Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 375 Lin Ge: She and I will have two children in the future?

Chen Qing stayed in the villa to watch the new couple, and Lin Ge followed Liu Qiren to the police station.

After the director ordered the recent water quality report to be compiled and handed over to Lin Ge, he convened a meeting with the chief sergeants of the police station.

Lin Ge sat in Liu Qiren's office and pretended to read the water quality report. He placed his hand under the table and avoided the surveillance camera, took out a paper figurine, lit it, and summoned the soul paper figurine to the conference room.

In the simple conference room, there were six people sitting in front of the conference table. At this time, they all looked tired and helpless. It was obvious that this case was very difficult.

Liu Qiren stood in front of the small blackboard and reviewed the case. The first director felt sleepy after listening to it, but due to his identity, he couldn't show it clearly, so he could only lower his head and pretend to record.

"As of today, 18 babies have disappeared in the past two months. Judging from the method of committing the crime, it is the same person. So far, the families of all missing babies have not received any blackmail letters..."

Hearing this, the director raised his head and pretended to click on his notebook with a pen and said: "No political or terrorist organization has admitted that they did it."

"Director, you see this case is so mysterious, do you think we should contact the female pilot?" At this time, the young police chief sitting next to the director asked.

The director was about to answer, but Liu Qiren on the side said first: "Although there have been many times when the female flying hero has taken the initiative to help us, we don't even know who she is, and there is no way to contact her... due to the disappearance Judging from the fact that all of them are male babies, I believe they don’t have any blackmail demands..."

Just when everyone's attention was on Liu Qiren, the police sergeant sitting on the director's right was about to pick up the Coke on the table and take a sip. Suddenly, the Coke can twisted out of thin air, as if there was an invisible hand holding the Coke. The can was squeezed slowly and hard, and the police sergeant was stunned and speechless, staring at the table in shock.

The director on the side was still feeling proud of his wonderful speech just now. He picked up the cigarette and took a puff. He noticed the expression of the police chief and was puzzled when he saw that the pen on his desk started to move on its own and stood upright on the notebook. Write a line of words slowly——

"The next one will be your son..."

The director looked at himself appearing out of thin air on the notebook, raised his trembling hands and wanted to call Liu Qiren, but he was so frightened that he even stammered in his words. He couldn't "feed" a complete sentence for a long time.

"...I think it may have something to do with religion." Liu Qiren was still talking to himself when suddenly there was a loud "bang" and the small blackboard exploded into two pieces.

Then the door of the conference room slowly opened and closed again with a bang.

Everyone was stunned. Liu Qiren was the first to react and chased him out the door. Lin Ge from the office next door went out with him at the same time.

Lin Ge also saw this scene through the paper man. Since he didn't know the plot, he didn't know that it was a female snitch wearing an invisibility cloak.

Since the other party was a human being and the invisibility cloak was a piece of technological equipment, Lin Ge's mental perception and his sense of smell for ghosts were unable to capture the other party.

"What happened?" Lin Ge went out and happened to run into Liu Qiren chasing him.

Liu Qiren didn't say much and chased directly into the lobby. The police officers in the surrounding office area all knew that the director was a fool, and Liu Qiren was the most reliable person in the police station. Seeing how nervous he was, they immediately chased after him.

Liu Qiren stopped the guard at the door and asked, "Did you see anyone rushing out of the conference room?"

"No," the guard replied.

Liu Qiren frowned, feeling something was wrong, and ran back to the conference room like a gust of wind. I saw the director sitting in his seat, holding up the notebook with trembling hands.

Liu Qiren's expression changed drastically when he saw this. Everyone in the police station knew that the director's wife was about to give birth, but the other party actually targeted the director. This was a blatant provocation to the police.

"Director, I think we must go to your wife's hospital immediately to deploy manpower!" Liu Qiren said.

The director nodded tremblingly: "Go, go quickly, everyone, go and transfer all the people from the police district. Old Liu, you must keep my child!"

Liu Qiren: ...Why does it sound like I have become a doctor who delivers babies?

When Liu Qiren led the team out of the conference room, Lin Ge was standing at the door. He said to Lin Ge: "Sir Lin, we have an important case to handle. If you have other questions about water quality investigation, please let the department Someone from the Archives Department will assist you.”

