Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 406 I’ve tolerated you for a long time, go report to the underworld!

Li Xiaoyao took a step back and subconsciously took out the paper man given by Huang Ni, only to see that the paper man seemed to be alive in his hands and jumped to the ground.

As soon as the ghost lantern flew over, the soul paper man jumped up and smashed his fist, sending the ghost lantern flying away.


The soul paper man stood in front of Li Xiaoyao, with his arms crossed and looking arrogantly at the ghost lanterns.

The ghost lantern hesitated, and after a while, perhaps sensing the breath of the underworld kid on the soul paper man, he ran away quickly.

The soul paper man jumped up, sat on Li Xiaoyao's shoulder, raised his hand and pointed towards the mountain. Li Xiaoyao instantly understood what the paper man meant, and walked towards the mountain while chatting with the paper man.

"Brother Paperman, you are so awesome. Are you really from the underworld?"

"Did my future master send you to protect me?"

"Speaking of which, my future master is really powerful. He can even drive the devils from the underworld to protect me."

"Brother paper man..."

Li Xiaoyao was chirping along the way, making the paper soul man unconsciously raise his hands to cover his ears. He really wanted to jump back to the underworld and run away as a ghost.

But it is the Lord Judge's order, how dare you disobey it.

There is a paper man with a soul to control the situation, and it is also a paper man possessed by the underworld soldiers that Lin Ge summoned through the judge's pen. He is not an ordinary little ghost.

The "ghost energy" on his body alone can scare away the spirits on the ten-mile slope.

Finally arrived at the Mountain Temple. Looking at the dilapidated temple, Li Xiaoyao couldn't help but sigh: "Uh... I haven't been to this place for a long time. I think back then, I liked playing games here the most. Unfortunately, my aunt would find me every time." It’s so miserable.”

Li Xiaoyao walked into the empty mountain temple and moved aside the broken plaque with the four characters "response to all requests" blocking the door. At this time, he heard a burst of laughter from the front.

"Hahaha, young man, you are indeed trustworthy." Situ Zhong jumped down from the beam and said while drinking from the wine bottle.

When Li Xiaoyao saw this, he immediately stepped forward with a smile: "Senior, if Auntie hadn't been so careful, I would have wanted to bring a few jugs of good wine for the senior."

Situ Zhongping waved his hand and said: "Haha, that's not necessary. I drink famous wines all over the world. If it weren't for the ferocious wine bugs, I wouldn't care about the sour wine mixed with water."

Li Xiaoyao smiled awkwardly: "Senior, I am laughing at you. There is no good food and wine in this small shop in the country. Please forgive me for any inconvenience."

"Hahaha! This is like a human saying. I have never owed anything to anyone in my life. Now I will teach you a sword move to repay your favor of giving me wine. Look carefully!" As soon as Situ Zhong finished speaking, he jumped from the mountain god The broken roof of the temple flew out.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoyao hurriedly chased him out, only to see Situ Zhong standing in the open space in front of the mountain temple, raising his finger to the sky, and the sword on his back was unsheathed with a whoosh and flew into the air.

Immediately afterwards, a sword turned into a dozen fairy swords and fell from the sky, forming a sword array in the air, and then fell like a rain of swords.

Situ Zhong was making moves with his sword and reciting formulas at the same time. His movements were so fast that it was dazzling.

However, it is not without reason that Li Xiaoyao became the protagonist of the generation. Situ Zhong's dazzling sword moves seemed to have been slowed down several times in his eyes, and it was deeply imprinted in his mind.

While memorizing the sword moves, Li Xiaoyao also memorized the formula.

As soon as Situ Zhong raised his hand, a dozen fairy swords flew up again, merged into a sword in the air, and flew back to the scabbard behind him.

"Hahaha, this move is called 'Sword Controlling Technique', can you remember it well?" Situ Zhong looked at Li Xiaoyao and asked.

Li Xiaoyao still remembered that this was the "opportunity" that Lin Ge had repeatedly warned him about, so he quickly stepped forward and said, "Senior, please accept me as your disciple."

