Although judging from the plot of "The Three Heroes of the East" narrated by He Qingqing and Luo Youwei, there should be no ghost enemies in this world, but Lin Ge did not save two talisman papers and placed two souls before entering the room. The paper man comes in to investigate and avoid capsizing in the gutter.

After all, two high-level paper soul souls only have 50 reincarnation points. If you end up in the martial arts world because of saving this few reincarnation points, you will really be laughed out of by a certain immortal.

The Soul Paper Man entered the house to explore and not only discovered the "encirclement tactics" arranged by the gangster leader, but also found the hidden entrance to the lower level.

And in this secret room, the prisoners were all women and children whose hands and feet were tied with ropes. Most of them have scars on their bodies, obviously suffering from inhuman abuse.

When Lin Ge broke open the door to the secret room, these people huddled in the corner of the room, shivering, and looked at the door in horror.

"It seems that you have deceived many people with this trick." Lin Ge looked at the gangster leader with cold eyes.

After Zhou Mo and Yu Mei saw the miserable condition of the women and children in the secret room, their eyes were filled with fear and they were shocked and speechless.

If it weren't for Lin Ge, a senior member of the team, their fate would be the same as those women who suffered inhuman abuse!

The leader said anxiously: "You, please listen to my explanation, no, it's not you who sees it like this!"

"Damn it! The evidence is right in front of you, do you think we are fools?" Luo Youwei stepped forward with a shotgun and shot the leader into the mouth.

But Luo Youwei did not shoot directly. Instead, he looked back at Lin Ge and asked: "Boss, can I shoot him directly? Killing an NPC should be no problem, right?"


Lin Ge wondered if he had the physique to accept a younger brother. Almost every time he reincarnated, he would meet a few willing "younger brothers".

"It's not a big problem."

When the leader heard this, he immediately panicked. He held the gun in his mouth and did not dare to move. He only dared to move his hands constantly, wanting to beg for mercy.

Luo Youwei is also a tough talker, but if he really wants to do something, he doesn't dare to pull the trigger for a while.

"However, there are police in this world after all. I suggest calling the police. Maybe you can get a good citizen's medal, which will also be helpful for subsequent plot exploration."

At this moment, Lin Ge "resolved the situation" for Luo Youwei.

"You're lucky, our boss has spoken and spare your life." Luo Youwei pulled out the gun and said with a cold snort.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!" The leader lost his previous arrogance and immediately knelt down to thank Lin Ge and others for their "favour of not killing."

Lin Ge asked: "Although we won't kill you, it doesn't mean that we can't remove your hands and feet. Just now you said it's not what we saw. Let's make it up and listen. If the story is reasonable and logical, I will let it go. Pass you."



"Say, I'll say."

The leader quickly said: "Three months ago, a woman in black came to us and asked us to get a group of women and children to hand over to them. We were only doing some stealing and robbing, so how dare we take on such a thing, but then The woman killed several of us to force us to submit, sir, if you don’t believe it, you can ask them.”

As soon as the leader finished speaking, the people around him quickly kowtowed and echoed the leader's words, fearing that Lin Ge would blame them for this kind of human trafficking.

Lin Ge glanced at the secret room and snorted coldly: "But you kidnapped these people after all, and that woman probably didn't let you torture and violate them, right?"

"This..." The leader was too nervous to answer.

Zhou Mo asked cautiously: "Mr. Lin, those women and children are so pitiful, can we...can we let them out first?"

At this time, Wang Aidou and Bai Jie also came over and said sympathetically: "Yes, let's release them first. They look so pitiful."

"Brother is right." Bai Jie agreed.

The corners of Lin Ge's eyes twitched, and he almost lost his temper. He snorted coldly: "Go away, why didn't I see you so tough just now?"


Wang Aidou originally wanted to say something, but was so frightened by Lin Ge's look that he took a step back and fell down on the sofa. Seeing this, Bai Jie quickly supported him: "Brother, are you okay?"

As he said that, he raised his head and glared at Lin Ge: "What are you doing? Why are you trying to hurt my brother? You..."

He was interrupted mid-sentence by He Wuwu who was standing behind the sofa. He said lightly: "I advise you to shut up. Although he is our leader, it does not mean that he will not kill you. Like this We have encountered dangers just after entering the world, and he...has at least passed through it several times."

