Chen Qi rushed out of the nursery with a baby in his arms, but he probably didn't look at the almanac when he went out. As soon as he passed the corner of the corridor, he ran into a patrol team.

Chen Qi's attire did not look like someone from the police or the hospital. It was a special period at this time, so he immediately took out his walkie-talkie to communicate.

"Call! Call Sir Liu! Someone stole the baby!"

Upon seeing this, Chen Qi directly broke the window with the baby in his arms, jumped off the hospital building, rode a motorcycle to avoid the police encirclement, and rushed to the street.

When Liu Qiren led the team to chase him out of the hospital, he happened to see Chen Qi's car taillights disappearing into the night.

"Damn it, what does this female head catcher want to do?" Liu Qiren cursed.

Lin Ge said in a deep voice: "I suspect that he wants to use this baby to lure out the criminal who stole the baby. No matter what, the baby must be retrieved as soon as possible."

"There's really no limit to using babies as bait!" Liu Qiren cursed, took out his communicator and started mobilizing the police team to conduct a city-wide search.

On the other side, Chen Qi was riding a motorcycle on the road, found an abandoned building, ran all the way to the rooftop attic, and placed the baby in a cradle.

"Good boy, sleep for a while and I'll show you something wonderful later." Chen Qi blinked at the baby, got up and walked to the balcony to look at the street below, but saw no sign of the police.

"Wow, no way, I didn't even hit the throttle fully, and I can lose you like this. How can I come out and mess around?" Chen Qi complained.

Just as he was talking, Chen Qi suddenly found a light in front of him reflected on his face, leaving the mark of a dart.

"Why don't you say anything, you are so insidious!" Chen Qi cursed.

At this time, a voice came from the door: "Tell me first, why did you steal so many babies?"

"Oh, looking at you standing so proudly, it seems that you are the legendary 'Female Flying Hero'." Chen Qi raised an eyebrow and said.

The person who came was none other than Dongdong who had put on the female Wings equipment.

"It seems that you are not the criminal who stole the baby, but the female head catcher?" Dongdong asked.

Chen Qi snorted: "Since you know, stay away and don't get rich in front of me."

"Using babies as bait to lure them out just for those stinky money? How despicable!" Dongdong said with disdain.

"Are you finished?" Chen Qi became angry and jumped down from the platform, swinging a butterfly knife and looking at Dongdong with an unkind look.

"Put the baby down!"

"It depends on whether you have the ability!"

The two of them started fighting when they had a disagreement. Chen Qi turned his hand, shook out a small revolver from his sleeve, and fired several shots at Dongdong.

Dongdong reacted very quickly. When the opponent fired, he jumped down from the building and fired several darts in the air. He only heard a few crisp sounds of "dang dang dang", and the darts actually bounced away all the bullets!

Darts can deflect bullets. This scene really frightened Chen Qi. Taking advantage of his familiarity with the terrain, he jumped up and down in the attic.

But Chen Qi's skills were still slightly inferior to Dongdong's. The opponent's dagger flew out and "nailed" his clothes to the wall. Then Dongdong reached out and grabbed Chen Qi's throat, trying to subdue him with one blow.

Just when he was about to catch Chen Qi, there was a "bang" sound. Dongdong was punched in the lower abdomen and flew backwards.

The sudden change stunned Chen Qi: "What's going on?"

Then, when he saw Dongdong fighting an invisible enemy, Chen Qi suddenly realized that his opponent should be the invisible "baby thief" mentioned in the news.

Although Dongdong couldn't see Chen San who was wearing the invisibility cloak, fortunately, he was more skilled and the fight was inseparable. Chen Qi took advantage of the fight between the two and wanted to take the baby away. Unexpectedly, the fight between Dongdong and Chen San was so fierce that the entire attic collapsed and the baby fell from the air.

When Dongdong flew over to catch the baby, Chen San took the opportunity to grab Chen Qi and ran outside, all the way to an abandoned field.

"That's enough, where are you going to take me?" Chen Qi shook off Chen San's hand and cursed in the air: "Hide your head and show your tail. Come out and tell me."

Chen San canceled his invisibility and appeared directly in front of Chen Qi.

Chen Qi was stunned when he saw this: "It's actually you? We haven't seen each other for ten years. Your skills have improved, and you can even compete with the female flying hero. By the way, where did the old monster find an invisibility cloak? You? Why didn’t you give me such an awesome piece of equipment?”

Chen San did not answer Chen Qi's question, but said: "He also planned the baby matter, will you still intervene?"

"Thank you." When Chen Qiyi heard that the mastermind behind the scenes was Eunuch Chen, he was immediately frightened, and then said: "When I got out of that hole, it was thanks to you that you didn't kill me when you caught me. Now I cherish my life very much. I don’t want to have anything to do with that old monster. But why is that old monster catching so many babies?”

"Wait for the next total solar eclipse and choose someone to be the emperor." Chen San replied.

Chen Qi snorted: "Huh, those who can't be emperors are trained to be his killers just like you and me, right?"

Chen Sandao: "That's not all. My father-in-law will turn them into machines like Chen Jiu that have no emotions, no pain, and can only kill people."

