Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 381 Taoist priest throws missiles, you don’t have martial ethics!

Although the background of "The Three Heroes" is set in the end of the world after a nuclear explosion, and the human population has plummeted, judging from the performance in the movie, there are still hundreds of thousands of people in this city.

If the Stalkers put this specially prepared virus into the city and created a large number of biochemical monsters at the ridiculous "evolution" speed of the virus, then not to mention the main mission of saving 21 babies, even whether the newcomers could survive would be a question.

After listening to Lin Ge's reasoning, Chen Qing thought of a key question: "Wait, brother, according to what you said... wouldn't the stalker's sin value exceed six figures?"

"He has given up being a leader and has taken the path of a stalker. Why does he still care about sin points?" Lin Ge asked rhetorically.

Chen Qing suddenly said: "Yes."

Guides and stalkers are originally "opposing camps" created by the Lord God. The former represents "goodness" and the latter represents "evil".

Of course, the good and evil here are just status positions. In fact, the "profit first" reincarnation will only look at who gives more rewards.

Although the Stalker directly gave up the guilt value and gave up the "positive" plot in the reincarnation world, it also made it easier to trigger the "negative" plot.

If the stalkers "use local materials" to create biochemical monsters, it means that the virus has quietly spread in the city, and the stalkers have even been in contact with Eunuch Chen, and the two parties have reached a cooperation agreement.

"Eunuch Chen must be found as soon as possible. The longer it takes, the more trouble it will be!" Lin Ge returned to the villa and dialed Liu Qiren's number.

"Sir Lin, something happened at the police station." As soon as the call was connected, Liu Qiren threw a "bomb" over.

When Lin Ge asked, he found out that as he expected, the stalkers poisoned the city directly. At this time, a large number of monsters appeared around the police station, and Liu Qiren and others were forced to retreat to the weapons depot for defense.

"There's something about this stalker." Lin Ge cursed secretly. He really didn't expect that the stalker didn't follow martial ethics and directly released zombie viruses in the city and set up teleportation machines.

Send biochemical monsters to attack the newcomer and lure him away from the city. At the same time, he takes the opportunity to join forces with Eunuch Chen to occupy the city with the help of biochemical monsters.

Being able to spread biochemical viruses and find the newcomer and Eunuch Chen at the same time proves that this stalker is also very good at detection, otherwise it would not be possible to avoid him with such "accuracy".

"I hate opponents with full power." Lin Ge must get the stalker's investigative tools no matter what, so that he won't be afraid of not being able to find anyone in the future.

Lin Ge picked up the spell and checked the two paper soul figures on Chen San's body, and found that they were moving towards the western suburbs.

Lin Ge asked Luo Youwei, one of the few who could drive, to drive into an explosion-proof vehicle parked in the yard, and took the other newcomers and Chen Qing to leave in the opposite direction of the city, away from the virus outbreak point.

And he rode Arcee to the western suburbs to find Chen San. The current situation depends on whether he kills Eunuch Chen first, or whether the stalker kills the newcomer Samsara first.

On the way to the western suburbs, Lin Ge's contactor rang. After it was connected, Chen Qi's urgent cry for help came from inside: "Handsome guy, please help me. You asked me to follow Chen Qi to find the old monster's lair. It turned out that the female flying hero followed I came over here and tried to scare the snake away when I wanted to save those babies. The most unfortunate thing is that Chen Jiu took some medicine and was invulnerable, so he couldn't even be beaten to death!"

"Where are you?" Lin Ge asked.

Chen Qi replied: "In the western suburbs, near an abandoned factory. Come and save me. There are many unkillable monsters here, md. If you drink too much nuclear wastewater, you will mutate, right?"

"Be careful not to get scratched or bitten by those monsters, otherwise you will become a monster like them!" Lin Ge reminded.

"What the hell, is there such a thing?" Chen Qi was shocked.

Judging from the feedback from Liu Qiren, Chen Qi and others, the Stalker virus does not 100% turn people into biochemical monsters.

But similar to the settings of the "Biochemical Series" movies and games, people with "antibodies" can survive. Obviously, the "protagonists" such as Liu Qiren and Chen Qi are such people.

When Lin Ge rode Arcee through the outer city, the entire city was in chaos, filled with raging monsters and fleeing citizens.

