Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 388: Xiaoqing, you want to go to Fahai with dual cultivation, what are you doing to tease me

Early morning, small town.

On the small river in the center of the town, small boats moved forward in an orderly manner. Most of the boats were carrying goods sent to the market, or people who wanted to use the waterway to get out of the city.

Originally everything was in order, suddenly a boatman noticed two slim figures on the shore, and couldn't take his eyes away for a long time.

More and more boatmen were looking towards the shore one after another, which led to no one to control and avoid them. The cargo ships collided with each other one after another. Under the violent shaking, the sound of "plop plop" falling into the water came one after another.

When the two people on the shore saw the chaotic river, they burst into laughter like silver bells.

"Sister, look at them looking at me with lustful eyes."

"One was hit on the head with a bamboo pole and he didn't even know it. He just kept staring."

"Hee hee, I lost my footing and fell off the boat, why don't you look at it."

"These people are so interesting."

The two women standing on the shore laughing are the white snake and the green snake who have gradually become familiar with their bodies after a few days of transformation.

"Let's go, leave them alone." Bai She, whose pseudonym is Bai Suzhen, covered her face with a round fan with a picture of a beauty on it, and winked at a boatman on the boat who was staring at her intently. The boatman accidentally bumped into her. The bridge fell into the river, causing the two women to laugh.

The two women twisted their small waists like water snakes and walked side by side under the promenade on the shore. Since they were not used to walking on two feet, they could only walk slowly while stepping on the racket.

"Take a break every ten steps, it's time to take a break again, sister." Xiaoqing said, lying down directly on the bench in the corridor, slumped on the bench as if he had no bones.

Bai Suzhen stepped forward and patted Xiaoqing with a fan, and sighed helplessly: "Xiaoqing, look at you, you look like a human being. You have eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and you are still hanging on the stool like a lazy snake. You are lazy here. , how do you learn to be a human being?"

"I still have to crawl..." Xiaoqing said helplessly.

Bai Suzhen immediately corrected her: "Don't talk about crawling. People call crawling 'walking'. Do you understand? Stop hanging your legs like this and put them down quickly."

Bai Suzhen pulled Xiaoqing's legs off the bench as if they had no bones, and said seriously: "If you want to be a human being, you must straighten your waist and walk with your chest held high!"

"You have been cultivating for a thousand years, but I have only been cultivating for five hundred years. Give me an extra five hundred years, and I can walk with my two tails tied in several knots." Xiao Qing complained.

Bai Suzhen slapped away the two feet Xiaoqing was shaking in her hand: "These two are not called tails, they are called feet! I beg you, learn to be a good person!"

"It's so tiring to be a human and learn this and that. It's better to be a snake. When you're tired, just find a place to lie down." Xiao Qing said with a sad face.

Bai Suzhen rolled her eyes and said, "Then go back to Zizhulin by yourself."

"I do not want it!"

"If not, just study hard!"

Bai Suzhen pulled Xiaoqing up and started their snake steps again. At this moment, she noticed a scholar in white running towards the pier with a few books in his arms.

"Xiaoqing, since you are tired, how about we charter a boat and go on a lake cruise?" Bai Suzhen asked.

Xiaoqing didn't want to practice walking for a long time, so she nodded quickly and said, "Okay, okay, sister, let's go swimming in the lake quickly. I don't want to take a step on this road."


"Boatman, wait for me, Boatman!" Xu Xian hurried to the shore with a stack of books in his arms.

The boatman who was untying the rope recognized Xu Xian, raised his head and said, "Teacher Xu, this boat has been chartered. Let's wait for the next turn. During the Qingming Festival, those big men like to travel around and charter a lot of boats."

"But I'm in a hurry to cross the river." Xu Xian said anxiously.

"Oh, wait a little longer." The boatman advised.

Seeing a few men standing sparsely on the two-story ship, as well as a large group of beauties in colorful clothes, Xu Xian could only sigh.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded behind him: "Hey, isn't this Brother Xu? Are you here to take a boat?"

Xu Xian turned around and saw Lin Ge and Fahai standing behind him. He suddenly said with surprise on his face: "Brother Lin, Master Fahai, where are you two going?"

Lin Ge said casually: "I heard that the lake view here in the morning is pretty good. I originally wanted to rent a boat and take a look around, but I didn't know there wasn't even a boat."

Xu Xian sighed: "Isn't it? I heard from the boatman that during the Qingming Festival, many gentlemen charter boats to go out for fun. It is difficult to take a boat these days."

