Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 393 Huang Shang: I don’t agree with this marriage!

Regardless of whether King Bian Cheng in this world is related to the Black Mountain Old Demon or not, Lin Ge believes that if he wants to get the "origin" of the Black Mountain Old Demon, he must guard against this problem!

"Brother Hu, do you know the details of the old Black Mountain demon?" Lin Ge asked.

Hu Bufan thought for a while and said: "Old Black Mountain Monster... I have heard about it a little bit. I heard people say before that the monster seems to come from a mountain in the underworld, but it seems to have offended a certain underworld boss and escaped to the earth. After that, I rarely heard related rumors, and I didn’t expect that this guy would go to the underworld to become the Earth Emperor.”

Lin Ge frowned upon hearing this and immediately realized what the problem was.

In the previous world, Hu Bufan told him the "gossip" about the relationship between King Bian Cheng and the Black Mountain Old Demon, but Hu Bufan in this world was not clear about this gossip.

At best, the old Black Mountain demon in this world may have nothing to do with King Bian Cheng, but at worst... the relationship behind it has not been revealed yet.

Hu Bufan noticed something was wrong with Lin Ge's expression, so he came over and lowered his voice and asked, "What? Judging from what I mean, it seems there is a story in this?"

Seeing the burning fire of gossip in Hu Bufan's eyes, Lin Ge finally understood why Hu Bufan in that world knew all these gossip news.

Therefore, Lin Ge put together his several encounters with the Black Mountain Old Demon and fully satisfied Hu Bufan's desire for gossip.

The moment Hu Bufan learned the "truth", he felt as if he was possessed by a cat, his eyes widened like bells, and he said in surprise: "What, what? You said, the old demon of Montenegro colluded with King Bian Cheng? Brother, this news is accurate No, this is a major event that affects the Ten Palaces of Yama. If it is true, it would be terrible!"

Lin Ge only had one contact with King Bian Cheng. In fact, he was not completely sure about the situation between him and the Black Mountain Old Demon. But in the previous world, the behavior of the Black Mountain Old Demon had violated the laws of heaven, and the underworld had a reasonable reason to send troops. In this case, King Bian Cheng had to step in to protect the Black Mountain Old Demon.

But if Lin Ge hadn't happened to invite his old acquaintance "Monkey King" to act as the god, he might even have been silenced by King Bian Cheng.

Therefore, Lin Ge concluded that there must be some kind of connection between King Bian Cheng and the Black Mountain Old Demon. Since these are soul projections in the world of reincarnation, the situation here should be similar.

Lin Ge told Hu Bufan his conjecture. After hearing this, the other party felt that what Lin Ge said made sense. If King Bian Cheng had nothing to do with the old demon of Montenegro, he wouldn't have taken advantage of him when the old demon of Heishan violated the rules of heaven.

The City of Wasted Death is a ghost city created by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to house the souls of people who died in vain, because people who died in vain do not end their lives and need to wait until the end of their positive lives before they can enter reincarnation. But the City of Death is different from ordinary ghost towns. The souls who enter the City of Death cannot come out. To put it bluntly... it's more like a prison in the underworld.

In other words, the position of King Bian Cheng is the "Warden", and in the city of Wansi, he is the "Emperor of the Earth". Even if he looks at the entire underworld, he has a "high and powerful position".

Why would such a being collude with the Black Mountain Old Demon?

Lin Ge thought about it and couldn't figure it out, but Hu Bufan had a pensive look on his face, but his eyes were burning with the fire of gossip.

"Uh, Brother Hu?" Lin Ge called tentatively.

"Hey, brother, I suddenly thought of another old gossip..." Hu Bufan looked like he was possessed by a paparazzi at this moment.

"Ah?" Lin Ge's expression was a little subtle. It turned out that except for the underworld in "The Deadly Appointment", which was too busy, the underworld in other worlds were quite idle. After all, they were already busy chatting and gossiping all day long.

"Combining the clues you mentioned, we can conclude that the original form of the Black Mountain Demon is a mountain in the underworld..." Hu Bufan said seriously.


Lin Ge was a little confused and didn't know what Hu Bufan meant.

However, according to the clues obtained by several worlds, there is no problem in the fact that the Black Mountain Old Demon is actually a mountain.

Because its main body is a mountain and it is difficult to move around, the Black Mountain Old Demon has always moved in place of its main body by incarnating or possessing other objects.

Therefore, when it appears in movies such as "A Chinese Ghost Story", it either turns into a huge house or directly appears in the form of a "mountain".

