In front of a row of food stalls outside the private school building, Lin Ge and Fahai sat in front of the "Xinji Porridge Shop" stall, enjoying the town's famous "delicious" late-night snack - meat porridge.

Looking at the row of stalls with "Xinji" hanging on them and the "gruel" that you can jump into and swim in, Lin Ge couldn't help but complain: "Boss, you are going too far with this meat porridge. What can you give in this?" If I find a piece of meat, I will call your bowl of porridge 'meat porridge'."

The boss sat on a chair with his legs crossed, looking towards the restaurant on the other side of the river, shaking his feet while listening to a little tune, and didn't even bother to look back: "My place is called 'Xinji Porridge Shop', not 'Xinji Pork Porridge Shop'" ', Besides...the meat porridge needs to be stewed, so that the flavor of the meat can be integrated into the porridge, then it is delicious!"

"So has the meat stewed?" Lin Ge asked.

The boss said honestly: "Oh, I see you are monks, so that's why you serve white porridge."


This boss was so honest that Lin Ge was speechless for a moment. Facts have proved that there is no shortage of profiteers in any era.

Fahai on the side slowly picked up the porridge in front of him and took a few sips. He almost didn't touch anything in the restaurant just now.

"Actually, it tastes pretty good." Fahai said.

Lin Ge picked up the bowl and looked at the "rice washing water" in the bowl. He didn't know where the "good" thing was. He was about to complain, but he noticed that the private school had dismissed and students were walking out one after another.

Lin Ge's complaint suddenly turned into: "Oh, how can I feel sorry for myself and do nothing just because of a failure? Master, you are right, you will be a hero in life, and you will be a ghost in death. I must be serious Gain confidence and prepare for the next exam!”

Fahai:? ? ?

What did I say?

Taoist priest, why are you having such a sudden fit?

Lin Ge ignored Fahai's disdainful and doubtful look, but continued to "carry" the impassioned, righteous, and ambitious "poetry" on his own.


At this time, an excited voice of admiration came from the side, and then a handsome man dressed as a scholar came forward and said: "Brother, you are so talented in literature. I can hear the great ambition you want to express in your words, and I feel the same. I hope to make friends with my brother, is that okay?"

This person is none other than "Xu Xian" who is at the top of Lin Ge's suspicion list. Judging from the performance in the movie, Xu Xian especially loves poetry, and prefers poetry that expresses ambition. However, they are quite disdainful of poems that express personal emotions and focus on "love".

There is a plot in the movie where Xu Xian discovered that his student was listening to the music in a restaurant on the other side and wrote an "obscene poem" about admiring a beautiful woman, which was criticized by him.

Therefore, after Lin Ge saw the other party coming out, he deliberately selected "golden sentences" from poets after the current era to attract the other party's attention.

Sure enough, Xu Xian "took the bait."

In Lin Ge's opinion, if the other party was really a reincarnator with a bounty on his head, he must have guessed Lin Ge's identity from the poem.

Therefore, there is a high probability that they will avoid them instead of approaching them to talk.

Of course, if the other party is confident in his own strength and acting skills, he may take the initiative to contact Lin Ge and then look for opportunities to make a move to avoid future troubles.

In order to "verify" Xu Xian's identity, Lin Ge started chatting with him. After a cup of tea, he discovered that Xu Xian was indeed as quick-thinking and well-spoken as shown in the movie. If Xu Xianbao continued to chat, Lin Ge would not know whether Xu Xianbao would expose it or not. Anyway, the little ink in his mind would soon be drained.

[Affected by the "charm value", the favorability of the plot character "Xu Xian" increases. 】

While chatting, Lin Ge suddenly received a message from the Lord God reminding Xu Xian that his favorability level had increased. He frowned slightly, wondering if this could be considered as verification of Xu Xian's identity.

After all, if the main god knew which plot character was replaced by the person with the bounty, he could have made it clear during the mission. There is obviously only one possibility for keeping it secretive——

The ability obtained by the person with a bounty may be related to the origin and can avoid the mark of the Lord God.

If this is the case, then the main god's prompt of "increasing the favorability of plot characters" has little credibility.


Lin Ge couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If he had known that there was a reward in this form, it would be better to participate in a multi-person reward and "cat and mouse" directly.

Xu Xian didn't notice Lin Ge's constipated expression and continued to talk at length about what he said until the porridge stalls were closed.