The three of them were chatting when they saw a small and medium-sized cruise ship slowly approaching in the distance. This boat was much smaller than the two- and three-story boats chartered by the gentlemen. There was only one boatman on the bow and one on the stern. , is cooperating with rowing.

In the small pavilion on the ship, a woman in white clothes was leaning against the window, holding a fan and fanning gently, while a woman in green clothes was lying next to her.

Fahai frowned when he saw these two women.

At this moment, Lin Ge noticed that Bai Suzhen picked up a bottle of wine and threw it into the air. The originally clear sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds and it started pouring rain.

Fahai's face turned cold. He was about to cast a spell to break Bai Suzhen's spell, but Lin Ge held his hand down: "Don't worry, let's see what they want to do first."

Xiaoqing on the boat also noticed Fahai, lying next to Bai Suzhen and said: "Sister, the monk in the bamboo forest is also here."

"Then why don't you put your tail away quickly?" Bai Suzhen said.

Xiao Qing said with a smile: "You have to take a breath even if you hang yourself. It has been following me for five hundred years. I have to give it some time to adapt before it turns into a foot."

"Then be careful of being targeted by the monk." Bai Suzhen warned.

Xiaoqing put away his tail, and lay on the window facing the shore. The three people who were walking towards the pavilion because of the sudden heavy rain said with a smile: "Sister, I found that the monk is not bad, the skin is tender and the meat is white." Jingjing is easy to get along with at first glance.”

"You must not try to trick him. His magic power is unpredictable. We'd better not have anything to do with this kind of person." Bai Suzhen warned.

"Huh? The man next to the monk seems to be better. Judging from the clothes, he is similar to the man you are interested in. He should also be a scholar?"

Bai Suzhen hit Xiaoqing's head with a fan and said, "Look at that man carefully again!"

"Ah! It turned out to be the Taoist priest who also appeared in the bamboo forest before! But sister, he was the one who stopped the monk from attacking us. He must be a good person, right?"

"I don't know if he is a good person, but he must be an expert. You'd better not provoke him."

"Hey, a monk can't do it, and a Taoist priest can't do it... What's the point of being an ordinary scholar?" Xiao Qing complained dissatisfied.

"It's easy to get along with someone just being ordinary." Bai Suzhen said with a smile.

At this time, Xu Xian noticed the boat and shouted to the boat: "Boatman, wait a minute, can you take us across the lake?"

Bai Suzhen thought for a while, and then asked the boatman to dock. Looking at the three people holding umbrellas and walking towards the boat, she said slightly apologetically: "I'm really sorry, you three. My sister and I are on the boat. This boat is not big and may not be able to accommodate... "

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, just squeeze in!" Lin Ge stepped forward confidently, deliberately stepped on a stone, slipped forward and pushed Xu Xian, who was standing at the front, out.

Xu Xian never thought that Lin Ge would push him. His center of gravity was unstable and he crashed directly into Bai Suzhen. The two hugged each other at the bow of the boat.

Before Bai Suzhen could speak, Lin Ge had already dragged Fa Hai into the boat: "Hey, this boat looks small, but I didn't expect it to be so big inside. Let alone five people, there will be no problem for five more. Boatman, let's sail the boat."

Bai Suzhen didn't know what to do when Lin Ge turned around. She originally came for Xu Xian, but she didn't expect that Fahai would appear here by chance, disrupting her arrangement. She wanted to find another opportunity to contact Xu Xian, but Lin Ge didn't know. Song directly came with a wave of "assists".

"Then... come in. There is a stove inside to dry your clothes." Bai Suzhen saw that the three of them had already boarded the boat, so she could only greet them in first.

There was a stove warming the wine in the cabin. After Bai Suzhen introduced Xu Xian in, she greeted her warmly: "Would you like to try the West Lake beef soup I cooked?"

"I've already taken the girl's boat, and I still want you to greet me. How can I be embarrassed?" Xu Xian gratefully accepted the hot tea handed over by Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen's silk dress was covered with tulle. It had been stained by some rainwater when she was picking up a few people at the bow of the boat. At this time, the half-wet clothes clung to her body, and some beautiful scenery was looming.

When Xu Xian took the tea cup, he accidentally caught a glimpse of the spring light, and quickly said in his heart, "Don't look at anything inappropriate" and turned his head.

Bai Suzhen wanted to flirt with Xu Xian again, but she felt a gaze staring at him. Looking sideways, Fa Hai was chanting sutras with his eyes closed, but Lin Ge's eyes were always on her.

