[Settlement: Reincarnation of the Guide - "The Three Heroes of the East", exploration degree 17%, overall rating "f". The current clearance rate of Samsara World: 83%. 】

17% exploration.


Originally, according to Lin Ge's plan, he would protect the newcomers while promoting the plot between Chen Qi, Chen San, and Dongdong, and take action when Eunuch Chen steals the twenty-first baby, killing them all. Then look for opportunities to explore Chen Qi's plot and trigger hidden tasks.

According to Luo Youwei, there will be a sequel to "The Three Heroes of the East", and Chen Qi will have a lot more roles in the sequel. Obviously the hidden mission is related to the sequel.

Unexpectedly, a stalker who "spreads poison all over the world" pops up in the middle. He doesn't care about the impact of the guilt value and directly spreads poison all over the city. He wants Lin Ge to make a choice between the plot and the new people. He is exhausted fighting on two fronts, and then he can do it again. Take advantage of the chaos to kill the newcomers.

It's a pity that although Lin Ge is only one person, he has more than one ghost. There is nothing to be afraid of in a two-front battle.

"Yes!" Lin Ge slapped his forehead and suddenly forgot to ask the big bald man about the sin value. After all, even a stalker can't completely ignore the sin value, right?

What to do in the reincarnation world where we are invincible?

[In the leader mode, the number of newcomers reincarnated is 7, the number of survivors is 7, the reward justice value is +70, and the reincarnation point is +7000. 】

Fortunately, including He Wuqing and Zhao Qian who "ran" out halfway, the seven newcomers survived this time.

Being able to survive the outbreak of the zombie virus, He Qingqing and Zhao Qian are obviously not as simple as they appear on the surface. These are probably the two most promising and powerful newcomers Lin Ge met... It's a pity that these two Being "generalized" by Lin Ge and other newcomers, he paid almost no attention to it. It is not an exaggeration to say that he looked away.

Counting the 50 origins obtained from killing Eunuch Chen, this reincarnation brings a total of 120 origins, and Singer Lin's origins finally exceeded the 500 mark.

Origin: 572

In this way, whether it is to keep the number in preparation for emergencies, or to wash away the main god's mark of "Yin Wu Lei", "Qianshi Nuo Noodle" and "Dragon Horn Ring", a quarter of the goal has been completed.

[Starting to detect the status of the reincarnator "No. 23333". After the detection is completed, the main god space of "No. 999" will be transferred. Please prepare for the reincarnation. 】

Following a ray of white light, Lin Ge returned to the main god space.

After the previous few space brawls, Lin Ge had completely established his reputation in the space. When he appeared, the reincarnators who were exchanging or trading quickly retreated to the door of the private space.

"I don't eat people." Lin Ge complained speechlessly, returned to his private space and placed his "billboard" at the door.

After taking a short rest in his private space, Lin Ge returned to the bedroom and sat cross-legged on the bed. In fact, his soul left his body and entered the "astrology chart".

Since Qimei, who is the "master" of the astrolabe, is in the critical stage of integrating divine power at this time, Huang Ni and others cannot change the environment of the astrolabe even if they want to. The astrolabe still has an environment of beaches, grasslands, and mountains.

But without the lively "tenants", only Tomie who was tied up like a scarecrow in "Tomie Field" and the two immortals and one ghost in the yard were left.


There is also a "motorcycle" that is sunbathing on the beach at this time.

When Lin Ge walked into the yard, Chen Qing was practicing under Huang Shang's guidance, while Huang Ni was controlling a blue flame to burn a dark object.

Seeing Lin Ge come in, Huang Ni turned away and asked, "Is it over?"

Lin Ge walked to the side and sat down on a lounge chair, and then asked: "What do you think of the information about 'Public Poison in the World'?"

Huang Ni said: "Many clues can be matched with the information we currently have. Your assessment task of entering the main space is almost half completed. Whether it is true or false, we will know when we go in and take a look."

At this time, Lin Ge noticed that there were seven stone piers placed against the wall of the house. The first three stone piers had three swords, black, silver, and red respectively.

In front of the stone pier, there was a black "sword box" one and a half feet wide and five or six feet long. The sword box was engraved with incantations that Lin Ge had never seen before.