In the end, Lin Ge said goodbye to Xu Xian on the grounds that "it's getting late, let's talk tomorrow." However, Xu Xian had already introduced Lin Ge as a confidant and made an appointment to continue chatting tomorrow.

Lin Ge and Fahai left the town together. On the way, Fahai asked curiously: "Taoist Master, why does the young monk feel that you are deliberately approaching the donor?"

"That's right."

Lin Ge admitted it frankly, and then started the deception mode: "Actually, I have been hiding from the world for a long time. I came out this time because I thought this town would usher in a catastrophe. We, as monks, should be heroic and help the world. How could I just watch the catastrophe happen because of my love? Alas. Even though Dao Po Tian will backfire on me, I will not regret it, let alone flinch!"

What Lin Ge said was "righteousness awe-inspiring", a phrase he has used all year round to win the favor of decent people, and he has become so proficient in it that it can be said to be an actor-level performance.

[Affected by the "charm value", the favorability of the plot character "Fahai" increases. Fahai's favorability is full, and related hidden plots can be triggered in this reincarnation. 】

"The great righteousness of Taoism makes the young monk admire him endlessly." Fahai was immediately affected by Lin Ge's righteousness, which raised his status in his heart a little higher.

What Lin Ge is more concerned about is that Fa Hai actually has a "hidden plot". Could it be referring to the "emotional scene" with Xiao Qing in the movie.

Do you still have to act as the "Yue Lao" in this reincarnation?

Lin Ge looked at Fa Hai with a playful look. If this "Bu Dong Ai" and Xiao Qing could hold hands successfully, it would be really awesome!

Fahai was heartbroken by Lin Ge's gaze, and couldn't help but say: "The young monk only has admiration for the Taoist priest, Taoist priest, please don't misunderstand me."


Brother, have you misunderstood?

Lin Ge followed Fahai to Jinshan Temple. At this time, the sun had completely set. There were several young monks sweeping fallen leaves at the gate. When he saw Fahai coming back, he hurried forward.



Fahai nodded and continued to lead Lin Ge up. Lin Ge looked around and asked casually: "How many people are there in your temple?"

"There used to be more than 300 monks when Master was here, but now... there are probably less than 100 left." Fa Hai said, looking slightly lonely.

Lin Ge asked curiously: "Why?"

"In the past, the master was in charge, and the monks below did not dare to make mistakes. After the master passed away, some went to other mountains to open new temples, and some returned to secular life because of the hardship... In addition, there are many temples in the surrounding mountains, and the money for sesame oil is scarce recently. There are a lot of people, and eating in the temple has become a problem,” Fahai said.

Lin Ge was stunned when he heard this. Facts have proved that the "daily life" that is often erased in movies is a crucial part of the real world.

Fahai was upright by nature, even to the point of being crazy. Before meeting Lin Ge, his world view was only black and white, with no gray areas, so he felt that people are humans and monsters are monsters.

In fact, no matter how ugly they look, "people" who are painted like monsters and monsters are still innocent people in his eyes; but even monsters with good intentions and who have absorbed the shadow of the Buddha, in his eyes, are "doing all evil, doing evil and causing harm". The monster of the world!

Therefore, even after his master passed away and Fahai took over the position of abbot, and those uncles, uncles, brothers, and disciples walked and ran, he chose to endure the isolation silently and tried his best to maintain the expenses of Jinshan Temple.

It is a pity that with the rise of surrounding temples, the number of pilgrims at Jinshan Temple has decreased significantly, and the income has dropped sharply. There are even cases of starvation in the temple.

But Fa Hai is a Buddhist after all. Even if he is trapped by inner demons, he still has a "pure land" in his heart. It's just different from the movie where he has an epiphany after experiencing a series of events. Lin Ge, the "spoiler", uses both soft and hard tactics. , giving him an "epiphany" in advance.

After Lin Ge briefly learned about the situation in the temple from Fahai, he immediately lamented that Fahai was too upright and if he encountered such a thing as "family separation".

As long as everyone is in peace, if the other party wants to do something secretly, don't blame yourself for letting two ghosts go there to "appease" the pilgrims who go up the mountain to worship Buddha.

Fahai brought Lin Ge into a clean and tidy wing: "Taoist Master, this was originally intended for pilgrims to live in. No one has used it since it was cleaned. You can do whatever you want. If there are other If necessary, let the disciples from the outer courtyard inform the junior monk. The conditions in the temple are like this, and I hope the Taoist Master will forgive me."

