Lin Yueru lost to Li Xiaoyao once before. Although she underestimated her opponent at that time and had no chance to use both her sword and finger skills, she was able to be defeated by three or five moves, which showed that the opponent's strength was by no means ordinary!

Therefore, after she said the three words "Let's take action", her spirit was extremely tense, and she was always paying attention to Li Xiaoyao's actions.

When Li Xiaoyao yelled "Flying Dragon Explorer Hand", Lin Yueru had already put on a defensive stance. After all, the name of this move was unusual!

It's both a flying dragon and a cloud explorer, and it's extraordinary in terms of momentum alone!



Nothing happened.


Lin Yueru waited for a long time and waited for nothing to happen. She suddenly became angry and cursed: "You can only play tricks and bluff? As expected, you are just like those useless men..."

"Eh, copper coins?" Li Xiaoyao loosened his clenched fist, and a handful of coins suddenly fell to the ground.

Lin Yueru didn't understand what Li Xiaoyao was doing, but suddenly she frowned and touched her waist. The copper coin dart that was originally used as a hidden weapon was missing!

Copper coin darts and Qiankun throw are commonly used concealed weapon methods in Lin Jiabao. Although Lin Yueru rarely uses concealed weapons, he will keep some copper coins with him. Even if they are not concealed weapons, they can be used regularly. It can be said to be the most "convenient" concealed weapon.

But this guy, when...


Lin Yueru realized that it must be the "Flying Dragon Cloud Explorer" who was causing trouble. This guy even used such tricks in the ring competition!

"Watch the move!" Lin Yueru was furious, raised his hand and pointed two fingers at Li Xiaoyao, and suddenly a sword energy flew towards Li Xiaoyao.

Qi sword pointing!

Li Xiaoyao reacted very quickly, raised his bronze sword to block, and at the same time reached out again——

"Flying Dragon Cloud Explorer!"

This time it's "Sachet".

"Oh! Savage girl, you actually carry a sachet with you. It seems that you also have girls' hobbies!" Li Xiaoyao teased, hooking the rope on the sachet with his fingers and twirling it around.

"You bastard!"

Lin Yueru slashed at Li Xiaoyao with his sword, and Li Xiaoyao reached for his hand again——

"Flying Dragon Cloud Explorer!"

A nine-section whip hanging from his waist.


"Flying Dragon Cloud Explorer!"

Short sword.

"You! Shameless!"

"Flying Dragon Cloud Explorer!"

Black silk hairband.

"Flying Dragon Cloud Explorer!"

Emerald jade hairpin.

"Flying Dragon Cloud Explorer!"


After one-tenth of the incense stick, Lin Yueru's hair was a little messy, her clothes were a little disheveled, the hand holding the sword was trembling, and her silver teeth seemed to be about to be chewed, and she said angrily: "You! This! Bastard! Damn! You! Only! Will! This! One! Move! Is that!!!!"

At this moment, except for the sword in Lin Yueru's hand, Li Xiaoyao had stripped everything off Lin Yueru's body. I'm afraid that next time she uses the flying dragon's cloud-exploring hand, it will be either her bellyband or her coat.

When the crowd watching in the audience saw Lin Yueru's angry look, they seemed to hear the sound of "crackling" teeth in their ears.

Huang Ni looked at Lin Yueru on the stage and asked with a subtle expression: " the strategy you taught Li Xiaoyao to fight against the enemy? Do you still play like this?"

Lin Ge smiled and said: "In the world of "Fairy Sword", you don't need to learn skills such as sword control, Wanjian Jue, and Sword God, but you can't miss "Flying Dragon Cloud Explorer"... I have memorized the formulas and moves, and I will practice them slowly when I go back. , I won’t be afraid that when I exploit the reincarnator in the future, the other party will hide his secrets.”


As expected of you.

At this moment, Lin Yueru was extremely angry and kept attacking Li Xiaoyao with her Qi Sword Finger and Yang Finger in conjunction with her sword skills.

However, when a person loses his mind, his flaws will continue to be exposed. Li Xiaoyao saw the opportunity to show off his tricks. Even if he only used swordsmanship, he could fight back and forth with Lin Yueru, who had both sword and finger skills.

After half a stick of incense, Li Xiaoyao struck out the sword in Lin Yueru's hand.

Looking at the sword tip in front of her, Lin Yue felt angry, but she still held her hand and said, "I give up."

Li Xiaoyao sheathed his sword, raised his eyebrows at Lin Yueru proudly, and said with a smile: "I accept."

