Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 384 I can tell at a glance that you are not human

Early morning, in the mountains.

The birds are chirping and the flowers are fragrant, and the fresh air is refreshing.

As the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm; the early bird catches the worm. At this time, various birds in the forest happily catch bugs, and all kinds of bugs swear not to get up early in the next life.

At this time, an old monk wearing a white cassock and a white monk's hat, holding a tin staff in his left hand and a string of Buddhist beads exuding rich spiritual energy in his right hand jumped out of the forest and walked on the grass.

"Ha ha--"

The old monk was as light as a swallow as he shuttled through the forest. His agility was incompatible with his age. While flying on the grass, he sang with great energy: "The scenery is beautiful on a sunny day, and the red flowers are green." Grass, I happily run forward, walking all over the green hills before I grow old."

The old monk has become accustomed to causing morning movement and absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

At this moment, another figure jumped out of the forest. He was also a monk wearing white robes, but he seemed to be less than thirty years old.

The young monk wore a string of white Buddhist beads as thick as fingers around his neck. He was handsome and flew to the old monk's side in a few steps. He smiled and said, "Old abbot, the wind is refreshing."

The old monk turned away and responded with a smile: "Yes, morning exercise is very beneficial to the cultivation of inner alchemy. I get up early every day and go for a run. This is a greater improvement than practicing in the temple for a month!"

"Senior, you have a childlike face and white hair, and you can walk as fast as flying, but your breath is still calm and your spirit is leisurely. Your practice has reached its peak. How many years have you been practicing?" asked the young monk.

"Time leaves no one behind, and it's been two hundred years in the blink of an eye. What about you, young man?" After the old monk answered, he asked the young monk with a smile.

"Oh, I'm so ashamed. I've only been cultivating for more than 20 years. Not as good as the abbot, you can just change things for the better..." the young monk said, and the smile on his face turned serious from the beginning.

"I can tell at a glance that you are not human!" the young monk snorted coldly.

"Ah?" The old monk's expression changed, but he saw that the young monk had already jumped up, reached the front and cast a spell to stop him.

"Bold monster! I want you to show your true colors!"

"The mighty heavenly dragon, the prajna buddhas!"

"World Honored Ksitigarbha, Prajna Mama Bang!"

"Reveal yourself!"

The young monk cast down a set of spells, raised his hand, and a dazzling white light shot out from his fingertips, which immediately blinded the old monk.

"Mage, I..."

The old monk wanted to explain, but the young monk's magical power was so powerful that he almost revealed himself in just one encounter, so he had no choice but to avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

The old monk's white beard suddenly grew larger and thicker like a spider's web, and a large web was spread out to block the young monk's sight. At the same time, he shrank into the tin staff and flew away into the distance.

"Is it a spider? Still want to hide?" The young monk shouted coldly, jumped up and turned into an afterimage and flew into the forest, chasing the tin staff.

The tin stick flew very fast, but the young man's speed was even faster. In the blink of an eye, the distance of a hundred meters was reduced to less than ten meters.

The old monk hid in the tin staff and explained while flying: "Master, I worship at the foot of the big golden Buddha of Fulingtai Temple. I have absorbed the shadow of the Buddha for a long time, and my temperament is peaceful. Master, please spare my life!"

"Stop talking nonsense and look at my cassock!"

As soon as the young monk raised his hand, the white cassock on his body suddenly surged, turning into a sky-covering net and flying toward the tin staff flying rapidly in front of him.

"Prajna mama boom!"

"Prajna mama boom!"

"Prajna mama boom!"

The young monk recited mantras while flying. The cassock instantly completely covered most of the mountain, and no matter how hard the tin staff flew, it could not fly out.

"Mage, please spare my life!"

"Master, be merciful, please let me go!"


The old monk begged for mercy while flying, but no matter what he said, the young monk had no intention of letting him go. But at this time, he was covered under the cassock and couldn't fly out, so he suddenly panicked.

