Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 392 Others are fooling people and I am fooling ghosts

When the old Black Mountain demon turned around, the dozen or so pile drivers were really an eyesore. Although Lin Ge wanted to kill them with one sword, the Black Sword was a little dirty.

Lin Singer turned over and saw a "Barrett Sniper Cannon Kai" covered with golden talismans in his hand. Huang Ni dismantled the mechanical device and replaced it with talismans. The cannonballs used at the same time were also enchanted. Processing, increasing the effect of dealing with ghosts.


With a loud noise, the old Black Mountain demon's lower body was directly blasted by the golden light into a large crater, but in the blink of an eye it was wrapped in black mist again and recovered as before.

"Good guy, this thing can regenerate at will, as expected of you!" Lin Ge stepped on the wall, turned over, and jumped out of the window.

The next second, the old Black Mountain demon launched an offensive. With a "boom", the wall where Lin Ge escaped was directly blasted with a big hole by the stone cone.

"You're here and you want to leave? You think I, Black Wind Mountain, just want to come... hmm?" When the old Black Mountain demon chased him out, there was no trace of Lin Ge outside.

Running so fast?

When the old demon of Montenegro was astonished, the half-human and half-snake reincarnation swam out of the room, wrapped its body around the old demon of Montenegro, and asked coquettishly: "Sir, that arrogant human being has ruined our pleasure, what about us?" Black Wind Mountain comes and goes at will, and doesn’t take you seriously, sir. Why don’t you let me lead the demons to capture him and wait for the king to deal with him?”

"That's it..." Before the old Black Mountain demon said the word "good", a "whoosh" sound broke through the air, and Lin Ge flew back again.

"Sorry, your sex scene was so shocking that I forgot the purpose of coming!" Lin Ge stepped on the black sword, held the Barrett sniper cannon and fired three shots at the reincarnator.




The specially processed shells directly blasted the half-human, half-snake body of the Samsara into pieces. Even the old Black Mountain demon on the side was affected. Part of his body was blown away, and the entire building collapsed. half.

After Lin Ge killed the reincarnator, he immediately flew away with his sword, but flew in a circle into the clouds directly above the Black Wind Stronghold.

It's not that he doesn't want to escape Black Wind Village directly, but that although Yujian's flying speed is fast, his spiritual energy is consumed faster.

Lin Ge deliberately killed a carbine, caught the Black Mountain old demon off guard, and took away the reincarnator's head. This had already consumed a lot of spiritual energy.

Even if you take recovery medicine, it will take at least half a stick of incense to recover.

Lin Ge originally thought of increasing his distance and hiding in the clouds, looking for opportunities to escape while recovering, but he ignored an important piece of information——

The original form of the Black Mountain Demon is a mountain, so controlling a big mountain is not a problem, not to mention that this is the Black Wind Mountain where he has lived for decades.


With a loud noise, Black Wind Mountain "rised out of the ground" under the control of the old demon of Black Mountain and turned into a huge "mountain man".

The overwhelming demonic energy surged around like a torrent. Obviously, the murder of the "beloved concubine" had completely angered the demon king.

Lin Ge, who was hiding in the clouds, was thinking about how to escape when he suddenly felt the black sword sink and drop a little, and then a pair of hands wrapped around his waist.

"Don't you have one missile left? Exploding the body of the old Black Mountain demon will definitely make him hate you to the bone, and you can't wait to peel off your skin and bones to kill him!" Huang Ni said with a smile.

As soon as Lin Ge said "Why did you come out?" he suddenly noticed that Heijian's speed of absorbing his spiritual energy had slowed down. He immediately realized that Huang Ni must have come out to share Heijian's energy with him because he saw that his spiritual energy could not keep up. Absorption of spiritual energy.

Although Huang Ni is currently in a state of rebuilding, his spiritual power is already superior to Lin Ge's thanks to his rich experience and the generous "insight" from a certain corpse-disciplinarian who is addicted to sisters.

