Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 390 Hidden in the mountains? Then I will level this mountain!

Xu Xian had a busy day and his mouth was dry after giving lectures all day. When he got home, he put the book in his hand on the table and hurriedly poured a cup of tea into his mouth.


Putting down the tea cup, Xu Xian's eyes unconsciously fell to the three wine jars in the corner. They were the wine that his sister's family, who lived in the east of the city, asked him to help brew.

"Is it realgar..." Xu Xian couldn't help but think about what Fahai told him in the morning.

Miss Bai and Xiao Qing are as beautiful as gods. They have indeed surpassed the beauty of "human beings", with that indescribable "fairy spirit"... Could they really be monsters?

Xu Xian looked at the wine jars again. The Qingming Festival was over and the Dragon Boat Festival was coming soon. It seemed good to make some jars of realgar wine for my sister's house.

Thinking of this, Xu Xian rested for a while, and while it was still early, he went to the street to buy some realgar powder and ingredients for making wine.

On the way, Xu Xian heard the passing townspeople talking about a mage in the east of the city who eliminated demons in the morning. He also saw Master Fahai and a handsome scholar carrying an old Taoist priest to the inn.

"Brothers, please stay."

Xu Xian stopped the two men who were walking and chatting there, cupped his hands, and asked politely: "I just heard you two mention that Master Fahai of Jinshan Temple was exterminating demons in the east of the city this morning?"

"Yeah, don't you know? This has been spread all over the city. I heard it's a giant python, big, long and thick, and scary." The town citizen vividly told Xu Xian what he had heard. As the rumors went on and on, the rumors soon turned into an exorcism ceremony watched by tens of thousands of people.

Although Xu Xian was skeptical of the exaggerated description of the townspeople, it was certain that Master Fahai was indeed dealing with monsters that morning.

Xu Xian's mind was so confused that he didn't even know how he walked home.

After returning home, Xu Xian numbly began to brew realgar wine. By the time he finished brewing the wine and sat by the bed, it was already late at night, and the night watchman could still hear the sound of the third watch gong outside.

"It's so late? Huh, it's better to get some rest quickly. You can't miss tomorrow's class." Xu Xiang just got up and was about to clean up, but he heard a knock on the door.

"So late? Who could it be?" Xu Xian opened the door in confusion, only to see a white figure jumping into his arms as softly as a bone, and lying in Xu Xian's arms.

Xu Xian was startled, and subconsciously wanted to push the person away, but heard a familiar voice: "Mr. Xu..."

"Bai, Miss Bai?" Xu Xian was stunned when he saw the beautiful and delicate face in his arms.

Bai Suzhen said in a soft tone: "Mr. Xu, my sister and I had a dispute and had no choice but to leave home. We have no place to stay tonight. I wonder if it's inconvenient for Mr. Xu to take me in for one night?"

"This..." Xu Xian was a little embarrassed.

But the delicate body lying in his arms made his body temperature continue to rise. He was blushing and fascinated, and subconsciously introduced Bai Suzhen into the room.

"Bai, Bai, Miss Bai, sit down. I'll pour you tea." Xu Xian "helped" Bai Suzhen to the table and wanted to help her sit down, but the other party seemed to be glued to him. Why? Can't push it away.

"Mr. Xu, why haven't you rested so late?" Bai Suzhen raised her head, her face full of flattery.

Xu Xian swallowed and stammered: "My, my sister, my sister asked me to help make wine. I had class very early today, so I wanted to make the wine for my sister."

"Mr. Xu, you can actually make wine, you're so powerful." Bai Suzhen said with charming eyes.

Although Xu Xian was handsome and there were many girls who were attracted to him in the city, most of them disliked him as a poor scholar and did not develop further.

Xu Xian has been immersed in books these years and has not had much contact with this aspect of things. How could he resist Bai Suzhen's level of temptation? He was fascinated by it after just a few sentences. When his consciousness recovered slightly , has been thrown onto the bed by the other party.

Looking at Bai Suzhen, who was half undressed, Xu Xian's face turned red with fever, and he regained some sense. He thought in his heart "don't look at anything inappropriate" and pushed Bai Suzhen away.

"Mr. Xu, you are so rude."

"So you like this."

"I can."

Xu Xian stammered: "Bai, Bai, Bai, Miss Bai, tonight, just rest in bed. I, I'll go, just go out and make do for the night."

"It's been a long night with no intention of sleeping. How about we drink and fight?" Seeing that Xu Xian didn't take the bait, Bai Suzhen could only slow down her offensive.

