Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 376 The Great China cannot live without an emperor

Under Liu Qiren's arrangement, the hospital was closely monitored by the police.

Police cars and explosion-proof vehicles surrounded the hospital and were on guard duty 24 hours a day.

However, even so, Liu Qiren was still worried. After all, the "invisible man" who randomly entered and exited the police station that morning really shocked him.

Just when Liu Qiren followed the hospital director into the hospital to investigate, Lin Ge also followed the scent of the paper man to the hospital.

The hospital in the apocalypse was similar to what he imagined. It was more like a shelter than a hospital.

Due to lack of resources, hospitals have become exclusive to the upper class, but even so, they are still overcrowded.

Due to Lin Gejing's status as an investigator, some police officers at the police station had seen him, so they entered the hospital without any hindrance. As a result, they met Liu Qiren in the lobby who was discussing with the person in charge.

"Sir Lin?" Liu Qiren was very surprised to see Lin Ge appear here.

Lin Ge walked over directly: "Officer Liu."

"Why are you here?" Liu Qiren asked curiously.

Lin Ge replied: "When I was investigating the water quality, I found some clues that may be helpful to you in solving the case."

"Really? Just wait for me first..."

As he spoke, Liu Qiren turned to look at the person in charge of the hospital beside him and said, "I understand what you mean. Although the traffic accident in the Southern District is very serious, the hospital in the Southern District is responsible for it. Now we have strictly controlled this place. , if they are asked to transfer a large number of injured people, it may affect the operation. Besides, the Southern District is not in a medical emergency, right? "

"Having said that, but... after all, it is the junction of the South District and the West District." The person in charge said.

Liu Qiren said solemnly: "I don't care how you arrange this matter. Anyway, it won't work tonight. We can't deny admission to ordinary patients just because the South District receives a few important people."


Liu Qiren ignored the person in charge and guided Lin Ge towards the hospital: "Sir Lin, what clues did you say you found just now?"

Lin Ge said: "I saw the recent disappearance of eighteen babies from the recent news papers, and learned that this is the major case you have recently investigated. And I went to an old community to investigate through the water quality report. I found a goddess, and she mentioned that someone had come to her with the birth dates of these eighteen babies, and calculated that these eighteen babies were all 'the emperor's destiny'."

"Emperor's destiny?" Liu Qiren frowned. Although this sounds like the "connection point" of eighteen babies, let alone the emperor, even the world is about to be destroyed. What else can he do even if he has the emperor's destiny?

Lin Ge nodded and said: "Yes, so I suspect that someone may want to take advantage of the apocalypse to carry out restoration. After all, the people in the apocalypse are anxious and restless. If someone gives them resources and faith, they might really succeed. Don't forget , the change of dynasties in history really means that the people 'cannot survive', so there is nothing wrong with saying it is the end of the world."

Lin Ge's guess was bolder than Liu Qiren's initial inference. It sounded "ridiculous", but if you think about it carefully, it was not impossible.

"If this is the case, then the other party's group must have a certain scale to make it possible, otherwise just a few babies would not be able to make a big splash." Liu Qiren said.

Lin Ge said: "It is speculated that the other party's intention is only one, but after finding the common points of the babies, we can respond to it, such as protecting the babies with the emperor's destiny."

"good idea!"

The two were discussing the issue of the emperor's destined baby when they suddenly heard a woman screaming and calling for help from upstairs.

"No, it's the director's wife!" Liu Qiren's expression changed and he rushed towards the stairs.

Hearing the screams, police officers on alert upstairs and downstairs also took action.

When a large group of people rushed to the nursery, they happened to see the director's wife helplessly beating the French window of the nursery while crying loudly.

"Let go of my child, let go of my child!"

Lin Ge and Liu Qiren rushed to the floor-to-ceiling window and saw two babies flying in the sky toward the window in the baby room.

It looks like it is "floating", but it is actually being carried by an invisible person.

"Officer Liu, the door is locked!" A police officer wanted to open the door of the baby room, but found that the door was locked, and something seemed to be blocking the door.

"Let me do it." Lin Ge walked to the door lock, grabbed the door handle and turned it hard.

Even the reinforced door lock had no resistance against Lin Ge's 12 times the strength of an ordinary person and was easily broken.