"Okay, thank you." Lin Ge was still thinking about the female snitch. When the other party entered the conference room, his soul paper man was also in the conference room.

But the soul paper man didn't see anything. It can be seen that the level of this invisibility cloak is not low, at least higher than Chen Qing's camouflage uniform.

"Tsk, tsk, it looks like this is the cyber martial arts world?" Lin Ge was wondering whether to find a reason to follow Liu Qiren to the hospital, or to follow him secretly, when he received a transmission note from Chen Qing.

Lin Ge thought something was wrong with the newcomer, but when he opened it, he heard Chen Qing say: "Brother, Dongdong left home, saying she was going to buy daily necessities, but I found the female pilot's mask and equipment in her bag. I placed a soul-chasing charm on her, please pay attention."

I have to say that Chen Qing, the "eye liner", is very conscientious. Considering that "The Three Heroes" is a movie with a female protagonist, and the female flying hero Dongdong is the main character, she immediately reported the other party as soon as there was any action.

Lin Ge used the soul-chasing technique and found that the soul-chasing talisman under Chen Qing had left the villa and was heading towards the city.

Considering that Dongdong was the protagonist, Lin Ge decided to follow Dongdong's line first. Before Liu Qiren left, he took the opportunity to fold a piece of paper while talking to him on the pretext that he didn't know where the archives department was. The lucky star paper figure was secretly put into Liu Qiren's windbreaker bag.

An hour later, Lin Ge chased the location of the Soul Chasing Talisman and came to an old neighborhood that looked like the Kowloon Walled City. Looking at the dilapidated Tongzi Tower, I have the illusion of returning to "Zombie" and "Hong Kong Strange Records".

Lin Ge captured the location of the Soul Chasing Talisman and hid in an alley. After a while, Dongdong, wearing a brown windbreaker and carrying a black women's bag, walked in from the entrance of the alley and entered the store not far away. An old building.

Since Dongdong is a female flying hero, her strength is still unknown. For safety reasons, Lin Ge did not follow directly, but sent out soul paper figures to track her.

The soul paper man cannot be exposed to the sun, so he can only walk all the way from a dark corner. I thought it would take some time to find it, but I didn't expect Dongdong and a middle-aged woman wearing sunglasses and a floral headscarf to sit directly there. talking on the balcony.

It can be seen from the "divination and fortune telling" sign on the balcony that the middle-aged woman sitting opposite Dongdong should be a "goddess".

Dongdong looked up at the children blowing bubbles on the opposite balcony, while the goddess took out a few copper plates and turtle shells and began to divine.

Lin Ge controlled the soul paper man to go to the balcony, only to see the goddess shaking the turtle shell like a sieve. The way she shook her head almost made Lin Ge laugh.

The goddess poured the copper plate from the turtle shell into the earthen bowl in front of her, stretched out her hand to touch it, frowned and said: "Miss, the birth dates of these eighteen boys you gave me..."

"Is it related?" Dongdong asked anxiously.

Not long after the baby theft incident occurred, Dongdong secretly launched an investigation as a female flying hero, but now the number of missing people has increased to 18, and she still has no clue.

So I found this goddess through the introduction of a friend, hoping to find some clues from a metaphysical perspective.

"It's strange, they all have Ziwei entering the palace, and they all have orders from the emperor!" The goddess said with a surprised look on her face.

"Emperor? Who would arrest so many children who were killed by the emperor?" Dongdong said in confusion.

At this moment, the little girl standing on a stool and blowing bubbles by the balcony across the building lost her center of gravity and fell directly from the balcony.


"younger sister!"

The little girl's brother shouted anxiously.

I saw Dongdong stand up and fly out from the balcony, catch the little girl in the air, make a gorgeous turn, grab the clothes drying on the balcony and throw it, and by the way, he also caught the kitten that fell with the little girl. Live, then spin and land like a heroine.



The children playing on the surrounding balconies happened to see this scene and immediately applauded and sighed.

Dongdong quickly made a silence gesture to them. After putting the little girl down, he got up and ran back to the balcony on the third floor. He sat opposite the goddess who was still chattering about something called "Ziwei enters the palace, assists on the left and dies on the right." .