"It's okay, it's okay." Xu Xian's mind had already turned into a ball of mush under Bai Suzhen's offensive. If it hadn't been for the last moment of rationality and dignity and morality as a teacher, he would have just said "I can do it." .

Xu Xian quickly took a bowl and some snacks from the cupboard, then picked up the wine jar in the corner and poured wine.

Bai Suzhen looked at Xu Xian with weak eyes, sat up from the bed, and slowly pulled her clothes, seemingly to cover her half-exposed shoulders, but in fact it made the spring look more beautiful.

"Mr. Xu..." Bai Suzhen stared at Xu Xian greedily. In fact, she was looking at the faint white light on his chest that seemed to disappear at any time.

She must use this "demon body" to completely absorb Xu Xian's origin and seize it with the dual cultivation method of this world, which can minimize the loss. This is why she tried every means to overthrow Xu Xian.

I originally thought that I only needed to follow the plot, avoid Fahai with the help of my understanding of the plot, and wait until I absorbed Zhengfang's origin before starting to level up monsters... After all, there are many monsters and monsters in the world of "Green Snake", which means The “rewards” are numerous.

But he didn't expect that the "power of the substitute" would still be noticed by the Lord God, and he found that he, the "reincarnator", was stranded in the world of "Green Snake", and he did not hesitate to send the reincarnation to hunt him down.

The most troublesome thing is that this is a terrifyingly powerful top-level Golden Gate reincarnation!

Watching Xu Xian pour wine into the bowl, Bai Suzhen's thoughts were gradually pulled back. At this moment, she felt a faint tingling sensation on her skin.


"Did that stinking Taoist priest's attack hurt her soul?" Bai Suzhen's body is "new," so the severe injury she suffered in the morning's battle with Lin Ge had no effect on her current body.

"Miss Bai, please." Xu Xian poured a glass of wine and offered it to Bai Suzhen thoughtfully.

Bai Suzhen held the glass of wine and did not forget to wink at her, making it clear that she wanted to get Xu Xian drunk with wine, and then start her journey of "double cultivation".

After drinking the white wine in the glass, Bai Suzhen felt a light, astringent taste and an indescribable unpleasantness. The strangest thing was that the tingling pain in her body seemed to be clearer.

Bai Suzhen was indeed soul-wounded by Lin Ge's black sword, but because of the "speciality" of her soul, it had an impact but not a deep one. However, she put all her energy into seducing Xu Xian at this time and did not even notice the table on the table in the room. , realgar powder remaining on the ground.

Xu Xiang had just finished brewing the wine and before he had time to clean it up, there was some realgar powder left on his body and hands. Bai Suzhen's embrace of him ended up cheating him.


Bai Suzhen felt like a sharp dagger was stirring in her belly, and the stinging pain on her body became more and more obvious. Her eyes turned cold, and she glared at Xu Xian and asked, "What kind of wine is this?"

Xu Xian obviously didn't expect Bai Suzhen's reaction to be so big. The cold eyes and fierce expression suddenly made his mushy mind clear up.

"Realgar, realgar, wine." Xu Xian stammered and slowly stepped back, apparently believing Fa Hai's words a little more.



Bai Suzhen hugged her belly and howled miserably. She seemed to have changed into a different person in an instant, staring at Xu Xian with evil eyes: "I don't care about destroying the origin. Since you don't want to die happily, then die with my heart ripped out!" "

Bai Suzhen endured the huge pain in her heart and body, supported her body and stood up, approaching Xu Xian.

At this moment, two yellow talismans flew out of Xu Xian's sleeve pockets, hovering in the air, and with a flash of golden light, two paper soul figures jumped out.

The soul paper man on the left is holding his hands and looking down at Bai Suzhen.

The soul paper man on the right raised his right hand and hooked his fingers at Bai Suzhen. The two paper men looked arrogant and provocative, which made Bai Suzhen furious.

"Stinky Taoist priest, it's you again!" Bai Suzhen scolded fiercely.

Two soul paper figures attacked Bai Suzhen, one from the left and the other from the right. When Xu Xian saw the yellow talisman, he remembered that it was the peace talisman that Lin Ge gave to him as a "getting acquainted" when he first met Lin Ge.

Xu Xian remembered that Lin Ge was as "elegant" as Fahai, and knew that this was the protection of his best friend. He quickly escaped from the yard while the soul paper man was dragging Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen's strength was greatly reduced by the influence of realgar, and she was no match for the soul paper man. After a few moves, she was covered in cuts and bruises by the paper man's flying talisman spell.

