The civet cat spirit placed a row of "Buddhist rags" in front of him, including wooden fish hammers, Buddhist beads, futons... to fly whisks and monk's robes.

The civet cat spirit knelt straight and said sincerely: "Master Tao, all the things given by those smelly monks are here. They also promised that if the little one can scare away the pilgrims who come up the mountain, they will allocate this mountain to the little one and let him The younger one will be the mountain spirit of this mountain."

Lin Ge patted the civet spirit on the big head with a black sword, scaring him so much that he dared not move. Then he said: "If you want to be a mountain spirit, go and grab it yourself. The position you got by relying on a group of monks will probably be yours in the demon world in this life." I can't hold my head up. When you become a mountain god in the future, these monks will be able to blackmail you. When the time comes, you will become a guest, and you will be prepared to work for them for the rest of your life!"

The civet cat spirit kowtowed and said: "What the Taoist taught me is that I understand. Those smelly monks wanted me to cause some trouble for the pilgrims who went up the mountain. It is best to cause some casualties so that they will not dare to do it again." Go up the mountain again, but I only want to be a mountain spirit, so I don’t dare to be exposed to these evil retributions. Master Tao, look at my aura, but I haven’t been contaminated by any evil spirits at all!”

Lin Ge had already seen what the civet cat spirit said through his "barrier-breaking eyes", otherwise he would not have talked nonsense with the civet cat spirit for so long and would have killed him first.

Although this civet cat spirit has practiced for nearly a thousand years, he has followed the "righteous path" and has never harmed innocent people. His strength is naturally not as good as those big monsters who practice by killing.

Therefore, let alone Lin Ge, even facing Fa Hai was very difficult, so that whenever he ran into Fa Hai when he was going down the mountain to scare pilgrims, he would decisively escape back to the back mountain.

Lin Ge looked back at Fahai and asked with a smile: "What? You don't believe what this civet cat said, just because it is a demon? Do you think it is slandering your uncles and uncles?"

"This..." Fahai was speechless for a moment, but he didn't expect Lin Ge to see through his thoughts easily.


An expert is an expert.

How can I hide this idea from an expert?

Just when Fa Hai was entangled in his heart and didn't know how to answer, Lin Ge took the first step and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't take too long to verify whether what the civet cat said is true. Don't forget that I told you before, Houshan After the seal is broken, within two days at most, your uncles and uncles will come to visit."

After Lin Ge finished speaking, he patted the civet spirit on the head with his black sword and said, "Hey, I'll ask you to help with something. Is that okay?"

"Master Dao, just give me your orders!" the civet cat spirit said quickly.

Lin Ge smiled and said: "What I want you to do is very simple...that is, go to the top of the mountain and do it again what the monks asked you to do on the top of this mountain."

"As you command!"

Two days later.

During these two days, apart from walking around the town and waiting for the White Snake and the Green Snake to appear, Lin Ge spent most of his time in Jinshan Temple discussing Buddhism (hu) and Dharma (you) with Fahai.

That day, Lin Ge was practicing in the backyard. A young monk ran in in a panic: "Master Tao, Master Tao! It's not good, Master Tao, something happened, Master Tao! Master Tao!"


Looking at the young monk rushing into the courtyard in a panic, Lin Ge felt an inexplicable feeling of déjà vu.

Before the young monk could continue, he stood up and walked towards the courtyard door.


"Ah?" The little monk looked at Lin Ge walking past him, and was stunned for a moment, blinking in confusion... I haven't said anything yet?

The young monk hurriedly followed and asked cautiously: "Master Tao, do you know what happened?"

"Are your abbot's uncles here?" Lin Ge asked.

The young monk's eyes lit up and he said in surprise: "Master Tao, you are really good at predicting things. That's right, the monks from Jinguang Temple and Jinjue Temple came. They said... there are evildoers hiding in our back mountain, and they want the abbot to follow them." Went to the back mountain to catch monsters. But the abbot refused on the grounds of 'disturbing' the mountain spirits in the back mountain."

Lin Ge smiled and said: "It seems that the brainwashing of these two days... uh, cough, cough. I mean, the discussion of Buddhism in these two days was not in vain."

