In addition to the deformed species that kept coming out of the grove, "skin-shedding monsters" similar to lickers also appeared among the zombies that were previously burned to death by Chen Qing.

"The speed of evolution is much faster than imagined." Chen Qing looked solemn, feeling that this time the stalker seemed to be more difficult to deal with than the previous two combined.

How on earth did he create so many biological monsters in such a short period of time?

How the other party did it is no longer important. What is important is that his existence has posed a threat to Lin Ge's mission, so Chen Qing must deal with him.

Although Chen Qing can fly directly into the grove with the advantage of her soul body, and the newcomers also have firearms "sponsored" by her, the strength of these biochemical monsters has evolved from zombies to lickers. The ridiculous evolution speed is no longer possible. A machine gun can withstand it.

The stalkers had to be killed and the newcomers had to be protected. Chen Qing had no choice but to kill them all the way, and the best way to deal with the biochemical monsters was to burn them.

Fortunately, Lin Ge left her a lot of burning charms, enough to burn them for a while.

"call out--"

At this time, with the sound of breaking through the air, a rocket drew a smoke trail, shot out of the grove, and headed straight for Chen Qing in the air.

"You can actually see me!" Chen Qing was surprised and avoided the flight path of the rocket, but she didn't expect the rocket to fly into the air and be detonated directly!

Although the strong airflow generated by the explosion failed to cause damage to Chen Qing, it "pushed" her from the air to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a purple smoke quickly gushes out from the grove and spreads around. After those deformed species, aberrations, zombies, and monsters inhale the purple smoke, their skin quickly falls off and evolves into more terrifying monsters, rushing towards the villa. go.

Soon, gunfire rang out from the villa.

Luo Youwei was also very smart. He went to the second floor with Yu Mei and Zhou Mo, and shot down from the window of the room.

But just as Chen Qing expected, those machine guns couldn't stop the monster at all, and she had to find the mastermind as soon as possible.

"You're hiding in the woods and won't come out, are you? Then I'll let you try my 600 billion detonating talisman!" Chen Qing flew into the air and directly scattered all the burning talismans on her body, then pinched the magic spell and used Yuling Soul Chasing Control The burning talisman flies to all parts of the forest, and then the talisman paper is set alight!

In an instant, most of the forest was ablaze, and the fire illuminated the dark night.

At this time, Chen Qing noticed a huge "machine" in the middle of the woods, which was somewhat like the platform where Stark and others stood when they went back to search for the infinite stones in "Avengers 4". Various biochemical monsters are constantly being "teleported" over.

Apart from various biochemical monsters, there were no stalkers around.

Chen Qing flew to the diagonal top of the teleportation machine, took up the magic formula and fired a dozen golden light palms downward: "The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows the magic, slay the evil and disperse it!"




When the golden light palm was still about ten meters away from the teleportation machine, it was blocked by an invisible barrier and exploded into balls of golden light.

Only then did Chen Qing see that there was a huge cover with a light blue luster, protecting the teleportation machine inside.

call out!

call out!

At this time, two rockets were suddenly fired at Chen Qing in the air from a dark area not covered by flames, a hundred meters away from the teleportation machine.

Chen Qing reacted very quickly, and immediately picked up the magic formula to accelerate and fly to dodge. Two rockets exploded in the air, one exploding purple smoke, and the other exploding red air waves.

What surprised Chen Qing was that the two groups of smoke of different colors merged together and actually triggered an explosion with missile-level power, causing a tornado of air waves that even her soul was sucked into.

At the same time, the villa was surrounded by dense monsters. The submachine guns and assault rifles of Luo Youwei and others could not stop the monsters from advancing. Many zombies had even poured into the yard, smashed through the doors and windows and entered the first floor. The entire The outer walls are crawling with lickers and deformed monsters.

Zhou Mo was so frightened that he huddled in the corner and cried uncontrollably. He even completely forgot that he had a gun in his hand. The situation of Luo Youwei and Yu Mei was slightly better. At this time, they saw the dense group of monsters around the yard through the window, and there was only despair in their eyes.

"Help, I don't want to die."

"I don't want to die."

Zhou Mosuo was crying in the corner. Luo Youwei, who was already filled with despair, was upset when he heard the cry. He couldn't help but cursed: "You have been crying there for a long time, and you can take away it with just a few shots." A few monsters. Even if I die today, I still have to support a few more!"

Zhou Mo couldn't listen to Luo Youwei's words at all, and only fear and despair remained in his heart. Water stains could even be seen leaching out of his culottes.

Yu Mei looked at the bullets in the pistol in her hand and saw that there were less than ten bullets left. She decided to save one for herself to avoid being tortured to death by these monsters.