"Huh? Have you already made three swords?" Lin Ge immediately stood up and walked over to observe, and asked with interest.

"The sword box and the black sword are complete, but the silver and red restrictions are still a little bit off." Huang Ni interrupted the fire control, walked to the sword box and raised his hand to press the top of the sword box.

With a "click", the inside of the sword box bounced open to both sides. Three swords could be inserted on each side, plus a sword slot in the center, for exactly seven swords.

Huang Ni stretched out his right hand to make a gesture, and with a slight hook of his fingers, with a "swish" sound, the black sword flew out of the stone pier and was inserted into the center of the sword box.

With a "click" sound, as the black sword was inserted, the sword box closed automatically.

"This is the 'Sword Control Technique' for activating the sword box and controlling the flying sword. I will give you the seal formula and spell later. Practice it when you have time." Huang Ni said.

Just as Lin Ge was about to speak, he heard a strange voice coming from the side: "Sister, that is the 'Sword Control Technique' that you have studied for decades. It's strange that he can learn it with his savvy."

"Oh, thank you for the compliment." Lin Ge looked back at Huang Shang and said.

Huang Shang said angrily: "I didn't praise you!"

Huang Ni smiled and persuaded: "Okay sister, come and try this sword box and show him the correct use of the sword box and the black sword."

"Why should I give him a demonstration?" Huang Shang said dissatisfied.

Huang Ni smiled and said: "Because no one can fully activate the power of the sword box except you... After all, well, I accidentally cast it according to the previous specifications."

"Hahaha! Bastard, watch out, I'm going to show you a level of development that you have never reached in your life!" When Huang Shang heard that Huang Ni made the sword according to her level (wrong), she immediately decided to borrow it Lin Ge was so angry.

Huang Shang raised her hand and picked up the "Sword Control Technique" that was the same as Huang Ni's, and saw the sword box fly to hover behind her with a "whoosh".

Huang Shang jumped up and turned into an afterimage and flew into the air. The sword box kept hovering behind her, giving people the illusion that it was "carrying" on her back.

"Use the trident to attack her with all your strength." Huang Ni looked at Lin Ge and said.

When he wanted to attack Huang Shang, Lin Ge didn't have any psychological burden. He directly raised his hand to summon the trident, strode forward and shot it towards Huang Shang in the air with all his strength.


Lin Ge faintly heard a crisp mechanical sound, and then the sword box hovering behind Huang Shang flew to Huang Shang with a "swish" and turned into a pure black "wall". While blocking the trident, An invisible shock wave was emitted, and the trident was directly thrown away.

Huang Ni explained: "This is an idea I got from the combination of your 'embodiment' and the Transformers. The sword box can also be used as a defensive magic weapon, and even magic weapons like tridents can be easily blocked."

As soon as Huang Ni finished speaking, Huang Shang picked up the magic formula again. When the sword box returned to hover behind her, the black sword flew out of the sword box with a "whoosh" sound.

Huang Shang stepped on the black sword, and with a squeeze, it suddenly turned into a streak of light, and the next moment it turned into a small black dot appearing in the center of the distant coast.

Before Lin Ge came back to her senses, her vision blurred. Huang Shang stepped on the black sword and flew back to the coast. Then she raised her hand, and the black sword flew into her hand, and slashed towards the sea!

Invisibly, there seemed to be a wave of air that directly split the sea surface. The seawater surged to both sides to expose the seabed below. Just when Lin Ge thought that the sword that split the sea was shocking enough, the next moment the swirling airflow on the sea surface exploded. A tornado of waves rising into the sky.

Huang Ni looked at the "spray mushroom cloud" in the distance and asked, "Isn't it pretty good? Except that it consumes a lot of spiritual energy, it can attack and defend, and has almost no shortcomings."

Lin Ge's expression was a little subtle at this time. He held it back for a long time and said: "That's what I say... But to ordinary people, the corpse corpse itself is a 'nuclear bomb', right? Waving his hand has such destructive power, and You want me to possess the power of the Corpse Revealing Immortal first, and then control the sword box?"