When Lin Ge followed the young monk to the open space in front of the main hall, two to three hundred monks gathered here. The larger number of monks are from Jinguang Temple and Jinjue Temple, while the smaller number is from Fahai.

"Hey, so lively?" Lin Ge stepped forward and looked at the "old monks" in front of Jinguang Temple and Jinjue Temple with interest.

A fat monk with a smile on his face who looked like Maitreya Buddha asked with a smile: "This is..."

Lin Ge cupped his hands and smiled and said: "I am a ninety-ninth generation true disciple of the Qing sect on Xia Maoshan. I met Fahai, the abbot of Jinshan Temple, and he became a close friend. At Fahai's invitation, he came to stay at Jinshan Temple. I heard from several uncles After the old abbot passed away, my uncle quickly 'divided' the family and went to build a temple on another mountain. Why are you so free today and come to Jinshan Temple to visit? This means that the branch temple can't be opened anymore and you want to go back to your hometown?"

Lin Ge first regarded Yin Yang and his "uncle masters" as elders in vain. As soon as the old abbot died, he couldn't wait to separate the family, and then called Jinshan Temple as "the main family", making them like the accessories of Jinshan Temple, which immediately made everyone furious. angry.

Even the fat monk "Maitreya Buddha" turned cold: "It turns out that he is a young Taoist priest from the Shangqing Sect. I had a relationship with the leader of your sect back then. If you don't want to..."

"Oh? It's just a one-time relationship, so we don't know each other well? Since you are not familiar with our leader, then don't come to have a relationship with me." Lin Ge interrupted the fat monk with a smile.

"You little Taoist priest, you have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. You are not a Taoist in vain!" the fat monk scolded.

Lin Ge ridiculed: "You are a fat monk with a fat head and big ears. How can you become like this if you are a vegetarian? Do you think you eat less meat secretly?"

"You are so slanderous!" the fat monk was angry.

Lin Ge smiled and said: "Separating a family must look like a separate family. Since you have been kicked out, this is not a place where you can come back if you want to!"

At this time, next to the fat monk, a bitter-faced monk Lenghe who looked like a "steward of the Discipline Hall" said: "How can you, a little Taoist priest, interrupt the affairs in our temple? Get aside quickly, otherwise Don’t blame me for being rude to you regardless of the feelings of the two factions!”

"I just like when people are rude to me. Come on, come on, show me how you can be rude!" Lin Ge provoked.

"You are a little Taoist priest who has father but not mother, so..." Kugualian glared angrily, and was scolding happily when suddenly his eyes blurred, and he was surprised to find that Lin Ge had disappeared from his eyes.

The next moment, Lin Ge was standing in front of Kugualian, and said with a cold face: "I don't have a good temper, and I can't bear to hear people scold me. It seems that you don't want this mouth!"




Lin Ge slapped him in the face for more than ten times, causing Balsam Face to vomit blood. Then he raised his hand, stuffed a ball of yellow talisman into his mouth, pinched his neck, raised his hand to press his chin, and forced Balsam Face to slap him. Huang Fu swallowed it.

"Let him go!"

"Let go of our abbot!"

"You stink..." Those monks originally wanted to scold Lin Ge for being a stinky Taoist priest, but when they saw the miserable look on Kugua's face, they didn't dare to say the next words.

The fat monk looked at Fahai and said angrily: "Fahai, you just let your friends treat the elders like this? Do you not care about anything in Jinshan Temple?"

Fa Hai first raised his hand and saluted, and then said calmly: "The Taoist Master is just a guest invited by the poor monk to stay for a while. You can't influence his words and deeds. What's more, the master's words hurt others first. As a monk, you should avoid being angry and impatient. , it was my uncle who broke the precept first, no one else is to blame!"

"Fahai, you!" the fat monk yelled angrily.

Fahai said calmly: "Uncle, be careful of breaking the precepts."

"You, you! Okay, very good, very good! Fahai, how long have we been away now, and you don't recognize us uncles, right? Very good! I want to see if outsiders know that you are like this How will they treat you and Jinshan Temple?" said the fat monk.

Fahai still said calmly: "The opinions of outsiders are just appearances. As long as this poor monk abides by his true intention, adheres to the precepts, and is not angry or impatient, I believe he will not cause gossip or even bloodshed like my uncle did."


