Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 391 The old demon who sold himself to Montenegro, brother, you really know how to play!

Lin Ge raised the reincarnator's head and said, "Since you like to play cat and mouse games, then I will play with you again."


As a burning talisman was ignited, the reincarnator's head was instantly covered in flames, and Lin Ge's hands were covered with a layer of turbid water magma to prevent the fire from burning and at the same time, lightning flashed out.



Under the double torture of fire and lightning, the reincarnator howled and turned into ashes.

Lin Ge used missiles to level the hill where the Samsara was hiding, but the thousands of snake scales buried by the Samsara were not completely destroyed.

So Lin Ge "extracted" Fu Jiang's head from the astrolabe, and used Fu Jiang to locate the reincarnation clones who had been parasitized by her and shared their consciousness.

The complete reincarnators were no match for Lin Ge, let alone these clones that had just been "resurrected". They were almost killed one by one after being resurrected.

The death of the clone also has a huge impact on the reincarnator, because he uses secret methods to cut the soul into thousands of parts and attach them to the snake scales. The death of each snake scale also means that this soul is destroyed, and one part of the soul is destroyed. The dissipation of a ray of soul is a hundred times more painful than physical damage!

In one night, Lin Ge used Fu Jiang's "consciousness sharing" and "soul chasing skills" to successfully destroy hundreds of reincarnation clones on the surrounding mountains.

The reincarnator also realized that something was wrong, and used a certain spell to directly awaken all the snake scales at once, but gave up the connection with himself, and instead let them wake up on their own. As a result, the reincarnator may have lost the ability to be a death substitute, but it also cut off Lin Ge's pursuit.

"Tsk, tsk, you are a ruthless person who throws away thousands of years of cultivation." Lin Ge lost the trace of the reincarnator and could only go back to Jinshan Temple to find a solution from the last snake scale.

At present, the Samsara's trump cards should have been played out, and the "Soul Splitting Technique" and "Substitute Technique" should be his biggest trump cards.

The rest of White Snake's thousand-year cultivation, the other monsters he devoured, etc., could not pose a threat to Lin Ge. In other words, the reincarnator's combat effectiveness is not even as good as Nita's. The only troublesome thing is that he cannot find his true "body" and kill him completely.

In Jinshan Temple, Fahai led hundreds of monks in the temple to form a group in the square in front of the main hall and chant sutras to save the souls on the snake scales.

As soon as Lin Ge stepped into the mountain gate, he was dragged into the woods by a green shadow jumping out of the forest.

"Hey, you're not going to molest me in broad daylight, are you?" Lin Ge looked at Xiao Qing who was dragging him into the forest and couldn't help but complain.

Xiao Qing chuckled and said, "I think so, but I don't know if you are willing."

"Tell me, why did you drag me in?" Lin Ge asked.

Xiao Qing smiled and pressed her body against Lin Ge's body, and said with a charming smile: "What else can I do... As you said, of course it's to molest you..."

Before Xiao Qing finished speaking, she saw a slender, fair and beautiful hand stretched out from Lin Ge's left wrist, and then he pinched the orchid finger and flicked it at her——


Xiao Qing instantly turned into a beam of green light and flew backwards, breaking several big trees in succession and being buried under a pile of tree trunks. However, the attack seemed ferocious, and for a monster she had practiced for more than five hundred years, it was not fatal, just a little embarrassing.

"Then, what is that!" Xiao Qing looked like she had been tortured. She sat up from the tree with a head of leaves and messy hair, and looked at Lin Ge in horror.

"My guardian spirit. If you can make her reach out and slap you in her sleep, that's awesome." Lin Ge said helplessly.

Xiao Qing said angrily: "It doesn't make sense, I haven't made a move yet, at least wait until I really molest you."


That would probably be like hitting the snake seven inches.

Lin Ge asked helplessly: "If you don't find a secluded place to hide from the world and practice after you get the Buddha's Shadow Pearl, what are you doing outside Jinshan Temple?"

"It's not just to see you...forget it, have you found my sister, um, the monster that snatched my sister's body?" Xiao Qing asked.

Lin Ge not only gave the spirit beads, but also took the initiative to let Xiao Qing go. In fact, it was not because of his kindness, but because he felt that since the reincarnator attacked the white snake, he would naturally not let Xiao Qing go, which was a great tonic for five hundred years of cultivation. . Even if he and Fa Hai disrupted each other's plans, Samsara would definitely find an opportunity to attack Xiao Qing.

Therefore, Lin Ge gave the Buddha's Shadow Lingzhu to Xiao Qing and manipulated both the Lingzhu and Xiao Qing. Once the reincarnation appeared, he would be able to catch each other again.

However, Xiaoqing took the spirit beads and refused to leave. He was still stranded outside the Jinshan Temple, which really surprised Lin Ge and disrupted his plan.

Lin Ge thought for a while and truthfully told the situation of the reincarnator.