With Huang Ni's spiritual energy supplemented, Lin Ge can safely rely on the elixir to restore his spiritual energy.

"It's okay, the night is nice today, perfect for watching fireworks." Lin Ge took out the controller and held it in his hand, while Huang Ni controlled the black sword and flew up a certain distance.

[The "Spider (SS-23) Tactical Missile Launcher" has been successfully deployed, allowing users to bomb targets within a 500-kilometer range. 】

Lin Ge pressed the red button on the controller, and a "gap" opened in the dark night sky in the distance. With a mechanical sound of "beep, beep, beep", a missile fell straight down, hitting the Titan-like target with precision. on the giant "mountain man".


Looking at the mushroom cloud rising below, Huang Ni frowned slightly, as if he was worried about something: "It's a pity that this is a technological missile summoned from the void. There is no way to engrave a spell on it to increase the effect on monsters and monsters. But... I forged the sword. I made some gadgets at that time, just in time to test its power."

Huang Ni said, taking out a handful of black "marbles" with one hand.

"What is this?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

Huang Ni asked back: "Have you ever heard of thunderbolts and fire bombs?"

"Those hidden weapons in martial arts movies?" When Lin Ge heard this name, he immediately thought of the thunderbolts and fire bombs that killed everyone in "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slayer".

"The principle is similar, but mine is the 'immortal version' refined from the residue of the sword made for you, but it is still in the testing stage. Although it is a pity, it is not a loss if it can kill the old demon of Montenegro." Huang Ni said with a smile.

At this time, the "Mountain Man" below was bombarded by missiles. Its huge body fell off the mushroom cloud like a landslide, and soon only a "small hill" shrouded in black fog remained.

Huang Ni took up the magic formula and threw several thunderbolts one after another, one of which hit the "sharp" top of the mountain of the Black Mountain Old Demon.


I saw a golden mushroom cloud exploded, and the hilltop was directly blown into a small pit. Although it was not as large as the explosion range of the spider missile, it was still much stronger than ordinary high-explosive bombs.

The most important thing is that this is a hidden weapon specially refined by Huang Ni. Its power against monsters and monsters is no less than a B-level magic weapon!

"The power of this 'throwing cannon' is quite good." Lin Ge praised.

After being bombed continuously, the old Black Mountain demon had already captured Lin Ge's position. The black air in the sky turned into a huge skull and countless big hands grabbing towards the air.

"You are better at handling the sword than me, you control the flying sword!" Lin Ge asked Huang Ni to control the flying sword, and at the same time snatched the thunderbolt from her hand.

Huang Ni stepped on the black sword to steady his body, held Lin Ge's waist with one hand, and used the magic formula with the other hand to control the flying sword to dodge left and right to avoid being caught by the black mist of the Black Mountain old demon. At the same time, he said angrily: "I see you just think this thing is fun."

"Hehe, Tinkerbell, make more of this kind of thing in the future... Oh, by the way, can I just throw it directly, or does it need to be driven by magic?" Lin Ge asked.

Since it is a hidden weapon, the method of use is naturally very simple. As soon as Huang Ni said it, Lin Ge immediately knew how to use it, and he happily threw the "throwing cannon" at the attacking Black Mountain old monster.




Most of the black mist of the Black Mountain Old Demon was blown out, and the remaining "body" of the mountain was completely blown to pieces, returning to the way Lin Ge looked when he first saw him in Black Wind Village.

However, this thunderbolt fire bomb is said to be a "throwing cannon", and its power can make several powerful ghosts fly away in an instant when applied to ordinary ghosts.

But the old Black Mountain demon is the "demon king" after all. The thunderbolt and fire bombs can disperse its demonic power, but may not be able to damage its body.

However, the mushroom clouds of golden light exploded on the skull of the old Black Mountain demon like a "throwing cannon". Although the damage was not great, it was extremely insulting.