Lin Ge didn't wait for the fat monk to continue speaking, and directly threw the bitter face that was almost fainted by him back into the crowd, and coldly snorted: "For Fahai's sake today, I won't argue with you. Be a monk. You have to look like a monk. I have never seen a real monk speak dirty words. Also, don’t think that we don’t know what you want to do in the back mountain. Do you really think that no one knows about the things you do?”

When the fat monk heard this, his expression changed slightly.

The reason why they appeared here today was because of Lin Ge's "instruction" to let the civet cat spirit scare the pilgrims on their mountain top. As a result, there were almost no pilgrims in Jinguang Temple and Jinjue Temple in the past two days.

Although I don’t know why the civet cat spirit broke the “promise”, there must be a demon when things go wrong, and the other party is indeed a demon.

Conspiracy with the demon is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger. Moreover, if this matter is exposed, it will not be a good thing for them Jinguang Temple and Jinjue Temple.

So the fat monk and Kugualian thought of "bewitching" Fahai to go to the civet cat spirit's lair in the back mountain, and use Fahai's help to get rid of the civet cat spirit.

"Little Taoist, just wait. I will definitely inform the leader of the Shangqing Sect of what you did today!" After the fat monk left his cruel words, he was helped down the mountain with his bald face.

What Jinguang Temple and Jinjue Temple did today also allowed Fahai to see clearly the faces of these masters and uncles, and he trusted Lin Ge even more.

"Taoist Master, just let them go like this?" Fahai asked.

Lin Ge said: "Otherwise? I believe that even if they are wrong, you will not teach them a lesson. At most, it will be a verbal condemnation. But look, your uncle can even say such words. Obviously I have long forgotten my identity as a monk. As far as I know, some monks use their Buddhist beliefs and the rights of abbots to have more fun than those corrupt officials."

"Then...shouldn't we just let them go like this?" Fa Hai asked in confusion.

Lin Ge said: "Oh, it's all my fault that everyone is handsome and kind-hearted. Although they do such dirty things, they are your elders after all. We should keep a line in everything so that we can meet each other in the future. It seems that for your sake, I will not be with them." Calculate."

Fahai felt a lot when he heard this. Among these uncles and uncles who had known each other for decades, in the end, none of his close friends who had known each other for three days were good to him.

It means that Fahai's favorability level is already full, otherwise just these few words can directly move him to a point where his favorability level soars.

"Don't think about these troublesome things. I think the weather is nice today. Let's go for a walk in the town." Lin Ge said to Fahai.


As night fell, the fat monk led his disciples to escort Balsam Pear face, who had been knocked unconscious by Lin Ge, back to Jinguang Temple. After treating the wound and feeding him a bowl of medicine, Balsam Mela Face gradually woke up.

"Junior brother... Where are Fa Hai and that smelly Taoist priest?" Ku Guolian opened his eyes and saw the familiar ceiling and fat monk, and he was still a little confused.

The fat monk said: "Hey, senior brother, it seems that the seal of Jinshan Temple was broken by that smelly Taoist priest. It's just that you were too impulsive today. How can you break the precept of anger in front of Fahai? Irrational, irrational!"

"That stinky Taoist priest humiliated us again and again, how can you keep me rational! Humph, I have taken note of this grudge. If I have a chance to catch that stinky Taoist priest, I will definitely make him look good!" Bitter Melon Face scolded.

The fat monk said: "We will talk about this later. Fahai must have learned from the smelly Taoist priest today that we colluded with the civet spirit to intimidate the pilgrims. If this matter spreads, it will definitely damage the reputation of Jinguang Temple and Jinjue Temple. It has an impact, what do you think we should do...?"

The bitter man thought that if he didn't avenge today's humiliation, he wouldn't even be able to eat, and the fewer pilgrims would mean less money for sesame oil.

"Junior brother, if you don't do anything else, let's just... set fire to Jinshan Temple!" Kugualian said viciously.

The fat monk hesitated and said: "Set fire to the mountain? This... is not good. The top of the Jinshan Temple has been blocked by the mountain spirit. There are many dead trees and grass. It is probably difficult to stop the fire. I am afraid that the entire temple will be burned. Even if you can’t live, aren’t you afraid that Bodhisattva will blame you?”

