Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 389 Sorry, Master Dao, I just like fishing and law enforcement!

"Master Fa Hai, although you said so... I don't think those two girls are... monsters. What's more, if they are really snake monsters, why didn't you and Brother Lin directly reveal their identities when you were on the boat? And they still get along very well?" Xu Xian looked at the serious-looking Fa Hai behind him and said with an embarrassed expression.

Fahai said: "Taoist Master Lin saw through the purpose of the two demons at a glance. The reason why he did not reveal it was to test the poor monk. Unfortunately, the poor monk was not good at cultivation and could not see through the purpose of the two demons at a glance. He failed the Taoist Master recently. Cultivation. However, the poor monk has now determined that the target of the white snake is Donor Xu. Because you and I are destined, I came here to remind Donor Xu that there is a difference between humans and monsters. Donor Xu must not be fooled by appearances. "

Xu Xian's face turned red as if something had been revealed to him, and he said nervously: "Master Fa Hai, I am a scholar, how could I, how could I..."

Xu Xian was racking his brains to explain, but he saw Fahai's face condensed and he looked towards the east of the city.

Fa Hai said solemnly: "Almsgiver Xu, there are some important things that I need to leave first. If you don't believe what the poor monk said, next time you meet the two demons, you can suggest drinking realgar wine. Snakes are most afraid of realgar wine, and snake demons are afraid of realgar wine." No exception, give it a try and you will know whether what the poor monk said is true."

"Master Fahai..." Xu Xian wanted to say something else, but Fahai jumped up, flew lightly with one foot, and disappeared on the roof in the blink of an eye.

Xu Xian looked at the place where Fahai disappeared and fell into deep thought: "Miss Bai...snake...demon?"

In the woods outside the city.

"Snake monsters, human monsters have different paths, I think it is not easy for you to cultivate a human body. Now retreat quickly, and I will spare your lives!" The blind Taoist priest and two little Taoist boys raised their magic weapons and shouted to Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing. .

"Stop talking nonsense and look at the sword!" Bai Suzhen held the sword in one hand and kneaded the secret with the other, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards the blind Taoist priest.

"Ask me to come up and let them see my demon-suppressing flying bell!" The blind Taoist priest jumped up from his feet. Two little Taoist boys immediately stepped forward to support his feet, one on the left and the other on the right. Lifted up.




I saw the blind Taoist priest grabbing his backpack and swinging it, and the thumb-sized copper bells in the basket were scattered on the surrounding ground. At the same time, he pulled out two copper bells strung together with ropes from his backpack, holding one in each hand, which was just the right length. It was high enough for two Taoist boys to hold him up.

"Let me shake, shake, shake, shake, until they reveal themselves!" The blind Taoist priest shook the bells in his hands, and the bells scattered on the ground also shook, making a crisp ringing sound.

When Xiao Qing was about six or seven meters away from the three blind Taoist priests, he was suddenly thrown away by a burst of golden light, while Bai Suzhen successfully entered the golden light array.

"Stinky Taoist priest, your voice is more annoying than the bells. Here you go!" Bai Suzhen raised her sword and swiped the bells. All the bells on the ground flew up and hit the blind Taoist priest.

"Master, be careful, those bells are flying back!" shouted the little Taoist boy who was holding the blind Taoist priest on his back.

The blind Taoist priest took out the fly whisk inserted in his belt and swept it away, blocking some of the bells back, but many of them hit him.

"Go to hell!" Bai Suzhen slashed hard, and a fierce sword energy slashed at the three blind Taoist priests. Upon seeing this, the two little Taoist boys quickly carried him and retreated quickly.

But the speed of the little Taoist boy was obviously much slower than the sword energy. Seeing that the sword energy was about to hit the blind Taoist priest, he quickly made a move.

"Urgent like a law! Break!"

A dazzling golden light flashed in front of the blind Taoist priest, blocking the sword energy, but he and the two little Taoist boys were also thrown away by the sword energy and the air wave blasted by the golden light shield.

Bai Suzhen broke the blind Taoist priest's golden bell formation, and Xiao Qing also successfully approached. Bai Suzhen was originally positioned further forward than Xiao Qing at this time, and could have taken off the blind Taoist priest's head before Xiao Qing, but she continued to raise her sword. He scolded: "Is that all you have?"