If nothing else, the hatred must be overwhelming. If the Black Mountain old demon allowed Lin Ge to escape smoothly, he would probably die of autism immediately.

Naturally, the old demon from Montenegro would not let this happen. The demonic aura spread out like a torrent and turned into countless big hands, blocking Lin Ge's retreat step by step.

At the same time, the big demons in the surrounding mountains suffered a disaster. They were swallowed up by the black mist one by one and turned into the energy of the old black mountain demon.

"Find a place on the ground to lower down." Lin Ge thought of a way to deal with the old demon from Black Mountain.

With the strength of the top demon king of Montenegro, in the past few times, either the Prince of Hell personally carried the soul-suppressing bell or asked the Great Sage to take action. It was obviously impossible for him and Huang Ni to fight head-on.

This kind of "performance" should naturally be left to acquaintances.

Upon hearing this, Huang Ni knew that Lin Ge must have thought of a way to deal with the old demon from Black Mountain, otherwise he would not have allowed her to risk landing.

Huang Ni has been mastering swordsmanship for thousands of years. Even though the Black Mountain Old Demon's intensive attacks left her little room to move, she still relied on the power of the black sword to break through the obstacles and land on the opposite mountain.

Huang Ni looked up at the sky shrouded in black mist, as well as the big hands of black mist all over the sky, and reminded: "What can you do? It's best to be quick. At the speed at which the old demon of Montenegro can erupt demonic energy, at most a quarter of the stick of incense will be burned." , this mountain will also be swallowed up.”

Lin Ge took out the Judge's Order and Judge's Pen, held the order in his left hand, and with a wave of the pen in his right hand, he opened the Yin-Yang Road leading directly to the ghost town of the underworld.


Lin Ge put away the black sword, pulled Huang Ni and jumped into the underworld.

And how could the old Black Mountain demon, who had long been full of hatred, let Lin Ge go because he escaped into the underworld, not to mention that the underworld is his base camp and it is stronger in the underworld!

"Do you think you can escape from my Wuzhishan by hiding in the underworld?" Following the roar of the old Black Mountain demon, black mist filled the sky into the passage opened by Lin Ge.

Seeing that Black Mist was about to catch up, Lin Ge had just summoned the Black Sword, and Huang Ni had already made the next move, grabbing him by the waist and flying with the Black Sword.


Seeing Lin Ge's constipated expression, Huang Ni was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion: "What's wrong? Did you slow down on purpose?"

"That's's just that, do you feel that our actions can actually be interchanged, which would be more appropriate." Lin Ge sighed helplessly.

Huang Ni smiled and said, "Next time for sure."

With the black sword speeding up, Huang Ni flew with the sword and quickly crossed the Yin and Yang Road to the underworld. In the distance was the ghost town that Judge Lin Ge ordered to "locate".

Seeing someone flying towards the city gate at high speed, the Yin soldiers at the door immediately formed a formation and shouted alertly: "Who is coming? How dare you break into the ghost city without permission!"

Lin Ge jumped down from the flying sword, held the judge's order in his hand and said loudly: "I am the 'Zuo Shen' of the Yin Law Department. I was ordered to go to the underworld to investigate the demon king's troubled times. However, he was discovered by the demon king and chased me here. Please. Report to the superiors immediately, the demon king is attacking!"

The Yin soldiers guarding the city gate were stunned and asked in confusion: "Which demon king is so arrogant and dares to attack my ghost city?"

"Black Wind Mountain, Black Mountain Old Demon."

"Black Mountain Old Demon?" Yin Bing was stunned. Seeing his reaction, it was as if he had never heard of the Black Mountain Demon's name, which made Lin Ge also look puzzled.

Another Yin soldier said: "Master Judge, please follow me. I will take you to see Master Yama."

