Although Lin Ge's specially made soul paper man is much more powerful than the Heavenly Master's evil-suppressing talisman, after all, the soul it controls cannot perform many spells and consumes a lot of money.

Even if he wanted to fully test Eunuch Chen's strength, he could not use the borrowing method, thunder method, Yin Wu Lei and other means at this time, and he had no means to counter Eunuch Chen's palm power.

Lin Ge could only use the most primitive means, using the most basic Taoist technique "blood seal" to resist. The soul paper man is a talisman drawn with his blood, so it is not difficult to sacrifice even a drop of blood.

When the paper man was being sucked back by Eunuch Chen's palm, Lin Ge had already controlled the paper man to complete the pinching technique in the air.

Then, a small drop of dark red blood flew out from the paper man's eyebrows, and the "sacrificial" blood shot toward Eunuch Chen's eyebrows like a bullet.

Eunuch Chen was very cautious and gave up attacking Lin Ge with his palms. Instead, he raised his hands and turned them outwards at the same time. There seemed to be an invisible barrier in the air, blocking the bullet-like drop of blood.


Lin Ge felt a little strange. If Mr. Chen was using internal energy, there must be "qi" there. There was no reason why he couldn't feel it based on his perception.

At this time, Lin Ge suddenly remembered that Luo Youwei mentioned that as the big boss of the show, Eunuch Chen was not only extremely skilled in martial arts, but also had special powers!

"Hey, it's not martial arts to do it for a long time!" Lin Ge sighed in his heart.

After all, if Mr. Chen used martial arts and released his inner energy, then his spiritual energy would be superior and it would be easier to deal with him.

Special functions are classified into the "mental system", which is essentially a manifestation of mental control.

If Lin Ge himself were here, he would be able to suppress him with strength and easily break the situation. But unfortunately, at this time, it is just a paper soul, not even a clone.

Just when Lin Ge was thinking about how to break the situation, there seemed to be a slight sound of glass breaking, and when he looked at the air in front of Eunuch Chen, it cracked and fell like a broken mirror.

Click, click.

The blood bullet penetrated the mental barrier created by Eunuch Chen. When he was about to hit his face, Eunuch Chen reacted very quickly and quickly clasped his palms together and smacked the blood bullet!


A blood-red air wave exploded, and Eunuch Chen was thrown away by the huge explosion force.



ah? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Seeing this scene, Lin Ge felt a little complicated at this time.

This feeling is like watching the movie "The Five New Shaolin Patriarchs (Hong Xiguan)", when Mr. Chen made a grand appearance with a flying sword and BGM, but the next second he was stabbed into a hedgehog by the villain.

Since this reincarnation belongs to the elements of doomsday + martial arts, and belongs to the world of low martial arts, Lin Ge believes that no one can detect the paper man of his soul.

And when Eunuch Chen found the soul paper man from the baby's cloth bag, Lin Ge subconsciously thought that he had misjudged Eunuch Chen's strength. In fact, due to the change in the plot, this was a world of high martial arts.

However, the fact is that Lin Ge misjudged Eunuch Chen's strength, but it was an "overestimate".

What Eunuch Chen showed was not his martial prowess, but that he was not only good at martial arts, but also had special powers, capturing the existence of the soul paper man with his spiritual perception.

Eunuch Chen, who flew upside down, relied on his special powers to stabilize his figure in the air, hovering in the air with his hands slightly open, giving people a sense of oppression as he looked down on all living beings.

It's a pity that only Eunuch Chen's subordinates feel this way. At this time, his strength has plummeted in Lin Ge's heart.

"Oh, it's not as good as rain transforming the fields."

Lin Ge then controlled the soul paper man to attack Eunuch Chen in the air. As the battle between the two started in the air, Chen San and the guards could only worry about it below without being able to help at all.

Of course, Eunuch Chen had to use all his strength to deal with the soul paper man, and these guards were probably only a matter of one bloody bullet.