"You don't understand this... Have you seen "Dragon Ball"? Is Sun Wukong in Super Saiyan form powerful enough? Then why does he still use Qigong waves?" Huang Ni asked.

Lin Ge:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

You, a former corpse-killing immortal, actually used "Dragon Ball" as an example?

It would be wrong to say that this example is inappropriate, but it is appropriate to say "Super Saiyan" from the mouth of a cultivator.

It has to be said that since Huang Ni came into contact with computers, his scope of research has become wider and wider.

After all, it is unprecedented to think of combining "Fairy Sword" and "Transformers" to create a "Cyber ​​Fairy Sword".

"Wow, this sword is so powerful. Sister Ni, I want it too!" At this time, Chen Qing finished her training and ran over to look at Huang Ni with bright eyes.

"Haha, Xiaoqing, practice hard. Maybe when you can use this sword, someone won't be able to exert its power." Before Huang Ni could reply, he saw that Huang Shang had already flown away with the sword box. return.

If it were someone else who wanted to ridicule Lin Ge, Chen Qing would have retorted a long time ago, but this is the grudge between her master, her master and her brother... Chen Qing smiled awkwardly and retreated behind Huang Ni.

Huang Ni had long been accustomed to the two of them not being able to help but ridicule each other whenever they got the chance. She shook her head helplessly and asked Huang Shang to take Chen Qing to continue practicing, while she taught Lin Ge to learn the "Sword Control Technique".

Lin Ge is no stranger to the Seal Technique, so he can learn it quickly. The sword box incorporates the fire of Transformers and has the ability to "manifest" transformations.

As his most commonly used method, Lin Ge is no stranger to the use of "embodiment". With the sword box, he does not need to use only mental power to condense when he uses the sword box in the future. After all, the consumption and intensity of mental power concentration exist. Big question.

The sword box is made of rare materials, and its hardness and variability even exceed the ability of the "Spiritual Cultivation Method" to manifest. You can imagine how much effort Huang Ni put into building this sword box.

Moreover, the manifestation of the "Spiritual Cultivation Method" consumes spiritual energy and requires continuous consumption to maintain it. However, using a sword box only requires the consumption of spiritual energy when changing the shape of the sword box, and does not require the consumption of spiritual energy to maintain.

Lin Ge constantly changed the shape of the sword box through "Sword Control Technique", changing the shape of the sword box to sledgehammer, giant axe, spear, and other cold weapons as he wanted, and he had a great time changing it.

It wasn't until his spiritual energy was exhausted that Lin Ge stopped still.

Then, after Lin Ge took the potion to restore his spiritual energy and rested for a while, Huang Ni began to teach Lin Ge how to "fly with a sword".

Lin Ge learned this spell very seriously. After all, who didn't have the dream of "riding a sword and riding the wind to slay demons in the world"? Lin Ge, a Taoist, naturally also had the idea of ​​flying to the sky with a flying sword.

Huang Ni added special restrictions to the black sword, which can gather spirits to increase the speed of flight. At the same time, during the flight, it will generate an aura barrier similar to the Dragon Horn Ring's "Dragon God's Protection".

Lin Ge flew from the coast to the sea, several kilometers back and forth in just the blink of an eye, the speed was staggering.

Of course, the consumption of spiritual energy is also shockingly fast.

On the way back, if Huang Ni hadn't asked Huang Shang to fly over and catch Lin Ge in advance, Lin Ge might have had no choice but to swim back from the middle of the sea.

"Well, although I'm very grateful to you for catching me, do you think it's possible to change the position? After all, it wouldn't be good for your apprentice to see a grown man being held by your princess." Lin Ge smiled awkwardly.

Huang Shang snorted: "I don't have much spiritual energy, but the requirements are quite a lot. If I carry you back, you will probably be even more embarrassed. Either swim back by yourself, or just stay still."


Huang Ni watched Huang Shang hugging Lin Ge back, feeling a little uncomfortable suppressing her laughter. She quickly turned around and pretended to fiddle with the sword box, but she didn't know that her shaking shoulders had betrayed her.

Lin Ge decided to return to the main god space, first buy ten or eight pieces of spiritual equipment, and force the "spiritual energy" up.