After hearing this, Bai Jie realized that if Lin Ge hadn't taken action just now, he, Wang Aidou and Zhou Mo would have already become a member of the secret room.

Now even Zhou Mo didn't dare to speak anymore and stood aside obediently.

Lin Ge also completely took back the phrase "the class with the best quality". Even the entertainment industry tour group that was almost wiped out last time did not have as many people as these.

But it wasn't that Lin Ge was unwilling to save those women and children, it was just that since he chose to take the police route, these people had been tied up for so long anyway, and they didn't care about the extra ten or twenty minutes. After all, if the newcomer is asked to save people, who knows if there will be another accident that will involve him too much in reincarnation.

"Boss, do we still need to remove his hands and feet?" Luo Youwei pointed a shotgun at the leader kneeling on the ground and asked.

Not only does this guy completely take on the role, but he even enjoys the role of the younger brother, giving people the illusion of being in a game.

"No rush, let the police deal with it." Lin Ge replied.

Bai Jie on the side muttered: "There are still people who believe it these days. If it's really reliable, a sow can climb a tree. It's better than..."

Bai Jie was complaining vigorously when Lin Ge glanced at him lightly, and he quickly shut up and put his head on the ground.

The reason why Lin Ge let the leader go was simple. He didn't believe that these gangsters could kidnap so many women and children with just a few people and cold weapons.

It would be impossible to do it without the help of some larger force behind it, and there might even be some unknown transaction behind it.

Although Lin Ge does not have many plans to do branch plots in the reincarnation of the guide, according to past experience, most of the time the reincarnation world will merge several worlds with the same world view together. Maybe it can also be drawn from the world of "The Three Heroes of the East" It leads to other plot lines, not to mention that this movie is still a "two-part".

With a younger brother, Lin Ge naturally doesn't need to take action for such trivial matters as calling the police. Luo Youwei pointed a gun at the leader and said coldly: "Hey, what's the phone number for 110? Bah, no, what's the phone number for the police?"

"...999." The leader said with a grimace.

Luo Youwei hummed, "Is it okay to borrow a phone?"

"No, no problem." The leader quickly ordered his men to get an old-style touch-tone phone. When they heard the alarm, they were so cooperative, it was hard not to doubt whether they were colluding.

Luo Youwei dialed the phone and explained the situation here. After waiting for about thirty minutes, a man in a light brown windbreaker came over with a team of police officers.

Luo Youwei, who was waiting for the police at the door, saw the leader clearly and blurted out with a surprised look on his face: "The God of Tie Guan?"

The person who came here frowned, looked at Luo Youwei and asked, "Who are you? Did you call the police? I am Liu Qiren, the police chief of the Western Department."

Lin Ge on the side handed over his "investigator" certificate and said: "We called the police. We are water quality investigators assigned by the capital. When we were passing by, we accidentally heard a faint cry for help coming from inside. , as government personnel, we naturally cannot tolerate the occurrence of crimes. Therefore, we launched an investigation without authorization, just to rescue the hostages as soon as possible. We also hope that Officer Chen will not blame us for overstepping our authority."

Lin Ge has the highest status among the reincarnators. Not only is he an investigator, but his qualifications include proof of serving in the police station.

"If so, sir Lin, you can help us and save us a lot of effort. I will definitely report your achievements truthfully in the future." Liu Qiren said politely.

Lin Ge said a few polite words and led Liu Qiren and the police team into the secret room of the abandoned house to find the kidnapped women and children.

"After all, we are not as professional as you, Sir Liu. We were worried that destroying the scene would affect your evidence collection and allow these prisoners to escape legal sanctions, so we did not..." Lin Ge explained.

Liu Qiren nodded and said: "I understand that it is easy for non-professional medical personnel to make mistakes in this kind of thing. Sir Lin, your choice is correct. After receiving your report, we also contacted the emergency center, and they quickly It will come.”

"As for these prisoners..." Liu Qiren glanced at the leader and gangsters with cold eyes, and said coldly: "Sir Lin, don't worry, we will never let these scum go."

Whether it was a kidnapping case or a "water quality investigation", Lin Ge and others needed to go to the police station. After meeting with Liu Qiren, they went back to the police station with him to take notes.

The director also received a temporary notice that a "water quality investigator" would be dispatched. He didn't have time to make arrangements. He was in a dilemma when he suddenly remembered that Liu Qiren had just bought a new house, so he handed Lin Ge and others to Liu Qiren. , let him receive it on your behalf.