Lin Ge, who was hiding in the dark, happened to see this scene, and judged from Dongdong's hand that her Qinggong was still higher than Lin Ge's C-level ladder Yunzong.

"...So, the overall strength should be B." Lin Ge thought.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded from behind: "Who said that? I think there is at least an a."

"Fairy, have you ever heard the saying that it scares people to death?" Lin Ge sighed helplessly. Huang Ni was the only one who could enter and leave the astrolabe at will without being discovered by him.

Huang Ni smiled and said: "I've never heard of it, not to mention that I am an immortal, not a human being."


It made sense, and for a while Lin Ge couldn't find anything to refute.

"By the way, didn't your sister say that you had reached the most critical moment of sword-making and couldn't be distracted for a moment, and she told me not to disturb you, so why did you run out?" Lin Ge asked.

Huang Ni said: "You have to take a breath even if you hang yourself. There is no rush to make a sword... Oh, by the way, I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Lin Ge's eyes trembled when he heard this, and he said solemnly: "You can say that it is bad news... I guess the sand content is a bit high, I will wait for the good news first."

"The sword box I envision contains seven fairy swords. When scattered, the effects are different. When gathered, the power can destroy the world. The power of the seven swords combined into one can be regarded as a nuclear bomb thrown casually." Huang Ni said seriously.

Lin Ge joked: "It seems that since "The Cabin in the Woods", you have a lot of resentment against the nuclear bomb. You even compare it to the nuclear bomb when making swords."

"Just kidding, our fantasy side can't be weaker than our technology side, right?"

"Okay, what about the bad news?"


"Speak directly if you have anything to say. I feel like I can hold on."

"When I was making the sword... because I took into account my sister and I's sword-wielding habits and cultivation... I forgot... to consider your situation," Huang Ni said.

"Hahahaha!" Before Lin Ge could react, Huang Shang's laughter came from the astrolabe: "In the name of making weapons for me, are you being tricked?"

Lin Ge's face turned like a bitter gourd: "So, the sword box has been built, but only the ability of the Corpse Disciple Immortal can be used?"

"...That's not the case. You are about to enter the Dacheng Realm now. It is no problem to use the seven swords in the sword box separately. You can drive two at the same time at most... It may be a bit difficult, but it should be able to be used. Yes. If you want to combine the seven swords into one, you will probably have to turn your corpse into an immortal." Huang Ni said with an embarrassed smile.

After all, Lin Ge spent all his belongings to make a sword for her. Whether it can sweep through the infinite depends on her performance. She indeed made it with the intention of letting Lin Ge sweep...

It's this aspect of spiritual energy consumption that is somewhat lacking in consideration.

"That's not too bad news." Lin Ge thought as long as it works.

Huang Ni added in a low voice: "With your current strength, the single-hand sword can be driven for almost... probably... maybe... maybe three seconds."

? ? ?

Are you kidding me?

Three seconds is an insult to a man, not to mention the sword!

Seeing that Lin Ge was about to go crazy, Huang Ni quickly reminded: "Hey, don't get excited, the woman you are following seems to be leaving."

"Huh." Lin Ge suppressed his complaints and walked out of the alley after Dongdong left the alley and walked towards the old building where the goddess lived.

Huang Ni followed up and asked, "Hey, why don't you continue to follow?"

"The main plot of the movie "The Three Heroes of the East" is that Eunuch Chen kidnapped babies in order to cultivate the emperor. The goddess can see at a glance that these people are the emperor's destiny, and given that analysis, there should be something. Maybe there is something in her. If you can find other clues, I'll try my luck. As for the heroine, Chen Qing placed a soul-chasing talisman on her, so she won't be lost," Lin Ge replied.

"All right."

"You won't go back yet?"

"I'm out of here, let's take a breather, maybe I'll be inspired and I'll know how to improve the problem of spiritual energy consumption."

"Then you better come up with something."

Huang Ni raised her eyebrows: "What else?"

"Otherwise there's nothing I can do against you."


Lin Ge and Huang Ni walked to the shop opened by the goddess on the third floor. After knocking on the door, the middle-aged woman wearing sunglasses opened a small window in the door and asked, "Fortune telling or divination?"

"Hello, we are investigators from the West Police Station. We have something to ask you. Oh, for a fee." Lin Ge added.

