The female catcher Chen Qi put her shotgun on her shoulder with one hand on her hips. She looked at Lin Ge with interest and said with a smile: "Not bad. He is handsome and has good skills. Is there a woman? Otherwise, consider me." , I look good, and the female catcher and the male catcher are a perfect match."

Although Chen Qi's words were mostly meant as a joke, they still left Lin Ge speechless.

Lin Ge:......

Women, no.

But are there female fairies and female ghosts?

The movement between the two men immediately attracted the attention of the gangsters in the factory. Two armed gangsters rushed out from the corridors on both sides, one on the left and the other on the right.

Singer Lin held two stones in his hand. Even an ordinary person (with a gun) could kill the opponent by throwing two stones casually with his strength.

But just when he was about to take action, Chen Qi reacted quickly. He took action first and shot the two gangsters in the head with two shots. Then he slammed the gun on the ground and raised an eyebrow at Lin Ge: "No need." Thanks."

At this time, Lin Ge suddenly stretched out his hand to block Chen Qi aside, then stretched out his left hand to activate the "Dragon God's Protection" of the Dragon Horn Ring, forming an invisible barrier in front of him.

Bang bang bang!

Then a burst of gunfire rang out, and a gangster jumped out from a corner not far behind Chen Qi, holding a machine gun and shooting.

However, the pouring bullets were blocked by the invisible spiritual energy barrier. Then Lin Ge raised his hand and flicked, and a stone flew out, accurately hitting the gangster between the eyebrows...


Direct headshot!

"What the hell! Old monster?" Chen Qi was stunned when he saw Lin Ge's tricks. This miraculous ability reminded her of a figure that frightened her.

Chen Qi, Chen San, and Chen Jiu were all "death warriors" trained by the children kidnapped by Eunuch Chen. However, Chen Qi was clever and escaped from the underground while the guards were unprepared.

But even though he had escaped from Eunuch Chen for many years, he was still like a nightmare. Just thinking of his name and figure, he could even feel the invisible pressure in the air.

Lin Ge had learned the details of the movie from Luo Youwei, so he also had some information about the characters. At this time, he pretended to be confused and asked: "What old monster?"

"No, it's nothing." Chen Qi's eyes looked a little flustered, losing the sassiness she had when she called herself the "female head catcher" before.

Lin Ge's side was all about "catching bullets with bare hands". This scene was so frightening that the gangsters dropped their guns and armor and knelt down to beg for mercy.

"Uh, hey! Why don't you be so cowardly? At least resist and give me a chance to show off!" Chen Qi didn't dare to face Lin Ge, so he could only rush to the gangster who was kneeling to beg for mercy and change the subject.

At this time, two gangsters who were relatively close to the corridor suddenly got up from the ground and rushed towards the back door.

Lin Ge raised his hand and flicked out two stones that hit their knees. After the two gangsters fell to the ground, they were hit by the inertia and their faces slid out, hitting the corridor wall.

"Hey, hey, you didn't give me any chance to show off." Chen Qi turned back to look at Lin Ge and complained dissatisfied.

Lin Ge shrugged: "I will tell the police that you caught the culprit, and the credit will be yours."

Chen Qi snapped his fingers and pointed at Lin Ge and said, "I admire you very much."

[Affected by the "charm value", the favorability of the plot character "Chen Qi" increases. 】

"Thank you." Lin Ge thought that when he could increase the favorability of a certain plot character, it meant that the plot character had a related plot.

But according to Luo Youwei, Chen Qi's role is much less than that of Dongdong and Chen San. Is there a hidden plot that can be discovered?

With the "cooperation" of Lin Ge and Chen Qi, the kidnapping case was easily resolved, and the gangsters in the factory were tied up and sent to the police.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Chen Qi turned over and rode the motorcycle. After thanking Lin Ge, he turned to look at the director standing aside and whistled: "Hello."

The director touched the brim of his hat awkwardly and said with evasive eyes, "I'm married."

"Depend on."

Chen Qi grabbed the director's collar, pulled him in front of him, and said in a disdainful tone: "Have you seen what I am capable of? Only I can find your son now... If he is found alive, , give half a million."

The director nodded quickly when he heard this: "Okay."