Lin Yueru's face turned red and she was about to say something. At this moment, there was a burst of applause from the audience. Li Xiaoyao enjoyed the applause cheering for him. He cupped his hands and said in thanks: "Ah, thank you, thank you all!"

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao seemed to see the dream of a hero he dreamed about every night, a hero admired by the world.

"Hehehe..." At this time, Lin Tiannan held his beard and walked to the edge of the ring, looked at the people below and said: "Great, great! Dear fellow villagers, today the contest for my daughter's marriage has finally come to an end. Starting tomorrow, I Mr. Lin is having a banquet at Linjiabao for three days, and all the fellow villagers must appreciate it!"

Lin Ge: ...Why did I hear the old father’s sadness and helplessness? Behind the scenes, how many people did Lin Yueru beat up who came to participate in the competition to find a bride?

"Dad~! I don't want to listen to you." Lin Yueru said shyly.

Then, he used Qing Kung and ran away from the ring.

"Hahaha! It's so rare. I never thought Ru'er would be ashamed." Father Lin stroked his beard and sighed with emotion.

"Uh, what, what?" Li Xiaoyao looked at Lin Yueru who was walking away, and then looked at Lin Tiannan who was smiling, feeling a little confused.

"Hehehe... Young man, what are you doing standing there? Follow Ru'er." Lin Tiannan looked at Li Xiaoyao and said with a smile.

"Me? Why?" Li Xiaoyao looked confused.

Lin Tiannan said seriously: "Are you still pretending to be stupid? Since you are better than Ru'er in this competition to recruit a bride, you will naturally become the son-in-law of my Lin family."

"Ah!!!???" Li Xiaoyao's shock at this moment was not much worse than when he saw the Luo Sha ghost woman in his dream. How could he go to the ring to compete in martial arts and have a wife in the blink of an eye?

Are all the arenas playing this big?

"This, this..." Li Xiaoyao looked at Lin Ge in the audience at a loss. Lin Ge waved his hand at him, signaling him to hold on still and not panic.

When Lin Tiannan saw this, he cupped his hands towards Lin Ge and said, "Are you friends of my little brothers? Why don't you come to the Lin Family Fort to discuss the happy event together."

"Master Lin Bao, you're welcome, please." Lin Ge raised his eyebrows at Huang Ni and others, as if to say, look, don't you have this free meal ticket?

Everyone followed Lin Tiannan to the Lin Family Fort. Lin Tiannan asked his servants to prepare a room and hosted a banquet in honor of Lin Ge and his party.

At the banquet, Lin Tiannan was full of praise for Li Xiaoyao.

"Shaoxia Li is so skilled at such a young age, his swordsmanship is even more exquisite, and his appearance is outstanding. It is a blessing for me to have Shaoxia as my son-in-law! Hahaha." Lin Tiannan stroked his beard and looked at Li Xiaoyao, feeling more and more The more satisfied you are.

Li Xiaoyao said with a little embarrassment: "Junior is just lucky, in fact..."

"By the way, the sword technique I saw you using just now is the sword control technique of the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect?" Lin Tiannan asked.

Li Xiaoyao nodded: "Yes."

Lin Tiannan laughed a few times and then said: "So you are a disciple of Dugu Sword Master. Haha, what a coincidence. I and my respected master have been brothers for more than ten years. After all, you are still my nephew."

"Dugu...Sword Master? No, that's not right." Li Xiaoyao looked at Lin Ge nervously, but saw Lin Ge picking up the chopsticks and eating vegetables silently, seemingly not taking Lin Tiannan's words to heart.

"Oh? Isn't it?" Lin Tiannan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and was a little surprised, because in his opinion, that sword control technique could only be taught to no more than three people in the Shushan Sword Sect.

Li Xiaoyao smiled awkwardly, and then looked at Lin Ge: "To be honest, this junior was taught a sword technique by the Jiu Sword Immortal by fate, and this is my master."

Lin Tiannan was even more surprised at this time than when he heard that Li Xiaoyao was not the disciple of Dugu Sword Master, because in his eyes, Lin Ge was only a few years older than Li Xiaoyao. Is the person who teaches a disciple like Li Xiaoyao not a peerless expert?

But Lin Tiannan quickly gave up this idea. After all, Lin Ge's appearance gave him a very unstable feeling, so he attributed Li Xiaoyao's "achievement" to the sword technique taught by Jiujianxian.


He only relied on one and a half moves to realize this kind of skill. This guy's understanding is extremely good!

Lin Tiannan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, it's not important. What I care about is your marriage to Ru'er. My Lin family is a single generation of three generations, and I only have one daughter like Ru'er, so I hope you can marry into our Lin family. , so that I can inherit my Lin family’s property.”

