Chen Qing forgot that she was maintaining her spiritual body for cultivation, so she clung to the door panel without any physical collision. She went straight through the door panel with a "swish" and fell to the ground.

As soon as Chen Qing looked up, she saw Huang Ni and Lin Ge squatting in the center of the room. Between them was a sword case whose upper part had been disintegrated into small squares the size of a fingernail, while the lower part was still intact.

Wait... you do this kind of thing in the house with the door closed?

Chen Qing suddenly had the illusion that she was reading gossip when she was a student——

"The school girl and the school beauty closed the door and hid under the covers and spent the night writing questions"

"A certain male star had a late-night party with a certain female star and was actually studying a luminous script"


Two doubtful eyes looked at Chen Qing, which made her very embarrassed.

"Uh, Sister Ni... I encountered some doubts in my practice. I wanted to see if Master was here. You are busy, you are busy..." Chen Qing retracted her head from the door panel in embarrassment.


Lin Ge and Huang Ni looked back and continued to focus on the "Sword Box".

"The sword box combines the power of fire, so it can be disassembled and deformed. I told you this before, right. But I forgot to tell you that the sword box can be 'disintegrated'. You said that the spirit gathering restriction should be added to the black sword. I After thinking about it for the past few days, I feel that it is a bit difficult to modify the restrictions on the Black Sword, but I thought of a backup plan."

Huang Ni said as he pinched a tactic and controlled the whole "split" of the sword box, turning it into countless small black particles, and then changed the tactic: "Big!"

As soon as the word "big" came out, the small black square that was originally the size of a fingernail suddenly became the size of a fist. Huang Ni raised his hand and clicked on one casually with his finger. The small square flew in front of the two of them and split it apart again, revealing the inside. "Formation Restriction".

"The sword box is composed of a thousand small squares injected with fire energy, but there are only sixty-three kinds of restrictions, so it is much easier to put restrictions on the sword box than the black sword."

"I can first put the 'Spirit Gathering Array' restriction on the sword box, and then modify the original 'Spirit Gathering' restriction on the black sword and attach an energy storage magic weapon..."

"To put it simply, you can understand it as an 'energy-gathering ring'. When you insert the black sword into the sword box, it can absorb the energy accumulated in the sword box. When you take out the black sword and use it, it will first consume the energy stored in the energy-gathering ring. Spiritual energy, this will greatly reduce the consumption of spiritual energy for you."

Huang Ni said, taking out a sword tassel, reaching out to summon the black sword floating on the side, hanging it on the end of the hilt, then pinching a trick, the sword tassel turned into a red light and gathered, forming a small one at the end of the hilt. red ring.

Lin Ge: ...Good guy, Nanfu Energy Gathering Ring, right?

"How long does it take to modify the ban?" Lin Ge asked.

Huang Ni said: "If it's quick, it will take 1-2 days. If it conflicts with the previous prohibition, the modification will take about two days, so you have to leave the black sword and the sword box here for the time being."


Lin Ge stood up and was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something. He raised his hand and took out two jars of sweet-scented osmanthus brew from the [Inventory].

"Huang Shang said before that you also like to drink this. I was afraid that she would take it away and left two jars for you. Do you want it?" Lin Ge asked.

"Hmm... I used to like it. I drank it often when I was with my sister, but now I don't drink much." Huang Ni's expression became a little subtle. Although it was only for a moment, Lin Ge caught it.

...This subtle change immediately aroused Lin Ge's curiosity.

Lin Ge walked back to the sword box and sat down. He made a move and controlled the small suspended square in the sword box to form a small floating table between him and Huang Ni.

Then with a wave of his hand, the wine bottle and wine glass appeared on the table.

"It just so happens that I haven't drunk this wine before. Can you try it?" Lin Ge asked with a smile.

"Well..." Huang Ni seemed a little confused.

"Any questions?" Lin Ge asked with a puzzled look on his face, picked up the wine bottle and poured a glass of osmanthus wine into two wine glasses.

No matter how you look at this expression, he looks like an old actor.

Smelling the long-lost scent of sweet-scented osmanthus brew, Huang Ni's long-standing memory was brought back, and he simply sat down opposite Lin Ge: "Okay, let's have a small drink."

Lin Ge picked up the wine glass, touched it lightly with Huang Ni, and drank it all in one gulp.

The aroma of osmanthus echoes on the tip of the tongue, and the taste is mellow and soft, making people feel comfortable and relaxed. Immediately afterwards, a warm feeling spread from the stomach, as if surrounded by a soft force. The alcohol content should not be high, which would make Lin Ge feel endless aftertaste.

Lin Ge was still savoring the aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus wine, while Huang Ni on the other side was already pouring himself a third cup from the wine bottle.