Luo Youwei threw away the two submachine guns in his hands and grabbed the two assault rifles on the table beside him, holding one in each hand.

In just ten minutes of using firearms, he had a basic understanding of the recoil and use of firearms.

He didn't know if he could bear it with two assault rifles. He just wanted to die standing like a man.


Luo Youwei kicked open the balcony door of the room, walked out with a gun like Rambo, and yelled: "Come on, you bastards, I will beat you into a sieve today!"

Luo Youwei's actions immediately caused Zhou Mo to scream even more desperately. However, just as Luo Youwei stood on the edge of the balcony, he pulled the trigger and fired several rounds of bullets——




The area from the open space in front to the yard seemed to have been subjected to a "carpet bombing". The blown-up soil and monsters were mixed together, and flesh and blood flew everywhere!

"What the hell? Is this an assault rifle or an assault artillery? Is it so powerful?" Luo Youwei looked at the area illuminated by gunfire in surprise.

It's just that I didn't pull the trigger anymore because I was surprised. Why is it still exploding in front of me?

At this moment, with a "click-click" transformation sound that could make a man's blood expand, a blue figure fell from the sky.

"Fuck, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Transformers! It's Transformers!" Luo Youwei's eyes widened as he looked at Arcee, who after landing, sprayed tongues of fire from his Vulcan gun and swept away the area.

It’s not that my brother Luo has low education, it’s just that in this shocking scene, only the word “fuck” can describe his excitement at this moment!

What surprised Luo Youwei and Yu Mei even more was that there was a hot man standing on the shoulders of Transformer Arcee——

"Boss Lin!" Luo Youwei shouted in surprise.

Lin Ge raised his hand and "threw" more than a dozen bronze swords into the air. Then he pinched his hand and used Soul Chasing Soul to control the bronze swords.

As a "whoosh" sound broke through the air, more than a dozen bronze swords flew toward the balcony at the same time. Luo Youwei's eyes almost popped out of his sockets when he saw it, and he even forgot whether he wanted to "escape" ".

The next second, these dozen bronze swords spread out in the air, stabbing at the outer wall around the balcony with a "swish", pinning all the lickers who climbed on the outer wall to the wall.

Arcee continued to stay outside the villa to clean up the biological monsters, while Lin Ge used Ladder Cloud to fly to the balcony and asked, "Where are the others?"

"Boss Lin, you are in heaven, a god has descended to earth!" Luo Youwei swallowed and quickly answered Lin Ge's question: "Your guardian spirit went to the grove to deal with the mastermind behind the scenes, and those two are so angry. My idol doesn’t want to go upstairs to join the fight, so she should hide in a certain room. There are only me, Yu Mei, and Zhou Mo who can only cry in the corner."

Guardian spirit?

What the hell...

Lin Ge thought for a moment, raised his hand and threw the "Portable Tactical Fortress" to the roof, then first carried Luo Youhe and Yu Mei up to fly up, and then threw Zhou Mo up.

"You guys go in and stay. There should be a monster running into the villa, but the room is not safe. Arcee will move you to a safe place after she has dealt with the monsters around her."

As a veteran who loves games, novels and animations, how could Luo Youwei not know about the "Tactical Fortress", the landmark building of the human race in "StarCraft".

If he didn't feel a little out of place, he would even want to cheer, "It's great to be a reincarnation."

"Mr. Lin, what about you?" Yu Mei asked.

As a woman, Transformers is obviously not Yu Mei's "romantic", so she trusts Lin Ge more than Arcee.

"Capture the thief first. Capture the king first." As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, he used Ladder Cloud again to fly towards the small forest.

Tiyunzong is only a C-level light skill. If it is used to "jump up and down" and used as a body skill, there is almost no worry about consuming souls.

But if the ladder is used to travel, "flying" all the way from the villa to the woods, the consumption of spiritual energy is almost as much as Lin Ge using the thunder method twice.

Just as he was flying halfway, Lin Ge saw a purple and red smoke exploding from the woods in the distance. He immediately accelerated his speed again and rushed towards the explosion point.

Then, a familiar figure was "rushed" out by the explosion.

After Lin Ge landed, he used Ma's soul-sealing technique with his hand, and the huge suction force directly "sucked" Chen Qing to him.

As soon as Chen Qing escaped from the strange "poison gas bomb", she felt a huge force sucking her away. She was surprised and wanted to resist, but when she saw it was Lin Ge, she suddenly shouted in surprise: "Brother! You are so fast Just rush back...oh, I forgot that you also have a mount now!"

"If Arcee hears what you said, I guarantee that I will fight you for three hundred rounds!" Lin Ge said, looking at the teleportation machine in the distance that was still pouring out monsters, and teased: "This Miss Chen, You are going to become a ghost fairy after all, why can’t you even solve a broken machine?”