Xiaoqing didn't notice Bai Suzhen's move, and was blocked by the blind Taoist priest's golden bell formation. He was already furious, rushed to the blind Taoist priest, kicked him in the waist, kicked him out, and knocked him down. Several big trees were crushed under a big trunk.



The two little Taoist boys hurriedly got up and chased the blind Taoist priest who fell into the forest. They tried hard to push away the tree trunk that was pressing on him, but they were too weak.

"Xiaoqing, don't let the tiger go back to the mountain!" Bai Suzhen reminded.

Xiao Qing has been practicing for five hundred years less than Bai Suzhen. The demonic nature is more difficult to suppress than the big demon who has been practicing for thousands of years. There is no sense of right and wrong, good and evil, and he acts more casually.

"Huh, sister, I know, the smelly Taoist priest can't escape!" Xiao Qing said, flying towards the forest.

"Bold monster! Watch your move!" At this time, a loud shout came from the direction of the city gate, followed by a white shadow flying through the air at high speed.

Fahai was flying in the air and had already begun to form seals:

"The mighty heavenly dragon, the prajna buddhas!"

"World Honored Ksitigarbha, Prajna Mama Bang!"

Fa Hai slapped Xiao Qing with a huge golden light palm. Xiao Qing saw that the situation was not good and quickly retreated to avoid it. At the same time, he slashed out the demonic energy with his sword to resist.


When the demonic energy collided with the golden light palm, the huge impact force caused Xiao Qing to fly away, causing several large trees around to be uprooted.

"Smelly monk, it was this stinky Taoist priest who gave us trouble first!" Xiao Qing knew that he was no match for Fa Hai, so he stood up and pointed his sword at Fa Hai and cursed.

Fahai said coldly: "A demon is a demon, tempting all living beings, and deserves punishment!"

"I said you are indiscriminate and help the smelly Taoist priests when you see them. Then you deserve to be punished. Why do you have the nerve to punish others?" Xiao Qing said sarcastically.

"You still dare to talk arrogantly, don't talk to me, talk to my cassock!" Fahai raised his hand, and the white cassock on his body turned into a big net that covered the sky and spread out in the air.

"Prajna mama boom!"

"Prajna mama boom!"

"Prajna mama boom!"

Fa Hai flew towards Xiao Qing while reciting a spell. The cassock instantly completely covered the entire forest, except for a gap in the center, which was obviously the place where Lin Ge's sword had broken it.

Bai Suzhen noticed the gap in the cassock and turned into a white shadow and flew towards the gap. At the same time, she shouted to Xiaoqing: "Xiaoqing, we are not his opponent, hurry up!"

Xiaoqing also wanted to leave, but Fahai's first target was her. As soon as she took off, she was kicked back to the ground.

"Where are you running? Look at my Daluo Golden Bowl!" Fahai took out a Daluo Golden Bowl, turned his hand and shined it on the ground. The golden bowl burst out with a dazzling golden light, instantly covering Xiao Qing.


Xiao Qing was illuminated by the golden light and immediately transformed into his original shape, but with the body of a giant snake, he still could not break free from the shackles of the golden light mask, and his body shape continued to shrink.

"Sister!" Xiaoqing howled miserably.

Bai Suzhen didn't stop at all, and flew to the breach in the cassock in the blink of an eye. Just as she was about to break out of the "surrounding" of the cassock, she saw a black light falling straight down from the sky accompanied by a scream.

Bai Suzhen reacted very quickly and raised her White Snake Sword to block it. However, there was only a "click" sound, and the "natural magic weapon" White Snake Sword in her hand was broken as easily as a branch, but the black light was not blocked. There was a sign of coming down, and the next moment it pierced her chest and inserted her back to the ground.

Then a figure descended from the sky, stepped on the hilt of the black sword with one foot, looked down at Bai Suzhen and said with a smile: "Is that all you have?"

Bai Suzhen looked at the sneering face, never dreaming that the words she had just used to mock the blind Taoist priest would come back to her in less than half a stick of incense.


Lin Ge looked down at Bai Suzhen and asked: "To be honest, I am very interested in your ability to snatch the identity of the plot character. I originally wanted to play with you for a while, but now that I have determined your identity and avoid long nights and dreams, I will give you some guidance." Fahai said a few words and asked him to pay attention to you. I didn't expect you to lose your composure so quickly. How about this, hand over your 'replacement' ability and I will spare your life?"