It's a pity that the blood for writing the yellow talisman is limited. Every drop is less, and Lin Ge doesn't dare to waste it too much.

At the same time, Lin Ge was also thinking that next time he used his own blood to draw the soul paper man, it would be better to soak it in a basin of blood. Anyway, with his current physique, he is not afraid of trouble.

The more Eunuch Chen fought, the more shocked he became. He mistakenly thought that the soul paper man in front of him was his "same kind", and he also mastered special powers and used the ability similar to "soul out of body".

Eunuch Chen has always been very confident in his own strength. If he hadn't been unable to withstand aircraft and cannons physically, he would have gone to the ground to unify the world.

In just one minute, Lin Ge and Eunuch Chen exchanged more than ten moves. On the surface, the soul paper man crushed Eunuch Chen, but in fact only Lin Ge knew that the blood of this talisman was almost exhausted by him.

In other words, the soul paper man can last up to one minute.

Eunuch Chen is no match at all, so he has to insist on his "powerful character". He can be injured, but his clothes and hairstyle cannot be messed up.

Especially the pair of white ram-horn-like decorations on his head. He was afraid that Lin Ge would knock them off his head, so he would rather take Lin Ge's blow than keep the "ram's horns".

"There's something wrong."

Lin Ge saw this and simply launched a fierce attack on Eunuch Chen's "horns", forcing him to jump all over the sky and fall to the ground.

But just when Lin Ge was about to blow Eunuch Chen out of the air, the soul paper man exhausted the power of his last drop of blood and turned into blood mist and disappeared.

Seeing the soul paper man disappear from his eyes, Eunuch Chen was inexplicably relieved. If the fight continued, he would abandon the underground base and run away.

Eunuch Chen calmly fell back to the high platform from the air. He stood on the edge of the platform and looked down at the guards and Chen San. He spoke calmly and in a sharp voice: "It seems...someone doesn't want us." The plan is successful, come on, bring your brothers, let’s get out of here.”

Chen San asked: "Father, are we... giving up the base we have prepared for so many years? Just because of an invisible enemy?"

Since Eunuch Chen was a paper soul locked by special powers, the eunuchs and eunuchs present, including Chen San, only saw Eunuch Chen flying around in the air.

Except for Chen San, who had some sense of autonomy, the rest of these people were brainwashed into emotionless puppets by Eunuch Chen's power, not to mention that no one dared to question his actions.

"Hmph. I am the only one who can deal with him. If it were you...if you met this invisible enemy, your head would have been chopped off long ago." Eunuch Chen said coldly.

Chen San didn't dare to say anything, so he quickly lowered his head and asked, "Father-in-law, where should we move to?"

Eunuch Chen glanced at Chen San and hummed: "Go and arrange... the doctor who made the invisibility cloak you monitored lives in a very secret place. If you can't find a suitable place, choose that place."

Chen San's invisibility cloak was made by the doctor. She was sent by Eunuch Chen to monitor the doctor very early. Once the doctor completed the invisibility cloak, she would kill the doctor and take away the invisibility cloak. Chen San also used his identity to secretly steal the invisibility cloak and use the power of the invisibility cloak to steal the baby.

However, as time went by, Chen San gradually regained his feelings and fell in love with the doctor. Now when I heard that Eunuch Chen was planning to become a doctor, my heart suddenly tightened.

"Father, although the doctor's residence is far away from the city, many of his fellow researchers and the police know where he lives. I'm worried that if we move to the doctor's residence, it will attract the attention of the police." Chen San said with a normal expression. .


Eunuch Chen raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "You are thinking the same thing, so I will do as you say and look for other places to transfer first, but you must be quick."


Lin Ge suddenly sat upright from the passenger seat. Liu Qiren, who was driving beside him, was startled and asked in surprise: "You woke up so soon?"