"Master, you are a kindhearted person who saves the world and helps the people. Please let me live. If you accept me now, I will never be able to stand up again. After a hundred years of practice, I have failed. God has the virtue of good life, so don't turn me into a spider." The monk knew that he was no match for the young monk, so he could only keep begging for mercy.

The young monk snorted coldly: "Shut up, a demon is a demon!"

The old monk said aggrievedly: "But I have taken refuge in me a long time ago..."

"The four realms of gods, humans, ghosts and demons are hierarchical. You can just accept the punishment." The young monk did not listen to the old monk's explanation and shouted directly.

"I have the Buddha's shade in Lingtai Temple, I have the Buddha's shade in Lingtai Temple!" the old monk said anxiously.

"Where are you running? Look at my big golden bowl!" The young monk dodges and chases after him. He grabs the bottom of the tin staff with one hand, takes out a big golden bowl with the other hand, and turns his hand to take a photo!



A soft sound of "stab" was heard from above, and a black light fell from the sky, directly scratching the young monk's magic weapon cassock.


Following a "sword cry", a black sword came fiercely, approaching the young monk's hand holding the tin staff from above.

The young monk reacted very quickly and immediately withdrew his hand to dodge. The black sword penetrated the air and penetrated into the ground below.

Seeing this sudden change, the old monk who was hiding in his tin staff quickly took the opportunity to distance himself from the young monk and flew up to the gap opened by the black sword.

"Where to go!" The young monk stepped into the air and immediately chased into the air.

At this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the gap and stepped on the young monk's head. The young monk turned his hands to block the kick.

The visitor stepped on the young monk's palm and pushed him to the ground. At the same time, he flipped in the air and landed just on the black sword inserted in the ground. He stood with one foot and his hands behind his back.

"Who are you and why are you preventing me from catching monsters?" The young monk watched the old monk's tin staff break through his cassock and escape into the forest. Then he looked at the person coming and glared angrily.

The person who came had a smile on his face, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Lin Ge, the ninety-ninth generation true disciple of the Qing sect on Xia Mao Mountain."

The young monk said coldly: "Since you are a member of the Taoist sect, you are supposed to eliminate demons, defend the Tao, and save the world and benefit the people. Why do you help the tyrants and let the tiger go back to the mountain?"

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and couldn't help complaining: "Why don't you stay here and play idiom solitaire with me? I didn't see the devil-killing and defending the Tao, but I saw a young monk bullying an old monk!"

"Nonsense, I could tell at a glance that the old monk was not a human being. If you are so capable, why couldn't you tell that the old monk was a demon?" the young monk asked.

Lin Ge raised his hand to wipe his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, his eyes had "double pupils". The young monk was stunned by this change: "Born with strange eyes? You... Since you have the magic-breaking pupils, it is even more impossible. I can’t tell who the old monk is, so what’s your purpose?”

"What kind of monster are you? I can tell at a glance that you are not a human being." Lin Ge said calmly.

The young monk's face condensed, as if he was hurt by someone, and he said coldly: "I don't understand what you are talking about. It seems that your demon-breaking eyes are just an appearance. You can even see the true form of a monster. Don’t come out!”

"Tsk, tsk, someone is so angry." Lin Ge smacked his lips and said sarcastically.

The young monk's face turned cold, and he stretched out his hands to grab Lin Ge.

Lin Ge used Ladder Cloud to flip in the air. While avoiding the young monk's grasp, he raised his foot and kicked the hilt of the black sword.

With a "crack" sound, the black sword "bounced" from the ground, and the edge of the sword directly touched the young monk's throat.

The young monk leaned back and avoided the edge of the black sword. At the same time, he saw the right moment and reached out to grab the hilt of the black sword.

Just as the young monk was about to strike Lin Ge with his sword, he suddenly felt an electric current coming from his palm, instantly paralyzing his whole body. Then with a "bang", the entire black sword body exploded with lightning!