At this time, Fahai put Xiaoqing into the Daluo Golden Bowl. He wanted to come over to help, but he happened to hear Lin Ge say, "Spare your life." He was so kind-hearted that he actually wanted to be compassionate and spare the life of the snake demon at this time.

Unexpectedly, Bai Suzhen suddenly returned to her original shape and transformed into a giant snake more than ten meters long. She let the black sword cut her flesh and blood, and at the same time wrapped Lin Ge with the snake's tail.

"Taoist Priest!" Fahai hurriedly stepped forward to help.

But Lin Ge asked contemptuously: "That's it?"


Suddenly, Lin Ge stepped on the hilt of the black sword and a stream of crackling turbid water lava burst out, turning into several big hands to grab the giant snake.

After a breath, with the sound of flesh being crushed, Bai Suzhen's snake body was directly crushed into pieces of flesh, and then the electric light in the turbid water melted the blood clots into pieces.

It can be said that Bai Suzhen's body, which was more than ten meters long, turned into powder in an instant, leaving only a huge snake head that hit the ground with a "dong" sound.

Fa Hai was stunned by the sudden turn of events. He didn't expect that Lin Ge would turn the thousand-year-old demon into powder if he didn't take action.

In fact, Lin Ge's surprise was not much lower than that of Fa Hai, because according to his judgment, Bai Suzhen's thousand-year demon power was still at the level of a ghost king. Even if she was not his opponent, she would not be killed by him in one blow.

Unless this reincarnation's "substitute" is just superficial and cannot obtain Bai Suzhen's demonic power, or she has other tricks!

This is what Lin Ge is worried about. The reason why he used the elimination method to list Bai Suzhen as the biggest "stand-in" suspect before even meeting her. He didn't take action for a long time because he was worried that the reincarnator would have other means of escape.

After all, if this "substitution method" is not a one-time use, but can be transferred multiple times, once she escapes and is replaced by a civilian, then unless Lin Ge destroys the entire world and blows up the earth, it is impossible to limit the Find her and kill her within the time limit.

Therefore, Lin Ge's first attack was a killing move, with no intention of holding back. He only mentioned that he wanted the opponent's "power of a substitute". With his evil-seeking eyes and mental perception, he even had his surroundings planted. The paper man formation did not dare to relax at all.

When Bai Suzhen transformed into her original form and resisted, Lin Ge directly expanded the Yin Wu Lei field to the maximum and gave Bai Suzhen a fatal blow.

Because the other party left no "room for negotiation" in this situation and just fought to the death. That was clearly the outcome he least wanted to see!


Lin Ge clapped his palms and used the Lightning Thunder Fist to hit the snake's head. At the same time, he controlled the Yin Wu Lei field to continuously expand, trying to swallow up all the "residue powder"!

Even so, Lin Ge still didn't dare to take it lightly. As he acted, he shouted to Fahai: "Use your Da Luo golden bowl to collect all the things related to the White Snake from here. Don't let go of even a ray of soul!"

When Fahai heard the words, he immediately picked up the golden bowl with one hand, kneaded the formula with the other hand and wiped it towards the mouth of the bowl. As a dazzling golden light appeared on it, he raised his hand and wanted to shine forward.

But the next moment, Bai Suzhen's snake head was blasted into dregs by Lin Ge's thunder method, and even the powder was swallowed up by the Yin Wu Lei field. It is not an exaggeration to say that her soul was shattered and she would never be reincarnated.

Fahai was stunned for a moment...

So, is there anything I can accept?

After Lin Ge completely killed Bai Suzhen, he glanced around solemnly. His alert look made Fahai puzzled. He stepped forward and asked, "Taoist Priest, are there any evildoers?"

"She ran away." Lin Ge said solemnly.

Fahai obviously didn't understand what Lin Ge meant. There were two snake demons in total, the white snake and the green snake. The white snake turned into ashes and was even swallowed by the Yin Wu Lei Domain. Xiao Qing was still in her Da Luo Jin. Lying in the bowl, he suddenly said in shock: "Ah? Who ran away?"