"I haven't drank in a long time."

"Thousands of years ago."


"The smell is so nostalgic."

Huang Ni was lying on the small table holding a wine glass, looking at Lin Ge with blurred eyes. Then, he lifted the wine bottle, raised his head, and poured it directly into his mouth without even using the cup.

"No more." Huang Ni shook the empty wine bottle, curled her mouth, and looked at Lin Ge pitifully.

Lin Ge:!

Good guys, "Fairy Drunk" live version.

"Uh, yes, yes, but are you sure you still want to drink?" Lin Ge said, taking out both jars of inventory from the [Inventory].

Huang Ni took a jar without politeness and raised his head to drink.



Huang Ni's head hit the table together with the wine jar, motionless. Lin Ge raised his hand and tentatively poked Huang Ni's head with his finger.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"younger sister--"

Huang Ni suddenly raised his head: "I won't get drunk... Oh, it's Xiao Linzi, Xiao Linzi, come and drink, sweet-scented osmanthus wine."

Lin Ge: ...What the hell is Xiao Linzi?

"Xiao Linzi, I help you forge swords in the horoscope every day. I haven't followed the show for a long time... It's so boring. I won't make swords again next time."


Huang Ni's words made Lin Ge feel embarrassed immediately. After thinking about it, he said: "I will go to Suzhou in a while. Will I accompany you to stroll around the city?"

"Okay, okay." Huang Ni smiled and stood up unsteadily.

"In the past, my father hired many teachers to train my sister and me to be ladies of the family, including piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, as well as dancing, embroidery..." Huang Ni staggered towards Lin Ge, clasped his fingers and told him about the past.

"The most painful thing is not to learn these things, but that I have learned them for dozens of lives... dozens of lives! Hehe, but I am better than the teacher in every aspect."

"Do you want to watch me dance..."

Huang Ni didn't wait for Lin Ge's answer and started dancing directly.

At first, this classical dance with the characteristics of the Song Dynasty was normal. Then, whether because of the drunkenness or because she hadn't danced for thousands of years, Huang Ni's dance gradually changed into a dance with hands and feet, as if every Each limb has its own thoughts.

At this moment, Lin Ge finally understood the reason for the subtle expression on Huang Ni's face when she asked her if she wanted to drink.

...This guy obviously knows that he is not a good drinker.

Lin Ge originally thought that the fairy's mechanical dance had reached its limit, but Huang Ni became happier the more she danced.

Then Lin Ge saw——

Fairies dance.






At this moment, the swaying Huang Ni couldn't stand still. In line with the setting that the heroine would fall into the hero's arms if she fell, she fell on Lin Ge.

"Lin Ge..."

Huang Ni's cheeks were flushed with a hint of drunkenness, and she slowly approached Lin Ge. Lin Ge felt the soft lips against his own, and the first thought that flashed through his mind was——

Before leaving "Sword of Immortality", stock up on a hundred jars of osmanthus wine!

"elder brother!"

"It's not good, Sister Qi's blood cells are boiling, and there are bubbles of blood... eh?" Chen Qing, who poked her head out of the door panel, froze when she saw the scene of kissing in the room.

"Ah this."

"I thought you were studying the questions, ah no, we were discussing the script, no, no, no, no, no, no, we were discussing sword making... Sorry, sorry, you continue. Brother, don't worry, I'll help you hold off Sister Qi!"


Chen Qing hurriedly took her head back, and at the same time sighed in her heart that she was indeed a brother. This trick of "secretly tricking Chen Cang" was so clever. He first deceived her into leaving by discussing sword making, and then slowly became affectionate with Sister Ni.

But what Chen Qing didn't know was that Lin Ge was actually in despair now because Huang Ni had been holding his head. Although it was very comfortable, he was... suffocating!

A few minutes later, Huang Shang pushed the door open and entered.

"Hey, your woman seems to be finishing...what are you doing!"

Huang Shang was drinking at the beach when she suddenly noticed a violent evil aura. She thought it was Fu Jiang trying to escape again, and was about to cast a sealing spell to punish her. When she looked back, she found the largest red blood ball above the cabin. It rolled like "gurgling" like boiling water.

I originally thought of reminding Lin Ge, but unexpectedly I saw this scene as soon as I entered the door.

Huang Ni let go of Lin Ge, turned around in confusion, saw a familiar figure at the door, and said with a smile: "Ah, sister."


Huang Shang stepped forward, hugged Huang Ni in his arms, and glared at Lin Ge, who was sitting on the ground in a daze: "Did you give your sister a drink?"

Lin Ge said helplessly: "It was you who said she wanted osmanthus wine in the first place."


"younger sister--"

"Come dance..."

"I remember that you dance much better than me. Come, let's dance together to show Xiao Linzi..."