"If you die, you have to pay 150,000. I only accept gold. This is my phone number. If you figure it out, call me." After saying that, Chen Qi threw a business card to the director and blew it to Lin Ge. He whistled and left on his motorcycle.

The director put away the business card. Apparently in order to find the child, he decided to spend hundreds of thousands more to find Chen Qi.

Lin Ge felt a little funny when he saw this. As the head of the police station, he didn't believe "himself" in the end, which was somewhat ironic.

But the most important thing now is to lead the team to overthrow Eunuch Chen's lair. It will be much easier to deal with the biggest enemy and then bring in new people.

On the pretext of supporting the sent out reconnaissance team, Lin Ge asked Liu Qiren and himself to lead the team to search the abandoned factory. Since he had previously narrowed the scope for the reconnaissance team, they received the reconnaissance team on their way to the abandoned factory. The news came that the suspected "criminal organization"'s home base has been found.

But the fact that these reconnaissance teams can send messages "alive" means that Eunuch Chen and his "brainwashing army" have already left the underground base.

Although Lin Ge expected that this would happen after "snatching the enemy", he did not expect that Eunuch Chen, who was extremely ambitious, would "run away" so decisively.

Just as Lin Ge and others were on their way back, another news came from the police station. The People's Livelihood Times published a headline: "Unidentified people revealed to major newspapers that the twentieth baby will go missing tonight." The location It's the Western District Hospital.

Liu Qiren immediately mobilized manpower to go to the hospital to make arrangements. When Lin Ge was thinking about how to find the hidden Eunuch Chen, he received even bigger "bad news."

【warn! 】

【Stalkers break in! 】



Three reincarnations of the leader, three encounters with the stalker! What is the difference between 70% and 100%? Lord God, there’s a chance that you’re from the Ma family, right? 99.99% of you can get hit?

Complaints are complaints, Lin Ge could only take out the communication talisman to send news to Chen Qing in the villa. After all, Chen Qing was not a reincarnation person and could not receive the prompt from the Lord God immediately.

At the same time, on the road a few kilometers south of the city, a white light fell from the sky, and a figure appeared on the side of the road.

The man was burly, nearly two meters tall, with a shaved head and a black leather windbreaker. Except for his face, which was intact, he looked like the "Nemesis" in "Resident Evil 3", the stalker.

The bald man clicked on the reincarnation watch and began to check the mission records.

[Hunting Samsara: "Three Heroes of the East", difficulty "——". 】

[As a "stalker", your mission in this reincarnation is to let new people understand the dangers of the reincarnation world to the greatest extent! 】

[You have 24 hours to complete the task in this reincarnation world. When the time expires, you will be automatically transferred back to the main god space. 】

[Countdown to return: 23 hours, 59 minutes and 17 seconds]

[Note: There is a "guide" in this reincarnation. 】

Hunting target:——

He Wuqing, rated C+, was awarded 2000 reincarnation points.

Zhou Mo, rated F, was awarded 300 reincarnation points.

Luo Youwei, rated F, was awarded 800 reincarnation points.

Zhao Qian, rated D+, was awarded 1,000 reincarnation points.

Wang Aidou, rated F, will be rewarded with 200 reincarnation points.

Bai Jie, rated F, is awarded 200 reincarnation points.

Yu Mei, rated F, is awarded 400 reincarnation points.

[Note that the mission of the stalker is to hunt down the new reincarnators. If you interfere too much in the development of the plot, it will cause drastic changes in the plot. 】

[In this reincarnation, the main mission of the new reincarnation is to save 21 stolen babies; the side mission is to kill Eunuch Chen. 】

[The distribution of stalker missions has ended, and reincarnation has officially begun. 】

After checking the target reincarnator's information, the bald man frowned with his shaved brows and muttered: "A C+ target with 2000 reincarnation points, a D+ target with 1000 reincarnation points... It seems like this is 'good' I was lucky enough to meet two big fat sheep in the real world."

This was not the first time that Baldhead encountered newcomers with extremely high bounties. Such "big fat sheep" were usually those with certain strength in the real world.

After entering the world of reincarnation, the "big fat sheep" can quickly adapt to the environment and integrate into the world of reincarnation, so it usually causes a lot of trouble to stalkers.