Situ Zhongpan waved his hand: "Well, I am accustomed to wandering, and I don't want to accept a disciple."

Li Xiaoyao was still silent in the amazement of his swordsmanship, and bowed again: "Senior, please, I am willing to honor you for the rest of my life, follow you to perform chivalry and righteousness, and travel around the world."

Situ Zhong still shook his head and sighed: "If you learn this sword technique, you will be able to use it throughout your life. This is the fate of you and me. Go home."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Xiaoyao felt his eyes blurred, and Situ Zhong had disappeared from his eyes.

Li Xiaoyao looked at the dark night sky and shouted: "Senior, I don't know your name yet!"

At this time, a loud voice of poetry recited came from the dark night sky:

"Come with a sword and ride on the wind to slay demons in the world."

"I am happy and happy when I have wine, but I am also mad without wine."

"Drink all the rivers in one drink, and swallow the sun and moon in another drink."

"A thousand cups of drunkenness will not make you drunk, but I am the wine-swordsman."

Li Xiaoyao looked at the night sky and said in a daze: "Jiu Sword Immortal... It turns out he is such an incredible senior. No wonder the Taoist Master has repeatedly told me to worship him as my teacher."


This may be what the Taoist priest said... "the fate has not yet arrived".

Although Li Xiaoyao was a little regretful, in order to let himself remember the sword control skills more clearly, he took out his bronze sword and practiced each move in the open space of the mountain temple.

At the same time, several men in black landed on Fairy Island. Under the moonlight, you can see that these people are all wearing black Miao costumes.

The number was not just three, but more than twenty people.

It turned out that the Black Miao people had been ambushing near Yuhang Town for a long time. When Li Xiaoyao destroyed the formation, they gathered together and landed on the island, vowing to find Zhao Ling'er.

However, as soon as these people stepped into the forest, they heard a rustling sound, and a group of grass spirits, tree spirits, and wood spirits rushed out.

"A mere spirit dares to block our way!" The Miao leader snorted coldly, drew out the Miao knife from his waist, and led his team towards the spirits.


Bang bang bang!

Suddenly there was a sound similar to firecrackers, and several Black Miao people fell down instantly. The spirits took advantage of the situation and rushed forward, throwing several more people to the ground.




At this time, as beams of light shot out from the forest, Mrs. Jiang walked out of the forest with an AK47 and a group of maids in green armed with various firearms, surrounding the Black Miao people. These light beams are the light sources illuminated by the tactical flashlights on the firearms.

Looking at the black Miao people lying in a pool of blood, Jiang and others couldn't help but sigh that the hidden weapons called "guns" given by their benefactor were really useful!

Hit wherever you point, full of power!

Isn't this much easier to use than magic?

At this time, Lin Ge and Zhao Ling'er walked out from the other side of the forest, and together with the spirits, blocked the retreat of the Black Miao people.

"Yes, it's you! Why are you here!" The Miao leader glared at Lin Ge fiercely.

Lin Ge shrugged: "You can be here, why can't I?"

"Do you know who we are?" the Miao leader said angrily: "We are the envoys of the Moon Worship Sect in Miao territory. This trip to the Central Plains is for a major task related to the survival of millions of Miao people in our Miao territory. , if you interfere again, you will become the enemy of my entire family."

"It's none of my business." Lin Ge spread his hands with an indifferent expression.

The leader of the Miao people noticed Zhao Ling'er standing next to Lin Ge, and immediately put the highly recognizable beauty on the face of the Witch Queen, and said urgently: "Your Highness, please come back to Miao territory with us. , we have been ordered by the Witch King to find you and bring you back at any cost."

"I don't want it. Master and grandma both say you are bad people." Zhao Ling'er glanced at Lin Ge beside him and decisively refused.

The Miao leader looked at Lin Ge and asked in surprise: "Is he your master?"

"It's none of your business." Lin Ge said first.