"This junior cannot afford it!" Li Xiaoyao said anxiously.

"Shibo, wait a minute, how can Yue Ru marry him?" At this moment, a person broke into the lobby. It was the scholar Liu Jinyuan who had met Lin Ge and others at the inn.

Lin Tiannan put down his wine glass, looked up at Liu Jinyuan, and frowned: "Why not?"

Liu Jinyuan said a little anxiously: "Shibo, you know that I don't know martial arts, but you decide Yueru's marriage through a martial arts competition to recruit a bride."

Lin Tiannan said calmly: "Since it is Yue Ru's decision to compete in a martial arts competition to find a bride, now that the winner in the arena has been decided, he is the one who counts."

"No! This can't be counted. How could Yueru's life-long event be so careless!" Liu Jinyuan said anxiously.

"Yes, it doesn't count." Li Xiaoyao quickly agreed. After all, he had just entered the world of his dreams. He was going to get married in less than a day, so how could he make a living in the world?


Just as Liu Jinyuan was about to say something, Lin Tiannan stopped him: "Shut up! Yueru is my daughter, what qualifications do you have to object to this matter?"

Liu Jinyuan hurriedly said: "I...I ask you to give me Yue Ru as promised. Tomorrow I will ask my father to send someone to propose marriage."

Lin Tiannan sighed and said: "Yueru doesn't like you at all, otherwise how would she agree to a martial arts contest? What's more, how can you, a scholar, inherit my position as the leader of the Southern Wulin Alliance?"

Liu Jinyuan was stunned and said in frustration: "I...I understand. Brother Li, I wish you and Yueru the best. Shibo, please say goodbye to Yueru for me. I have decided to return to the capital."

"...He's leaving now. It seems his love isn't deep either." Seeing this, Chen Qing on the side couldn't help complaining.

Gu Shijia nodded cooperatively: "That's right... I really feel for Caiyi in the subsequent plot, who is indecisive and unworthy. I feel that Liu Jinyuan is a big scumbag."

"That makes sense."


"Brother Liu, Brother Liu, don't leave..." Li Xiaoyao watched Liu Jinyuan leave like this, and he shouted helplessly in his heart, I am so embarrassed that you left!

Li Xiaoyao had no choice but to explain to Lin Tiannan: "Master Lin Bao, I have a slight misunderstanding with my daughter, so I went to the ring to compete in a martial arts contest to recruit a bride... Senior, please think twice about recruiting a bride."

"Does the young hero dislike the little girl?" Lin Tiannan frowned.

Li Xiaoyao looked at Lin Ge, hoping that his master could help rescue him, but he saw him holding a wine glass and drinking with his master.


Lin Ge didn't answer, so Li Xiaoyao had no choice but to continue.

"Don't you dare. Miss Lin is pretty and has great martial arts skills. She is the partner that many people in the world dream of. I, Li Xiaoyao, am just a rookie entering the world. This important matter of marriage is not a trivial matter. I don't dare to make a promise lightly, for fear of letting down Miss Lin." .”

Li Xiaoyao kept winking at Lin Ge, as if to say... Master, you should say a few words.

"What's not good about marrying into my Lin family? Who knows that the Lin family in Suzhou is a famous family in the south of the Yangtze River. Although it is not as rich as the country, it is still a wealthy family. Although my daughter is not a beauty who has conquered the country, she is also a beautiful lady. How many famous families? The young master can't marry her even if she wants to, so I don't think you have any reason to dislike her." Lin Tiannan thought to himself. Could it be that Li Xiaoyao has concerns in his heart?

Li Xiaoyao's path was impassable, so Lin Tiannan immediately prepared to start with Lin Ge. He raised his wine glass and saluted Lin Ge: "Since you are Li Shaoxia's master, how do you view this matter?"

Lin Ge raised his glass and retorted: "Master Linbao, please see, this marriage matter is ultimately a matter between the two of them, and only they know whether it is suitable for them. Why not... let her two get along for a while first, and then look at it." What do they mean?"

"Throughout the ages, parents have ordered matchmakers. Since you are Li Shaoxia's master, you are also his elder. Could it be that you are still unable to make a decision on this matter?" Lin Tiannan's opinion was obviously at odds with Lin Ge. In his eyes, Lin Yueru could decide to compete. Recruiting a bride is already the biggest concession.

Lin Ge and Lin Tiannan chatted for a long time about Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru's marriage. After hearing that the crowd was a little tired, they went back to their rooms to rest.