"It's okay, you're busy. Although the monk and I also got wet in a lot of rain, most of our clothes were wet. It doesn't matter if it's a little cold. The most we can endure is typhoid fever. It's okay if we don't drink hot tea." Lin Ge said.


Bai Suzhen suddenly felt a headache. With these two obstructive "masters" present, she could not use all kinds of methods to seduce Xu Xian.

Especially the look in Lin Ge's eyes that looked forward to watching a live action blockbuster made Bai Suzhen's heart tremble.

Bai Suzhen was struggling with how to deal with Lin Ge, but Xu Xian on the side said a little embarrassedly: "Girl, although it is a bit presumptuous, can you let me pour hot tea for two friends? After all, the heavy rain came too suddenly, we I was caught off guard by being caught in the shower, and I’m afraid I might have suffered from frostbite due to being so cold.”

"Of course." Bai Suzhen smiled.

Xu Xian was about to take the teapot and pour tea for Lin Ge and the two of them, but he saw a pair of hands sticking out from the side. Xiaoqing took the teapot and poured it for Lin Ge.

"This brother is very handsome. My name is Xiaoqing. Take a sip of hot tea to warm yourself up. If you still feel cold, I can help you and me." Xiaoqing said, smiling charmingly at Lin Ge.

Lin Ge: ...Comrade Chen Qi, the world has changed, but your style remains the same! Say you want to practice dual cultivation to find Fa Hai, why are you teasing me?


"You're welcome, you haven't told me your name yet."

"I am Lin Ge, the 99th generation true disciple of the Qing sect on Maoshan Mountain. This should not be the first time I meet you two today." Lin Ge smiled slightly and tactfully revealed Xiao Qing's little thoughts.

Xiao Qing said deliberately: "Oh? I don't remember seeing a man as handsome as you."

"bamboo forest."

When Xiao Qing heard this, he not only did not move away, but instead leaned towards Lin Ge and whispered in his ear: "Then do I want to thank the Taoist Priest for his life-saving grace? I heard that you humans like to give your body to each other the most. , what do you think of me, do you like it? You can also practice dual cultivation~"

Xu Xian didn't hear Xiao Qing's words clearly, but heard Lin Ge's self-introduction and said in surprise: "Brother Lin is actually a monk? But... you and these two girls have known each other before?"

"We had a chance encounter." Bai Suzhen said before Lin Ge could.

Lin Ge smiled and said: "Since we all know each other, there is wine and food here, and there is nothing to do if you have nothing to do. Why don't we come and play a drinking game or a match?"

Before Bai Suzhen could say anything, Xiaoqing clapped her hands first and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, it's best to play with some! But, what are drinking orders and pairs?"

Lin Ge briefly explained what a right pair is, and Xiao Qing said excitedly: "I understand, it's just to say something with similar meaning, right?"

"That's about it." Lin Ge nodded.

Xiaoqing smiled excitedly and said: "I know it, I know it, let's start quickly. Since you proposed the game, you should come up with the questions first!"

Lin Ge thought for a while and said: "Palace Jade Wine..."


As soon as Lin Ge's first question came out, not only Xiaoqing was stunned, but Xu Xian was also stunned.

During these days, he had "discussions" with Lin Ge in private, and he also admired Lin Ge's literary talents.

I thought that since Lin Ge proposed to play a game in front of a beautiful woman, he would definitely show off his literary talent. Who would have thought that such an ordinary pair would come out.

Lin Ge had a panoramic view of several people's reactions. Fa Hai was chanting sutras with his eyes closed, Xiao Qing frowned and was thinking about the problem seriously. Xu Xian seemed a little entangled, as if he was considering Lin Ge's seemingly simple answer. There is no other meaning in it.

Bai Suzhen, on the other hand, had a different kind of look in her eyes.

"Bamboo Forest Lotus Seed Soup! Haha! My pair must be so neat!" At this time, Xiaoqing's laughter broke the silence in the boat.

Lin Ge gave a thumbs up and said, "It's really neat."

"Haha! I am really smart!" Xiaoqing said proudly.

Lin Ge looked at Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen, smiled and asked, "Where are you two?"

"...Well, Yaochi Fushou Peach." Bai Suzhen said.

Lin Ge glanced at Bai Suzhen and said with a smile: "It's also very neat. Miss, I paused in the pronunciation of the characters "yi-ao" in the opening line. I thought you were going to add the character "一" in the second couplet."