Hu Bufan approached Lin Ge and said in a voice that almost only Lin Ge could hear clearly: "I heard... when the underworld was first established, the ten palaces of hell had not yet been finalized, and there were thirteen ghost generals who were famous at that time. , the most promising to be ranked among the Ten Palaces of Yamas, and King Bian Cheng is one of them."

"King Bian Cheng was in charge of an army of Fu Shi and made great military exploits. Therefore, he was rewarded with a city by the Ghost Emperor, which is now Wu Si City..."

Hu Bufan was suddenly startled while he was talking. Originally, only Lin Ge knew that he deliberately lowered his voice, but Huang Ni came over with a curious look on his face.

Huang Ni blinked: "It doesn't matter, keep talking, I promise I won't tell anyone."

"This..." Hu Bufan looked at Lin Ge and then at Huang Ni.

Lin Ge smiled awkwardly. Apparently the secrets of the underworld ignited Huang Ni's gossip fire.

"Okay, brother and sister, please don't spread this matter outside. If anyone knows that it was me who said this, I will be demoted." Hu Bufan ordered.

Lin Ge and Huang Ni nodded at the same time, and the synchronization rate was 100%. Hu Bufan couldn't help but smile: "By the way, has the marriage of my brother and sister-in-law been done? Recently, the ghost town has launched a 'shadow wedding package'. If you are interested, I will do it for you." Arrange one that you will never forget."

Lin Ge was stunned: "Is there still such activity in the ghost town now?"

"Of course, ghosts are dead people. Nowadays, many ghosts feel that there is a lot of pressure in the human world. Either they will farm for the rest of their lives, work as coolies for the rest of their lives, or they will starve to death due to famine or military disasters. It is better to live comfortably in a ghost town and simply live in my home in the ghost town. Naturally, one ghost cannot form a 'family', so gradually, more and more ghosts are engaging in 'shadow marriages'."

Lin Ge: ...Good guys, this "yin marriage" of yours is a true yin marriage.

Huang Ni seemed to be very interested and asked curiously: "Oh? How exactly is it done? Is it the same process as the Yangjian?"

"That's not possible. Our marriage in the underworld will naturally have the style of the underworld. If you are interested, I can even help you ask the Lord of Hell to be the witness. Hehe, brother, I don't have any other skills. I am still a bit 'thin-faced' in the ghost town. Of..." Hu Bufan said with a proud smile.

As far as Lin Ge has had so many "contacts" with Hu Bufan, we can doubt when Hu Bufan will "fall off the horse", but we will never doubt the power of his "face fruit".

"I don't agree with this marriage!"

At this moment, an angry female voice came from the astrolabe on Lin Ge's left wrist.

"Huh? Who is it?" Hu Bufan looked at Lin Ge in surprise.

Huang Shang cursed angrily: "You want to marry my sister, but there is no door, no, not even a window. If you dare to have such an idea, I will plant you next to the Fu River!"

"Haha, who is this, speaking so loudly?" When Hu Bufan heard "sister", and the voice came from Lin Ge, his eyes suddenly lit up with gossip.

Huang Ni smiled and said, "It's my sister who made you laugh."

Wow, exciting love triangle?

Hu Bufan got even more excited when he heard it. With his eyes and expression, all he needed was a cold watermelon, a bag of melon seeds and a small bench to become a melon-eating crowd.

Lin Ge waved his left hand and said helplessly: "We are discussing business, why are you causing trouble? Go back and play with your little apprentice."

"I'm warning you, don't take advantage of my sister!"

"No means no!"

"I absolutely disagree! I won't admit it to you!"


"Don't even think about it!"

Lin Ge's face darkened, he raised his left hand and looked directly at the astrolabe, grinned, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, if you marry your sister, you have to call me brother-in-law. Is that not bad?"

"Don't tell this joke casually." Huang Ni looked at Lin Ge with a smile.

Lin Ge looked at Huang Ni. The two looked at each other and suddenly smiled at each other. There seemed to be a strange feeling in their souls that they had known each other for a long time.

"I'm not kidding." Lin Ge smiled.

"That's fine." Huang Ni also smiled.

"That's it." Lin Ge smiled.

"That's it." Huang Ni also smiled.

Hu Bufan: ...Am I not supposed to be here?

For a moment, even Hu Bufan himself felt that he was an eyesore.




From the astrolabe, Huang Shang's roaring voice came again. Lin Ge raised his hand and twisted the astrolabe, closing it directly. The whole world suddenly became quiet.

Lin Ge and Huang Ni stood looking at each other with a hint of smile in their eyes.

One minute.

three minutes.

Hu Bufan:o(╯□╰)o


At this time, a Yin soldier outside the city gate suddenly ran into the military camp. He hurriedly rushed to Hu Bufan, knelt down and worshiped: "Report to the general, the reconnaissance camp discovered the army of the vain army ten miles away."