Lin Ge, who fell from the air, kicked the young monk's wrist, took back the black sword, put the sword on the other man's neck, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, my sword has a fingerprint lock. I said you monk does too, you Even if I am not a human being, since I can cultivate Buddhism, why can’t that spider cultivate Buddhism?”

"You!" The young monk obviously didn't expect that the black sword had a mechanism, and he was protected by Buddhism, so he couldn't be spared. It was a bit unwilling to suffer a secret loss and be caught by the opponent.

Lin Ge held the sword against the young monk's throat with one hand, and grabbed the void in the direction of the forest with the other hand. Pulled by the spiritual energy, a string of Buddhist beads flew into his hand.

"What do you think this is?" Lin Ge handed the beads to the young monk and asked.

The young monk recognized at a glance that this string of beads was the beads in the old monk's hand, and said, "These are the beads of the monster."

"Open your eyes and take a good look at the spiritual energy here. Is this like the spiritual energy that a monster can have?" Lin Ge asked coldly.

The young monk was stunned. After hearing this, he carefully felt the breath on the beads. As expected, he could only feel the rich spiritual energy, but he couldn't even feel the slightest bit of evil spirit.

Lin Ge added: "The old monk is afraid of your magic power. I'm afraid he has fled to another mountain long ago. Such a far distance, but there is still a strong spiritual energy left on this Buddha bead. It can be seen that it is indeed as he said, he is here." The Bodhisattva in Lingtai Temple has received the shadow of the Buddha at his feet.”

"But, how could a demon..." The young monk was obviously still a little unwilling.

Lin Ge said: "One of the eight celestial dragons is the great python god Mahulaka. He is also an earth dragon. He has no legs and a belly to walk around. He is the temple god in the world. He accepts people's wine and meat and feeds them into the belly of the python. He destroys the precepts and flatters him, and he is very angry. Don less, be greedy for alcohol and meat, refrain from restraint and fall into the trap of ghosts and gods, have many angry insects enter your body and eat them... You, a disciple of Buddhism, should be more familiar with these words than me, right?"

The young monk's expression changed, and he suddenly felt that Lin Ge had something to say: "What do you want to say?"

"You know better than me what the great snake god was before he converted to Buddhism. This means that as long as you sincerely convert, does it matter whether you are a human or a demon? People are divided into good and bad, and demons are also divided into good and bad. Maybe you will hunt down that old monk today. , the next day someone else will go to the Western Elysium ahead of you and become your immediate boss. Keep a line in everything so that we can meet each other easily in the future." Lin Ge advised with sincerity and sincerity like an expert from outside the world.


Lin Ge put away the black sword, threw the aura beads in his hand into the young monk's hands, and said with a serious face: "Monk, I am saving you. I don't want you to lose your relationship with Buddha because of the evil retribution."

"Could it be...that I was really wrong?" The young monk couldn't help but murmured as he looked at the spiritually rich Buddhist beads in his hand.

Lin Ge said: "If you don't believe me, just look up and ask God. I'm sure God will think you are wrong and will immediately reward you with a thunderbolt."

Although the young monk was a Buddhist, he did not believe that there could be such a mysterious thing as "asking the sky", and his eyes suddenly showed doubts.

"You'll know after you try it." Lin Ge said with an enigmatic expression.

The young monk raised his head doubtfully and asked slowly: "...Is it really that I was wrong and that I wrongly blamed a good person? Is it true that the old monk has the shadow of the Buddha and has washed away the demon body?"

However, not even a single dark cloud could be seen in the sky at this moment, let alone thunder.

"Don't worry, let the lightning fly for a while." Lin Ge said calmly.

As a reincarnation person who is familiar with the plot and has a God's perspective, he will naturally not miss the important plot of the young monk subduing the old monk and the sky changing color.


Suddenly, the sky changed color and became dense with dark clouds. With a sound of thunder, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky, and it started pouring rain.

