Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 394: Reward the good minister Wei Zheng, punish the evil minister Zhong Kui

The King of Five Senses made a gesture, raised his finger to the sky, closed his eyes and opened his consciousness.

After a while, he opened his eyes and said: "Oh, Bian Laoliu really dares to lead troops to my king's territory to ask for people? That's fine, that's fine! It's just that the old and new accounts have been settled together."

Lin Ge and Hu Bufan looked at each other. They didn't expect that their boss would have a feud with King Bian Cheng. Isn't this a "coincidence"?

The king of five sense organs saw the thoughts of the two men, shook his head and sighed: "Well, although it is a bit hard to say, I have to say that Bian Laoliu's army of useless deaths is very difficult to deal with. If necessary, I really don't want to fight him head-on. But , even if he comes, we can’t just let him go back..."

The king of five sense organs thought for a moment, then looked at Lin Ge and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Bian Laoliu's little bastard offended King Qin Guang and ran to the underworld to hide. I didn't expect you to find him. Don't worry, it's a simple matter. I'll drag Bian Laoliu with me first. Lao Hu, take your brother and ask for King Qin Guang... I've found out the mystery that the old Black Mountain demon is hiding in front of the Yin-Yang Road. Lin, you just take King Qin Guang over there and crush this little bastard. Do you think Bian Laoliu has the guts to trouble King Qin Guang?"

As soon as the King of Five Senses finished speaking, he raised his hand and a green channel of dense fog appeared in front of King Yama's hall. At the same time, a drum sound came from the direction of the city gate.

"It should be Bian Laoliu's army of dead men who have entered the ghost city. You should go back as soon as possible." After the king of five senses finished speaking, he turned into a wisp of red smoke and flew towards the distant gate.

"Brother, let's go." After Hu Bufan finished speaking, he used a tactic to create a thick fog that enveloped Lin Ge and Huang Ni, and then flew into the passage opened by the King of Five Senses.

At this time, King Wu Guan had already arrived at the city wall, jumped off the city wall, and once again transformed into the form of a giant dozens of meters high, looking down at King Bian Cheng who was leading the army in the distance.

"Hey, Mr. Bian, cough, isn't this King Bian Cheng? If you don't become your local emperor in the City of Wasted Death, why are you going to this king's blood river hell?" The voice of the Five-Function King was like the sound of a drum, shaking the sky for a moment. A large number of Yin soldiers from the city of Fu Shi were lying down.


King Bian Cheng gave a low drink, and the ghostly energy that merged with resentment and evil spirit surged, instantly dispelling the pressure of the Five-Function King, and then said: "Five-Function King, I am trying to capture the key criminal in the city of Wangui!"

"Catch the key criminals if you want to catch them. Why are you shouting so loudly? Do you really think everyone is like you, blind and unable to distinguish between people and mountains?" the King of Five Senses said sarcastically.

King Bian Cheng said angrily: "You!"

"What are you doing? If you want to arrest someone, go and arrest him. Don't hang around on my territory. The grudge between you and me has not been settled yet, so don't force me to take the opportunity to beat you up!" The King of Five Senses snorted coldly.

King Bian Cheng laughed wildly as if he had heard some joke: "King of the five sense organs, your Blood River army's little fish guard is worthy of being compared with my king's useless army? Huh, I tell you, today you If you don’t hand over the people, I will bulldoze your city wall!”

"Heh, what do you mean... I'm covering up the key criminal you want to arrest?" King Wu Guan asked.

King Bian Cheng said: "My secret agent saw that man entering your ghost town. Can he still lie? One last thing to ask you, do you hand him over or not? If you don't hand him over, I will lead my own troops to search!"

The king of five sense organs lowered his head and looked at the city gate: "Hey, who is guarding the city gate today?"

Several Yin soldiers guarding the city gate immediately came forward and knelt down respectfully: "Report to King Wu Guan, we are responsible for guarding the city gate today."