But at this time, it was only two or three hours before he left the city to support Chen Qing and the newcomers, which showed that the power of the virus was indeed very powerful.

The western suburbs are very large, but fortunately, Lin Ge had already planted the soul paper man on Chen San before the stalkers spread the virus. Now he only needs to follow the paper man to find them.




At this time, explosions suddenly sounded in an area of ​​factory-like buildings in the distance, and Chen San was also rushing in that direction.

When Lin Ge chased into the factory, he happened to see Dongdong and Chen Qi fighting Chen Jiu, who was carrying blood drops but had doubled in size.

On the other side, Chen San was confronting Eunuch Chen.

"Father-in-law, I have found a new place for you, why do you still have to... kill him?" Chen San asked angrily.

Eunuch Chen said coldly: "Ah San, I told you that you don't need to have feelings or memories. You are just a pawn in the restoration of the dynasty. I placed you next to the doctor just to make it easier for you to obtain." Invisibility cloak. Do you think I don’t know that you have fallen in love with the Doctor?”

"I didn't." Chen San denied.

Eunuch Chen snorted coldly: "If not, then why do you care so much if I kill him?"

"Me." Chen San stopped talking.

At this time, Chen Qi jumped down from the iron shelf on the side, escaped the pursuit of several lickers, rushed to Chen San and said: "What nonsense are you talking to the old monster? Fuck him!"

Chen Qi greeted Eunuch Chen with a few "bang bang bang" shots from his shotgun. However, he saw Eunuch Chen raise his hand slightly, and the bullets pouring were immediately blocked by the invisible barrier formed by his special powers.

"MD, what the hell are you!" Chen Qi took out two grenades from his waist and threw them at Eunuch Chen. At the same time, he dragged Chen San and ran away: "Why are you still standing there? You have to fight or run, my mother. If I didn’t owe you my life, I wouldn’t care about your life or death!”

Chen San recalled everything she had with the doctor over the years, as well as those poor babies. As Chen Qi said, they would eventually become "monsters" like herself.

Chen Sanyi gritted his teeth, pulled out a special metal nine-section whip, and "whipped" the heads off the guards and eunuchs who had turned into zombies, and decided to resist Eunuch Chen together with Chen Qi and the female flying hero.

However, overnight, I don’t know where Eunuch Chen got so many monsters from, and made Chen Jiu, who was already a monster, even more powerful.

Not to mention the unfathomable Eunuch Chen, even these biochemical monsters are very difficult for the three of them to deal with.

"Hmph, a group of ants still want to resist me. Today I will let you understand that there is only one consequence for disobeying my orders -"


Eunuch Chen hovered in the air with his special powers. He opened his hands slightly and moved his fingers. The surrounding iron frames, containers and other metals made a harsh sound, as if there was an invisible big hand twisting and deforming them, and then turned into something. Each "pointed cone" flew towards several people.

"Damn it, this old monster is still so perverted!" Eunuch Chen has always been Chen Qi's "nightmare". Just thinking of this name makes her tremble with fear. At this moment, her feet are shaking when they fight.

Chen San pushed Chen Qi away, dodged a huge iron cone, and together with Dongdong, flew left and right into the air to attack Eunuch Chen. Unexpectedly, Eunuch Chen slowly raised his hand and flicked it, and an invisible shock wave spread out, knocking the two of them away.

Chen Qi rushed forward to catch the two women and absorb the impact of the fall. Unexpectedly, Eunuch Chen's strength was far stronger than she imagined, and the huge impact directly took her away.

Just when the three of them were about to hit the twisted iron frame with iron thorns, two transparent little people flew out of Chen San's body and turned into a golden light to "catch" the three of them.

"Wow, what is this? A manifestation of the gods?" Chen Qi said in surprise as he looked at the golden light surrounding him and the glittering paper man floating in front of him.

Lin Ge did not summon the soul paper man from the yellow talisman paper man, but directly controlled the yellow talisman paper man, so everyone could see the palm-sized paper man cut out of the yellow talisman with the naked eye.

The reason is simple, to attract "eyes".

Apparently, not only Chen Qi and the others, but also Eunuch Chen who was in mid-air was attracted by these two paper figures emitting golden light, so he did not notice that there was a figure behind him who performed Qing Kung and flew diagonally above him. .