In the end, Lin Tiannan reluctantly agreed to Lin Ge's suggestion of letting the two get along for a few days, and asked Lin Tiannan to come down and ask Lin Yueru what she meant. After all, the heroine who was competing for a bride was "shy" and hid in the ring when she came down from the ring. Not seen in the room.

Although there are many rooms in Linjiabao, the melon-eating girl group Chen Qing and Gu Shijia dragged Zhao Ling'er into a room with them. Lin Ge and Huang Ni lived next door to the three of them, while Li Xiaoyao, Ying Delei and Li Kai's rooms were arranged In the west wing.

When Li Xiaoyao returned to his room, he couldn't help but stop Lin Ge and asked: "Master, master... I, I really want to, really want to marry Miss Lin?"

"Whether you force your feelings to come or not depends on your own will. I think Lin Yueru is also a child of the world. Maybe we can chat with you, and we can fight together in the world of swordsmanship and justice." Lin Ge said with a smile.

Li Xiaoyao said helplessly: "Master, please stop teasing me. I am just a little shrimp who has just entered the world. How can I take over a stall as big as Linjiabao? What's more, I don't want to get married. I just want to travel with Master!"

"Okay! I said, it all depends on what you mean." Lin Ge comforted Li Xiaoyao for a few words, and the other party and Ying Delei went to the west courtyard.

Li Xiaoyao returned to the room. After thinking about it, he still felt uneasy and decided to take the initiative to talk to Lin Yueru.

Under the guidance of the maid, Li Xiaoyao found Lin Yueru in the backyard.

"Wild...cough, Miss Lin."

The words "barbaric girl" almost blurted out, but Li Xiaoyao thought that the misunderstanding between the two had been resolved, so he immediately changed the title.

"Look! Does my outfit look good?" Lin Yueru's previous attire was more masculine, with loose pants and robes making it easier to move, but now she had changed into a purple and white skirt.

"Oh~ Okay, it looks good." Li Xiaoyao said.

"Is that all? It's hard for me to wear it just once." Lin Yueru said with a slightly disappointed tone.


What else?

Li Xiaoyao didn't know how to answer the conversation, so he could only change the subject and said, "Miss Lin, can I ask you a question in private? Please answer me truthfully."


"You...really want to marry me?"

"I didn't marry you, it was you who married into our Lin family."

Li Xiaoyao:? ? ?

What's the difference?

"That's not what I mean. I mean that it's too hasty to recruit a bride through martial arts competition. This marriage doesn't necessarily have to count." Li Xiaoyao explained.

Lin Yueru said: "It doesn't matter, whatever my father says."


Li Xiaoyao was speechless for a while, and after struggling for a long time, he finally said: "Well, actually, I went to the ring to compete with you today. I just wanted to resolve the misunderstanding. I didn't think about recruiting a bride."

"Hee~ Who told you to promise me? Now everyone in Suzhou City knows that you are the new uncle of my Lin family. Do you want to default on your debt?" Lin Yueru said with a smile.

Li Xiaoyao: ...Is this okay?

"But, we have only known each other for a day?" Li Xiaoyao said helplessly.

Lin Yueru said aggrievedly: "After talking for a long time, it turns out that you hate me!"

"No, no, I just think it's too casual." Li Xiaoyao was about to cry but had no tears.

Lin Yueru said seriously: "I am not a casual woman. I know very well what I am doing."

"Are you still holding a grudge for what happened in the morning and deliberately teasing me?" Li Xiaoyao met Lin Yueru's gaze and asked with a grimace.

Lin Yueru smiled and said, "Hey, what do you think?"


Why can’t I explain clearly!

Li Xiaoyao was about to cry.

In the east wing room, Lin Ge sat at the table and poured himself a cup of tea.

The biggest headache for Lin Ge now is that Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er have successfully arrived in Suzhou and participated in the Lin family's competition to recruit a bride.

Lin Ge looked through the detailed guide for "Sword and Sword 1" that Gu Shijia had written for him. This guide even marked the locations of some hidden treasure chests in the game. It also included the details of the plot of getting acquainted with Liu Jinyuan after entering Suzhou and participating in a competition to recruit a bride. All can be matched.

In theory, it doesn't deviate much from the plot. However, even so, there is still no prompt to complete the main quest for newcomers.

"Thinking about the main mission?" Huang Ni walked to Lin Ge and sat down, looked at him and asked.

Lin Ge nodded and told Huang Ni his doubts.

Huang Ni thought for a moment and asked, "You planted paper dolls on the two newcomers before. Can you see their situation now?"

Lin Ge shook his head. The paper man was no better than the Soul Chasing Curse. He could not check the specific situation of the person who was cast at any time unless he actively awakened the paper man.