Chen Qing said helplessly: "Brother, don't underestimate the stalker this time. I feel... he is a little evil. First of all, these monsters, don't you think they look familiar? Secondly, I am a spirit, but his The technological items are actually effective on me. It feels like the equipment you mentioned before that was developed by Chen Zhazhi, Li Ang, and Huang Yongfa to deal with ghosts."

"look familiar?"

Lin Ge glanced ahead at the deformed bodies swarming from the grove and frowned: "Wait... is this the monster from Crystal Lake in "A Nightmare on Elm Street"?"

"Yes, didn't you say before that the "A Nightmare on Elm Street" we went to was the world of reincarnation that other reincarnators went to? Do you think it was this guy?" Chen Qing asked.

Lin Ge nodded and said: "It's very possible that someone who can create an army of biochemical monsters of this size must be at least top-notch in strength. If you want to know if he has anything to do with the Crystal Lake laboratory in "A Nightmare on Elm Street", find out and ask. Just ask."

"There is a protective shield on the teleportation machine. I can't even break through the defense." Chen Qing said aggrievedly. She originally thought this was her "first battle" against the reincarnations since she started practicing. She would not be able to kill everyone unless she performed well. It would be shameful to return to the horoscope if I feel so aggrieved now!

"I'll give it a try." Lin Ge jumped into the air, clapped his palms to draw out a bolt of lightning, and blasted downwards with a Lightning Thunder Fist.

The lightning struck down and spread in all directions after being blocked by the invisible protective shield. It instantly intensified the fire in the entire grove and also illuminated the two figures hidden around it.

"A Nightmare on Elm Street" Crystal Lake Jason's "Stalkers" with the same style each carry a rocket launcher and fire rockets at Lin Ge in the air.

With its familiar shape and standard "stitched face", it is impossible to say that this stalker is not related to the reincarnation of "A Nightmare on Elm Street".

The moment Lin Ge landed, he stepped on the ground with his left foot. Suddenly, a large amount of turbid water magma spewed out from under his feet and spread to the surroundings. As soon as the two rockets with tracking function landed, they were hit by the turbid water condensed in the Yin Wulei field. Grab it with your big hands and crush it.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ge controlled the Yin Wu Lei Domain to spread towards the location of the teleportation machine. Monsters along the way were instantly swallowed up by the Yin Wu Lei Domain, or were chopped into pieces of flesh, or were completely covered.


When the spreading Yin Wu Lei field was ten meters away from the teleportation machine, it was blocked by the invisible barrier. Lin Ge continued to control the turbid water magma to "cover" it.

After a while, the hemisphere with a diameter of at least ten meters was completely covered by the Yin Wu Lei field, and then a sound like broken glass sounded, and the protective shield shattered.

Lin Geping stretched out his hands and was about to control the Yin Wu Lei field to completely destroy the teleportation machine, but he heard Chen Qing say something very inappropriate: "Brother, are you planning to do a 'sunshine'? I feel that teleportation The machine must be expensive to build, do you want Arcee to study it first? Speaking of you think the stalker could be one of those two monsters?"

Lin Ge couldn't help complaining after hearing this: "Please don't play some jokes that are inappropriate for your age. You can't stop the transmission of monsters without destroying the machine. If a few are missed, with the speed of infection and mutation of this virus, it will Then it will be time to play "Resident Evil Finale". As for those two monsters..."

Lin Ge said, while using the Yin Wu Lei Domain to shatter the teleportation machine, he condensed two huge palms of turbid water magma and grabbed them towards the two pursuers.

The two pursuers were very fast, but unfortunately they could not exceed the spread speed of Yin Wulei, and were directly held in the hands of the turbid water magma.

Although the tracker's strength is not low, it is not yet to the point where it can break out of the Yin Wulei domain.

After the teleportation machine was destroyed, no biochemical monsters were teleported. Lin Ge and Chen Qing cooperated with Arcee and quickly eliminated the biochemical monsters that besieged the villa.

Luo Youwei followed Lin Ge's instructions and found the idol duo in the cellar and took them to the "Portable Tactical Fortress" to stay.

"Brother, what should we do with these two big guys?" Chen Qing asked, looking at the pursuer who was bound by the turbid water lava in the yard and had a body-fixing charm and a evil-suppressing charm attached to his body.

A biochemical army, two boss-level stalkers...the strength of these stalkers is the strongest among all the reincarnators Lin Ge has encountered so far.

Lin Ge was curious, were these biochemical monsters brought or "summoned" by hunters from other reincarnation worlds, or were they "made" by finding raw materials in this world?

if the latter one……

"Not good!" A terrible suspicion suddenly flashed through Lin Ge's mind. (End of chapter)

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