As soon as Lin Ge said the words "That's it", the face of the man with the moustache turned black, his eyes narrowed, and he rushed towards Lin Ge.

Lin Ge raised his hand and patted the sword box gently, and with a "chang" sound, the sword box closed again, and at the same time a wave of air was released, and the mustache was blown away as soon as he took a step forward.

Fortunately, the leader of the Miao people had quick eyesight and quick hands. He ducked behind the mustache and raised his hand to block the mustache. Otherwise, the mustache would have been blown away directly outside the inn.

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and glanced at the Miao leader. Although it was just a random blow, the Miao leader could block it, so his strength was estimated to be at least B.

At this time, with a sword cry, the black sword flew into the air under the control of Yuling Zhuihun, hovering between Lin Ge and the three Miao people. The sword swept across and the sword tip pointed directly at the leader of the Miao people.

An invisible pressure dispersed, and the Miao leader's expression changed under the pressure of the fairy sword. At this time, there was a "dong" sound...

Li Xiaoyao on the side knelt down first.

In fact, Lin Ge's control of the black sword was mainly to exert pressure on the Miao leaders, because Li Xiaoyao, who had a mustache and stepped on the ground and retreated to the door of the woodshed, would not actually be forced by the pressure.


He is happy.

He was excited.

He dreamed of being a hero every day, casting a wide net and catching as many fish as possible. When he saw a sword-wielding man, he wanted to inquire about his affairs. He waited and waited until he finally "met" the real boss!

How could Li Xiaoyao not be excited!

Lin Ge said calmly: "Now you have two choices. One, put down the silver ingots to compensate you for the things you broke, and then leave here immediately; or pay double the money to live here. Think about it clearly, you can live here within a few hundred miles. This is an inn.”

"No, no, no, the shop may be in disrepair. I can just mend the floor, just mend it!" Aunt Li said with a smile.

If the masters take advantage of each other, it will only be the common people who are frightened.

Because Lin Ge and others may leave tomorrow, it is difficult to guarantee that these Miao people will not transfer their hatred to the Li Family Inn in the end.

Of course, Aunt Li is not an ordinary person. She just wants to live a retired life and put away her sharp edge.

The Miao leader glanced at Li Xiaoyao, then looked at Lin Ge, and their eyes met in the air. Lin Ge looked calm, but Miao Ren had cold sweat on his forehead. He felt a strong sense of oppression. Why were there experts here? This was obviously inconsistent with the "intelligence"!

Aunt Li smiled and apologized, said a lot of nice things, and even said she could give up her and Li Xiaoyao's room.

The Miao leader's frown suddenly relaxed, he looked at Lin Ge and said, "We are exhausted from traveling all night, and my brother is a little emotional. I apologize to you for your reckless offense, and I hope you will use your sword." keep it."


Don't you want to leave?

Lin Ge narrowed his eyes, and then a smile appeared on his face. He finally understood that Li Xiaoyao should be a very important chess piece for them, and could not be "replaced" at will, so he had to stay even if he lost face. Obviously It’s not as simple as “there are no inns within a hundred miles”.

After all, if you really just want to "settlement", then you can just spend some money to rent two rooms from a larger farmer to make do.

After verifying his suspicion, Lin Ge hooked his fingers, and the black sword flew back to the sword box with a hiss, and then disappeared from everyone's eyes.

With just this move, the Miao leader knew that he was in trouble this time.

The leader of the Miao people also had a hard time saying that the mission set by the great elder and the "chess pieces" that the elders had spent a lot of money to divine were discarded like this, which was really a bit unwilling.

The leader of the Miao people then thought about it, the world was so big, maybe these people just happened to stay in the hotel, and there was no need to offend him, so he took this tone.

Aunt Li was trying to smooth things over in the middle, and originally wanted Li Xiaoyao to help greet her, but at the moment, Li Xiaoyao only had eyes for Lin Ge, the "master".

"Remember to pay the landlady for the floor." Lin Ge glanced at the Miao people, got up and went back to the room.

"Chief, we..." The mustache wanted to say something more, but was stopped by the Miao leader.

"Don't forget what we are here for..." After saying that, he put down another silver coin on the table, looked at Aunt Li and said, "Mrs. Boss, arrange a room for us."

"Yes, yes." Aunt Li's face was full of fear, but she was smiling in her heart. This day's income was equal to that of several months before.

"What are you still doing? Take the guests to the guest room quickly." Aunt Li slapped Li Xiaoyao on the head, who was still in shock, and urged.

"Oh, oh!" Li Xiaoyao quickly agreed and said to the Miao leaders: "Guests, please follow me upstairs."

Several people came to the door of the guest room on the second floor. Mustache snorted coldly and said: "In the future, no other people are allowed to come upstairs without our instructions. Do you understand?"