"This..." Several Yin soldiers were stunned for a moment, especially the Yin soldier who had gone to report the approaching army of the City of Death. Seeing the extraordinary relationship between Lin Ge and Hu Bufan, they didn't know whether to tell the truth.

The King of Five Senses saw his doubts and laughed and said, "Don't worry, just tell the truth about what you see."

The Yin soldier was still a little confused, but another Yin soldier who had a bad relationship with Hu Bufan said first: "Reporting to the King of Five sense organs, a man who claimed to be Zuo Shen of the Yin Law Division brought a woman into the ghost city."

King Bian Cheng heard this and said angrily: "You heard..."

Before King Bian Cheng could finish speaking, King Wu Guan used his advantage of being "truly tall and powerful" to shout with the pressure that overwhelmed the Yin soldiers: "Did you hear that? Zuo Shen of the Yin Law Department, don't you?" Go to the Yin Law Department to ask for people, go to my Blood River Hell to ask for people, you really think I am easy to bully, right...Okay, I will let you see today, is there no one in the Blood River Hell? Come on, give me the order , the whole army is on alert, if we let the people who die in vain come close to the city wall today, I will bathe them all in the Blood River Hell!"

As soon as King Wu Guan finished speaking, war drums beat loudly in the ghost city, trumpets sounded, and all the ghost generals led their troops into formation, with a majestic momentum like a rainbow.

"King of Five Senses! Are you sure you want to go against this king?" King Bian Cheng shouted angrily.

The King of Five Senses yelled: "Fuck you, it's like I'm afraid of you. Also, my fourth palace, your fucking sixth palace, don't hang 'my king, my king' on He acts as if he is not a 'king'!"

The King of Five Senses and King Bian Cheng have been grudges for a long time. Otherwise, the King of Five Senses, no matter how heroic he is, would have to take into account the face of Yama of the Tenth Palace and would not use "mommy" words to attack King Bian Cheng.

The reason why King Bian Cheng led his troops here so quickly after receiving the secret message from the old demon from Black Mountain is that, coincidentally, on his way back to the city after sending troops to annihilate an army of demons from the underworld, he heard that the King of Five Senses was happy to have a son. He was so arrogant that he named him "King of Hell".

You must know that the Ten Palaces of Hell is the collective name for the ten Lords of Hell. Currently, only the King of Five senses has a child. With such a name, doesn’t it tell everyone that he is the only one of the Ten Palaces of Hell?

The other kings of hell could endure it, but he, King Bian Cheng, could not.

King Bian Cheng originally planned to bring his army directly over under the guise of congratulating the "Little King of Hell" on his 100-day banquet, and forcefully "visit" him, so that the King of Five Senses would lose face, but he did not want the old demon of Montenegro to ask him for help.

After all, the birth of the old monster from Montenegro is no better than the "Little King of Hell". He is his "illegitimate son" who did stupid things, but an illegitimate son is also a son, and this background cannot be inappropriate.

So "congratulations" became "capture the key criminal". Anyway, King Bian Cheng came to trouble King Wu Guan today.

Lin Ge is just a "fuse". Even if it is just a fuse, it is not a bad thing to cooperate with the King of Five Senses to take the opportunity to get rid of the old demon from Black Mountain.

Just when King Wu Guan was delaying King Bian Cheng, Lin Ge and the others came to the palace of King Qin Guang through the portal opened by King Wu Guan.

Hu Bufan embellished the story by telling Queen Qin Guang about the behavior of the old Black Mountain demon in the earthly world. King Qin Guang was immediately furious. Unexpectedly, the little demon who had offended him dared to act recklessly in the earthly world, and immediately called for rewards for good and punishment for evil. The Grand Judge went with Lin Ge to the Lost Forest to arrest people.