Knead the secret and step into the void.

The moment Lin Ge fell, the turbid water magma gushed out from under his feet like a cage, directly trapping Eunuch Chen below.

Eunuch Chen was actually aware of it, but Lin Ge's speed was too fast. In addition, Eunuch Chen had already had a hard time dealing with Lin Ge's soul paper man before, let alone now that he was here.

Therefore, when he released his special function to resist, Lin Ge had already completed the "turbid water bird cage", covered Eunuch Chen, and then quickly gathered him together.


As the squeezed blood dripped onto the ground, one could easily imagine Eunuch Chen's fate.

Chen Qi looked at Lin Ge who was walking towards him in surprise, and said dumbfounded: "Damn it, you are more like a monster than an old monster."

Lin Ge raised his hand and swept away, using his thunder method to sweep a bolt of lightning around, killing all the zombies and biochemical monsters in an instant.

Now we are racing against time. There is no worry about being exposed or not, so we simply don’t pretend.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a few "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh" sounds piercing the air, and several rockets flew out of the dark factory in the distance.

Lin Ge pressed the secret, and the Yin Wu Lei field spread out under his feet immediately condensed several large hands to intercept those rockets.

Recalling the little biochemical rich woman he met before and the current stalker who fired rockets like ordinary bullets, Lin Ge couldn't help but complain: "Tsk, the reincarnations who came out of the biochemical world are different. Everyone looks like a rich man, don’t you pay for rockets?”

"Chen San, where are those babies being held?" Lin Ge looked back at Chen San and asked.

Although Chen San was surprised that Lin Ge actually knew her name, he still said truthfully: "It's in the underground space below."

"Female Flying Hero, Chen Qi, Chen San, I will deal with the monsters here and the people behind the scenes. You go and rescue the baby..." Before Lin Ge could finish speaking, he saw the turbid water magma spreading in front of him suddenly "Gulu" "Gulu" black bubbles appeared, followed by a large bulge.


The turbid water magma exploded, and only a pile of bloody flesh and blood could be seen, and only a humanoid "monster" could be seen standing up.

Chen Qidao: "No, the old monster won't die even now?"

Not to mention Chen Qi and others, even Lin Ge was a little surprised. Eunuch Chen could survive being kneaded into meat paste by the turbid water magma in Yin Wulei's domain and even burned by Yin Wulei.

"You call this a special power? Zhou Xingxing shook his head when he saw it, okay...wait a minute, is Eunuch Chen also infected by the virus?"

While complaining, Lin Ge once again controlled the Yin Wu Lei Domain to attack Eunuch Chen. Although the opponent was more like an "evil object", there was no resentment or evil spirit on him, so the Taoist magic's unique "restraint" against targets with negative attributes was also limited. Unable to show.

However, the lack of "restraint" does not affect the power of Yin Wu Lei. After all, "Zhu Xie" is only its special effect, and it itself has powerful destructive power.

While Lin Ge was fighting Eunuch Chen, Chen San also quickly entered the underground space with Chen Qi and Dongdong to find the imprisoned baby.

At this time, Chen Jiu, who had become no different from the pursuer, and a group of biochemical monsters wanted to pursue them, but they were blocked by Lin Ge's Yin Wu Lei field.

Lin Ge simply blocked the entrance with Yin Wu Lei and stayed on top to slowly deal with these monsters.

Whether it was Eunuch Chen or Chen Jiu and those biochemical monsters, they posed a certain threat to Chen Qi and others, but to Lin Ge, let alone breaking through defenses, they could not even get up close.

However, maintaining the Yin Wulei Domain consumes a lot of spiritual energy. Lin Ge decided to make a quick decision and used thunder to open a way. Then with one move, he summoned the trident and aimed it at Eunuch Chen, who was bound by the Yin Wulei Domain. , the huge force sent it flying directly, and crashed into the dark factory in the distance.

Lin Ge felt that the trident that was "crossing" Eunuch Chen seemed to be caught by a force. Only the stalker could have such strength.

"Let us out quickly, we have rescued the baby." At this time, Chen Qi's anxious shout came from Lin Ge's communicator.

Lin Ge quickly opened the entrance to the underground area blocked by the turbid water lava. He saw Dongdong and Chen San each with five or six baby packages hanging on them. Even Chen Qi was holding four in both hands and holding one in his arms.

