Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 382: The truth about the poisonous version of space in the world

Demons everywhere?

This Taoist master... your scope of coverage is quite broad!

Although the big bald head wanted to complain, he didn't dare to say anything nonsense now that his life was in the hands of others, so he quickly said: "Master Dao, aren't you? You are so powerful, but you don't know that we 'spread poison in the world'?"

"Are the two related?" Lin Ge raised his eyebrows.

The bald man had seen Eunuch Chen being killed by Lin Ge before. Now that the trident was pressed against his throat, he did not dare to move. He said with a flattering smile: "Master Tao, we are the ones who know the truth about space. As long as you promise not to kill him, I, I am willing to share the information I know with you."

"Oh? Let's hear it... If your information is valuable, I can consider letting you go. First, tell me what is the poison in your world?" Lin Ge said with a smile.

The bald man always felt a little scared when he saw Lin Ge's smile, but now he could only exchange information for a chance to save his life: "... We, 'World Spreading Poison', are a reincarnation organization, and the leader and senior management are all big figures in the main space. Man, they can give a certain amount of support to the members of the organization and help them successfully advance to the main space."

"Wait, you mean... you can contact the reincarnations in the main space?" Lin Ge asked slightly surprised.

The big bald head nodded and said: "Yes, we can not only contact the reincarnations in the main space, but also transmit materials. The reason why our organization is called 'World Spreading Poison' is because we are good at using various viruses, including But it is not limited to T-virus, G-virus and other biochemical viruses... it even includes members of the Five Poison Sect, Tang Sect, etc. It can be said that the abilities related to 'poison' are all within our scope."

...Good guy, the "poisons" such as biochemical viruses and the Tang Sect of the Five Poisons Sect can also be put together. The world of reincarnation is really full of wonders.

"How to contact the main space?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

The big bald head said: "I'm sorry, this is the secret of the organization. Even if you kill me, you can't tell me... because once I tell you, the toxins in your body will take effect without you having to do anything. Even if you are lucky enough to escape back to the main god space, you will consume the reincarnation points to eliminate it. , he will also be hunted down by people from the organization in the future."

"Three Corpse Brain Pills, right?" Lin Ge couldn't help but complain after hearing this, and then asked: "Then if I join you, can I know these so-called 'secrets'?"

"That's true, but the assessment is not decided by us ordinary members, but selected by the senior management. I don't know their criteria for selecting members. If you want to join, Master Dao... wait until I return to the Lord God Space Gang You ask?" The bald man asked tentatively.

Lin Ge said: "We will discuss this later. You should first tell me the secrets you know about the 'Lord God Space'. I will see if it is enough to buy your life."

The big bald head said: "According to the 'future' imagined by the reincarnators, there are generally three situations: those who want to leave the reincarnation space, those who hang out in the sub-space... and those who are promoted to the main space. But in fact, the reincarnators There are only the latter two options, and there is no way to leave the reincarnation space."

"Oh? How do you say this?" Lin Ge asked.

The bald man said: "There was once a person who completed demanding tasks and paid hundreds of thousands of reincarnation points in order to leave the reincarnation space and return to ordinary life... His teammates thought that this person had returned to reality and ordinary life as he wished, but unexpectedly I saw him 'returning to ordinary' in a reincarnation."

"This person's teammates tried to contact this person, but found that he had lost all memories related to the reincarnation space, and the abilities obtained from the main god space were also recovered by the main god, and he truly became 'ordinary'. It can be said that except They look exactly the same and have the same 'scars' left when fighting in the reincarnation world. There is no similarity in this person."

"His teammates thought that this man had finally returned to ordinary life as he wished, but they didn't expect that things were far from that simple."

"In subsequent reincarnations, his teammates actually met the person who left, but that person's memory was completely different from what they knew."

"What's even more frightening is that this happened more than 'once'."

Lin Ge frowned slightly, thought for a moment and asked, "When you say 'more than once', do you mean that they encountered multiple 'individuals' with the same appearance and abilities but different memories in the world of reincarnation?"

"That's right! According to the information recorded in the organization, this reincarnation team met the same person three times, but with different memories. Not only them, many reincarnations in the main space have such experiences. So the main space has always There is a saying that there is no 'reality' in this world at all, and the so-called 'real world' is actually one of the worlds in the reincarnation space."

"Leaving the reincarnation space is just an 'individual' returning to the original world, but in fact the Lord God has the ability to copy thousands of you and reincarnate for him."