"White Snake." Lin Ge's face was cold. He had been cautious enough and had made several preparations, and the first move he made was to crush the bones and spread the ashes.

But the most important thing for the reincarnator in the main god space is the means of escape. Even so, the reincarnator was still allowed to run away.


Think about it, after all, it is the bounty target of 1 million reincarnation points, how can it be so easy to get it?

But this is what Lin Ge can't understand. For such a difficult target, the more reincarnations involved in the hunt, the greater the chance of the person being rewarded being caught. However, the Lord God just came up with a "single reincarnation". Clearly illogical.

The reason why Lin Ge concluded that Bai Suzhen ran away after crushing her bones and swallowing ashes was because she did not receive the "mission completed" prompt from the Lord God.

Then there is only one possibility. The other party did use a method unknown to him and ran away without anyone noticing.

Of course, there is another situation——

The Lord God wants to swallow this "bounty".

It’s unclear whether Nita got the bounty when Lin Ge was put on the bounty, but judging from the decisive payment of rewards after Chen Qing was put on the bounty, it’s unlikely that she would “swallow the bounty”.

Although Fa Hai was confused, he believed in Lin Ge's judgment: "The white snake was able to escape under such circumstances, which shows that it does have some abilities... However, after her companion was taken into the golden bowl by the young monk, maybe he could Did you learn the whereabouts of White Snake from her?"

"That's right." Lin Ge couldn't figure it out and simply gave it up, assuming that Bai Suzhen had run away. What he had to do now was to use all the power he could use to find her.

Lin Ge and Fa Hai went to the forest to check on the blind Taoist priest's injuries. Although he was hit by Bai Suzhen's sword, most of its power was removed by the magic weapon he carried, while Xiao Qing's kick injured him. of internal organs.

Lin Ge took out a blood-restoring pill and a healing pill and asked the little Taoist boy to feed it to the blind Taoist priest. The pills produced by the Lord God Space naturally easily repaired the injuries suffered by the blind Taoist priest.

Seeing the master who was still unconscious but breathing evenly, the two little Taoist boys excitedly kowtowed to Lin Ge, thanking him for saving his life.

After Lin Ge and Fahai helped the little Taoist boy bring the unconscious blind Taoist priest to the inn in the city, they rushed back to Jinshan Temple to "interrogate" Xiao Qing.

The two returned to Jinshan Temple. Fahai asked all the monks in the temple to gather in the main hall to chant sutras, and then he and Lin Ge went to the wing in the backyard.

Fahai set up the magic circle and spread out his cassock to cover the entire backyard.

Lin Ge noticed the gap in the center of the cassock. Bai Suzhen had almost escaped through this gap before. He was not sure whether Xiao Qing had such ability, so he took out a piece of yellow cloth with eight trigrams painted on it, pinched it and threw it upward. The cloth flew to the gap and immediately spread it out to block the gap.

Then, Fahai buckled the big golden bowl and poured out Xiaoqing, who was only two or three meters long.

As soon as Xiao Qing was released, she immediately wanted to move around with her flexible body, but she heard the sound of a sword piercing the air, and the black sword was inserted into the ground less than an inch away from her head.

Lin Ge raised his hand and patted Xiao Qing's head, and said with a smile: "Xiao Qing, let me make a deal with you. If you answer my questions honestly, how about I let you go?"

Xiao Qing spat out the snake letter and cursed: "Stinky Taoist, you and the smelly monk are collaborating together. Don't think about what I told you. If you want to kill me, kill me!"

Lin Ge smiled and said: "Haha, luckily you didn't describe it as a nest of snakes and rats. In this way, I say, listen... As far as I know, you have been practicing for five hundred years, and your sister Bai She has been practicing for a thousand Years. And you started practicing with her very early on, so much so that you were inseparable even after she transformed, right?"

"Humph." Xiaoqing snorted coldly, and laid the snake's head on the ground, not bothering to look at Lin Ge.

Lin Ge was not angry and continued: "After hundreds of years of getting along, you must be quite familiar with each other. But do you feel that your sister's temperament has suddenly changed drastically in recent years? No, it is a bit unfair to say that it is a drastic change in temperament. Appropriately, to be precise, it is somewhat different from the Bai Suzhen you knew before?"

Xiao Qing raised her head and stared at Lin Ge with cold snake eyes: "What do you want to say?"