Zhao Ling'er wrinkled her nose, glared at the Miao leader with a fierce expression, and said, "You still want to kill my grandma, so I don't want to go back with you."

The leader of the Miao people cursed: "Rebellious ministers and traitors should be punished by everyone. This old witch secretly carried you out of the palace and ran to the Central Plains, causing you and your father to be separated from each other for decades. She is a big traitor! She actually still did it. I asked you to become a disciple of such an unknown person, and asked you to learn the magic of the evil heretics of the Han people. Do you know that in the past ten years..."

Lin Ge said: "Hey, hey, I'm not familiar with you. If you talk nonsense, I'm going to sue you for slander!"

"You're talking nonsense. I don't have a father. My grandma said that my father died long ago." Zhao Ling'er replied.

The Miao leader said: "Your biological father is the Witch King of the Miao Territory, the leader of the various ethnic groups in the Miao Territory. You were only six years old when you were taken away from the palace. You were still young at that time, so you didn't understand."

Lin Ge sighed at the side: "You have been talking nonsense for so long, can you use the confidence you had at the beginning and start grabbing it directly? I originally wanted to see what tricks you had, but in the end it was just those few words over and over again. It's really boring. ...I’ve tolerated you for a long time, go report to the underworld!”

As soon as Lin Ge raised his hand, there was a "click-click-click" sound of bullets being loaded all around.

During the long time between Li Xiaoyao leaving Xianling Island and the Black Miao people landing on the island, Lin Ge taught Jiang and others how to use firearms.

People from the Jiang family and Shuiyue Palace already know some martial arts and spells. Although they are not good at concealed weapons, they can learn simple things like firearms much faster than ordinary people.

As soon as Lin Singer fell down, gunshots rang out.

The reason why Jiang and others were allowed to take action was mainly to let them enjoy the joy of personal revenge, increase their favorability, and see if other hidden plots could be triggered.

The leader of the Miao people watched his companions fall one after another. Let alone deal with Jiang's attempt to snatch Zhao Ling'er away, he could not even break through the siege of the spirits.

"I'm going to kill you all, kill you all!" The Miao leader opened his double show and scattered a large handful of white worm-like insects.

Lin Ge had long expected that the Miao leader would definitely use poison to attack him in the end, so he used the Yuling Soul Chasing Control Burning Talisman to surround the Miao leader.


In an instant, a sea of ​​fire appeared around the Miao leader, burning the insects he scattered to death instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ge jumped up and used Ladder Cloud to reach the top of the Miao leader. He landed with a "thud" and stepped on the back of his neck, knocking him to the ground.

"Tell me about the Moon Worship Sect." Lin Ge took out a bronze sword, placed it against the neck of the Miao leader, and asked with a smile.

"Don't even think about it!"


Lin Ge raised his hand and chopped off an arm of the Miao leader: "Are you willing to say it now?"


Another sword strike.

The other hand of the Miao leader was also chopped off.

Lin Ge took out the hemostatic spray and healing spray, sprayed it on the two severed limbs of the Miao leader, and treated his wounds thoughtfully.

"What's the situation in southern Xinjiang now?"

"You... don't even think about... asking... anything... from me." Although the Miao leader's wound was healed, the pain in the severed limb was clear, and he couldn't even speak clearly because of the pain.

Although Mrs. Jiang hated the Black Miao people, she still couldn't bear to see this scene, so she quickly took Zhao Ling'er away.

The other maidservants stepped forward to prepare their guns and kill the dying Black Miao people.

"Don't tell me, right? Now I will kill one of your companions every thirty seconds. Let's see how long you can last..." Lin Ge threatened.

The Miao leader remained silent. As soon as Lin Ge raised his hand, a female maid immediately shot a black Miao man in the head.


"Say or not?"




The leader of the Miao people roared angrily: "Our leader is so powerful that he won't let you go, he won't let you go! Just wait, you all have to die, you all have to die!"

The Miao leader couldn't bear the humiliation and bit his tongue and committed suicide.