"In fact, the main god space is like a huge computer, the main god is the system, and the reincarnation world is the different worlds generated by the computer. We may be a small component of this computer, or we may be a piece of code, constantly executing the system's instructions .”

"But... if it is a computer, it means there is a virus. It is rumored that a virus invaded the main god's space a long time ago. The main god was damaged to a certain extent, and many 'parts' were scattered in the 'city' of the main space. In addition, it is said that as long as these parts can be found, one can 'control' the Lord God."

"We Tianxia Budu is one of the largest organizations in the main space. The leader was lucky enough to get a small piece of the 'Lord God', and only then did he discover these truths."

Being able to complete demanding tasks and pay a large amount of reincarnation points shows that this reincarnation has talent and strength. As the main god of black-hearted capitalists, naturally he will not give up such a good seedling, so just wash away the memory and throw it back to the reincarnation world to work. Not surprising anymore.

However, what surprised Lin Ge was the "conjecture" mentioned by the big bald man. The "reality" where the reincarnators came from was actually a world in the main god's space.

In this way, there is really no so-called "leaving" for the reincarnators, because the reincarnators are members of the reincarnation world from the beginning.

Combined with the information gleaned from "Master", "Nova" and others, and integrated together, many similarities can indeed be found.

But the term "virus" is very interesting. If "Master" and "Grand Master" did not deceive themselves, then it was themselves who defeated the Lord God in their previous life.

Am I a "virus"?

...But what if this is all a lie?


Lin Ge took a long breath. Since getting rid of the "mark" of the Lord God through the Origin Plunder Number, he has come into contact with more and more so-called "truths".

True and false, false and true, Lin Ge doesn't know who to believe now, or he doesn't believe in anyone at all. This is why he is eager to enter the main space to find out.

"Does your leader have a small piece of 'main god' in his hand? If the main god is really broken into pieces, then what is the main god now?" Lin Ge asked.

The bald man showed a troubled expression and said: "This... probably, it was only partially destroyed, not completely destroyed? I don't know the specifics. After all, this is only the information released by the organization. Whether it is true or false, I have to wait for it. You won’t know until you go to the main space.”

"Because your leader has the 'Fragment of the Lord God' in his hands, do you have the means to communicate with the reincarnators in different dimensions and deliver supplies?" Lin Ge asked again.

The big bald man smiled awkwardly: "Da, probably."

"Is the teleportation machine you placed in the grove before also a product of the main space?" Lin Ge asked again. In his opinion, that thing was indeed a bit abnormal. If placed in the sub-space, it would be at least an A-level or even an S-level consumable. .

If the big bald man could use A-level or even S-level consumables for a hunt, then his own strength would not be so weak.

Of course, from the point of view of resisting a missile, the big bald head should have used something similar to the T-virus on himself, and his physical strength is at least stronger than that of the tracker.

"Yes. That's a reward for completing the tasks assigned by the organization a few times ago. It can transport biochemical bodies in an area. It was originally a mechanical device that could be used multiple times, but it's a was destroyed by you, Master Dao. Yeah." The big bald man said in a rather painful tone.

"That's it." Lin Ge said thoughtfully.

"Master Dao, I've told you everything I know. Now...can you let me go?" The bald man asked tentatively.

Lin Ge smiled and said: "That won't work. You ruined my mission, causing my reward to be reduced by more than half. How can I make sense without getting some compensation?"

The big bald man said with a grimace: "But all my resources have been used to strengthen myself and buy the organization's viruses. I have nothing to give to Master Dao. Besides, Master Dao, if you promise I will tell you the information, you will let it go." If you kill me, you cultivators must be trustworthy!"

"Okay, I always keep my word." Lin Ge shrugged and put away the trident.

The big bald man stood up and was about to run away, but he heard Lin Ge say again: "I'm going to let you go anyway. As for whether they let you go... that's not up to me to decide."

Before he finished speaking, the female flying heroes Dongdong, Chen San, and Chen Qi rushed out from behind the collapsed wall not far away, and all attacked the big bald head.

The bald man resisted a "Spider Missile" and was seriously injured by Lin Ge. As the protagonists of this drama, as Huang Ni said, Dongdong and Chen San's strength can barely reach the A-level level, which is almost the same. Even if Zimen's level is average, Chen Qi is slightly worse and has combat power close to Zimen's.

Naturally, there won't be much of a problem if three purple gates deal with one seriously injured golden gate.