At this time, the window of the baby room was opened, and the two "floating" babies were thrown out of the window.

"Not good!" Liu Qiren immediately turned around and rushed downstairs.

Lin Ge rushed directly to the window. Although the invisibility cloak could not be captured by the naked eye or perception, he could still feel the subtle surge of air when the other party moved.

Seeing that Lin Ge wanted to chase the baby out of the window, the invisible man launched an offensive first and punched Lin Ge directly in the face.

The invisible fist was blocked by an invisible barrier less than thirty centimeters away from Lin Ge's face.

In case of danger, the "Dragon Horn Ring" automatically activates the effect of the Dragon God's protection.

Lin Ge took a look and saw that this punch only consumed less than 10 points of spiritual energy from the Dragon Horn Ring, so he could judge that the opponent's power would not exceed 100.

The invisible man obviously didn't expect Lin Ge to have such extraordinary means. In a blink of an eye, Lin Ge had already judged the invisible man's position through the air ripples emanating from the aura barrier of the dragon horn ring. Electricity flashed from his fist, and he directly He greeted him with a "Lightning Thunder Fist" punch.


With 12 times the strength of an ordinary person, plus the effect of the Lightning Thunder Fist, the invisible man was also a master. He punched the lower ribs with a punch, and with a muffled groan, the whole person flew backwards.

With a "bang", it crashed through the wall of the nursery and flew straight out, towards the street.

The main mission of the new people in this reincarnation is to "rescue 21 babies", and these two are obviously included. Lin Ge chased out from the gap broken by the invisible man. Although he reacted quickly, he was still delayed for a long time by the invisible man and was unable to catch the falling baby.

After all, the world of reincarnation will not have the outrageous plot in the movie where the invisible man throws the baby out of the window, and Liu Qiren rushes to the street to watch the baby fall.

Just as Lin Ge chased out from the gap, he happened to see a female flying warrior not far away wearing black clothes and a black cape, which only covered the upper half of her face. She was flying towards him using light skills on wires.

The female flying hero is still some distance away from the baby. No matter how good her qinggonggong is, it is impossible to fly over and catch the baby.

At this critical moment, the female flying hero threw two darts, accurately nailing a corner of the sheet wrapping the baby to the wall.

Then, the female pilot stepped on the wire and stopped. For a time, the people and police gathered on the street felt at ease because of the appearance of the female pilot.

At this moment, the female pilot suddenly noticed black footprints on the wall. Looking at the mud left on the street from the heavy rain a few days ago, she suddenly realized that there was an "invisible person" heading towards the wall. The baby rushed away.

I saw the female flying hero flying two darts again, one of which hit the invisible man and opened a wound.

Lin Ge couldn't see the footprints on the wall because of the angle of view, but when he saw the female flying figure searching for enemies in the void, she suddenly realized that the invisible man wanted to catch the baby.

He jumped up and used Ladder Cloud to fall down, grabbing the two babies first.

Although too much intervention in the plot means missing out on the final double settlement, two reincarnations of the leader also made Lin Ge realize that instead of being tied down by the "double reward", it is better to give up the double reward and let go. Solve the battle quickly with your hands.

After all, the rewards of the leader mode are not even as good as a formal side mission of reincarnation, not to mention that his main purpose of participating in the leader mode is only the origin and the head count of the "ticket mission".

Lin Ge grabbed the baby one step ahead of the invisible man. The invisible man endured the pain and tried to sneak attack Lin Ge again, but was blocked again by the "Dragon Horn Ring".

"You can't even break through the defense. Don't you have any strength to overcome it?" Lin Ge snorted coldly.

The invisible man knew that he was no match for Lin Ge, so he used Qing Kung Fu to step on the wall and rush towards the opposite building.

It was not difficult for Lin Ge to catch her. The immobilization spell, the talisman, and the Yin Five Thunder Domain could all keep the invisible person.

But on the one hand, it completely disrupts the "recognition" plot of the female flying hero and the female snitch. On the other hand, it will also reveal the strange ability in front of the public.

When the time comes to arouse the fear of the government, don't let the reincarnation end by saving 21 babies and killing Eunuch Chen develop to the point where you need to face the whole world.

Lin Ge used Ladder Cloud to fly back to the ground, and handed the baby in his arms to the two women who were chasing him from the hospital. The director also ran over excitedly, thanking him while checking on the baby's condition.