"Chen San, why don't you do your best and kill those children? Do you think it's necessary to live like us when we become neither humans nor ghosts?" Chen Qi asked.

Chen San didn't say anything and turned around to leave. Chen Qi rushed over and grabbed her: "I was poisoned by that old monster for three years. After I escaped, it took me ten years to consider myself a human being. I don't want to See all those kids turned into monsters."

Chen San said in a deep voice: "If you are smart, stop interfering. Otherwise, I will kill you as soon as my father-in-law gives the order."

"If you want to kill, kill now!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a dart flying towards him. Chen Qi reached out and caught the hidden weapon, but heard Chen San say: "If you keep meddling in your own business, you won't be able to avoid it next time!"

Chen Qi looked again and saw that Chen San had put on the invisibility cloak and disappeared.

"Alas." Chen Qi sighed, turned around and walked to the forest not far away, leaned against a big tree, and sighed: "You see, she is like this, always getting into trouble. I guess... you want to instigate rebellion. She didn’t have it that easy.”

Lin Ge walked out from behind the tree: "It doesn't matter, the goal has been achieved."

"What purpose?"

Lin Ge smiled and said nothing.

In fact, his original intention was to create a "fake baby" by using the soul paper manikin. After Chen Qi brought it out, he "deliberately" let it be stolen by Chen San. In this way, Chen San would definitely bring the baby to Eunuch Chen's lair. .

In the past, a soul paper man could tie him up with Eunuch Chen. This time, the baby and Chen San each had a soul paper man written with Ling'er's blood, which would surely subdue Eunuch Chen. Unexpectedly, a female flying hero appeared halfway, which disrupted Lin Ge's plan.

Fortunately, Chen Qi followed Lin Ge's instructions and placed another talisman on her body with the help of "pulling" Chen Qi just now.

As long as Chen Qi goes back, Eunuch Chen will not be able to escape this time.

"Hey, don't play riddles. If you have anything to say, just say it... We'll get to know each other better. I'll do what you asked, and the money you promised won't be less." Chen Qizhui said behind Lin Ge.

Lin Ge was about to joke, "I'm not familiar with you," but received a message from Chen Qing that something happened at the villa... And what troubled Chen Qing was that the "enemy" was outside her professional scope.

Chen Qing has been practicing with Huang Shang for a while, and since she is a "ghost", she has an absolute advantage when encountering magic enemies.

However, this time the enemies are slightly different.

Purely “physical” enemies——


Ten minutes ago.

Chen Qing sat on the edge of the roof of the villa, swinging her feet out of boredom: "Oh, it's so boring. It's been several hours. Is the stalker this time so cowardly?"

While complaining, Chen Qing suddenly noticed that on the path between the woods and fields ahead, several figures appeared one after another under the light of the moon.

Chen Qing used the "Development Technique" set by Lin Ge to take a look, and saw that the woods were densely packed with "people", but there was something wrong with these people. They were swaying and looking hideous, like rotten corpses. "Corpse".

"I'll go, zombies?" Chen Qing, as a modern person, has naturally seen zombie movies.

It was just that she was targeted by the Lord God, so she had always experienced the highly difficult supernatural world, and had no chance to see the elegance of the biochemical series in the world of reincarnation.



As the roar of zombies came, more and more zombies came out of the grove. What was terrifying was that as they "walked", their originally stiff movements gradually became "flexible", from the grove to the fields. But within a few hundred meters, he changed from a staggering pace to a trot.

"You guys are evolving too fast!" Chen Qing was startled, and before she had time to think about it, she quickly picked up the magic formula and mobilized the magic circle she had set up earlier.

A hundred meters away from the villa, golden lights suddenly appeared, and then instantly formed a circle around the entire villa.

If you look down from the air, you can find that these golden lights form a golden Bagua array. Any evil objects contaminated with resentment and evil spirits will be blocked from the Golden Bagua array.


Chen Qing miscalculated.

Her original intention was to think that no matter whether the enemy is reincarnation or the villain of this world, no matter whether he is a human or a ghost, there is still a soul.

If there is a soul, it will be blocked by the Golden Light Bagua Array.

But these enemies are "zombies", corpses that have been "resurrected" by the virus. They have no souls and only have the instinct to "eat" affected by the virus.

It was like a heaven-destroying ice arrow hitting the ice element!

What's even more frightening is that the viruses infected by these zombies are not ordinary viruses. The zombies are still "evolving" and there are huge numbers!

In addition to ordinary zombies, as wolves howled and dogs barked, zombie dogs, zombie wolves, zombie bears and other monsters popped out of the woods.

"Where did this person find so many ghosts?" Chen Qing suspected that the stalker was hiding in the woods. Now there were only two choices before her -

Take the initiative or defend the villa.

The former is equivalent to letting the five reincarnations in the villa go free, while the latter loses the initiative. Who knows what other big moves the stalkers will unleash!

Chen Qing made a squeeze and disappeared from the roof in an instant, and appeared in the living room the next moment.

At this time, the two idols in the living room were leaning together and whispering. Luo Youwei was telling Zhou Mo and Yu Mei about the rules of survival in the reincarnation world that he had summarized these days.