Bai Suzhen gritted her teeth and rushed out of the house against the attack of the soul paper man, vowing to take away the origin of Xu Xian's body before Lin Ge arrived.

However, as soon as Bai Suzhen chased her out of the courtyard, she heard a sound piercing the air, and the black sword fell from the sky with a "whoosh" and was inserted on the stone road in the courtyard, separating Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian.

Then, two figures landed on the courtyard wall, it was Lin Ge and Fahai.

"Stinky Taoist priest!" Bai Suzhen scolded angrily.

Lin Ge said: "Hey, you and I are not familiar with each other. If you talk nonsense, I will sue you for slander. Besides, before going out, I took a bath and changed my clothes at Jinshan Temple."

Only then did Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian notice that Lin Ge's original white scholar clothes had been replaced by a black flying fish suit.

"It's not bad, right? My big yellow man ran to watch TV dramas during his sword-making bottleneck. He thought this costume was good, so he gave me one..." Before Lin Ge could finish his words, he heard the word "get out" echoing in his mind. It nearly knocked him off the wall.

"Sorry, sorry, I got a little carried away when I got the new equipment." Lin Ge smiled awkwardly.


Lin Ge looked at Bai Suzhen and continued: "To be honest, I'm tired of playing the cat and mouse game. Why don't you consider my proposal? You hand over the substitute method and I will spare your life. How about that?"

"Don't even think about it!" Bai Suzhen originally wanted to squeeze the secret and cast a spell, but she didn't know that the "snake demon's body" was greatly affected by the realgar. The severe pain forced her to half-kneel on the ground. If she hadn't relied on her will to hold on, she might have fainted.

Lin Ge's sense of smell was far superior to ordinary people. He took a breath and immediately smelled the smell of realgar in the room. He couldn't help but sigh, whether it was the white snake in the play that was brought out of its original shape by a glass of realgar wine, or the movie in which Xiaoqing was forced back by the smell of realgar. It turns out that this realgar really has a miraculous effect on the snake demon!

Xu Xian's unintentional operation can be regarded as a "magic assist"!

"Fahai, take her in." Lin Ge learned wisely this time and no longer rushed to kill Bai Suzhen. Instead, he planned to let Fahai use the big golden bowl to take her in, and then use the "soul chasing technique" to lock her. , see if the other party has used a method similar to "splitting souls".

If so, then all the souls must be eliminated, otherwise the "resurrection" may not be complete even in three years, let alone three months.

"Take it!" Fa Hai also knew that Bai Suzhen was difficult to deal with. She was reduced to dregs by Lin Ge and could be resurrected to bring trouble to Xu Xian. Without the slightest hesitation, she turned over the beetle and collected the monster.

Bai Suzhen was so deeply affected by the realgar that she had no energy left to resist at this moment. She was directly covered by the golden light emitted from the Da Luo golden bowl and was received into the bowl.

As Bai Suzhen was sucked away by the golden light, she gradually transformed from a peerless beauty into her original form of a giant snake, then continued to shrink to the size of a small earthworm, and entered the Daluo Golden Bowl.

Seeing this scene, Xu Xian was dumbfounded. Sure enough, there must be a monster when things go wrong. If a person is extremely beautiful, then it is really open to question whether she is a human being.

Fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, I listened to Master Fahai and prepared realgar wine, otherwise it would be unclear who would "eat" who tonight.

Xu Xian was about to thank Lin Ge and Fahai out loud, but saw the two of them gathered together, staring solemnly into the Daluo Golden Bowl.

Xu Xian took a closer look and saw that the small white snake the size of an earthworm that he had collected at the end was not in the golden bowl. There was only a white snake scale the size of a fingernail inside.

Lin Ge asked Fahai to take out the snake scales and twist them in his hands. They felt no different from ordinary snake scales, but they had a strong demonic aura.

"This guy……"

Could it be that he used some kind of ability to make all the scales of the white snake into a clone? How many scales should a giant snake that has been practicing for thousands of years and is more than ten meters long have?


Lin Ge slapped his forehead and suddenly felt a headache.

In a quiet cave at the back of the Purple Bamboo Forest, a beautiful woman in simple clothes was sitting in front of a fire, holding a little baby to sleep.

At this time, a figure walked out of the cave.

The beautiful woman looked up and called out in surprise: "Mr. sir, are you back?"

The burly man walked behind the beautiful woman and sat down, took her into his arms, and while raising and lowering her hands, asked: "Mei'er, your fox tribe's cultivation is indeed easier than ordinary demon cultivators. You can successfully transform in three hundred years." , the strength is even better than those five hundred years of demon cultivators."