"Waste of Death's Army?" Hu Bufan was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect Lin Ge's suspicions and worries to come true. The City of Waste of Death, who had colluded with the old demon from Black Mountain, came to support them.

Hu Bufan immediately said: "Pass the order, the three armies must assemble, and the ten battalions line up. Without my order, no one can approach the gate of the ghost city."

"Yes!" After receiving the order, the Yin soldiers immediately went down to deliver the order.

Then, Hu Bufan looked at Lin Ge and Huang Ni and said: "Brothers, brothers and sisters, I didn't expect King Bian Cheng to really come with his troops. Regardless of whether he came for the old demon of Montenegro, most of the people who came are not good. You two Follow me to the Palace of the King of Hell and ask the Lord of Hell to come forward."

"Okay." Lin Ge didn't expect King Bian Cheng to come so quickly this time. It seemed that no matter how arrogant the old Black Mountain demon was, he didn't dare to attack the ghost city blatantly, so he could only ask King Bian Cheng for help.

Although I don't know the "purpose" of King Bian Cheng, as Hu Bufan said, it is the best way to ask the King of Hell of the ghost town to deal with it.

Of course, Lin Ge was an "outsider" to the Lord of Hell in this world after all. It was unrealistic to expect his opponent to defend him to death during the struggle of his peers, so he had to consider his next move.

It would not be wrong to say that Lin Ge was completely at a disadvantage. After all, he had the black sword in hand. At worst, he could use medicine to break out a way and then hide in the capital.

There is no need for the underworld to slaughter the entire world to find Lin Ge for an old Black Mountain demon, and for Lin Ge, it is only the loss of the old Black Mountain demon's origin.

The worst result is to lose hundreds of origins and escape into the astrolabe, which will take three months before returning to the main god space.

However, this is a situation where King Bian Cheng and the King of Hell of Ghost City vent their anger from the same nostril. If the two sides do not deal with each other, then there is a high probability that they will end up in a fight just like the previous world.

On the way to the Palace of Hell, Lin Ge couldn't help but ask: "Brother Hu, you haven't finished the gossip about King Bian Cheng before, what happened next?"

Hu Bufan took out a few transmission notes, wrote down a few urgent orders and sent them out, and said: "The competition among the Ten Palaces of Yamas is fierce. King Bian Cheng was worried that he would be among the three who failed, so he led his troops to conquer Demon City for the sake of military exploits. , successfully captured the demon city, and also recruited a demon army."

"This military exploit allowed King Bian Cheng to sit on the position of the Ten Palaces of Hell as he wished. In vain, the city held a celebration banquet for ten consecutive months... King Bian Cheng committed crimes for several months in a row, and I heard that he even 'disappeared' After a long time, he was later found on a mountain near the City of Fusi."

"...But that's not the point. The point is that after a while, a tall, thick, dark and strong woman brought a baby to the City of Fusi to look for King Bian Cheng."

"Then what?" Lin Ge and Huang Ni asked in unison.

Hu Bufan looked at the two people who had a 100% synchronization rate, and sighed in his heart that you are really "one family and one family".

"Later... I don't know. But if you think about it, King Bian Cheng disappeared for a while while drunk, and then he was found on a mountain. Then a woman came to him with a child... Then combined with the old demon of Montenegro and Bian Cheng The king has ulterior news, so much so that King Bian Cheng is willing to stand up for him in this situation." Hu Bufan raised his eyebrows, and the meaning was self-evident.

Lin Ge said with a subtle expression: "So, King Bian Cheng went up a mountain?"

"...Brother, you use the word '上' very subtly, but think about it, ordinary monsters can beautify themselves no matter how much they take form, but that woman is dark and strong, and she can only take the form of a mountain." You are a weirdo, you have no sense of aesthetics, right?" Hu Bufan said.

Lin Ge nodded silently: "It makes sense."

It has to be said that often the truth of "gossip" is the correct conclusion drawn from some unreasonable and bizarre inferences.

In the past, Lin Ge might have been skeptical.

But after seeing the old demon from Montenegro and the half-man, half-snake piling movement, I suddenly felt that "like father, like son" seems to make sense.

"...But Brother Hu, this matter involves the Tenth Palace of Yama. Do you think Lord Yama will help?" Lin Ge asked pretending to be worried.

Hu Bufan raised his hand and patted Lin Ge on the shoulder, gave him a "don't worry" look, and said, "Don't worry about this. Who do you think spread this secret?"

"...Uh." Lin Ge was speechless for a moment.

Well, the tradition of gossip in Ghost Town turns out to be passed down from above.