Suddenly, with a "bang", a figure appeared on the coffee table in the center of the living room, startling everyone.

Chen Qing said straight to the point: "Listen to me, I am Lin Ge's guardian spirit. He went to the city to save the baby and asked me to stay here to protect you. Now the enemy is coming!"

Luo Youwei was so shocked by Chen Qing's "transformation into a living person" that he said blankly: "Damn, guardian spirit, this is so cool, can I apply for one?"



Chen Qing didn't want to talk nonsense with everyone, so she threw the travel bag Lin Ge left in the bedroom and opened it on the coffee table. It contained a bag full of firearms.

"Have you watched "Resident Evil"? The good news is that you are about to face the lowest level of zombies. The bad news is that these zombies are still evolving and there are still a lot of them. Here are the equipment that my brother left for you. I don’t want to If you die, pick up a gun and resist."

"Zombie, zombie?" When the two idols heard this name, their tongues were tied.

Luo Youwei looked at the firearms in the travel bag with gleaming eyes: "Fuck, ak47, mk14, upm9, and my favorite Victor!"

Zhou Mo stepped forward and asked nervously: "Xian, Miss Xianling, that... Lin, isn't Mr. Lin asking you to protect us?"

"That's what I said, but there are a lot of zombies outside, and... there are some professional mismatches. I suspect that the mastermind behind the scenes is hiding in the woods. Capture the thief first. Capture the king first. I am going to kill him first. But in the villa, I can’t take care of my side, so I can only rely on you to save your own lives.”

Chen Qing directly told the truth. According to Lin Ge, although the five newcomers were not ruthless and Zhao Qian, they were not hopeless.

"Ah, can't we just block the doors and windows? Or just run away. Why do we stay here?" Wang Aidou asked in confusion.

Chen Qing can't say how fast those zombies and monsters will evolve. With your escape speed, they might be wiped out before they even reach the road.

"See for yourself." Chen Qing pressed her hand to reveal all the imaging techniques arranged by Lin Ge, and more than a dozen "screens" appeared around her.

The two idols and the two women turned pale with fear as they looked at the imaging technology that looked like a surveillance screen, as well as zombies and monsters from various biochemical movies coming from all directions.

However, while Chen Qing was talking, Luo Youwei had already hung an assault rifle on his chest, two pistols on his waist, and a saber on his leg. He held the ump9 in one hand and the Victor in the other, posing like a Rambo: " Hey hey hey, I’ve long wanted to try the feeling of tug tug tug zombies!”

Chen Qing glanced at him and said, "As my brother said, you are the one with the best quality among them. Perform well."

"Yes, fairy!" Luo Youwei saluted like a gentleman.

Chen Qing said: "I advise you to use one gun after another. Don't think that you can become proficient in using firearms after watching a few movies. As for you, do you want to wait here to die, or pick up weapons to resist like him? It’s up to you. I hope you can survive while I finish off the enemy!”

Lin Ge asked Chen Qing to pay attention to the reaction of the newcomers when the stalker appeared. However, what was surprising was that only Lin Ge, the "leader", seemed to be alerted to the appearance of the stalker this time, and the newcomers did not Did not receive the "report point" prompt.

According to those reincarnators who have participated in hunting in the reincarnation space, the "stalker mode" is a two-way reporting mode.

If the newcomers do not receive the message prompted by the main god, it means that this reincarnation is a duel between the "leader" and the "stalker".

The leader is responsible for protecting newcomers, and the stalker is responsible for hunting newcomers. Without reporting points, newcomers only need to be responsible for "hide and seek".

And whether you have watched the movie "The Three Heroes of the East" or not, you may not be able to find the villa where Liu Qiren lives.

Therefore, Lin Ge thought that the stalker would start from the police station, but he did not expect that the stalker actually found the newcomer's location "accurately". He was obviously a reincarnation good at investigation.

Although the Golden Light Bagua Array arranged by Chen Qing failed to work, she also had a large array of talismans set up around the villa. Talisman papers such as burning talismans that can cause "physical attacks" can also help newcomers resist for a period of time. She There was nearly a stick of incense to find the location of the stalker.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing stopped talking. While sending Lin Ge the message, she turned the talisman into a wisp of white smoke and flew out of the villa.

Chen Qingfei looked around in the air. At this time, thousands of zombies had gathered in the fields two to three hundred meters away, surrounding the villa.

What’s even scarier is that there are many zombie-like animals among them.

Chen Qing raised her hand and threw a handful of burning talismans, used "Yingling Chasing Soul" to control the yellow talisman to fly around and then ignited it with a squeeze of the talisman.

With a "hoo", fire rained down all over the sky, instantly burning a large area of ​​zombies.

In the blink of an eye, under Chen Qing's "scrubbing spell", the entire field was ignited by fire, and large swaths of zombies turned into burning people.

Chen Qing was burning while flying towards the woods. At this moment, a large group of monsters appeared in the woods. When she saw the appearance of these monsters, Chen Qing was stunned in the air.

"Deformed species?...Why do these monsters look the same as the monsters I saw in Crystal Lake in "A Nightmare on Elm Street"?"

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