"Damn it, don't blame me for being rude if you break your promise!" The big bald man dodged the attacks of Dongdong and the other two people, while taking out a remote control and pressing it a few times.

When Chen Qi saw this, he immediately backed away: "Run! There is a bomb!"

"Why run? There are no bombs, and the things he controls are not here." Lin Ge said, leaning against a broken wall in the distance, eating popcorn and watching a show.

Sure enough, after the big bald head pressed the switch, there was no movement around him. But when the big bald man heard what Lin Ge said, he suddenly looked horrified.

Lin Ge switched to eating melon seeds again and said with a smile: "Originally, considering that your information is quite useful, if you can come up with enough money to buy your life, it is not impossible to let you go. But here we are delaying time. , they control biochemical monsters to attack newcomers, and they somewhat ignore me."

"You, how did you know? I clearly sent the Hidden One...and you couldn't possibly know about the Scout Bee..." The bald man said in shock.

Lin Ge suddenly said: "It turns out that the reason why you were able to find out the location of us and the villain Eunuch Chen so quickly was because of some kind of 'detection bee'. I'm very interested in this thing. Let me have a look."

"Don't even think about it! What can you do if you know that? You are hundreds of miles away now, maybe you can teleport there and save them! Either let me go, or don't let everyone go through this reincarnation, I will kill everyone immediately Newcomer!" The bald man punched Chen San away and threatened Lin Ge.

At this time, on the suburban road hundreds of miles away, an explosion-proof vehicle was driving on the road, and in the fields on both sides of the road, there was a group of black monsters running at high speeds like wild beasts.

At the same time, on the roof and around the explosion-proof vehicle, there were several thumb-sized bees "following" the explosion-proof vehicle, and there was also a mechanical mosquito lying on the window.

At this moment, the mechanical bees lined up in a square and generated an electric current between each other. The moment they touched the explosion-proof vehicle, the brakes of the explosion-proof vehicle were forcibly activated.

With a harsh friction sound, the explosion-proof vehicle suddenly stopped and slid into the field, and the black monster running in the field instantly revealed itself. It turned out to be a skinned humanoid monster, roaring towards Anti-explosion vehicles rushed forward.

But Lin Ge, who was hundreds of miles away, chewed melon seeds nonchalantly and said, "Kill them. If you can kill those newcomers, I will let you go immediately. Keep your word."


The bald man was cruel and directly controlled the mechanical bee remotely to control the biochemical monsters to attack the explosion-proof vehicle with all his strength. At the same time, he also took out a teleportation scroll.

However, the moment the bald man took out the scroll, Lin Ge raised his hand and threw the trident, nailing the bald man to the wall.

"I said you can kill me, but you can't leave." Lin Ge stepped forward and said.

The bald man said: "You really don't care about the life and death of the newcomer?"

"Then you have to kill newcomers." Lin Ge said with a smile.

At this time, the big bald man observed through the chip implanted in his mind that after the biochemical monster tore open the iron sheet of the explosion-proof vehicle, there was no trace of the new reincarnation inside, only a humanoid paper man sitting in the driver's seat.

Lin Ge had long expected that the big bald man would not easily give up on the newcomer's head, so he used an invisibility charm to send the newcomer to the cellar in the villa, and asked Chen Qing to set up a formation to guard him there.

Then paper figures were used as a "hidden trick" to create the illusion that the newcomers were in an explosion-proof car and wanted to escape the city.

At this time, a soul flew out of the paper man, grabbed the mechanical mosquito that wanted to fly away, and pulled it back to the paper man. Then, all the burning symbols plastered on the inner wall of the explosion-proof car were ignited, and those who were rushing on the car were The biochemical monster instantly turned into a burning man.

Unexpectedly, Lin Ge had already seen through the last "trump card", and the bald man yelled in despair: "Kill me, the poisonous people in the world will not let you go!"

"Oh, I'm so scared."


"How about handing over your scout bees and sparing your life?" Lin Ge asked with a smile.

The big bald man sneered: "You never thought of letting me go from the beginning. We are all reincarnators. Is there any point in continuing to act? Even if I die, I will not give you anything!"

"You are tough, I admire you very much." Lin Ge pulled out the trident, aimed it at the bald man's head this time, and stabbed it hard.

Then, he bent down and picked up the teleportation scroll that fell aside: "It's a C-level scroll, not a loss."

In addition, there is also a mechanical mosquito captured by the soul paper man. As for whether it can be used, or whether it is valuable, we can only know if we return to the main god space. (End of chapter)

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