The young monk was shocked. He looked up at the sky in disbelief, feeling the cold icy rain hitting his face mercilessly. He said blankly, "Am I really wrong?"

"Recognizing your mistakes can greatly improve things. When you look back at the old monk, return the beads to him and apologize again. As long as you are sincere, the Buddha will forgive you." Lin Ge patted the young monk on the shoulder, speaking seriously and thoughtfully like an elder. Counseled.

"Thank you... Taoist Master." The young monk hesitated for a moment, then changed his previous tense aura and lowered his posture a lot.

Apparently Lin Ge's "tips" gave him an epiphany.

The young monk clasped his hands together and bowed to Lin Ge: "The young monk is the abbot of Jinshan Temple, Fa Hai. If he hadn't given guidance from the Taoist priest today, he would have made a big mistake."

"It takes a little effort." Lin Ge said with a smile.

At this moment, as the rainstorm became heavier and heavier, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the wind was strong in the mountains, Fahai suddenly turned his face and looked at the forest: "Taoist Master, there is such a strong evil spirit in the forest!"

"Come on, let's go take a look." Lin Ge nodded and rushed toward the forest with Fa Hai.

As soon as they entered the dense forest, both of them smelled a soaring demonic aura with their keen sense of smell. Fahai pinched the magic formula and pointed it towards his eyebrows: "Prajna Buddhas, Ksitigarbha Dharma Eye! Prajna numbness, reveal the Dharma!"

A "golden eye" appeared between Fahai's eyebrows, and then he raised his head and looked into the air: "Look where you are running!"

Lin Ge has always maintained Huang Ni's "Evil-Chasing Eyes", so he has long discovered the three red lights in the forest. Not only that, he also "sees through" the monsters hidden in the surrounding mountains.

At this moment, as Fahai shouted coldly, two giant pythons, one white and one green, were hanging on the dense treetops above the dense forest.

"It turns out to be two snake demons, ready to receive the Dharma! The mighty heavenly dragon, the diamond flame!" Fa Hai swept away the dust and ignited a blazing flame.

"Catch the monster!"

With a wave of the fly whisk, a huge wave of fire flew towards the dense forest above. At this time, he saw Lin Ge on the side taking out the fire stick, holding the fire stick and stirring it, directly directing the fire wave elsewhere.

Lin Ge saved the old monk before because the old monk had indeed absorbed the shadow of the Bodhisattva and converted to Buddhism. But these two snake demons couldn't hide the soaring demonic aura, and they couldn't be "good demons" at all. Lin Ge's move immediately puzzled Fa Hai.

"Taoist Master, what are you..." Fahai asked doubtfully.

After all, Lin Ge helped Fa Hai avoid a bad retribution before, so he didn't take action without explanation like before.


Before Lin Ge finished speaking, he heard a woman's miserable howl from the forest. Fahai took a closer look and saw a half-naked woman lying in the haystack.

With a baby cry, the woman picked up a baby.

"Is it a village woman?" Fahai was stunned for a moment, then looked into the air, only to realize that the two snake monsters were protecting the village woman from the wind and rain.

It turns out that I wrongly blamed Hao Yao again?

"Today I want you to do good and help others, and I will let you live. It's so good, so good." Fahai saw the half-naked village woman, quickly avoided his sight, and exited the dense forest.

Lin Ge glanced at Fahai who was exiting the forest and shook his head. It seemed that Fahai's judgment was more or less affected by the influence of the old monk and the naked village woman.

If he looked more carefully, he would find that there were not two demons here, but three demons in total including the "village woman".

How could a village woman who was about to give birth appear here in the deserted mountains and pouring rain, and give birth to her baby under the protection of two snake demons?

If you think about it carefully, there are flaws everywhere.

Lin Ge smiled, calmly threw out a few yellow paper figures folded into lucky stars, and then followed Fa Hai out of the forest. (End of chapter)

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