"Yes, it's easy. I will definitely do it." Li Xiaoyao agreed openly, but in his heart he was thinking that the Taoist priest downstairs was coming up, and I couldn't stop him.

Mustache took out a piece of broken silver and threw it to Li Xiaoyao: "Very good, you can take this silver. In the next few days, as long as you obey our instructions and do things, you will not be short of silver rewards."

"Yes~ Thank you for the reward, uncle. The store will definitely make you feel at home." Li Xiaoyao smiled broadly. With this money, he could buy a hero's outfit.

"Wow, I really met the God of Wealth today." Li Xiaoyao sent a few people into the room and went downstairs happily with the broken silver.

After several Miao people entered the room, they did not find a soul paper man hiding under the bed, listening to their conversation with pricked ears.

"Chief, I think that young man is not simple. Do you think... those people will discover our purpose?" Mustache asked.

The Miao leader said: "Don't be impatient. If they really want to destroy our plan, they can stay in a farmer's house near the inn and spy on us. There is no need to alert the snake as soon as they arrive. Maybe... they just stay here. That’s all.”

Mustache asked again: "Then...should we proceed as planned?"

"No, let's observe for two days and make sure these people are fine before we think of a way to take action." The Miao leader pondered for a while and finally came up with a relatively safe plan.

Half an hour later, Li Xiaoyao, who was downstairs and taking a nap in front of the counter, was woken up by Aunt Li: "Xiaoyao, Xiaoyao, wake up and get rid of that smelly beggar at the door, so as not to hinder our business."

Stinky beggar?

Li Xiaoyao raised his head in a daze and looked around in confusion. In his dream, he was flying with the sword behind the Taoist Master on a flying sword.

"Stop sleeping, go and send that smelly beggar away. I'll prepare food. You can bring it to the guests later." After finishing speaking, Aunt Li walked towards the kitchen.

Li Xiaoyao came out from behind the counter and saw a "beggar" lying at the entrance of the inn wearing a ragged dark blue robe with bottles and cans hanging on his body.

"Go, go! We are also very poor and have no money to share with you." Li Xiaoyao walked to the beggar lying on the ground and said.

The beggar raised his eyes and said as if he was drunk: "I don't want money, I just want some wine. Little brother, please, give me some wine."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao quickly waved his hands and said, "No! No! If Auntie finds out, I will be scolded. You should leave quickly!"

"Oh, I can't walk even one step without drinking, please just do it!" the beggar begged in the tone unique to a drunkard.

"No, it really can't be done." Li Xiaoyao tried to persuade him for a while, but the beggar remained unmoved. When he was thinking about dragging the beggar out first, Aunt Li's shout came from the kitchen.

"You should leave quickly. My aunt will come out soon and will chase you away with a shovel." Li Xiaoyao advised and ran towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Aunt Li was standing in front of the stove working. She had prepared these dishes in the morning. After all, it was the first time that so many guests had come, and it would definitely be too late to start working again at noon.

"Xiaoyao, hurry up and bring the food and wine on the table to the guests upstairs first. Those three Miao people, hurry up and bring them to the guests." Aunt Li doesn't have Li Xiaoyao's dream of being a knight, so naturally whoever gives the more money , who is the "big customer" of Li's Inn.

Although Li Xiaoyao wanted to bring the dishes to Lin Ge first, he thought about it and listened to his aunt and brought the dishes upstairs.

"Uncle, the food and drinks are here." Li Xiaoyao knocked on the door. The three Miao people in the room were still discussing Li Xiaoyao and Xianling Island's plan, completely unaware that the secret had been overheard by someone downstairs. .

Mustache felt a little hungry, so he sat down at the table and tasted the food. He felt that the food was not bad, but the wine spurted out as soon as he entered his mouth. He stopped Li Xiaoyao who was about to leave: "Hey, wait. Bah, you are like this What kind of wine, why doesn’t it smell like alcohol at all?”

Li Xiaoyao explained with an apologetic smile: "Oh, uncle, you don't know something. This wine is a famous local product~osmanthus wine, fragrant and mellow, even the empress of the dynasty loves to drink it."

"Take it, take it, we are used to drinking strong liquor, we don't want the wine that women drink." Mustache waved his hand with a look of disgust.

"Then... I'll give you another bottle." Li Xiaoyao put the wine away.

The Miao leader said: "No need, we bring our own wine. Don't come upstairs again without our instructions."

"Yes, uncle...just call me if you have any orders." Li Xiaoyao took the wine bottle and exited the room, thinking to himself what a bunch of weirdos they were.

When I came downstairs, I looked at the wine in my arms that the Miao man had taken a sip from, and thought that it would be disrespectful to give it to the Taoist priest. At this time, the beggar's low groan came from the door.

", just take a sip."


Li Xiaoyao looked at the wine in his arms and thought that if he didn't send the beggar away, his aunt would be angry, so he came to the beggar and said, "I see how pitiful you are. I'll give you a sip. Hey~ I can only take one sip."