"Sir Lin, your skills are really amazing." Liu Qiren stepped forward and couldn't help but admire him.

"So-so." Lin Ge really wanted to say that Qinggong is still a little lacking compared to your wife. After all, there is no way to stand on the wire and cosplay Little Dragon Girl.

The director on the side said excitedly: "Mr. Lin, you are so humble. With your skills, you must be gold-plated when you are sent here. You will definitely be promoted when you go back."

"I accept your good advice." Lin Ge said.

At this time, the female flying hero flew to the wall, pulled out the bloody dart nailed to the wall, landed in front of Lin Ge and the others, and handed the dart to Liu Qiren.

"There is the prisoner's blood on it. You can take it back for testing. You might be able to find clues."

Liu Qiren took the dart and nodded: "Okay, thank you for your help this time."

"You're welcome."

After that, the female pilot jumped up to the roof and disappeared into the darkness.

Lin Ge looked at Liu Qiren, and suddenly there were countless things in his heart that he wanted to vomit. Brother, this is the woman sleeping next to your pillow. You can't recognize her even if she wears a shabby mask. Did you know that she has been married for ten years and knows everything about her?

What left Lin Ge speechless the most was that after Liu Qiren handed the dart to his men to take back for testing and evacuated the people, he ran to the phone booth to call his wife and told her that he would be back later to investigate the case today.

...Suddenly I understand why both humans and ghosts can dress up as men in movies.

Lin Ge worked with Liu Qiren and the police until early in the morning. After finally solving the problem at the hospital, he drove back to the villa to rest.

Although the background of this reincarnation is the end of the world, the reincarnators all stayed in the villa, and other than eating and drinking, they didn't feel much difference.

The two idols even had the illusion that "reincarnation is that simple", and they had obviously forgotten the incident of almost being reincarnated as playthings in the beginning.

While Luo Youwei and others were chatting in the living room, Lin Ge went back to the room to ask Chen Qing and other rookies about their daily routine.

He Wuqing and Zhao Qian went out several times on the way. Luo Youwei and the two women stayed at home obediently. Although the two idols also stayed in the villa obediently, they spent most of the time complaining. Qing couldn't wait to "show up" and perform a head-dressing show for them.

Lin Ge had previously used the soul paper man to place the development charms around the villa. Now he found through the Ma's development technique that He Wuqing and Zhao Qian were out to "explore the terrain and collect intelligence." Judging from Zhao Qian's skills, even martial arts Still on top of He Wuqing who has been practicing martial arts since childhood.

Chen Qing on the side couldn't help but sigh when she saw this: "If you don't learn some kung fu these days, you won't be able to do hip-hop, right?"

"Now you can also perform magic tricks in programs such as talent shows, and you are guaranteed to win the championship." Lin Ge said casually.

Chen Qing's eyes lit up when she heard this. It seemed like this was a good method.

Seeing that Chen Qing was really excited, Lin Ge couldn't help complaining: "I used to think that practicing Taoism was just to avoid buying lighters, which is the limit of my thinking. I didn't expect that you are really planning to practice magic and perform magic, right?"

"Many skills..."

"Haha, with the female ghost's head-picking technique, there are many places where you can find a job."

"That makes sense."

"Don't worry, there's probably nothing to do today. I'll keep an eye on you. You can go back to the astrolabe and rest, and come back tomorrow to 'take over'."

"Sigh... Being a nanny is really troublesome. Hehe, brother, did you feel the same way when you saw us in "The Grudge"?" Chen Qing came closer and asked.

Lin Ge raised his index finger and poked Chen Qing between the eyebrows to push her away: "Yes, you are the most troublesome."

"Hey, it's hard to find a tool person in the workshop like me, who is as beautiful as a flower and loved by everyone." Chen Qing wrinkled her nose and turned into white smoke and flew back to the astrolabe.

But obviously things didn't go as Lin Ge expected. Liu Qiren received a call from the director late at night, saying something happened again at the hospital.

The female snitch came back and took away the director's son.

The director asked Liu Qiren to call Lin Ge and rush back to the hospital. Apparently Lin Ge's skills were recognized by him. If he couldn't find a female flying hero, he could just find a male flying hero.