"It's okay. I'm used to living a life where the sky serves as a quilt, the ground serves as a bed, and the mountains serve as pillows and the moon serves as lamps. Here I have a house, a bed, and a pretty good environment. I'm content." Lin Ge said with a smile.

Fahai said: "There are still some things that need to be dealt with in the little monk's temple. Please leave first."

"Okay, you get busy first."

After Fahai left, Lin Ge walked out of the yard, held up the magic formula and applied it to his eyes, then opened his "Double Pupil Sky Eye" and looked around.

For some reason, since Lin Ge entered Jinshan Temple, he always felt that this temple gave him a completely different feeling from the kind of temple where "Buddha's light shines everywhere".

This weird feeling can't be put into words, it always feels eerie and a little depressing. In such an environment, it's not surprising that Fahai suppressed his inner demons.

After Lin Ge used his "Evil-Chasing Eyes" to observe, he found no evil spirits in the temple. However, he could see a few red lights on the top of the mountain in the distance.

Judging from the concentration and size of the red light, his strength is above that of the Fierce God, but it has not yet reached the level of the Ghost King.

What puzzled Lin Ge the most was that there was a red light "wandering around" just under the hilltop where Jinshan Temple was located.

"Tsk, tsk, according to what Fahai said, his brothers went to other mountains to open temples, so there should be no monsters around."

Moreover, this mountain is "covered" by Fahai, so it is even less likely that evil spirits will appear, unless... thinking of this, Lin Ge decided to go out for a walk.

Lin Ge met many monks while walking in the temple. They all called him "Taoist Master" kindly and politely, and asked if he had any instructions. Fahai must have told him that Lin Ge was his "distinguished guest" and should not be ignored.

Lin Ge asked about Fahai's whereabouts and learned that Fahai was giving a lecture in the main hall, so he walked around the temple and all the way to the backyard.

Just when Lin Ge was about to step into the backyard, a golden barrier suddenly rose up from the courtyard door to block him.

"Oh? Does this mean no one is allowed to enter?" Lin Ge looked at the golden light barrier with interest. If there had been no astrolabe before, the little girl would have been turned away by the golden light when all the ghosts were living in his bag or on his body. It makes sense, but the current situation is a bit puzzling.

You can't. Buddha is still xenophobic, right?

Lin Ge looked around and saw that there was no "No outsiders allowed" sign around. Instead, there was a wooden sign saying "Pilgrims can leave here" standing in the flower garden on the left. Apparently pilgrims were allowed to enter here before.

"Interesting." Lin Ge picked up the magic formula and looked at it with his "barrier-breaking eyes", and found the method to break the golden light barrier at a glance.

Just as he was about to raise his hand to break the formation, he heard Fahai's slightly confused voice coming from behind him: "Taoist Master? Why are you here?"

Lin Ge turned around and saw Fa Hai leading a group of disciples towards here. He smiled and said, "It was a long night and I didn't want to sleep, so I wanted to walk around. I saw a sign here to guide pilgrims. I thought it was not prohibiting outsiders from entering." It’s a great place, so I want to go in and have a look.”

Fahai walked to Lin Ge and stood next to him, looked up at the golden light blocking the backyard, and sighed: "This place was indeed accessible to pilgrims before, but... after Master passed away in the back mountain a few years ago, this place has been surrounded by a Buddha light. If you block it, not even the young monk can enter."

"...Can this golden light mask, which is as easy to break as plastic wrap, stop you?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

Fahai replied: "The young monk thinks this is a test given by the master to the young monk. How can he forcefully break through? Maybe... the master requires the young monk to reach a certain level before he is qualified to enter. But Taoist Master, what you said about 'keeping fresh' What is the membrane?"

Lin Ge narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice: "That's not important. What's important is that because of the existence of this golden light, there is an evil spirit haunting this mountain. Every time it hides in the back mountain, will you stop chasing it?"

Fahai was stunned for a moment, with shock in his eyes. He obviously didn't expect Lin Ge to know about this, and said in surprise: "Taoist Priest, why did you... know about it?"

"Nonsense, your Taoist master and I have great supernatural powers. I can even tell you what you will eat tomorrow morning with just a few fingers. How can a mere evil spirit escape my discernment?"