The beggar grabbed the wine bottle and drank it down, then closed his eyes and murmured as if he was enjoying it: "Ah - good wine!"

"Oh, why did you drink all the wine!" Li Xiaoyao was anxious.

The beggar smiled awkwardly and said, "Hiccup, my mouth is so big. I'm really sorry."

"You... have to compensate me." Li Xiaoyao said angrily.

The beggar smiled and said: "Haha, I don't have any money. Don't you really want to learn swordsmanship?"

Li Xiaoyao was surprised: "How do you know?"

The beggar didn't answer. He just smiled and said, "For the sake of the wine, I can make an exception and give you some tips."

"You... want to teach me swordsmanship? Old man, please stop teasing me. You should leave quickly. My aunt will definitely curse her if she knows that I brought you wine." Li Xiaoyao is now focused on worshiping Lin Ge. Master, he didn’t take the beggar’s words to heart.

"Hahaha! Then at the third watch in three days, see you at the Shilipo Mountain Temple!" The beggar laughed a few times and disappeared with a "whoosh" after finishing his words.


Um? ? ?

Where are people?

Li Xiaoyao was dumbfounded. Is this "old man" really an expert?

What kind of wind is blowing today? Why are there two peerless masters who always live in painting books and dramas popping up today?

Am I dreaming?

"Li Xiaoyao! Li Xiaoyao!" At this time, Aunt Li's voice came from the kitchen again, waking him up from the shock.


Li Xiaoyao went to the kitchen, and Lin Ge, who was standing by the door of the room, naturally heard the words of "beggar", and this beggar was none other than the Shushan sect - wine! sword! Fairy!

"Three days later, the third update." Lin Ge frowned slightly. In the game, Li Xiaoyao went to the Mountain Temple to learn the sword from the Wine Sword Immortal after the story of Fairy Island. If nothing else happens, the Miao people will take action in the next two days. .

Lin Ge was thinking that the Miao people upstairs had indeed discussed poisoning Aunt Li, and then tricked Li Xiaoyao into going to Fairy Island to seek medicine.

Lin Ge thought for a while, took out a yellow paper manikin and lit it, summoned a soul paper mani and secretly ran towards the kitchen, preparing to make a move on Aunt Li.

Boom, boom.

"Taoist Master, the food and wine are here." At this time, Li Xiaoyao's voice sounded at the door.

Lin Ge opened the door and let Li Xiaoyao come in. Li Xiaoyao put the food on the table and asked tentatively: "Taoist Master, can you really not accept me as your disciple? I am very hard-working, you, just take it, just take it. It’s not bad to have a servant by your side to help you take care of the trivial things in life, right?”

Lin Ge smiled and shook his head: "No, Xiaoyao, you are actually very good. If I were not worried about ruining your immortal fate, I would really like to accept you as a disciple. Come here and sit down."

Lin Ge pointed to the seat next to him, and Li Xiaoyao quickly sat down, sitting upright, as if a student was listening to the teacher's lecture seriously.

Lin Ge raised his hand to calculate and said with a smile: "Do you know who the person you delivered the wine to just now is?"

"Taoist Master, did you see it? The old man asked me to go to the mountain temple at midnight in three days. He, he wanted to teach me how to practice swordsmanship." Li Xiaoyao said.

Lin Ge nodded: "As a poor man, that person is your destined 'master'."


"That's right. Pindao's swordsmanship is not one-tenth as good as that master's. If Pindao accepts you as his disciple, your immortality will be cut off," Lin Ge said.


Lin Ge patted Li Xiaoyao on the shoulder and said, "Believe in Pindao and learn swordsmanship from him, and you can realize your dream of being a hero."

"Who is that old man?" Li Xiaoyao asked curiously.

Lin Ge shook his head: "The secret must not be revealed, but Xiaoyao, Pindao is very optimistic about you. In this way, when you come back from the mountain temple to learn swordsmanship, Pindao will teach you some spells as a friend, okay?"

"Really, Taoist Priest!" Li Xiaoyao stood up excitedly after hearing this.

Lin Ge smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, Taoist Master."

"Xiaoyao, it's not good to be so lazy if you want to become a hero. Martial arts and Taoism are not achieved overnight, but through continuous accumulation. Here is a basic swordsmanship book. Pindao has given you a bronze sword. You can practice it by yourself during your free time. practice."

Lin Ge took out a yellowed secret book from his sleeve pocket, with the words "Basic Sword Skills" written on it.

This is not a unique secret book, but some tips on how to use weapons that Huang Ni wrote to Lin Ge when he had nothing to do before he made the sword.

There are no martial arts moves in it. It mainly focuses on the essentials, style, and experience of using the "sword". Now that Li Xiaoyao has read it, it will not prevent him from learning the sword from the Jiujianxian.