It only took more than half an hour for Lin Ge to go from controlling the soul paper man to monitor Chen San to fighting Eunuch Chen, which was not too long for a "rest".

"I suddenly thought of a question..." Lin Ge took this opportunity to talk to Liu Qiren about the case.

Liu Qiren was stunned for a moment: "Sir Lin is thinking about the case even in his sleep. He is worthy of being the captain of the investigation team at such a young age."

Lin Ge said: "I just think that when the police are under martial law throughout the city, the criminal can still appear again and again to steal the baby, and the time between committing the crimes is so short, I conclude that he should be hiding in the city."

"But our police have conducted a city-wide search and checked all available cameras several times, but we still can't find any clues." Liu Qiren sighed.

"I think we can search from two aspects... I have seen the drainage system below the city. When the city was flood-proof, the underground sewers were specially renovated. There were even many homeless people living in the sewers. But later the police stepped in Renovation and sealing of all entrances prevented strays from entering the sewers. But what if... the person who stole the baby was a gang and everyone hid in the sewers?"

"This is one. Second, criminals have the means of invisibility. I think this is also a breakthrough point. I wonder if Chief Liu has any friends who do research. I can find out more about this issue."

After listening to Lin Ge's story, Liu Qiren pondered for a while and felt that what Lin Ge said made sense: "Okay, when we get back to the police station, I will send a team of people to search the sewer system, and at the same time, I will have people contact people from the Ministry of Science and Technology to ask."

When Lin Ge and Liu Qiren arrived at the police station, the director himself and a team of police officers were waiting anxiously outside the gate. When they saw the two driving into the police station, they immediately stepped forward excitedly.

"You are finally here! Old Liu, Sir Lin!" The director originally gave people an unreliable feeling, but now it is more like Liu Qiren is his superior.

Lin Ge and Liu Qiren also talked about the director's situation on the way. It was said that he was able to sit in this position thanks to the support of Liu Qiren's old subordinates and the push from the director's father-in-law. Otherwise, given the director's character, it would be the end of him to be able to sit in the position of police chief.

However, Lin Ge likes to deal with such "high-level people" in the reincarnation world, because it is easier to control. As long as he gains the other party's trust, he can open the door to convenience.

The director had seen Lin Ge's methods in the hospital, so he pinned all his hopes of retrieving his son on Lin Ge. He would arrange whatever Lin Ge said.

Lin Ge first asked the director to send people to search the sewer system. Through "analysis", he narrowed the search scope to the vicinity of Eunuch Chen's base camp.

Just when Lin Ge "replaced" the director and began arranging police forces to conduct a blanket search, news came from the search team.


At this time, a police officer ran over and said anxiously: "There was news from the Southern District. On the way to assist the Southern District Hospital in transferring patients, they encountered a gang that robbed a payment vehicle. The other party hijacked those people. The patient hid in the 'Qingtian Chemical Industry' within our jurisdiction."

The director said impatiently: "They can just deal with the few thieves themselves. Tell them that I allow them to enter our jurisdiction to catch criminals."

"But... the other party is not a small gang, and is very well-equipped. Witnesses said that they seemed to have seen people in the same costume appear in previous incidents of stealing babies." The police officer added.

"What? Is it related to the criminal who stole the baby?" The director is most worried about his son now. He suddenly became nervous when he heard that he was related to the criminal who stole the baby.

"Old Liu, Sir Lin, do you think... should we take action?" When the Director has a question, he thinks of asking Liu Qiren and Lin Ge.

"Let's go." Liu Qiren was originally prepared to take care of this matter. After all, it was a crime that occurred in his jurisdiction, and he couldn't just sit idly by.

Lin Ge originally wanted to lead a team to the abandoned factory to kill Eunuch Chen in one go, but it was at least a few hours away from that factory, and "Qingtian Chemical" was on the way. Go to Qingtian Chemical Industry to deal with the gangsters first, and then rush there, which is considered "on the way."