Lin Ge: ...ooh! Wong Tai Sin is also a martial arts master.

"Don't even think about it!" Huang Shang immediately understood the expression on Lin Ge's face. His face turned red, and he immediately performed a trick. Lin Ge felt like he was wrapped in a rich spiritual energy, and then he was pushed out of the house.

Seeing Lin Ge "flying" out, Chen Qing, who was flying around the huge blood cell and didn't know what to do, flew down and asked curiously.

"Hey, brother, why did you come out so quickly? Oh... Master, you are here too."


Lin Ge: ...God damn you are here too.

Lin Ge picked up the magic formula and raised his hand to flick Chen Qing's forehead, making her take a step back and said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense."

"Hmph, you wish I wasn't here." Huang Shang glared at Lin Ge and said.

Lin Ge was about to speak when he saw Huang Ni, who was in Huang Shang's arms, slowly raised his hand and touched Huang Shang's forehead: "Sister, Xiao Linzi is your brother-in-law. Don't be so cruel."


Lin Ge couldn't help but laughed out loud at the same time, and Huang Shang's face suddenly turned green.

"Come on, call me brother-in-law." Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and said provocatively to Huang Shang.


At this time, Huang Ni tilted his head, raised his hands and pressed them against Huang Shang's face, with an intoxicating smile on his slightly drunk face: "Sister, don't be so stern, call me brother-in-law, smile..."

Huang Shang:......

"Hahahahahaha!" Lin Ge laughed out loud at the two sisters. Even Chen Qing couldn't hold it back. But the next second Huang Shang glared, Chen Qing suddenly jumped to the side and started talking to Lin Ge. Keep distance.

Don't dare to dissuade, don't dare to dissuade... Chen Qing feels weak and helpless, but she doesn't dare to participate in this chaotic drama of brother-in-law versus sister-in-law.

"Lin! Ge!" Huang Shang was angry.

"Hahaha, the Lord God has given me a new mission reminder. You guys drink slowly while I go take a look." Lin Ge ducked and returned to his position, and ran away.

Huang Ni curled her lips: "Sister, you scared your brother-in-law away."

"elder sister!"

"Yeah, I'm here."


After Lin Ge returned to his original position, the smile on his face could not stop.

But he didn't just find an excuse to escape. It was indeed his physical body that received the reminder from the Lord God, otherwise he would have planned to use the drunken Huang Ni to make Huang Shang angry again.

But after hearing the Lord God's prompts clearly, Lin Ge suddenly stopped laughing.

【warn! 】

[Stalkers will invade in three days! 】

Hunter! ?

Although the chance of stalkers infiltrating the area has never disappointed Lin Ge, receiving the information about stalkers infiltrating three days in advance really surprised Lin Ge.

Based on the experience of encountering stalkers several times, there are modes where both stalkers and newcomers report their points, and there is also a completely hidden mode, but this is the first time that a three-day advance notice has been given.

Could it be that...the stalker this time is very powerful?

Or is it a change in the number of people?

"There can't be a reincarnation team, right?" Lin Ge was thinking when suddenly there was a knock on the door and the voice of newcomer Gu Shijia.

"Brother Lin, Brother Lin!"

Lin Ge opened the door and saw Gu Shijia, Ying Delei, and Li Kai standing outside the door. The expressions on Gu Shijia and Li Kai's faces were very nervous, while Ying Delei was a little confused.

"Brother Lin, we just received a reminder from the Lord God, saying that in three days there will be stalkers hunting new reincarnations." Gu Shijia said anxiously.

"Don't worry, come in and talk." Lin Ge opened the door and let the three of them into the house.

After Lin Ge sat the three of them down, he briefly explained the settings of the stalkers to them, and then said: "If there are guides, there will be stalkers. It's not a big deal. I have met stalkers three times so far. I can In this way, the newcomers who listen to the advice will live well."

Although Lin Ge said this very confidently, it was also true, and his words also showed the three of them that those who died were disobedient, and the three of them knew what to choose next.

"Brother Lin, as long as I can survive, I am willing to listen to you." Gu Shijia said nervously.

Li Kai patted his chest and said vowedly: "Boss, I will do whatever you say."

Ying Delei didn't seem to care very much. He poured himself a cup of tea, drank the tea and said, "Captain, since I chose to hang out with you before, I won't change my mind midway."

Lin Ge took out six exorcism talismans, three evil-suppressing talismans and three paper figures and distributed them to the three of them: "The exorcism-exorcism talismans and evil-suppressing talismans are used to deal with ordinary monsters. If you encounter enemies that the paper talismans cannot deal with, burn the paper." People, I will know your situation as soon as possible, and the paper people will also help you delay the enemy."