Lin Ge's sword flying is currently at its limit. It is almost impossible to exert Huang Shang's "one strike to level the sea" power.

However, with an ever-changing sword box and an immortal-level spiritual weapon, even if it cannot exert its due power, even if you use the black sword as a kitchen knife to chop, it is equivalent to an A-level weapon.

Returning to his private space, Lin Ge opened the panel to check the progress of the task.

[Main space assessment tasks:]

Goal 1: In "Guide Mode", successfully guide 100 new reincarnators through reincarnation. Current completion progress: 42/100.

Goal 2: Under "Bounty Reincarnation", successfully kill three bounty targets. Current completion progress: 1/3

Goal 3: Complete the "Kinmen Promotion Mission", achieved.


"Judging from the fact that the leader reincarnates seven or eight people at a time, it will take at least eight reincarnations. Alas, this efficiency is a bit slow."

However, "Target 1" is a little slower at best, but "Target 2" participating in the bounty cycle is really hard to come by.

In the next few days, Lin Ge practiced while paying attention to the [Reincarnation] mission to see if he could encounter the "Reincarnation with a Bounty".


1: Official reincarnation (distance to next reincarnation: 21 days, 9 hours and 5 minutes)

2: Guide mode (the total number of guide reincarnations to be entered currently is 53,657,605. The interval between each entry into the guide reincarnation shall not be less than 30 days. The current number of entries is: 1)

3: Hunter mode (The total number of hunting rounds to be entered currently is 88,367. Only one hunting round can be entered on each rest day in the main god space.)

4: Bounty rounds (the total number of bounty rounds currently waiting to be entered is - 2.)

5: Single player story mode (extremely difficult/nightmare)

6: Multiplayer story mode (extremely difficult/nightmare)

7: Squad Story Mode (Extreme Difficulty/Nightmare/Hell)


On the sixth day, Lin Ge actually waited for the "Reward Reincarnation", and there were two "Reward Reincarnations" for him to choose from.

However, in addition to the "bounty reincarnation", what surprised Lin Ge even more was that since he first came into contact with the guide reincarnation, the number has increased five times, which shows that the Lord God has accelerated the speed of "raising gu".

[Multi-person bounty cycle 1 "???": The number of recruits is 50, and the current number of recruits is 38. Reward for completing the bounty: 30W reincarnation points, A-level item exchange coupon x1. Recruitment requirements: Kinmen]

[Single player bounty reincarnation 1 "???": The number of summons is 1, the current number of recruits is 0, the reward for completing the bounty: 100W reincarnation points, S-level item exchange coupon x1. Recruitment requirements: Kinmen]


Is the recruiting speed for this multi-person bounty so slow?

And judging from the fact that there is no direct "trigger", the reincarnator who is being rewarded should be a target that has no intersection with Lin Ge, otherwise the Lord God will definitely take the initiative to recruit him due to his urine.

"Judging from the rewards, it seems that the possibility of encountering 'one of our own' in a solo bounty reincarnation is higher..." Lin Ge thought for a while and finally chose "single bounty".

The reward is second. The important thing is that if the person being rewarded is the "Red Gate", then maybe you can get some information related to the "Heaven".

After all, after plundering the number and washing away the main god's mark, it is equivalent to cutting off the source of communication with the upper world. Although Chen Qing is also a "Red Sect", it is a pity that he is a "half-baked".

If Lin Ge wants to get in touch with the upper world again, one way is to return to "Zombie" to contact him as the master said, and the other way is to contact other red gates to look for opportunities.

A single player has a bounty, and the other party's bounty is so high, the probability of him being the boss is very high. If you are not one of your own, there are certain risks.

"The Three Heroes of the East" has nearly 20,000 reincarnation points in the account. Counting Lin Ge's original 70,000 reincarnation points, he now has a total of 93,013 reincarnation points.

Although Lin Ge now has the sword box and the black sword, coupled with the Qianshi Nuo Noodles and the Dragon Horn Ring, Lin Ge is both offensive and defensive, but the consumption of spiritual energy is still a big problem.

However, Lin Ge's basic attributes have exceeded 100, and each point above requires 10,000 reincarnation points to be strengthened.