However, Lin Ge knew before Liu Qiren that the female snitch had retaliate, because when he left the hospital, he was careful and left a soul paper figurine on the body of the director's son.

It doesn't take much spiritual energy to maintain a soul paper man, but it can take the opportunity to find the "nest" of the female snitch after she takes the baby away.

Lin Ge took advantage of Liu Qiren to drive him to the police station, and on the pretext of "taking a rest", he closed his eyes and kneaded the magic to awaken the soul paper man in the baby.

This soul paper man is a talisman written with Lin Ge's blood. The effectiveness of the blood of the Xiaocheng Jiu Yuke makes the talisman much stronger than the Tianshi Suppression Talisman. Therefore, even within a hundred miles, Lin Ge can clearly understand Sensing the location of the talisman, pinch the talisman to drive it.

After the soul paper man woke up on the baby, Lin Ge found that the baby was lying on the passenger seat of a convertible, and the female snitch who was driving the car had taken off her invisibility cloak and drove the car into an abandoned factory in the suburbs. .

Arriving at the depths of the factory, the female snitch stepped on the manhole cover and jumped down. She went down to the deepest part and opened a pipe in the corner.

This secret passage leads to an open space in the depths. A huge underground cave is filled with boulders several people tall. Above each boulder, there are also sculptures such as stone lions.

The female snitch carried the baby and walked towards the depths. At this time, a figure jumped out from above one of the sculptures. It turned out to be a man wearing a guard-like uniform and holding a drop of blood.

The man attacked the female snitch, but he was obviously no match for her. In just a few moves, one of his fingers was cut off by the female snitch's nine-section whip.

"If you like fighting so much, next time I'll cut off your head and guard the door. Get out of here." The female snitch snorted coldly.

The man was a child that Eunuch Chen had sent his men to kidnap over the years, and was deliberately trained to be an emotionless killing machine for him to drive.

This man's name is Chen Jiu, and he is warlike by nature, so every time the female snitch comes back, he will make a sneak attack and take the opportunity to fight with her.

But the female snitch was already very angry because she was seriously injured by Lin Ge. When Chen Jiu came to her door, she suddenly lost a finger in vain.

The female snitch ignored Chen Jiu and carried the baby to the bottom of a slope in the depths. On the platform above, a middle-aged man and woman wearing white father-in-law clothes lay enchantingly on it.

The guard standing guard in front of the stairs took the baby from the female snitch, lowered his head, slowly walked up to the stage, and presented the baby's hands to his father-in-law.

"Father-in-law, I have brought back the boy you want." The female snitch said respectfully, kneeling with her head lowered at the bottom of the steps.

"Ah San, your heartbeat is too fast." Eunuch Chen said without raising his head. He spoke very slowly, and his voice had the unique sharpness of an eunuch, which made people feel inexplicably oppressed. feel.

The female snitch, Chen San, immediately said: "I didn't."

"You don't need to have memories, let alone feelings."

"I don't."

"It's best this way. On the next auspicious day, I will choose one of them to be the emperor. The Great Heaven cannot live without an emperor." Eunuch Chen said word by word.

As soon as he said these words, the guards and eunuchs below seemed like emotionless dolls, repeating his words, "The great empire cannot live without an emperor."

At this time, the guard had already come to Eunuch Chen with the baby in his arms. Eunuch Chen raised his hand and waved gently: "Take the 19th elder brother down to rest with the other royal elder brothers."

"Yes, father-in-law." The guard held the baby respectfully and was about to leave, but was stopped by Chenggong again.


Eunuch Chen frowned slightly, and in the next second he was flying into the air. Then he reached out and grabbed the baby: "Ah San, it seems that you brought back more than just Brother Nineteen."

The baby flew into Eunuch Chen's arms, and the soul paper man hiding in the cloth met his eyes. Lin Ge was surprised to find that Eunuch Chen seemed to be able to see him!

Eunuch Chen grabbed the soul paper man. Lin Ge reacted very quickly and immediately controlled the soul paper man to fly out of the cloth bag. But before he flew two meters away, he felt a strong suction force pulling him back. .

You must know that this is a talisman drawn with Lin Ge's blood. Even ordinary ghosts and paper soul souls can "beat ten", but now they are sucked back by Eunuch Chen with the power of his palm!

Are you telling me this is a world of low martial arts?

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