"Thank you, Taoist Priest!" Li Xiaoyao excitedly took the secret book and held it in his arms lovingly.

[Affected by the "charm value", the favorability of the plot character "Li Xiaoyao" has increased rapidly. 】

After Li Xiaoyao left, Lin Ge sat at the table and ate wine and food. On his way to the kitchen while controlling the soul paper man, he saw Li Xiaoyao changing the wine in the pot.

I picked up the wine bottle and put it in front of my nose and smelled it, and I immediately felt it was extremely mellow.


Lin Ge was about to take a sip when he suddenly heard Huang Shang's voice coming from the astrolabe: "That wine... give us some, too. I, well, my sister likes it very much."

Lin Ge: ...Why does it sound like you are more interested.

Lin Ge was not a stingy person. Now that Huang Shang had spoken, he took out an unused earthen bowl from the [Inventory], poured wine into the earthen bowl and gave it to Huang Shang.

"Why didn't I know you were interested in wine before?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

Huang Shang said: "In the previous reincarnation world, my apprentice brought me some wine, but the current wine does not have the mellow aroma of ancient times."

"Good guy, is this girl still doing express delivery?" Lin Ge, a person who doesn't like wine very much, naturally doesn't know what wine lovers like Huang Shang think.

"Come into the astrolabe when you are free. I have something to discuss with you." At this time, Huang Ni's voice sounded in the astrolabe.

"There should be time now." Lin Ge confirmed through the paper man upstairs that the Miao people would not take action until tomorrow night, so he got up and sat down in front of the window, preparing to leave his body.

"Wait a minute!" Huang Shang called Lin Ge and held back a sentence for a long time: "This not bad. Can you bring me a few jars?"

"Oh, I didn't expect Wong Tai Sin to be a wine lover."


Lin Ge called Li Xiaoyao and told him that he thought this was good and asked him to move a few more jars. And Li Xiaoyao's favor was not in vain, as he directly brought him the jars that had been brewing for the longest time.

In the astrolabe, Huang Shang saw Lin Ge bringing in several wine jars. He immediately stepped forward excitedly, grabbed the wine jars, couldn't wait to lift the lid, and took a few sips boldly.

"Hahaha, I haven't had such a delicious drink in a long time!" Huang Shang was in a good mood.

Lin Ge:......

"I recognize you! Next time you go to Wong Tai Sin Temple to ask for talismans, you might as well bring a few jars of fine wine. Maybe the position of this 'god's envoy' will be determined." Huang Shang said while drinking wine.


"You didn't tell me earlier!" Lin Ge was speechless. If he had known that Wong Tai Sin loved wine, he would have exchanged the wines of each era in the main god space.

"You didn't ask." Huang Shang's face turned slightly red, not sure whether it was because he was drunk or because he mentioned his little hobby of "loving wine".

Lin Ge glared at Huang Shang angrily and walked towards the wooden house in the distance.

Huang Shang walked towards the seaside with the wine jar, and said at the same time: "Hey, I only said that I approved of you, but I didn't say that I agreed with your idea of ​​​​my sister. Huh, don't get it wrong!"

After saying that, Huang Shang disappeared into a ray of golden light, and the next second he appeared under the deck chairs and parasols arranged by the beach, lying on the deck chairs and enjoying the wine.

Lin Ge walked into the yard, looked at Huang Ni who was forging a sword and said, "Has your sister always been like this?"

Huang Ni smiled and said: "She got this love for wine when she was traveling around the world, and she especially loved sweet-scented osmanthus wine. But after she became the Fairy Queen, her desire control improved, and a series of situations happened later. , and it’s in the main god’s space again… She must have been holding it in for a long time.”

"Okay, why did you call me here?" Lin Ge asked.

Huang Ni withdrew his spiritual fire, stood up and walked towards the house: "Come into the house and talk."

Lin Ge followed him into the main house. As soon as the door was closed, he saw a certain ghost in the courtyard who was practicing seriously opened his eyes with a "pop", the fire of gossip burning in his eyes, and then flew to the door of the main house, sticking in front of the door and listening. Movement inside.

"Take it out and let me take a look." Huang Ni's voice sounded in the room.

"Haven't you seen it before?" Lin Ge's voice was somewhat contradictory.

"Oh, have you ever tried to grow bigger or smaller?" Huang Ni asked.

Lin Ge said helplessly: "There has to be a chance."

"Let me touch it."

"It's not okay, Xiaoqing is still practicing outside."

"I'm not afraid of what you are afraid of. Don't worry, I won't disturb her practice. I will handle any problems if they arise."

"Then what will your sister do if she hears this? Don't forget that she is drunk now. If she goes crazy..."

"What are you doing with your mother-in-law and mother-in-law, a grown man? Take it out quickly..." (End of Chapter)

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