But once the paper man is awakened, if there is no chance to play a new paper man, the final result is likely to be a complete loss of trace of the target.

The only thing Lin Ge can be sure of now is that Dang Guohao and Chen Hailan are far away from Suzhou at this time, while Luan Fuzhou and Yang Jingyi are near Suzhou.

Judging from the early warning mechanism that wakes up the paper man when in danger, the situation of these four people is relatively safe at this time.

However, this also made Lin Ge feel very strange. After all, according to past experience, the "mission" of the stalker was to hunt down the newcomer Samsara.

What is certain now is that the stalker must have entered the world of reincarnation and has been silent. There is a high probability that he is secretly preparing his ultimate move.

However, Lin Ge seemed to have the protagonist line here, but in fact, they continued to be "exposed". Today's competition to recruit a bride was a big gamble for Lin Ge.

If the newcomer's main plot is completed, then he will let the protagonist and the newcomer hide, and wait for him to find the stalker before making plans.

If the main plot is not completed, then we can only try to catch up with Nan Wulin from Lin Tiannan, catch up with Shushan Sword Sect from Jiujianxian, and then gather the power of the square to try to force the pursuers out.

While Lin Ge was betting on the main line, the stalkers had probably determined their location through the Suzhou line, and they could take action at any time.

Lin Ge and Huang Ni talked until late at night about the upcoming arrangements and various measures against stalkers. Just when they were about to go to bed to rest, something unexpected happened!


Suddenly a loud noise came from the east direction of the city, and then huge explosions sounded from all directions in Suzhou City.

Lin Ge rushed out of the room upon hearing the sound and jumped onto the roof. He saw that the city was already surrounded by fire and filled with thick fog.

At this time, Huang Ni also flew to the roof. Seeing a cannonball flying towards the Lin family, she raised her hand and fired a stream of spiritual energy to stop the cannonball.


The shell exploded in the air, and a plume of yellow smoke instantly filled the air.

Lin Ge's keen sense of smell immediately picked up a smell. However, after inhaling these seemingly poisonous gases, his body did not change at all, and there was no mark in the status bar of his personal information.



Lin Ge quickly rejected this idea. If "cannonballs" could be used, they must be from the stalker. There is no reason for the other party to do such a thing to scare the snake.

If the gas didn't work on him, it was probably on a plot character.

At this moment, with a sound breaking through the air, a flag engraved with a skull and a parasol-like mark flew into the courtyard.


The flag exploded into a cloud of smoke, followed by a soft "click" sound, and the tape recorder tied to the flag automatically played.

"Reincarnation, I want to play a game with you."

Lin Ge:......


what is this?

Jigsaw fan copycat?

"You have killed our companions, and we, Tian Xia Bu Du, will give you a test. You can choose to take the pills behind the tape recorder and accept our test, or... prepare to enjoy our Tian Xia Bu Du kill order for you. Bring the 'terror'!"

Poison in the world?

Lin Ge was a little confused and suddenly remembered that when he killed the stalker in "The Three Heroes of the East", the stalker said that he was a member of the World Spreading Poison. Before he died, he said harshly that if he killed him, the organization would not let him go. Something like that.

"It's interesting to spread poison in the world. Can you really chase it into the world of reincarnation?" Lin Ge looked at the flag and the tape and said thoughtfully.

Just as he was about to step forward to take off the pills from the tape recorder and check it out, the stalker's voice sounded again from the tape recorder: "You actually chose to give up the test... Hum, it seems that you have underestimated our ability to distribute poisons all over the world. , if that’s the case, then wash your neck and wait!”

"Hmph, I hope you are strong enough, but don't let me down... After all, I paid a small price to get this fatwa!"

Lin Ge:? ? ?

I'm crazy.

Brother, your "surrender" is a bit childish, isn't it? It took less than thirty seconds, and I didn't even have time to walk over and pick up the tape recorder, and you made the decision for me?


The flag and tape recorder exploded at the same time, and thicker yellow smoke spread to the surroundings instantly.

"No, he is the one who spreads poison in the world. These things must be biochemical poisonous gases. Newcomers and plot characters cannot be allowed to come into contact with him!"

Although Lin Ge still had many doubts in his heart, he could only figure out what the "fatwa" was by uncovering the stalker. In any case, it will be much easier to handle now that it is temporarily confirmed that the target of the stalker is you!

"Wow, brother, sister Ni, did you accidentally burn down the house by setting off fireworks?" At this time, Chen Qing and others also heard the sound and came out of the room. (End of chapter)

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