Gu Shijia blinked and asked a question in a daze: "Brother Lin, are we... going to the market to buy some fire discount cards to take with us?"

"Oh, yes, I forgot that you don't know how to use your spirit to point talismans." Lin Ge said and took out a few boxes of matches and three lighters from the [Inventory].

"Thank you, Brother Lin."

"Thank you, boss."

Ying Delei played with the lighter and said, "Captain, this lighter is pretty good."

Lin Ge gave a few more instructions, and the three of them were about to leave when Lin Ge suddenly stopped Gu Shijia: "Gu Shijia, wait a minute."

Ying Delei looked back and walked out of the room. Li Kai hesitated for a moment, but finally said nothing and exited the room.

Gu Shijia asked nervously: "Brother Lin, what do you need me to do?"

"How much do you remember about the plot of Fairy Sword Game?" Lin Ge asked.

Gu Shijia thought for a while and said: "I only have a few games on my computer, and I basically play them over and over again. "Sword of Immortal 1" is the one I have played the most, so I should be... familiar with it. Even if there are hidden treasure chests around this fishing village, I I’ve written it all down.”

Gu Shijia knew that the best way to survive in this reincarnation world where demons and monsters were rampant was to hug Lin Ge's thigh tightly.

I thought Lin Ge left her alone because some little story was going to happen, but I didn't expect that he was asking about the plot.

Gu Shijia raised her eyes and secretly glanced at Lin Ge's long face, and suddenly felt... It seemed that a little story wouldn't be impossible.

Lin Ge took out a notebook and pen and handed them to Gu Shijia and said: "Write down the information you know about the plot and hidden objects, mazes, mechanisms, etc. To put it simply, it is to write a very detailed 'strategy', no problem, right?" ?”

"No problem!" Gu Shijia was eager to make herself "useful". When she heard that Lin Ge had a "task" for her, and it was something as simple and non-dangerous as writing a guide, she immediately agreed without hesitation.

"Go and write. Remember, you must keep the yellow talisman with you when I'm not around. If you encounter danger, light the paper figurine as soon as possible." Lin Ge warned.

"I understand, Brother Lin." Gu Shijia hugged the pen and notebook, thanked her, and exited the room.

Outside the room, Ying Delei and Li Kai did not even return to the room. One was sitting in the lobby drinking tea, while the other was lingering outside the door.

"What's wrong?" Gu Shijia asked curiously, thinking that Li Kai had something to do with her.

Li Kai didn't expect Gu Shijia to come out so soon. He was stunned for a moment and asked: "Uh... does the boss have a task for you?"

"Well, Brother Lin asked me to make a detailed guide for "Immortal Sword"." Gu Shijia said.

Ying Delei came over and asked, "Can you take a look at it after you're done?"

"It should be... okay?" Gu Shijia thought that the strategy for "Sword of Immortality" was nothing special for reincarnations like them, and Lin Ge didn't say he couldn't show it to others, so he agreed.

"Thank you." Ying Delei smiled and walked upstairs.

Li Kaize said to Gu Shijia: "Oh, I have also played a little bit of the "Sword of Immortal" game. How about we go to my room to discuss the plot?"

"Ah, let's chat here." Gu Shijia was obviously wary of Li Kai.

"Okay." Li Kai directly talked about his understanding of the plot of "Sword of Immortality". As he was talking, Li Xiaoyao's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Brother, what are you talking about? Why do I keep hearing the beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep? Are you... are you studying the language of birds?"

The two of them were so excited about chatting about the plot that no one noticed when Li Xiaoyao came behind them, and they were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat.

However, it can be seen from Li Xiaoyao's words that the other party seemed to be unable to hear anything related to the plot, and he was relieved.

"Oh, we are studying the sounds of pigeons and sparrows, nothing special. I, I'm going back to the room first." Gu Shijia trotted back to the room holding the book.

Li Kai started chatting with Li Xiaoyao again. He knew that Li Xiaoyao was interested in Jianghu, so he used his previous experience of reading novels and playing games to make up stories and tell them to Li Xiaoyao to increase his favorability.

On the other side, Lin Ge stood in front of the door and heard the exchange outside. He always felt that Li Kai was a little interested in that Gu Shijia, and Ying Delei was also a little weird.

But no matter what, he has done what he can do. If these three people are obedient, it will naturally ensure that they survive reincarnation safely.

If they don't obey, Lin Ge doesn't mind completely giving up on this round of newcomers and focusing on exploring the hidden plot of "Sword of Immortality".

If I could get a spiritual or immortal weapon, would it be worth not much more than a few dozen points of origin?

Another more important reason why Lin Ge gave the three people talismans and paper figures was that he planned to make some preparations in advance for the stalker problem.

for example……

The wine swordsman enters the game! (End of chapter)

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