"No, you are so capable and you let that guy run away? Hey, can you do it? If not, let me do it. I must avenge my sister!" Xiao Qing snorted coldly.

Lin Ge sighed: "This man is like a mouse, and he has mastered the art of dividing souls and the art of substitution. It will take a lot of effort to find them all. If you can do it, I don't mind being your thug."

Xiao Qing pondered for a moment and said: "You said... you found all the snake scales that that person buried in several surrounding mountains, and the other party just gave up other souls to prevent you from finding more snake scales?"

"That's right." Lin Ge said.

"Do you know Black Wind Mountain?" Xiaoqing asked again.

Lin Ge shook his head.

Xiao Qing immediately said: "Heifeng Mountain is the mountain with the most monsters within a hundred miles. A big monster came to that mountain hundreds of years ago and called himself the 'Black Mountain Old Monster'. I heard that the Black Mountain Old Monster likes to marry the most." His wife took concubines, and he was the most beautiful fox tribe in the area, and the entire tribe was brought into the mountains by him.”



Is it this guy again?

Lin Ge suddenly had a headache when he heard the name. He didn't know if he had a conflict with the "Old Black Mountain Demon". He had already encountered this in several worlds.

Xiao Qing said with a serious face: "This is what I wanted to tell you outside Jinshan Temple. Didn't you say that my sister was occupied three years ago? And just two years ago, my sister wanted to leave me and go out. But I was worried about her safety, so I followed her. I found out that she went to Black Wind Mountain and completed her transformation when she entered the mountain, turning into a woman as beautiful as a fairy."

"So you suspect that she is hooking up with the old demon from Montenegro?" Lin Ge asked.

Xiao Qing shook her head: "This is what makes me confused. Logically speaking, with my sister's appearance at that time, once she enters the mountain, it is impossible for the old Black Mountain demon to let her out. And I have been waiting outside the mountain for several days. , I thought that my sister would definitely be gone forever, but I didn’t want to leave the Black Mountain Old Demon, so I went back to the Purple Bamboo Forest. As a result... my sister was looking for me everywhere in the Purple Bamboo Forest, and even said that she had been looking for me for a few days. "

"I didn't want to expose the matter of stalking my sister, and I didn't want to get involved with the old demon from Montenegro, so I casually said that I sneaked away to the town to play. Although I was confused at the time, I didn't go into details. But now that I think about it, maybe at that time... ...That person has already used the snake scale's clone method."

When Lin Ge heard this, he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this time. He could only say that the reincarnator was really good at playing.

He turned into a burly man to seduce the Fox Clan, and then turned into Bai Suzhen to seduce Xu Xian. Earlier, he even used one of his clones to succumb to the old demon from Montenegro.

You must know that before the reincarnator completely cuts off the perception of the soul, every clone transformed into a snake scale with a soul is controlled by himself.

Perception and memory will return to the original body. It can be either male or female, both male and female!

Lin Ge suddenly felt goosebumps all over his body and couldn't help but change the subject: "Since the old Black Mountain monster is the strongest monster around here, why don't you take the opportunity to seek shelter like the White Snake?"


Xiao Qing snorted coldly: "Because I have seen those fox clansmen who have been with the old monster from Black Mountain. They were tortured to the point where they could not even transform. Whoever likes that old pervert can go, but I won't go anyway."

"Thank you for your information. These magic talismans may help you avert danger when you are in danger." Lin Ge said and handed Xiaoqing a few yellow talismans, and then said: "I will try my best to hunt down that person. , if you meet him, you'd better run away decisively."

"I want to avenge my sister!" Xiaoqing said anxiously.

Lin Ge said: "You can't even defeat Fa Hai, so what can you do to avenge your sister? That person's strength is at least higher than Fa Hai's."

"Hmph, stop looking down on others. With this Buddha's Shadow Spirit Bead, I will be able to break through soon. Just wait!" Xiao Qing snorted coldly and turned into a green shadow and ran deep into the woods.

Lin Ge raised his hand and knocked on the big tree nearby, and soon a fat civet cat spirit emerged from the hole in the tree: "I've seen Mr. Dao before."

"Raccoon cat, you are the mountain god of this mountain now, so you must take on the responsibility of the mountain god. Keep an eye on the green snake and give her some help if necessary. And...if there are other monsters entering the mountain, you must be the first to do so. Let me and Fahai know when the time comes." Lin Ge warned.

"Yes, Master Tao, I will definitely remember Master Tao's instructions and protect this mountain." The civet cat spirit said confidently.

Lin Ge said: "If you do well, I will discuss with Fahai and find people to build a shrine for you in several surrounding mountains, um, the entire mountain range."

"Thank you, Master, thank you!" The civet cat spirit kowtowed to Lin Ge excitedly.

The entire mountain range is built with shrines dedicated to the civet cat spirit, which means that the entire mountain range is dedicated to the civet cat spirit and makes it the mountain god of this mountain range.