Hu Bufan added: "Besides, our underworld has many factions just like heaven. You are the judge of the Yin Law Department, and I guard the Blood River Hell and belong to the King of Five Senses. They have nothing to do with the City of Wasted Death. The systems are different, even if King Bian Cheng has nothing to do if he wants to cause trouble for us."

Lin Ge suddenly felt that these words seemed familiar. It seemed that the issue of civil war in the underworld was the same in any world.

"Brother, you are not in the underworld often, and you don't understand the affairs of the underworld. In fact, the wars in the underworld are even worse than those in the upper world. Even Yama of the Ten Palaces often has conflicts, let alone the ghost emperors of the five directions. Not long ago, the Northern Ghost Emperor and the Southern Ghost Emperor had a conflict." Hu Bufan whispered.

Lin Ge was surprised: "Ah? What is the specific reason for such a thing?"

"It seems...should the tofu pudding in the world be salty or sweet?" Hu Bufan thought about it and said in an uncertain tone.

Lin Ge: -_-

Huang Ni asked curiously: "Shouldn't there be chili pepper?"


"Hu, brother, are you sure this ghost emperor fight isn't a bit of a joke?" Lin Ge's heart was filled with 10,000 grass-mud horses running wildly.

Hu Bufan said with a serious face: "This is not a child's play. In fact, this is an 'excuse' for the North and South Ghost Emperors to start a war. As long as they want to fight, you can ask tomorrow whether to put sugar or bacon in the rice dumplings. They will be the same." I can fight."


The three of them chatted leisurely and arrived in front of the majestic and domineering King of Hell's Palace. This "red" Palace of Hell is the most exaggerated one Lin Ge has seen during his several trips to ghost towns.

"So high?" Lin Ge looked up in surprise. The red ancient-style building was like the Tower of Babel, leading straight into the thick green fog above the ghost town.

"It's impossible not to cultivate to such a high level." Hu Bufan replied.

Lin Ge asked curiously: "Why?"

"You'll know when you meet the Lord of Hell." Hu Bufan had just finished speaking. The three of them were about to step into the Palace of the Lord of Hell when they saw that the window on the second floor, which was about ten meters long and twenty meters wide, was pushed open and occupied by a black bearded man. A big head with half a red face and an angry look stuck out.

"Hey, isn't this Lao Hu? Why are you here to have a drink with me today? Do you want to take a three-month sabbatical?" asked the big head with a red face and an angry look.

Only then did Lin Ge notice that the Palace of Hell seemed to tower into the sky, but in fact, the height of each floor was extremely high, with one floor being the same as the other buildings.

No wonder Hu Bufan said, "You'll know it when you see the Lord of Hell." The reason for having such a high level of emotional cultivation is to facilitate the movement of this giant inside.

It can be seen from the tone of the Lord of Hell that Hu Bufan's "face" is indeed not small, but he is familiar with it, and he still has to go through the process.

Hu Bufan bowed respectfully to the ground: "Hu Bufan, the guard of the Blood River Hell, please see the King of Five Senses!"

Lin Ge didn't expect that this was the "King of Five Senses", King Yama of the fourth palace, and then he worshiped: "The Yin Lu Division left to examine Lin Ge, see the King of Five Senses."

"Meet the King of Five Senses." Huang Ni also followed the trend and cupped his hands.

"I have something important to report at the end, please ask the Lord of Hell..." Hu Bufan was about to report the matter to King Bian Cheng and the Black Mountain Old Demon, but was interrupted by the King of Five senses.

"Lao Hu, why are you just going through the motions? I'm not used to hearing such pretentious words. If you have something to say, just say it and let it go."

Hu Bufan smiled awkwardly: "Lin Ge is the brother of the late general. He travels around the three thousand small worlds all year round, with his wife beside him. The two of them found out about the demon king in the troubled times in the world, and along the way they found out that it was the old demon from Montenegro. When he started a rebellion, the monster saw that his deeds were exposed and he did not hesitate to pursue him to the underworld, and even invited King Bian Cheng to be moved!"

The king of facial features widened his eyes, and the next moment he had transformed into a three-meter-tall body, came out of the Palace of the King of Hell, and stood in front of the three people: "Old demon from Black Mountain? Tsk, Tsk, Old Hu, you are not talking about that Sun Mountain, Bian Laoliu, who created a little mountain monster, right?"




As soon as the King of Five Senses said these words, the expressions of Lin Ge and the three of them changed to "-_-" at a 100% synchronization rate, which shows how speechless the three of them were.

However, what Lin Ge was more curious about was——

Boss, you can make it smaller, so why do you want to build such a big Palace of Hell? (End of chapter)

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