Regardless of whether what Lin Ge said was true or false, his judge's order and pen were indeed owned by the Ghost City Yin Lu Division, which also confirmed his identity.

When I first entered the city and passed by the Ghost Town Patrol Camp, I saw a few Yin soldiers carrying wine bottles walking out of the city. The leader, the bearded man, looked over and asked, "What's going on in a hurry?" ?”

"Reporting to Mr. Ghost General, this is the judge of the Yin Law Department. He..." The Yin soldiers were reporting Lin Ge's situation to the bearded leader, but Lin Ge recognized this old acquaintance at a glance.

"Brother Hu!" Lin Ge shouted in surprise.

Although Lin Ge had met Hu Bufan a few times recently, he was either wearing a bull-head mask or a horse mask, but the bearded appearance under the mask was still fresh in his memory.

Lin Ge deliberately lured the old Black Mountain demon to the underworld. He was having a headache about how to find this underworld and his most "iron" acquaintance, but he didn't expect that the other party actually showed up.

What surprised him the most was that Hu Bufan in this world had successfully "fucked" into the position of a ghost general and was leading his group of brothers to enjoy themselves in the ghost town.

Hu Bufan looked at Lin Ge with confusion on his face, frowned slightly and said, "Brother, are you the judge of the Yin Law Department? You look a bit unfamiliar..."

"Lin Ge is under the supervision of the Lower Yin Law Division. He has been traveling in the Three Thousand Small Worlds for many years. This time he was ordered to go to the underworld to investigate the demon king's troubled times. He found out that it was the old demon from Black Wind Mountain who did it." Lin Ge said and came closer. Hu Bufan lowered his voice and said: "I only took the position of Zuo Shen in another world with the help of Brother Hu. Before that, you gave me the name tag and asked me to call him when I encounter trouble in other worlds. You help."

"Didn't I tell you anything else?" Hu Bufan asked.

Lin Ge whispered: "You asked me to burn more paper money, and you emphasized that I want paper money, not ghost coins, saying that there is inflation below and the ghost coins are devalued."

Hu Bufan looked at Lin Singer's "famous brand" and nodded seriously: "Yes, it's me."

The "secret code" connection was successful, and Hu Bufan no longer doubted Lin Ge. He patted his shoulder and said excitedly: "Hahaha, since we are good brothers, let's go and have a few drinks first...this is my brother and sister, right? Tsk tsk, the fairy spirit is fluttering, and you look like an immortal at first glance, brother, you have a good sense!"

"Brother Hu, I'm afraid I can't drink this wine. I sneaked into Heifeng Mountain to investigate the old Black Mountain demon and it was exposed. The demon king chased me to the underworld..." Lin Ge told the story of the old Black Mountain demon with added jealousy. In the "story", the old demon from Black Mountain hid in Black Wind Mountain and recruited soldiers to build a demon army in an attempt to rule the underworld.

And he went through all kinds of troubles to destroy the plan of the old demon from Montenegro, but was hunted by him all over the world, so he had no choice but to escape into the underworld.

"You bastard, what kind of bullshit demon king dares to touch my Ghost City general, how dare you touch my brother! Come on, please send troops for me. I will personally lead the troops to get rid of that demon king!" Hu Bufan waved his hand, and several of his His men immediately went down to gather troops.

Others were either shaking people or shaking gods. Lin Ge's shake directly shook an army's ghost!

Lin Ge and Huang Ni followed Hu Bufan to the warehouse and put on his ghost general armor. At the same time, the Black Mountain Old Demon has taken up residence outside the city.

Lin Ge really didn't expect that the old demon from Black Mountain would really dare to chase him to the ghost city. Although he was the strongest demon king in the underworld, the ghost city was the underworld after all. How could he have the confidence as a demon king?


Lin Ge suddenly thought of a terrible situation, that is, the city lord of Wanshi City, who had some connection with the old demon from Black Mountain, King Bian Cheng, came to intervene! (End of chapter)

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