Although Huang Ni still wanted to stay outside to watch the show, Lin Ge still asked her to go back to the astrolabe due to safety concerns. As soon as Huang Ni entered the astrolabe, Lin Ge discovered that the astrolabe was being used by someone from inside. The Xianli was blocked and "disconnected" directly.

Needless to say, everyone knew that a certain sister lover was serious this time and vowed to compete with Lin Ge.

However, the most important thing for Lin Ge now is to deal with the old demon from Black Mountain first. As for the "family matters", he will deal with them later. After all, Huang Shang's opinion is not important. In the end, it is still a matter of Huang Ni's words.

Brother Lin and Hu Bufan entered the Mysterious Barrier Forest through the passage opened by King Qin Guang. As soon as they entered, they saw that the place was shrouded in a black mist.

"Gaga, you humble scum, I haven't even gone to find you yet, but you came to my door yourself. It's a good idea to save me from wasting my time!" The huge skull in the sky stared at Lin Ge and Hu Bufan. The upper and lower jaws opened and closed, laughing arrogantly.

"This quacking duck is the Black Mountain Demon?" Hu Bufan looked at Lin Ge with a puzzled look, as if he didn't hear the Black Mountain Demon's arrogant words.

Lin Ge nodded: "That's it, but don't insult the duck. The duck's quack is much better than it."

"That's true."

"And he's ugly too."

"Indeed. I thought King Rishan of Biancheng and the old demon of Black Mountain should be a mountain demon or a stone demon, but I didn't expect it to be a skull."

"Oh, maybe the son follows the father."

Lin Ge and Hu Bufan silenced the old Black Mountain demon with each other's words. They were so angry that the other party flew into a rage. He roared, opened his big mouth and bit the two people below.

"Ah hahahahaha——"

"Wander across the world!"

At this time, with a hearty and heroic laugh, a red figure rushed out of the green mist channel, turning into a red light and shooting towards the huge skull.

The person who came was none other than Lin Ge’s main supporter before, Zhong Kui, the leader of the Punishment Department!

Zhong Kui pierced the huge skull of the Black Mountain Old Demon with one sword, then took a sharp breath and began to swallow the evil energy of the Black Mountain Old Demon.

"Delicious, delicious!" Zhong Kui wiped his mouth and laughed.

Lin Ge had seen this scene more than once. He was now the Zuo Shen of the Yin Lu Department. If he wanted to be promoted, he would have to replace Cui Pan as the leader of the Yin Lu Department. His status would be "equal" with Zhong Kui's.

Although there is only one level difference in status now, in terms of strength, it is not an exaggeration to say that Lin Ge is "a thousand miles apart" from Zhong Kui.

Because the four major courts of justice, the Division of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil are equivalent to "military generals" who need to go out to perform official duties and capture fugitives from the underworld.

Cha Yin Law Department is more "civilian" and mainly deals with matters related to the "operation" of the underworld. This is why King Qin Guang directly sent two generals as soon as he heard about dealing with the old demon of Black Mountain.

Oh, two members.

At this time, there was another person who was slowly walking out of the green mist passage with a pot of wine. Lin Ge and Hu Bufan were stunned when they saw it. The latter asked tentatively: "Here, Mr. Wei is not going to help?"

Wei Zheng took the gourd and drank a few sips of wine, and said with a smile: "I am a civil servant, why should I compete with Zhong Kui for the limelight, let him go, let him go. General Hu, don't worry, Zhong Kui, a small character like this, won't eat anything." Thousands, there are also eight hundred.”


Lin Ge and Hu Bufan looked at each other. Judging from the aerial battle, Zhong Kui did have the advantage. It's just that King Qin Guang sent people to reward good and punish evil at the same time. Unexpectedly, one of them was the one who made sauces, er, drinks.

Hu Bufan said: "However, Mr. Wei, I remember King Qin Guang ordered you to take them back alive. If all of them are eaten by Mr. Zhong Kui, what can we do to revive them?"