After the civet spirit left, Lin Ge walked into Jinshan Temple. Fahai, who was sitting at the front, noticed Lin Ge and stood up and walked towards him.

"Taoist Master, how is the situation?" Fahai asked.

Lin Ge explained the situation of dealing with the reincarnator. After learning that the other party finally gave up the White Snake cultivation and cut off all soul connections to prevent tracking, he couldn't help but sigh.

With such a tricky ability, it's... hard to catch him.

"What about the snake scales?" Lin Ge asked.

Fahai said: "With the help of the power of the Daluo Golden Bowl and the scriptures, part of the man's soul has been successfully saved, and the snake scales will be purified for up to seven days. The man used evil magic to tear apart the soul of the White Snake, and used it to refine the snake. Scale clone, as long as the snake scale is purified, then the soul of the original body can be released to completely break the clone technique."

"Alas." Lin Ge sighed. This news is not good news. After all, if the reincarnator can use this method to crack the clone technique before giving up the clone voluntarily, and then use the soul chasing technique to locate the soul breath on the snake scales, If you find the true identity of the reincarnator, you can "break the situation."

But unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes. After Fu Jiang, the "chess piece" left by Lin Ge at the beginning, was found by the reincarnation, he thought of using Fu Jiang's parasitism and consciousness sharing to make a quick victory.

But I didn't expect that White Snake's thousand-year cultivation was not just a joke. Thousands of clones were actually refined by the reincarnationists and scattered everywhere.

Until this moment, Lin Ge finally understood why the Lord God defined this reincarnation as a "single reincarnation" instead of sending hundreds of reincarnators to hunt down him like in the past.

Because the ability of this reincarnation is a "bug", this is simply an "impossible task". With unlimited avatars and clones, there is no better solution except restarting the world.

Letting one reincarnator come in to search is purely "lucky", but letting a hundred reincarnators come in will have to bear the loss of cannibalism among the reincarnators.

It can only be said that this Lord God is really "economical".

Although the current situation was not optimistic, after all, there were still more than two months left, so Lin Ge decided to go to Black Wind Mountain to have a look.

Fa Hai left Jinshan Temple to look at the last snake scale, and also stared at Xiao Qing who was practicing in the back mountain to prevent reincarnators from stealing his home.

Lin Ge then came to the foot of Heifeng Mountain with his sword, put on Chen Qing's "auspicious suit", attached an "invisibility charm", and sneaked into Heifeng Mountain.

Although the double invisibility effect of technology and spells may not escape the perception of the old Black Mountain monster, it is not a big problem when dealing with other monsters on the mountain.

All the way to the depths of Black Wind Mountain, there is a huge walled city. Outside, there is a half-transformed pig-headed wild boar demon guarding the gate, and there are many little demons patrolling around.

In addition to ordinary monsters, there are actually many ghosts in the walled city. It's just that most of them are female ghosts, and they have fun with the monsters in Heifeng Village. Many monsters (ghosts) move around happily.

As the saying goes, if the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam is crooked. The monsters and ghosts in the village all look like this. You can already imagine what the old monster from Montenegro looks like.

Sneaking into the main building, Lin Ge went all the way to the depths and heard a faint groan that made people blush, so he followed the sound.

Then Lin Ge saw a scene that made him turn off his stomach. To describe it in four words -

The devil that fucks snakes.

A giant snake that is half human and half snake is entangled in the house. What is shocking is that it is actually his upper body snake and lower body human.

The Black Mountain Old Demon has no "entity". He is essentially a "mountain" who has become a demon, so he can only see a dozen stone cones sticking out of a huge black mist. The white snake spit out a huge snake tongue and licked the black mist, making a happy sound.



At this time, there seemed to be a huge skull in the black mist, its upper and lower jaws opened and closed, and it made a rich, neither male nor female sound.

"Who dares to disturb this king's pleasure!"

Hearing the familiar deep voice of the Black Mountain Demon, Lin Ge didn't know how to describe his mood for a moment. This was probably the boss he had seen the most.

The auspicious suit and invisibility charm were ineffective against the old Black Mountain demon. Lin Ge simply took off his auspicious suit and kicked open the door with his black sword: "If I say that the big earthworm in your arms is actually a man, will it ruin your elegance? "

"It doesn't matter, as long as there is a hole." The old Black Mountain demon chuckled.


This sentence immediately silenced Lin Ge, thinking that he had been reincarnated a dozen times. Although he did not say that he had swept Zongheng all the way, his "mouth escape technique" had never failed.

Unexpectedly, there would be times when he would not be able to speak to the characters in the plot! Apart from the word "awesome", Lin Ge couldn't think of a better adjective!

"Gaga, pretty boy, you're not bad looking. Since you're here, I won't be polite!" The huge skull in the black mist stared at the handsome Lin Ge in a black flying fish suit at the door, and let out a greedy cry. laughter. (End of chapter)

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