Compared to directly improving attributes, it is obviously more cost-effective to choose equipment with added attributes.

But "mental power" is the most expensive of the four basic attributes. Equipment related to mental power either has low attribute bonuses or is ridiculously expensive.

After picking and choosing, Lin Ge discovered an "alternative" piece of equipment to enhance mental power - the "mental power suppression device."

Its shape is a pair of pink round headdresses the size of table tennis balls. When worn on the head, it can absorb the wearer's mental power. As more mental power is absorbed, the user's mental power will be increased several times when released.

[Saiki Kusuo’s headdress (b-level)]

A pair of special devices capable of suppressing mental power.

Enchantment Effect 1 "Mental Power Suppression": When wearing the "headgear", it will slowly absorb the wearer's mental power (aura). When the wearer takes off the headgear, the absorbed mental power will be returned, thus doubling the energy in a short time. Improve mental strength.

Current absorbed spiritual energy: 0

Enchantment Effect 2 "Frontline": When wearing this item, charm value +1, fashionability +1, and all basic attributes +20.

[Price: 30,000]


Lin Ge calculated the ratio of spiritual energy to the final value returned. The slow absorption when wearing it will not have much impact. The absorption speed is about the same as the natural recovery speed of spiritual energy. It can be said that this "disadvantage" can be completely ignored.

After wearing it for a month, the spiritual energy returned during use is almost five times greater. Lin Ge now uses the Qianshi Nuo Noodles and the Dragon Horn Ring to reach 160 spiritual energy. After the return of the spiritual energy, the spiritual energy is almost 8000+... not to mention using the black sword to show Huang The power of Chang Yijian's sword meant that he could at least fly the sword for thousands of kilometers without any problem.

This will be of great help to the subsequent single-player bounty. If he loses to the person on whom the bounty is placed, Yu Jian runs away without being able to see the taillights even if the evil god comes.

After Lin Ge spent 30,000 reincarnation points to exchange for "Saiki Kusuo's Headdress", he also bought nearly 15,000 reincarnation points in the elixir of recovery, and then chose to go through the bounty reincarnation.

【A new reincarnation is about to begin! 】

[The world of reincarnation has been matched successfully, and the transmission is about to begin——]




[Target reincarnation world: "Green Snake", difficulty "extremely difficult". 】

After the brief dizziness disappeared, Lin Ge's vision recovered and he found himself in a mountain forest. It was early in the morning, and the birds and flowers in the mountains were singing and refreshing.

At this time, reincarnation had not officially started and the protective shield had not disappeared. Lin Ge found a big rock and sat down, turning on the reincarnation watch to check the mission information.

[Current reincarnation world: "Green Snake" (extremely difficult)]

The reincarnator "No. 1412" has acquired a special ability and can enter the world of reincarnation to "replace" the identity of the plot character.

The reincarnator has now left the main god space and become a "defector".

The latest mark shows that "No. 1412" entered the world three years ago in the plot timeline of "Green Snake". In order to prevent it from affecting subsequent reincarnations entering the plot, you must find and kill "No. 1412" before the world is reset. No. 1412".

Time limit: 3 months.

[Reward Order ("No. 1412")]

Good at:?


special power:?

Countdown to the start of reincarnation: 29 minutes and 12 seconds.


After reading the information about the person being rewarded, Lin Ge only had the impression of three big question marks in his mind, and he couldn't help but complain: "There's not even a photo, this is just like looking for a needle in a haystack, Lord God, are you kidding me?"

But having said that, there is no "punishment" in this reincarnation. Even if he can't find anyone, Lin Ge has gained three months of training time in vain, which is not a loss at all.


The premise is that "No. 1412" who entered this world in advance did not mess around in this world and the entire "dead zone" came out.

However, this was about "entering the reincarnation world to replace the identity of the plot character" and being a "defector". Lin Ge suddenly felt that the Lord God was caring about him.

Isn't the former the "Black Umbrella", and isn't the latter the big family in the "rigorous agreement"?

"Tsk, tsk, the Lord God won't take this opportunity to tell me that I'm being targeted again, right?" Lin Ge complained in his heart, and then tried to recall the plot of the movie "Green Snake". (End of chapter)

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