"Hahaha! Bodhisattva? Junior brother, how many precepts have you broken in these years? How much have we got from meat, women, and human lives? If there was really karma, would you and I still be sitting here?" Ku Gua said with disdain.

The Fat Monk and the Bitter Melon Face are truly "fake monks". Before going up the mountain, they were bandits and engaged in the business of killing people and selling goods. Later, they had too many enemies, so they traveled across several provinces and went to the Jinshan Temple where no one knew them to have their hair cut off. Monks, in fact, take refuge.

And after becoming a monk, he did many dirty things including sneaking around.

They originally thought that after the death of the old abbot, the two of them would take over the power of Jinshan Temple and continue their dirty deeds of amassing money and raping women, but they didn't want the old abbot to give up his position to the upright Fahai.

Fahai was so powerful that they were no match for each other. Worried that one day what he had done would be exposed, he went to other mountains to open a temple and colluded with the civet spirit to destroy Jinshan Temple once and for all. Who knew that a stinky Taoist priest would appear halfway and ruin their good deeds!

Under the instigation of Kugualian, the fat monk decided not to stop doing anything and burned Jinshan Temple with a fire. It would be best to burn Fahai and the smelly monk to death.

This matter cannot be done by outsiders. It must be done by the two of them and their close associates. After all, if Fahai finds out, the people from the two temples combined will not be enough to fight each other alone.

The bitter man and the fat monk discussed in the room for a long time and decided that it would be better to choose a day to hit the sun. They chose tonight to do it on a dark moon and windy night!

"Ouch." Bitter Melon Face was about to set off with the fat monk when he suddenly felt his stomach churn.

The fat monk asked: "Senior brother, what's wrong with you?"

"I have a stomachache, like, something is swimming in my stomach."

"Ah?" The fat monk was confused and suddenly remembered something: "Ah! That stinky Taoist stuffed a ball of yellow talismans into your mouth after you were unconscious, senior brother!"

The bitter man scolded: "Damn guy, he must have drugged that yellow talisman! Ouch, ouch! My stomach is getting more and more painful!"

As the bitter man was talking, suddenly, his belly continued to grow like an inflated balloon. After two or three seconds, it was bigger than the belly of a fat monk with a fat head and big ears!



Balsamic face kept wailing, and with a "chi-la" sound, his stomach was like a rag being torn open, and a pair of slender, bloody hands stretched out from his stomach.

The pair of hands that looked like a woman slowly tore open the belly of Balsam Pear face, and a head of hair stretched out along with a beautiful face.


As the most evil being in the curse, Tomie can be said to use all negative emotions as her "spiritual food".

In the movie, the more scared and desperate the protagonists are, the more they accelerate the growth of Tomie's "curse". And this bitter man broke all kinds of precepts, and tried to set fire to the mountain and kill all the people in Jinshan Temple, which completely magnified the darkness in his heart!

What Lin Ge stuffed into Kugualian's mouth was a sealing talisman wrapping Fu Jiang's internal organs.

If Ku Gua Lian wakes up completely after being brought back to the temple, no longer harbors evil thoughts, becomes his abbot with peace of mind, and practices Buddhism honestly, then the seal will not be loosened.

But if darkness arises in the heart of Bitter Melon Face, as these negative emotions slowly amplify and accumulate, the seal will slowly loosen.

But even so, Kugualian would only suffer from abdominal pain frequently until he died.

Unexpectedly, there is not only darkness in the heart of this bitter melon face, but also an "abyss" that not only loosens the seal, but also directly "hatches" Fu Jiang.

Seeing Fu Jiang crawling out of Kugualian's belly, the fat monk was stunned. In the past, it was Fa Hai who took action to conquer demons. They didn't even have a full bucket of water, let alone a half bucket of water.

Seeing this situation, he instinctively wanted to run away, but after seeing Fujiang's beautiful face, he hesitated. He had never seen such a beautiful woman before, and he even forgot about the strange situation at this time!

At night, the Jinguang Temple echoed with weird howls. This sound was more like the moans of a person in extreme pleasure! (End of chapter)

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