"My little girl is not very talented, please forgive me." Bai Suzhen said with a slight smile.

At this time, Xu Xian, who was thinking hard, said several second couplets in succession, but they all felt inappropriate. He suddenly felt that Lin Ge's first couplet really had a profound meaning, and he admired it even more.

With Lin Ge's lively atmosphere on the boat, they quickly became familiar with each other. After crossing the lake, they still had some unfinished ideas and agreed to visit the lake another day.

Xu Xian still had classes to attend today, so he left his address and name before leaving. Xiao Qing invited Lin Ge to sit at her house.

"Monk, you haven't spoken since you got on the boat. Why is that?" Xiao Qing approached Fahai and asked.

Fa Hai has been getting along with Lin Ge these days. Although he has a certain change in his views on humans and monsters, he still cannot walk with monsters.

Fahai said: "It's so good, the two female donors, I wanted you to help others, so I spared your lives. But there is a difference between humans and monsters. Even if you transform, you should not walk in human towns."

"Hey, you monk is so boring. My sister and I just want to experience human life, is this not enough?" Xiaoqing hid next to Bai Suzhen and made a face at Fahai.

Bai Suzhen said: "Since you don't like our appearance, then we will go back to the forest."

Fahai looked at the two people leaving and said again: "I can see that you are interested in that scholar. Remember, there are differences between men and monsters. If you insist on doing this, I will not let you get what you want!"

Bai Suzhen glanced at Fahai lightly, did not answer, but continued to lead Xiaoqing away. Xiao Qing looked at Lin Ge reluctantly: "Hey, Taoist priest, come and play with me when you have time!"

After Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing left, Fahai faced Lin Ge and asked puzzledly: "Taoist Master, that snake demon obviously has evil intentions towards the scholar. There are differences between human beings and demons. If they are allowed to develop, I'm afraid the scholar will be killed by the snake demon." The evil spirit eroded him and he became neither human nor evil."

"Then why didn't you stop her?" Lin Ge asked.

"Ah?" Fahai was stunned.

"Ah, what? You all know that scholars will be corrupted by the evil spirit of the snake demon. I thought you would try every means to stop them." Lin Ge said seriously.

"Ah?" Fa Hai was completely stunned.

Didn't you, Taoist Priest, secretly add fuel to the fire and make them look at each other?

Fahai looked directly into Lin Ge's eyes and suddenly realized: "Oh, I understand, little monk! It turns out that Taoist Master, you want to test the achievements of the past few days, and deliberately approached the two snake demons to see if the young monk can see through them. This is a test for the young monk! Alas, I didn’t immediately understand what the Taoist Master meant, and the young monk’s cultivation is indeed far behind.” Fahai couldn’t help but sigh.

"...Uh, that's right! That's it."

Lin Ge raised his hand and patted Fahai on the shoulder, and said seriously: "But it's not a big problem. Since you have seen the clues, it proves that you are making progress. Then, the important task of saving Xu Xian will be left to you."

"Where are you, Taoist Master?" Fahai asked.

Lin Ge said: "Qingming Festival, sacrifice... I am more concerned about some things in this town, and I need to confirm it. I believe that with your ability, there will be no problem in dealing with the two snake monsters, right?"

"Don't worry, Taoist Master, the young monk will definitely deal with the two snake monsters properly and will not disappoint the Taoist Master's guidance to the young monk these days." Fahai said seriously.

Lin Ge nodded, bid farewell to Fahai, left the town and entered the woods, found a sparsely populated place, took out a vellus hair of the civet spirit and blew on it to summon it.

On the other side, after Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing left the town, they were walking on a country road. Xiao Qing wanted to transform into a snake and swim back quickly, but was stopped by Bai Suzhen.

"What's wrong, sister?" Xiaoqing asked doubtfully.

"Someone is following us."

Bai Suzhen stopped, looked at the woods behind her, and raised her voice and said, "You've followed us all the way, can you come out now?"

At this time, three people, one old and two young, walked out of the woods. They were the "old Taoist priests" who had met Bai Suzhen hiding in the river before in the town.

When Bai Suzhen saw the old Taoist priest, her face suddenly darkened: "Humph, I get angry when I see you stinky Taoist priests. I just want to be a good person and integrate into this world. You must come to make trouble, right? What about the stinky Taoist priests?" Fahai is protecting you, but I want to see who is protecting you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Bai Suzhen turned her hand, and a white snake-shaped sword appeared in her hand. (End of chapter)

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