As for the different rewards for the same level, the reason is very simple. The lower the reincarnation point reward, the more it represents the "waste" level of the newcomer.

Usually no "miracle" happens, and these wastes end up as cannon fodder.

"The leader and the big fat sheep appear at the same time... It seems that this reincarnation of the stalker is more difficult than expected." The big bald man is a cautious person. Usually when a big fat sheep appears, he will make a careful plan before taking action. Not to mention there is a "senior" this time.

The bald man took out a handheld computer the size of two palms. After pressing the power button, a red and white umbrella-shaped icon quickly appeared on the black screen.

The bald man pressed a few times on the keyboard, and saw five "mosquitoes" flying out from under the handheld computer, flying in different directions.

A few minutes later, the environmental information detected by the electronic detection machine appeared on the screen of the handheld computer.

"24 hours is enough time." The bald man put away his handheld computer, took out a modified off-road vehicle from the [Inventory], and drove towards the village closest to the city.

After receiving Lin Ge's summons talisman, Chen Qing thought something was coming, but she was busy arranging talisman papers and formations around the villa. After waiting for several hours, there was no movement. And when she was setting up her defense, He Wuqing and Zhao Qian actually ran away together.

Chen Qing hurriedly told Lin Ge about this, but soon got a reply from Lin Ge——

"Run away, just run away. After all, only the weak need protection. If you take two thorns and still have five points in hand, just pay attention to the people who stay in the villa and listen to the advice. Remember, if you encounter an opponent you can't deal with, the rookie will die." If you die, you will die. Protect your own life."

After seeing Lin Ge's transmission notes, Chen Qing must be lying if she said she wasn't moved, but she still muttered: "I've been dead for a long time, there's nothing to be afraid of."

After Lin Ge communicated with Chen Qing, he and Liu Qiren arranged for police officers to conduct 24-hour patrols at the Western District Hospital, and asked hospitals in other districts to help share patients to minimize the flow of personnel in the Western District Hospital. At the same time, based on the clues provided by Lin Ge, all the children "ordered by the emperor" were gathered together for protection.

The entire West District Hospital is under martial law. Without Lin Ge and Liu Qiren's compliance, no one is allowed to enter or leave the hospital at will. But at this moment, an "uninvited guest" walked in at the door.

"Mrs. Liu."

Dongdong walked into the hospital with almost no obstruction. When Liu Qiren saw this, he glanced at Lin Ge at the side with some embarrassment, then walked toward the door with a straight face.

"What are you doing here tonight?" Liu Qiren asked helplessly.

Dongdong replied: "I promised the head nurse that I would come to help every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The old lady above..."

"...I will accept treatment only if I see you, I know. But you don't know that tonight is a special moment, not to mention that the old lady will not receive treatment until tomorrow. Be obedient and go back quickly." Liu Qiren urged.

Dongdong whispered: "No, I miss you."

Faced with Dongdong's explicit confession, Liu Qiren's old face turned red. He was trying to find a reason to "cover up" his embarrassment to his new colleague Lin Ge, but when he turned around, he found that Lin Ge was missing.

"What? Looking for Sir Lin? Others are not as rigid as you. When they saw me coming, they waved and said hello and left." Dongdong said with a smile.

Liu Qiren looked at Dongdong in his arms and sighed helplessly.

As for Lin Ge, he was not "sensible" as Dongdong said. Instead, he saw an "acquaintance" in the lobby, Chen San, who was wearing a red dress and a women's round hat.

Lin Ge saw Chen San walking towards the hospital after registering for "admission visit" at the entrance. He mistakenly thought that she was going to steal the baby, so he followed her.

Unexpectedly, when he walked to the inner corridor, he saw a pale male worker pushing a cart out of it, and bumped into Chen San first.

Chen San looked at the man with an unkind look and asked, "Are you the one who published the newspaper?"

"Are you a policeman? Let me tell you, I will kill all the babies in the hospital tonight!" The man suddenly took out a pair of scissors from the cart and stabbed Chen San.

Since Luo Youwei's plot was not told so carefully, Lin Ge didn't know that this plot was actually a "preview" released by this madman under the guise of a baby-stealing criminal. In fact, he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to kill the baby in the hospital. Therefore, Chen San, the "culprit", also wanted to see who was doing things in her name.