As soon as she heard "payment", the goddess immediately opened the door with a smile. Only then did Lin Ge notice that the goddess was really "blind."

The two eyeballs seemed to have been knocked out, and the eyes were scabbed, which looked a bit scary, so I kept wearing sunglasses to cover them.

The goddess invited Lin Ge to sit on the balcony and asked with a smile: "Sir, what do you want to ask?"

Lin Ge recalled the fortune-telling paper that the soul-controlling paper man had brought from Dongdong, and after secretly seeing the birth dates of the eighteen missing babies, he reported them one by one.

"Huh? It's them again?" the goddess said in surprise.

Lin Ge asked curiously: "You know these children."

"Well, not long ago, a lady came to me with these eighteen birth dates and asked me what kind of people would kidnap these children who have the destiny of the emperor." The goddess said what she and Dongdong said when telling fortunes. He told Lin Ge exactly what he said.

After listening to this, Lin Ge pretended to be puzzled and repeated: "Yes, who would kidnap eighteen babies with the emperor's life in one go?"

"Who knows, there may be someone who wants to take advantage of Ziweixing's auspiciousness and live a better life. After all, not everyone has the same good fortune as you, sir," the goddess said.

Huang Ni on the side heard Lin Ge's career as a reincarnator and couldn't help laughing: "Goddess, are you right? He also has a good fortune?"

The goddess said seriously: "Of course, Mr. Yushu Linfeng has a beautiful face and beautiful eyes. He will definitely gain fame and wealth before he reaches thirty. If this was placed in ancient times, it would also be the emperor's order."

"Wait a minute, Goddess, aren't you blind?" Lin Ge asked in surprise.

The goddess said matter-of-factly: "I can count."


That makes sense.

Huang Ni smiled and said: "Listen to what you said, the emperor's life seems to be everywhere. There were eighteen babies before, and now he is there. It feels worthless at all."

The goddess explained: "There are three types of emperor's destiny. One is the destiny of the emperor when Ziwei enters the palace, and the other is the destiny of the main killer. Mr. belongs to the latter, and is the ancestor emperor who opened up the territory with his own strength. And the third , which is weaker than the first two, is the emperor's destiny as the 'successor'."

Then he counted with his fingers and continued: "Just like you, young lady, if you were born in ancient times, you must be the daughter of a noble family, and usually be betrothed to an emperor like your husband. And I calculate that in the future you will have a son. A daughter, a son is a prince, and a daughter is a princess.”

As soon as the goddess said these words, not only Lin Ge was stunned, but Huang Ni was also stunned. She obviously didn't expect the teasing to come to her.

Lin Ge said awkwardly: "Goddess, you're just talking nonsense, don't talk too much. Let me tell you, her sister has a sister-obsessed habit and is very vicious. If you talk nonsense, be careful when she comes out and chops the stars with her sword."

Huang Ni obviously took the goddess's words to heart, and said casually: "As an 'emperor', he only has one son and one daughter, so his population is really small."

The goddess smiled and waved her hands: "No, no, no, I mean, madam, you will have a son and a daughter in the future. As for the husband, he will have three sons and three daughters in the future."

Lin Ge:?

Huang Ni:?

"Goddess, the more you talk, the more outrageous you are." Lin Ge said helplessly.

The goddess said sternly: "Sir, fortune telling is a matter of faith. If you don't believe it, it's better not to count it."

"Okay, the cost this time... I don't have any money with me. How about this? I'll give you the newly received canned resources. Do you think it's feasible?" Lin Ge quickly changed the subject. If he listens to the goddess's nonsense and flatters someone again, Fairy, I'm afraid that some big sister-obsessed guy is really going to come out and chop the stars with his sword.

The goddess is really capable, otherwise she would not let Lin Ge and the two of them into the house easily, and she also knows that as a member of the police station, she will be treated well.

Low-class residents like them can only receive some low-class resources every month. They may not even have enough rice, let alone canned food.

As soon as she gave him the can, the goddess burst into laughter and blurted out a series of blessings.

When he heard something like "a life-long marriage, a happy marriage, and the birth of a child soon", Lin Ge could already feel the irritable atmosphere in his astrolabe, and quickly left the can and took Huang Ni away.

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