Lin Ge sighed. This ending was expected by him, because the plots of the "Sword of Sword" game and the TV series were very different.

The Black Miao people in the game have already been "brainwashed" by the Moon Worship Cult, and the leader of the Moon Worship Cult is also an absolutely evil person.

Zhao Ling'er's mother, the Witch Queen, is a descendant of the Nuwa tribe. As a "holy girl" of the Bai Miao tribe, she married the Witch King. As a powerful official at the time, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was worried that the Witch Queen would affect his status, so he designed to seduce the Witch King. The Witch King mistakenly believed that the Witch Queen was a "snake demon" and killed her entire clan.

In fact, the Witch King was killed by the Moon Worshiping Leader a long time ago. The current Witch King is also the puppet of the Moon Worshiping Leader. The entire Miao territory is controlled by the Moon Worshiping Leader.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult is a "god" in the eyes of the Black Miao people. Therefore, even if these Black Miao people are subjected to inhuman torture, they will not reveal any information about the Moon Worshiping Cult.

However, Lin Ge was not in a hurry. As long as he took Zhao Ling'er away and went to Suzhou with Li Xiaoyao, the newcomer's mission would be completed, and he would still have twenty days to explore the world. And taking the two protagonists and three new reincarnators with you, you don't have to worry about stalkers taking action.

Thinking of this, Lin Ge asked the maids to clean up the mess while he returned to Shuiyue Palace to discuss the follow-up matters with Jiang. His suggestion was for Jiang to take the people from Shuiyue Palace into hiding first, and wait until he takes Zhao Ling'er to find the Bai Miao people in Dali and confirm the situation in Miao territory, and then notify her to go there.

Lin Ge came to help again and again. Naturally, Mrs. Jiang would not doubt Lin Ge, obeyed his instructions, and took the people from Shuiyue Palace to leave Fairy Island early the next morning.

Lin Ge flew back to Yuhang Town with Zhao Ling'er's sword. As soon as he entered the inn, he saw Li Xiaoyao with one foot on the stool and the other on the table. He looked at Gu Shijia and the three people around the table with a beaming look. He told the story Following their heroic deeds to Fairy Island.

"On Fairy Island, there are three tree spirits tall. Although they are tall and powerful, my master's sword turned them into a pile of waste, waste, waste... Hehe, master, cough, Taoist priest, junior sister, you guys Are you back?" Li Xiaoyao was talking enthusiastically when he saw Lin Ge and Zhao Ling'er coming in and quickly changed the subject in embarrassment.

"Brother Lin, thank you for saving us." Gu Shijia immediately felt grateful after learning from Li Xiaoyao that they were also poisoned. It was Lin Ge who asked Jiang to get the medicine to save them.

Lin Ge asked about the situation of the three of them, and then asked about Li Xiaoyao's apprenticeship. When he learned that Jiujianxian was just like in the game and had not accepted Li Xiaoyao as his disciple now, he gave some words of comfort. Then he looked at everyone and said, "Be ready to leave for Suzhou. Complete the main plot first to avoid long nights and dreams."


Li Xiaoyao said with some embarrassment: "Taoist Master, my aunt is recovering from her illness, so I just left... I can't worry about her. What do you think? You go to Suzhou first. I'll wait for my aunt to get better in a few days." , I will go to Suzhou to meet you!"

Although there was nothing wrong with what Li Xiaoyao said, there were still a few hours at most before the stalkers entered, so Lin Ge was worried about letting him stay in Yuhang Town.

As the absolute protagonist of "Sword and Fairy", there is a high probability that the stalker will take advantage of Li Xiaoyao's immature growth and attack him.

Whether it is against the new reincarnations or against him as the leader, once Li Xiaoyao makes a mistake, the impact on them will be fatal.

What's more, if Li Xiaoyao doesn't go to Suzhou with them, it means that the main plot has not been completed.

"Xiaoyao." Lin Ge was thinking about how to persuade Li Xiaoyao, when Aunt Li walked into the inn from outside the door. (End of chapter)

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