Chen San was about to take action against the man, but when he noticed Lin Ge following behind him, he immediately squatted on the ground pretending to be panicked.

Lin Ge saw through Chen San's intention, but the moment he saw Chen San, he already had a way to find Eunuch Chen, so he simply took out a pistol and aimed it at the man.

"Police, don't move, raise your hands!" When he yelled this extremely embarrassing line, Lin Ge suddenly felt that he was almost sick with embarrassment.

If he were the gangster on the opposite side, he would have beaten him to the police as soon as he reported his identity.

As expected, the lunatic did not give up attacking Chen San because of Lin Ge's warning. He raised his hand and stabbed Chen San.

Chen San turned slightly to one side and seemed to be shrinking into a ball out of fear, but in fact he had avoided the vital point and was ready to fight back at any time.

Lin Ge saw through Chen San's thoughts at a glance, but he did not expose the opponent directly, but shot the madman accurately in the wrist.

As soon as the lunatic lost his grip, the scissors fell to the ground.

"Miss, are you okay?" Lin Ge hurriedly stepped forward to help Chen San up, and at the same time put a paper soul folded into a lucky star under Chen San's bag.

Then with a pinch of magic, the lucky star turned into a soul paper man and entered Chen San's bag. As long as Chen San returns to his hometown to see Eunuch Chen, Lin Ge will find him out again.

"Sir Lin, what happened?" At this time, Liu Qiren, who heard the gunfire, led a team and came over.

Lin Ge pointed at the lunatic kneeling on the ground with his arms folded and said, "That man is the gangster who released the information about the baby theft. Catch him quickly."

After saying that, he helped Chen San retreat behind the police team.

"Thank you." Chen San stood up straight and thanked Lin Ge. This was the second time she met Lin Ge, but obviously she didn't know that Lin Ge already knew her identity.

After Liu Qiren and the police team left with Madman and Chen San, Lin Ge did not leave. Instead, he walked straight to the baby's room, opened the door, leaned against the door, raised his hand and knocked lightly on the door.

"Everyone is gone, come down."

At this time, with a small sound, Chen Qi jumped down from the ceiling, smiled at Lin Ge and said, "Hey, how did you know I'm here? Could it be that this is telepathy?"

"If you think this level of teasing can make me run out with a blushing face, then you are obviously looking for the wrong person. The fat guy in the security room opposite is more suitable for you." Lin Ge said lightly.

Chen Qi pursed his lips in dissatisfaction: "It's not interesting at all."

"If I am interested in you, then there is a high probability that you will see a horror that you will never forget. Without talking nonsense, tell me, why are you here?" Lin Ge asked.

Chen Qi smiled flatteringly: "I said I was you believe it?"

"Do not believe."

"Then what else is there to say."

"Let me guess...are you planning to steal a baby from here to report to the director, or are you planning to steal a baby to lure out the baby-stealing criminal?" Lin Ge asked.

Chen Qi snapped his fingers and said, "Sure enough, you still understand me. How about it? Are you interested in cooperating?"

"Have you ever thought about what you would do if the baby you took out was robbed by infant theft criminals, or was injured, or even died?" Lin Ge asked rhetorically.

Chen Qi said confidently: "Me? A female head catcher who can overturn a car? Who do you look down on..."

Before she could say the word "what", Chen Qi found that Lin Ge had disappeared from her eyes. The next second, a cold bronze dagger was held against her neck from behind.

Chen Qi smiled awkwardly: "Well... after all, people as skilled as you are not that common... right?"

Lin Ge put away the dagger, walked up to Chen Qi and said, "I agree with you taking a baby away."

"Really?" Chen Qi's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Lin Ge took out a yellow talisman and said: "However, it must be designated by me, and you need to cooperate with my actions. Don't worry, no matter whether the action is successful or not, I will give you five hundred thousand."


[Affected by the "charm value", the favorability of the plot mission "Chen Qi" increases. Chen Qi's favorability is full, triggering the hidden plot - "Female Head Catcher". Together with Chen Qi, defeat Eunuch Chen and get rid of Chen Qi's heart magic. 】


No matter which era, no matter whether the target is a man or a woman, the most effective "charm" is only one word——


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