"Uh..." Fahai didn't know how to answer the question for a moment. After all... there seems to be no direct relationship between what you eat this morning and whether Yaoxie can escape Lin Ge's eyes.

Lin Ge asked: "Since you have to wait until your cultivation level is sufficient before going in, outsiders are not prohibited from entering here. Do you mind if I go in and take a look?"

"This..." Fahai was a little embarrassed.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "At most I won't destroy this layer of plastic wrap."


Can it still be like this?

"Golden light appears quickly, protecting the real person." Lin Ge pressed the secret, and his body was immediately coated with a layer of golden light, and he easily passed through the golden light shield.

Fahai said: "...the golden light protects the body, kills evil and prevents invasion. It is one of the eight great magic spells of Taoism."

These words seemed to be explaining to the disciples behind him. Although everyone knew that Lin Ge was the honored guest invited by Fahai, they were immediately amazed when they saw that Lin Ge passed through the seal left by the previous abbot without any obstruction.

After Lin Ge passed through the golden light shield, he wandered around the backyard. Fa Hai and others had no choice but to leave just like that, so they had to wait at the entrance of the courtyard.

After burning the incense, Lin Ge returned to the entrance of the courtyard and said coldly: "Fahai, maybe the golden light array here is not what you thought."

"Taoist Master, what do you mean by this?" Fahai asked.

Lin Ge explained what he had just explored in the courtyard. It turned out that the golden mask was not a "miracle" left behind by Master Fahai after his death. On the contrary, it should be a magic circle that was artificially arranged by someone later.

As he spoke, Lin Ge spread his hand, and a small wooden fish appeared in his hand: "Do you recognize this thing?"

"This is the magic weapon of Master Xiaoseng." Fahai said.

Lin Ge said: "This object is the eye of the golden light array. When you arrange the array with this object, it can produce the corresponding aura of the holder, so you can feel the aura of your master. But this is not the point, the point is I found the 'Spirit Guiding Array' in the courtyard."

Although Lin Ge was good at positional warfare, he was not good at formations. Fortunately, he had learned a few tricks from Huang Ni before. After discovering clues in the courtyard, he asked Huang Ni to help him solve the puzzle, so he could spot the problem at a glance.

"Every mountain has a mountain spirit. Over time, the mountain spirit becomes a 'mountain god', protecting the life of the entire mountain. The stronger the mountain spirit is, the spiritual energy it absorbs from heaven and earth will feed back to the mountain. So I want to know the mountain god of a mountain. Whether it is strong or not can be seen from the vegetation on the mountains.”

"It stands to reason that the top of this mountain is protected by the Dharma of Jinshan Temple. The mountain spirit is illuminated by the Buddha's light, and the entire mountain will be deeply affected. Not to mention that there are towering trees everywhere, but it won't look like it does now. I haven't entered yet. In autumn, the trees at the foot of the mountain have turned yellow, and there are many withered plants.”

"This is all thanks to the 'Spirit Guiding Array', which guides the spiritual energy of this mountain to other mountains. If you compare the surrounding mountains, you will find that this mountain has the most withered vegetation among all the mountains, and the mountain spirit is also the most A weak one." Lin Ge said in a deep voice.

Fahai's face darkened when he heard this: "Taoist Master, is this what you mean?"

"That's right, I'm afraid these are all thanks to your good uncles and uncles!" Lin Ge said, and said with a smile: "It's true that the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds. I never dreamed that one day I would be able to see them. It's like going to Buddhism to grab the top of a mountain."

Although Fahai and Lin Ge had only known each other for a day, what they had experienced today had already made Fahai quite convinced of Lin Ge.

But what Lin Ge said about Fahai's "Uncle and Master" made him hesitate for a while.

Lin Ge saw through Fa Hai's thoughts, raised his hand, took out three lucky stars, and flicked them into the backyard. The three paper lucky stars suddenly turned into golden light and flew to three places. A moment later, there was a soft "click" sound, and the golden light shield covering the entire backyard shattered like glass.

"The 'Spirit Guiding Array' has been broken by me. We will know in a few days whether it was done by your uncles." Lin Ge remembered the method of breaking the formation that Huang Ni just told him, so it was easy for him to take action. The magic circle was broken.

Fahai actually believed 80% of Lin Ge's words, and the remaining 20% ​​was just for the "face" of his uncles.

Lin Ge asked again: "Are you interested in going to the back mountain to see what the monster you have been unable to catch is?"