The beautiful woman said with a flushed face: "Our lineage uses the long-lost dual cultivation method, which absorbs the yin and yang of fellow practitioners to complement each other. But there are very few who can withstand the power of the method, and neither can ordinary people. If the Fox Clan absorbs the multi-dimensional yang, my husband will be strong and live up to the name Ye Qilang."

The beautiful woman kissed the burly man, and with a soft "pop" sound, she soon began to move further. Unexpectedly, just when the beautiful woman was about to be stunned, the burly man suddenly asked: " Meier, in the past three years, you have absorbed a lot of my Yuan Yang, right?"

The beautiful woman said in a daze: "Well, I, I, estimate, I will be able to break through to the ninth, ninth level, um realm soon, um, very soon!"

"how much longer?"

"About three hundred times."

"But I can't wait any longer."

"Huh? Huh?"

The burly man said solemnly: "A troublesome Taoist priest came recently, and I am no match for him. Moreover, my carefully planned plan for three years was also ruined by him."

"Who is so hateful?" the beautiful woman asked dazedly.

The burly man did not answer, but said to himself: "What I originally thought was to wait until the white snake's thousand-year skill was completely absorbed, and then swallow the green snake's five-hundred-year skill, and then use your double cultivation method to perfect it." Absorb the source. And you are so skilled, no matter what, you have to keep it for hundreds of years... But unfortunately, the Taoist priest will not give me this opportunity. So, I can only wrong you!"

The beautiful woman was stunned: "Mr., what do you mean?"

However, they saw that the eyes of the burly man had turned into snake eyes, and then the whole head turned into a huge snake head, opened its bloody mouth, and bit into the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman tensed up before she died, making the burly man tremble. Snake Nobuko licked the blood on his face with satisfaction and began to eat the beautiful woman's body.

A few minutes later, the burly man stood up with satisfaction, picked up the baby thrown aside, turned his hand, took out a snake scale the size of a fingernail, and fed it into the baby's mouth.

The burly man walked out of the cave and stood on the edge of the cliff breathing fresh air. Strangely, he smelled a smell of blood coming from the opposite mountain.


The burly man frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he jumped off the edge of the cliff, then transformed into a huge white snake and swam quickly towards the place where the smell of blood came from the mountain.

On the way up the mountain, the burly man discovered that all the animals in the mountain were being chased and eaten by a naked female monster, and this female monster exuded a strong evil spirit.

This was a great tonic for the burly man who had absorbed the demon body and turned into a monster. He immediately stopped being polite and ate all the way up the mountain.

When he was approaching the top of the mountain, the burly man remembered that there was a Jinguang Temple on the mountain, and a group of fake monks lived in the temple. When he urged Meier to quickly improve her cultivation, he asked her to come to the mountain every night to seduce several monks to practice double cultivation.

Judging from the fact that so many monks have disappeared without being discovered by the other party, the monks in Jinguang Temple are all idiots with little ability.

The burly man became very angry when he thought of Fahai, so he just kept doing nothing and taking advantage of his bad mood tonight, he ate all the monks in Jinguang Temple.

As soon as the burly man entered the door, he found a group of naked female monsters in the temple eating the bodies of the monks. The scene was much bloodier than when he went up the mountain.

After all, when a burly man encounters a female monster, he basically swallows it whole, while these female monsters eat the monk bite by bite.

The whole compound was covered with blood, with broken limbs and internal organs everywhere.

The burly man looked towards the main hall with the door open in the distance. Even the big golden Buddha statue had blood splattered on it.



I believe that these guys who only want to hide in the Western Paradise, might as well find an evil god to worship. At least some evil gods really want to do something after accepting the sacrifices.

The burly man taunted a few words, and without further delay, he directly began his journey of "devouring and becoming stronger", one female monster at a time.

Just when the burly man was enjoying his meal, there was that familiar sound breaking through the air again, and Lin Ge was galloping over with his black sword in hand.

But this time, Lin Ge was the only one. He asked Fahai to return to Jinshan Temple with Daluo Jinbo and Snake Scales to find a way to destroy the white snake soul remaining in the snake scales.

To put it simply - Buddhist scriptures deliver salvation!

Lin Ge himself, based on the soul-chasing technique added to the soul remaining in the snake scales, searched for the breath of the reincarnation and launched a hunt.

Unfortunately, the Soul Chasing Technique can only pursue one target at a time. Just when Lin Ge was preparing to deal with the reincarnation clones in the town as close as possible, he remembered what the civet cat spirit told him this morning.