Lin Ge saw that the number was wrong and asked, "Wait, there are only fourteen?"

Chen San sighed: "There are still a few... who were poisoned by Eunuch Chen. We got there late. Some of these people's breaths are not stable."

"Arcee, send them away from here!" At this time, Lin Ge called Arcee and asked her to transform and send a few people away.

Arcee's appearance immediately caused Chen Qi to exclaim. She didn't know how many times she had been shocked tonight. She felt that her world view had completely collapsed. The man and the huge machine monster in front of her seemed not to be what their world should be. Something exists!

Lin Ge recalled the trident, and first opened his double-pupil sky eyes to observe the surroundings, but he could not see the existence of "red light", which meant that neither the stalker nor Eunuch Chen was a ghost or god monster.


Then we can only use the most conventional methods of "Biochemical Series"!

[The "Spider (SS-23) Tactical Missile Launcher" has been successfully deployed, allowing users to bomb targets within a 500-kilometer range. 】

Lin Ge directly aimed at the "factory" in the distance through the controller, and then pressed the red button.

I saw a "gap" suddenly opened in the dark night sky, and then with a mechanical sound of "beep-beep-beep" in the purple void, a missile fell straight down!


The "Spider (SS-23) tactical missile" directly razed the entire abandoned factory to the ground, and even Lin Ge, who was covered and protected by the turbid water magma in the Yin Wulei field, was almost thrown away.

"Damn it, is this thing so powerful?" Lin Ge originally wanted to deal with technological reincarnations like stalkers, but was too lazy to use Taoism to slowly consume it, so as not to be led by others' advantages.

The "Spider (SS-23) Tactical Missile Device" that was "knocked" from Nova in "The Cabin in the Woods" has never been used, so it's time to test its power now.

A-level consumables, with a total of three rounds, are used to deal with stalkers at this time, so that you can enjoy the joy of throwing missiles. If you can kill the opponent with one shot, you will at least have a certain understanding of the power of the missiles.

However, the final result not only exceeded Lin Ge's imagination, but was even several times more powerful than he expected. If it were thrown directly into the city, the entire Xicheng District would be razed to the ground!

Fortunately, Lin Ge asked Arcee to escort Chen Qi and others away. If he threw it away while they were still looking for the baby down there, he might be able to send the three heroines away by the way.

Lin Ge dispersed the Yin Wu Lei Domain and used Ladder Cloud to fly towards the center of the explosion at high speed. At this time, he saw something like a cocoon in the large pit in the center.

Lin Ge still has an impression of this thing. He also saw similar things in the drained Crystal Lake in "A Nightmare on Elm Street". It can be seen that this stalker must have some connection with the reincarnations who have been to Crystal Lake.

Lin Ge jumped into the huge pit and summoned a trident, aiming at the cocoon in the center of the pit below.


As the trident was inserted, dark red blood spattered, and the moment the cocoon was broken open, a naked bald man escaped.

At this time, the bald man's face lost the previous calmness, and was more filled with surprise, panic, and fear. Through the surveillance of the drone, he determined that Lin Ge should be a reincarnation of the Eastern Taoist type. He had been with such reincarnations before. I have fought against each other before, so I have some “experience”.

Taoist priests are more like "supernatural reincarnation" specializing in reincarnation. They are better at dealing with ghosts and single combat, so the big bald head's goal at the beginning is also very clear.

Hiding in the dark, spreading viruses to create biochemical monsters, if you can kill the new reincarnator from Lin Singer, then proceed as planned.

If he fails to succeed, he won't bother to show up and will simply retreat until the end of his reincarnation.

The crime value generated by the former's large number of attacks on innocent citizens not only does no harm to the "organization", but can actually increase its strength.

If the latter fails to hunt, the punishment is just that little, so there is no need to risk his life.



Which Taoist priest carries "missiles" with him?

You don’t have martial ethics!

The bald head knew that he was not Lin Ge's follower, so he knelt down decisively and begged for mercy: "Brother, you can't kill me, I am the one who spreads poison in the world!"

Lin Ge was stunned for a moment, and the corner of his eyebrows twitched: "The world is full of poison? What kind of mess...I am the one who is 'the world is full of demons'!" (End of Chapter)

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