Wei Zheng slapped his forehead: "Yes, thanks to General Hu for reminding me, drinking will cause trouble. Drinking will cause trouble."

Wei Zheng said, holding the gourd to the sky, and then shouted loudly: "Zhong Kui, you eat it, don't eat the body, we have to catch it back and revive it!"

"You don't need to remind me!" Zhong Kui bit off half of the old Black Mountain demon's head in one bite, making Lin Ge and others unable to stop a drop of cold sweat from forming on their foreheads.

Lin Ge: ...As expected of you.

As he spoke, Wei Zheng kneaded the formula with one hand and pointed the gourd at the old Black Mountain demon's skull with the other hand. He instantly released a black suction force and sucked part of it into the gourd before Zhong Kui could eat it all.

Lin Ge had quick eyesight and quick hands. At the moment when the Black Mountain old demon was about to be sucked into the gourd, he activated the power of the astrolabe and used the Soul Sealing Technique to grab the old demon's origin.

Lin Ge looked at Wei Zheng and said, "Master Wei, since Master Zhong Kui has eaten a lot, it's not bad. Leave some for me to go back and recover."

Wei Zheng looked at the white light source Lin Singer was holding, and then looked away, sighing regretfully: "It's a pity, it's a waste of a pot of good wine."

When he said this, he naturally agreed with Ling'er's approach.

Although Lin Ge knew that as the leaders of the Department of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil, Zhong Kui and Wei Zheng were very powerful, he did not expect that the strongest demon king, Old Demon Heishan, could not survive a single round in the hands of these two.

[Complete the hidden plot "Black Mountain Old Demon", participated in the task line of killing the Black Mountain Old Demon three times, and obtained the passive skill "Monster Nemesis", which has a certain deterrent effect on the demon tribe. The greater the gap between the realms of the two sides, the greater the deterrent effect. high. The damage caused by one's own abilities is doubled to the demon clan. 】


Lin Ge didn't expect that this old Black Mountain monster had a hidden plot, and the previous "kills" still needed to be counted in order to trigger it.

As Zuo Shen, Lin Ge has a natural deterrent against the evil ghosts. Now that he has the passive of "Demon Clan Nemesis", he also has a natural deterrent against the demon clan. In this way, when facing the enemies of the two ghost clans in the future, It will save you a lot of trouble.

Zhong Kui and Wei Zheng returned to King Qin Guang with the wine gourd containing the old Black Mountain demon, while Lin Ge and Hu Bufan returned to the ghost city.

Outside the ghost city, the two armies faced each other, but both of them stood still. Only the "kings" on both sides, namely King Wu Guan and King Bian Cheng, continued their war of words.

Hu Bufan stopped Lin Ge and said: "Brother, judging from my previous experience, I guess we can't fight. However, Wushiteng City is looking for trouble in the name of you. I think you should avoid it first and wait for someone here." After the matter is settled, I will send you a message to go back to the ghost town. Don’t worry, I will keep you and your siblings in mind, and I will definitely do something special for you when I get back!"

...Eh, not that much.

However, Lin Ge really had to rush back to the underworld. On the one hand, the Black Mountain Old Demon was secretly dealt with in the underworld, but the reincarnations in the underworld did not know about this. If they trusted the Black Mountain Old Demon too much, they thought that Lin Ge died in the Black Mountain Old World in the end. In the hands of the demon, he took the opportunity to cause trouble in Jinshan Temple.

If the reincarnator hadn't been killed and his home had been stolen in the end, Lin Ge would have cried without tears.

In addition, due to the influence of Zhong Kui and Wei Zheng's one-shot kill of the Black Mountain old demon, Lin Ge's mood was also stimulated. Although the chance of getting the reincarnation bounty this time is not high, there are still more than two months of reincarnation. Time, whether it is training or killing monsters to earn reincarnation points, is a good choice.

In two and a half months, Lin Ge vowed to break through the "Dacheng Realm"! (End of chapter)

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