"Think about it, in the past three years...has your sister done a lot of things that are different from before? Some of them even subverted your cognition!" Lin Ge asked again.

Xiao Qing said angrily: "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"If I told you that your sister had her 'soul' replaced three years ago, she would no longer be the white snake that had been with you for hundreds of years. Would you believe it?" Lin Ge asked seriously.

Xiaoqing was stunned when he heard this.

Judging from her reaction, Lin Ge knew that he was right.

After all, reincarnators are very familiar with the plot of "Green Snake", even if combined with the novel and TV series of "The Legend of White Snake", they know Bai Suzhen well.

But the time she entered was three years before the white snake and the green snake in "Green Snake" had completed their transformation. It is impossible for a person to become a snake as soon as he comes, and also a snake with intelligence, so reincarnation In front of Xiaoqing, who gets along day and night, the person will definitely show his flaws.

Xiaoqing recalled the three years of getting along with her "sister" day and night. There were indeed too many doubts and unreasonable things, especially Bai Suzhen almost gave up all the habits of being a "snake" overnight. This is questionable. .

Xiao Qing looked at Lin Ge. After a long while, she finally made up her mind and asked, "My sister...has she really been replaced?"

"Fahai, give me the Buddhist beads from the old spider."

Lin Ge took the Buddhist bead handed over by Fahai, tapped it on Xiaoqing's snake head and said, "You can feel the spiritual energy and Buddha's shadow on the Buddhist beads. With this thing, you can repair your body damaged by the Daluo Golden Bowl." In order to be able to repair it soon. I won’t ask about your sister’s whereabouts, you only need to answer me one question, how did you and your sister complete the transformation a few days ago?”

The reason why Lin Ge asked this is because there is another key detail in "Green Snake", that is, after Fahai collected the spider that turned into an old monk, he came out of the bamboo forest and left the old monk's spiritual spider under the shadow of the Buddha. Outside the bamboo forest, the string of beads was finally taken away by Bai Suzhen.

And on the night when Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing got the beads, they completed their transformation on the roof of the restaurant.

Judging from the picture of Bai Suzhen touching herself with a Buddhist bead at that time, it can be inferred that one thousand years and one five hundred years can complete the transformation at the same time, which is probably directly related to the Buddhist beads.

Lin Ge mastered this key detail, so he took action to save the old spider and prevent Fahai from leaving the beads to Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing.

However, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing still completed their transformation that night.

Compared to the option "this detail is wrong", Lin Ge was more willing to believe that Bai Suzhen used the power of the reincarnation to allow them to complete the transformation.

Although Xiaoqing still had some doubts about Lin Ge's words, this question did not involve "exposing" her sister's whereabouts. What's more, she could feel the huge aura of Lin Ge's Buddhist beads. In an instant, she was attracted by the rich aura of the beads. Totally fascinated.

"When I was on the roof, my sister gave me a pill." Xiao Qing replied.

"Personality and behavior aside, is there any difference between the strength your sister has shown in these three years and three years ago?" Lin Ge asked again.

Xiao Qing shook her head: "No, in comparison...the strength that my sister has shown in the past three years is even more powerful than before, and she has also refined a natal weapon, the White Snake Sword."

Lin Ge hung the prayer beads on the little green snake's head and thought: "The reincarnator's ability to seize the white snake has not only not weakened the strength, but also improved. But...she still wants to 'follow the plot', what is she trying to do?"

This was something Lin Ge couldn't understand. As a reincarnator who had also done the "substitute" thing, he knew how difficult it was to get rid of the Lord God's mark.

If he had a chance to be a substitute, it would be impossible for him to choose a protagonist with a huge goal like "White Snake". After all, the risk of exposure would be too high.

Unless the benefits of choosing the White Snake far outweigh the dangers, and the reincarnator has enough confidence and means, the Lord God cannot find her.

Or maybe, this is also the reason why she wants to deceive the Lord God and deliberately "walk through the plot".

Of course, compared to this adventurous approach, Lin Ge would rather choose another option, which is to find a character who does not appear in the movie "Green Snake", or even go far away from the point where the plot takes place, and go to a place that no one knows. The place is in trouble.

"What is she planning?"

Or is it just a matter of confidence in the "power of a substitute"? (End of chapter)

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