Lin Ge's words were indeed a bit "murderous". After all, Fahai was merciless to monsters outside. As a result, there was a monster running rampant on the top of his mountain. If he told it, he would inevitably be laughed at.

Fahai nodded and let his disciples go down to rest first, then he followed Lin Ge into the back mountain.

"Taoist Priest, the young monk once tried to capture that monster. Unfortunately, this monster is good at hiding and has strange speed... In addition, I have not heard of it hurting people in the mountains, so... this monster hid in the back mountain. After that, the young monk will..."

"Let it go?" Lin Ge asked.

Fahai nodded.

"This is somewhat contrary to your concept of eliminating demons." Lin Ge teased.

Fa Hai smiled bitterly and said: "Taoist Master, please stop making fun of the young monk. The young monk knew that he was stupid before and was trapped by inner demons. He only looked at the appearance of everything. Now, under the guidance of the Taoist Master, he knows that everything should not be based on appearances. Right and wrong are good and evil. It’s not black and white, you have to look at it from within…”

"Stop it, stop it! I don't mean to blame you, it's just a joke. Just treat it as a joke between friends." Lin Ge quickly stopped when he heard that Fa Hai was going to have another tirade.

In fact, Lin Ge didn't know anything about Buddhism. He was either "plagiarizing" the famous sayings of his ancestors or movie lines, but unexpectedly he gave Fa Hai "enlightenment" one after another.

You are so capable of "enlightenment", why don't you go back and let you "Bu Dongai" realize the love line?

"Friend..." Fa Hai murmured, not knowing what he had "enlightened" again.

The monster hiding in the back mountain is just as Fa Hai said, he is a civet cat who is good at hiding and has practiced it for hundreds of years. Even an eminent monk like Fahai would find it difficult to see through the civet's concealment technique.

It's a pity that this guy ran into Lin Ge, a "see-through" wall hanging. With the help of his "barrier-breaking eyes", Lin Ge found the civet cat spirit's lair with almost no effort.

Lin Ge squatted in front of a cave, took out a copper coin sword and stabbed the stone at the entrance of the cave, and said with a smile: "Master Tao, I have never eaten civet cat meat, and I don't know if it tastes good...but you are quite good." Be smart, dig a hole as a cover-up... There should be a lot of traps buried in this hole."

After Lin Ge finished speaking, the stone in front of him remained motionless. It was still the same stone, but to his "barrier-breaking eyes", it looked like a big civet cat curled up into a ball.

Fahai on the side did not have "double pupils", so naturally he could not see through the changes in the civet cat. At this moment, after listening to Lin Ge's words, he realized that the rock was transformed by the civet cat.

"Prajna Buddhas, Ksitigarbha Dharma Eye! Prajna Prajna Bang, manifest the Dharma!" Fa Hai once again called out his golden celestial eye to take a look, and sure enough he found something fishy on the rock.

But he only "discovered" the shape of the rock shaking slightly, and did not see the civet cat's transformation. After all, if he could see through it at a glance, he would not have been escaped by the civet cat several times before.

Lin Ge put away the copper coin sword, flipped his hand, took out the black sword and placed it on the rock. Feeling the terrifying spiritual pressure coming from the black sword, how could the civet spirit dare to pretend anymore? He changed back to his original form with a "bang" and knelt down to beg for mercy. .

"Master Tao, have mercy on me, Master Tao, have mercy on me!"

Lin Ge took the black sword and patted the furry big civet cat on the head, and said with a smile: "After all, he is a great demon that has been around for almost a thousand years. He kneels down and begs for mercy without being beaten. Can you have some backbone?"

The civet cat spirit's plump face was almost wrinkled: "No matter how blind I am, I won't dare to make a mistake in front of the Taoist master who is holding the demon-slaying sword."

"Tell me, what are you doing here?" Lin Ge asked.

The raccoon spirit looked at the black sword above his head that was about to fall at any time, and felt the spiritual pressure on it. How could he dare to hide anything, so he immediately told everything about himself.

Fahai's expression changed when he heard this. Unexpectedly, as Lin Ge expected, the reason why this civet spirit was here was because of the "masterpiece" of his uncles and masters.

It's just different from the "driving" originally thought. This civet cat spirit, which has been around for nearly a thousand years, was jointly "invited" by the abbots of the temples in several surrounding mountains.

In order for the civet spirit to appear here, those abbots paid a lot of price! (End of chapter)

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