"I'll go too!" Seeing Liu Qiren and Lin Ge leading the team out, the director was worried about his son's safety and followed them.

Several teams of police cars drove all the way to "Qingtian Chemical Industry". When they arrived at their destination, several police cars and explosion-proof vehicles were parked outside the place, but judging from the signs, they were police officers from the Southern District.

"Sir Liu."

Liu Qiren's name had long been heard in the police stations in the four districts. Seeing him personally leading a team to assist, the police officers in the Southern District also breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's going on now?" Liu Qiren asked.

A police sergeant said: "There are at least seven gangsters and they have taken more than a dozen hostages. Their firepower is very fierce, and the environment in Qingtian Chemical Industry is also very complicated. If we attack by force... I am afraid it will cause great damage to us."

Liu Qiren thought for a while and said, "Use smoke bombs to force them out."


Liu Qiren started to put on the body armor, and the director quickly came over: "Give me one. I was in a hurry and didn't have time to get the body armor."

Liu Qiren took out two body armor vests from the car, handed one to the director and the other to Lin Ge.

Lin Ge waved his hand and said, "I don't need it. This thing is probably not as tough as my skin."

"Sir Lin has practiced Qigong?" Liu Qiren asked in surprise.

"That's about it." Lin Ge nodded, thinking about whether to make a quick decision and fly in like Spider-Man and kill all the gangsters inside.

At this moment, the police officers had followed Liu Qiren's instructions and fired all the smoke grenades into the building, and soon the entire floor was filled with smoke.

"Get out!"

At this time, a strong man holding a machine gun escorted a woman in a doctor's uniform out of the building: "Stop throwing smoke bombs, or we will kill all the hostages immediately! Also, find us a helicopter, Otherwise we will kill a hostage every five minutes!"

Before he finished speaking, the gangster shot directly at the female doctor. After killing her, he ran back to the building laughing wildly.

Lin Ge was about to take action when suddenly the roar of a motorcycle rang out. A woman with a hot figure wearing sunglasses, a black headscarf, and leather shorts rode a motorcycle through the encirclement and landed in the open space in front.

The woman's hot appearance made the Director's eyes light up. He couldn't help but move closer to Liu Qiren and asked: "Hey, Old Liu, who is she?"

"Professional killer, Chen Qi." Liu Qiren replied.

The woman put her sunglasses on her head and said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, sir, don't talk about me like that. I only kill those damn bitches. Call me a female head catcher."

"Our police will not spend money to hire people like you." Liu Qiren emphasized.

Chen Qi put his hands on his hips and said disdainfully: "Spending money? Huh, Sir, I will suffer a little loss this time. It will be cheaper for you. It's free."

After saying that, Chen Qi took out a signal bomb, pulled out the shotgun on his motorcycle, and walked swaggering towards the Qingtian Chemical Building.

"Hey, Maggie Cheung." Lin Ge suddenly called out to Chen Qi.

Chen Qi turned around and looked at him doubtfully: "Hey, handsome guy, what do you call me? I remember your colleague said my name. My name is Chen Qi. You can also call me the female head catcher, or 'Darling'... Don’t call me wrong next time.”

Chen Qi kicked over the empty oil drum on the side, then rode up, threw the signal bomb in his hand into the oil drum, and put the shotgun on his shoulder.


After the signal bomb exploded, the impact caused the oil barrel to fly up, and Chen Qi also used the force to fly up the building.


Chen Qi saw the right moment and jumped off the oil drum. He stood on the balcony and made a cool pose. He looked back at the police below and said, "Hey, you can get off work."

"I's better to leave this matter to us." At this time, Lin Ge's voice sounded from the side.

Chen Qi was really startled and said in surprise: "Wow! You can teleport?"

Lin Ge smiled lightly and said, "I can't teleport, but I can fly."

[Affected by your charm value, the favorability of the plot character "Chen Qi" has increased significantly. 】

? (End of chapter)

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