The bitter-melon-faced monk he originally punished did not live up to his "expectations". After returning, he directly hatched Fu Jiang.

Naturally, a group of fake monks could not stop Fu Jiang, who was a powerful ghost, and they naturally evolved into "Fu Jiang massacres the mountain".

Lin Ge was not a bad person in the first place, and the fake monk deserved to die, but there were innocent townspeople in the town, so he thought of dealing with the mountain when he had time.

At this time, Huang Ni reminded that Fu Jiang had a strong evil spirit, which was a "great tonic" for monsters.

As long as the monster reincarnator who has merged with the white snake is not stupid, he will definitely not let go of such a great tonic! Fujiang reproduced many clones through the monks of Jinguang Temple, and no matter how many clones Fujiang planted by Chen Qing, their consciousness and memory are connected.

In other words, Lin Ge only needs to bring out a fully grown Fu Jiang in the astrolabe, and he can find other Fu Jiang through this Fu Jiang.

It can be seen from the fact that the reincarnator has replaced the white snake and obtained the white snake sword, snake scales and other abilities from the white snake. It can be seen that the reincarnator has a high probability of being a substitute/devouring the target, and can gradually obtain the opponent's abilities.

"Consciousness sharing" is Fu Jiang's ability. If the reincarnator devours Fu Jiang, even if he is absorbed, he may still occupy the magpie's nest.

Sure enough, after Lin Ge went to the astrolabe and brought out a completely intact Fu Jiang's head, he learned from the other party that the Fu Jiang who had been swallowed by the reincarnation had successfully parasitized the other person's body and slowly appeared. The ability of "consciousness sharing".

However, Fu Jiang told Lin Ge a shocking news. The reincarnator was fully prepared and placed thousands of snake scales in two nearby mountains.

Although the opponent can only awaken and control one body at a time, if Lin Ge kills one, he can reincarnate his soul into another.

In order to thank Fu Jiang, Lin Ge directly crushed the other person's head. After all, Fu Jiang was old and liked such cruel "rewards".

Then, Lin Ge chewed the elixir of recovery and directly used his sword to chase the reincarnation's most powerful body, which had just swallowed the fox demon.

"Good guy, you can be either male or female, both men and women are welcome!" Lin Ge teased subtly when he saw the reincarnator below.

The reincarnator said coldly: "Well done, I'll let you taste the powerful power I gained from devouring more than a dozen female monsters..."

Before the reincarnator finished speaking, he saw a flash of black light, and then a chill appeared on his neck. Lin Ge stood a few meters away from him holding a bloody black sword and asked doubtfully: "What did you just say? You are a bit far away." ,did not hear clearly."

The reincarnator gradually realized that his vision had tilted, and then his head rolled to the ground with a rumble. It rolled to Lin Ge's feet and was stepped on by him.

The reincarnator looked at Lin Ge in horror, only to see Lin Ge say with a smile: "Originally you just wanted to be a monster, but you went to swallow the evil spirit, and forgot to tell you that I am an expert in dealing with evil spirits. I just use ‘Knife critical strike’ is not an exaggeration to describe it.”

"You, you..." The reincarnation understood at this moment that he could not speak harsh words so early in the future. After all, although he had swallowed the fox demon and a dozen banshees, he had not had time to digest them.

At this time, Lin Ge said again: "Oh, by the way, do you know why I have been talking nonsense to you for so long? Because I was stalling for time..."

The "delaying time" that Lin Ge mentioned was to allow Fu Jiang to complete his parasitism and give the reincarnator a complete version of the "consciousness sharing" ability to facilitate his positioning.

"Tsk, tsk, no wonder he was so confident that he prepared thousands of snake scales and hid them in this mountain!" Lin Ge said, tilting the reincarnation's head.

"Ha, ha, ha! It's good to know. I don't believe you have the ability to find all my clones!" The reincarnator said with a trembling voice as his head was knocked.

"Is that so... Hidden in the mountains? Then I'll show you what it means to be a cybernetic cultivator. Master Dao, I will directly destroy this mountain!"

[The "Spider (SS-23) Tactical Missile Launcher" has been successfully deployed, allowing users to bomb targets within a 500-kilometer range. 】

Lin Ge held up the reincarnator's head, flew into the air on the black sword, and then pressed the red button.

I saw a "gap" suddenly opened in the dark night sky, and then with a mechanical sound of "beep-beep-beep" in the purple void, a missile fell straight down!


The reincarnator looked at the mushroom cloud rising below with dull eyes, never dreaming that the other party had such a method!


You are a Taoist priest who throws missiles. Do you have martial ethics? (End of chapter)

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