latency is a bit high!"

Lin Yueru pointed her sword at Li Xiaoyao and cursed: "Humph, I underestimated you this morning, and my carelessness allowed you to win. Don't be complacent, you stupid little thief. If we really want to fight, if your master doesn't take action, you will never be my opponent!"

After saying that, Lin Yueru turned around and looked at Lin Tiannan and said, "Dad! They were the ones who bullied me this morning! Ask that brat to come over, and I'm going to beat him up to vent my anger!"

"Ru'er, don't mess around!" Lin Tiannan scolded.

Lin Yueru turned around and pointed at Li Xiaoyao again with her sword and said: "You brat, do you dare to use martial arts to fight again, but you are not allowed to use your magic! If I lose, our previous grudges will be wiped out. If you lose, you will Come to my house and work long-term for a year in exchange for Yinhua and Changgui’s ransom!”

"What kind of magic! Barbarian girl, don't open your mouth and talk nonsense. My master is the unparalleled Shangqing Taoist Master in the world. This is pure Taoism!" Li Xiaoyao said angrily.

Lin Yueru snorted: "I don't care, it's not martial arts anyway. Hum, is it because your master didn't have time to teach you Kung Fu? In this case, as long as you admit defeat and beg for mercy, I will spare you."

"Master!" Li Xiaoyao turned around, looked at Lin Ge angrily, and begged: "She is talking nonsense, can I go up and teach her a lesson?"

"Go." Lin Ge nodded.

In addition to the Lightning Palm, Lin Ge also taught Li Xiaoyao the "Spirit Chasing Soul" and "Qiankun Borrowing Technique". The sword-controlling skills and palm techniques derived from these two alone were more than enough to deal with Lin Yueru, not to mention Li Xiaoyao also He learned the orthodox sword-handling skills of Shushan School from Jiujianxian.

Zhao Ling'er clenched her fists to cheer up Li Xiaoyao and said, "Brother, come on, let her have a taste of your power and see if she still dares to talk nonsense!"

"Don't worry!" Li Xiaoyao was about to go on stage, but Lin Ge grabbed him and whispered a few words in his ear, which made Li Xiaoyao's eyes light up.

"Master, master, are you really going to do this? Is it... a little too much?" Li Xiaoyao asked, somewhat unbearably.

Lin Ge replied: "Don't worry, we have always played like this before."


"Oh, I said this is how it works in the game."


Li Xiaoyao obviously didn't understand, but he knew that Lin Ge would not lie to him, so he jumped onto the ring, looked at Lin Yueru and said: "Hey, savage girl, it's your words, as long as I beat you , all the previous matters will be wiped out!"

"That's right!" Lin Yueru responded.

Lin Tiannan on the side scolded: "Ru'er, don't be a childish person."

"Dad, please don't worry about it. If I don't get back this face in front of everyone today, wouldn't it mean that people will look down on our Suzhou Linjiabao!"

"Okay, okay! You can do whatever you want, but remember, stop there!" Lin Tiannan warned.

Lin Yueru suddenly raised her sword and looked at Li Xiaoyao with a smile: "I don't want to bully you. If you kneel down and kowtow three times, I can spare you today!"

"No, just don't let me beat you and you say I bully girls!"

"Stop talking nonsense and show off!"

Upon hearing this, Li Xiaoyao stepped forward and reached out to grab it——

Flying dragon explores the clouds! (End of chapter)

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