If it were anyone else, Lin Ge, in his capacity as police chief, might have avoided contact and led his people to find a place to stay.

For example, the abandoned house we just knocked down.

But after the police called the police, the abandoned house was also listed as the crime scene and sealed off. Secondly, Liu Qiren is the male protagonist of this movie. Although the movie scenes are basically on the "Three Heroes of the East", he is still the male lead. Moreover, Liu Qiren can get in touch with the heroine, which will be very helpful in advancing the plot later.

After hearing the director's "arrangement", Liu Qiren suddenly said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Director, you also know that the recent disappearance case has made me so busy that I can't even eat, so I don't have time to entertain the investigators. Besides, I don't have time to entertain the investigators. Although the house is large, there was a fire in the house before, so it would take time to renovate and decorate it, so there is no room to entertain them.”

"You are the person I trust the most in the entire police station. You can perfectly solve any problem. This matter is also a temporary arrangement from above. I don't trust it if it is left to others." The director threw a tall hat over and smashed it. Liu Qiren was dizzy.

Lin Ge interrupted at the right time: "Officer Liu just bought a new house and hasn't decorated it yet? I used to study interior design. If Officer Liu doesn't mind, I can provide some suggestions. Oh, don't look at my colleagues. Those who are thin and weak are actually from the training field, so you might not even need to hire a decorator."

"Ah, why is this so embarrassing?" Liu Qiren said.

"It doesn't matter, just pay the rent for these few days." Lin Ge said nonchalantly, and arranged the new couple's life in one sentence.

With Luo Youwei's volunteering and Zhou Mo's help, Liu Qiren could not refuse the "good intentions" of several people, so he had no choice but to agree.

The director was considered a good person. Thinking that Liu Qiren's small car could not accommodate so many people, he directly arranged an explosion-proof vehicle for Liu Qiren.

Liu Qiren drove a large group of people and drove an explosion-proof vehicle back to his newly bought house in the suburbs.

This house was a luxury villa before the end of the world, but for some reason a fire broke out. Although the main body was not seriously injured, the impact was still great.

Liu Qiren and his wife bought the house directly because it had a good environment and main structure and the price was cheap.

Liu Qiren was quite popular in the police station. When they heard that he had bought a house, some of his colleagues volunteered to take care of it for him.

Although it has not been completely cleaned out, it is still no problem to arrange for a few people to stay there.

Liu Qiren's wife "Dongdong", who is also one of the heroines of this movie, was waiting for her husband to come back at the door as usual. When she saw the explosion-proof vehicle approaching, she suddenly looked surprised.

"Honey, this is..." Seeing Liu Qiren getting off the explosion-proof car owner's car, Dongdong immediately stepped forward and asked.

Liu Qiren smiled awkwardly and explained: "Dongdong, let me introduce you. These are 'water quality investigators' from the capital..."

"They will stay at our house temporarily for the next few days." After introducing a few people, Liu Qiren also looked at Dongdong with an embarrassed look.

Dongdong had a good temper. He smiled and greeted Lin Ge and others for Liu Qiren: "It's windy outside. Please follow me into the house quickly. It's not completely tidied up inside yet. Don't dislike it."

"Mrs. Liu, please excuse me for the next few days. We still have a few people here who used to study interior design. If you don't mind, we can also chat together in the next few days." Zhou Mo, as a female anchor, wins people's hearts. His ability is naturally not weak, and he started chatting with Dongdong in a few words.

While several people followed Dongdong into the house, Yu Mei slowed down and waited for Lin Ge, who entered the house last. She asked in a low voice: "Mr. Lin, are you really studying interior design? Or are you just taking the opportunity to get close to Officer Liu?" An excuse?"

"What do you mean?" The reason why Lin Ge entered the house last was because he took the opportunity to let a few paper figures out and let them explore the surrounding environment. When he heard Yu Mei's question, he didn't understand what she wanted to do.

Yu Mei quickly explained: "I'm not questioning you, I want to say... I really studied interior design, and I also have a designer qualification certificate, and I have given lectures internationally several times. If you are just making excuses, Why don't you let me deal with them, um, share your worries, and thank you for your previous rescue."

"Okay, then I'll leave this to you." Lin Ge lamented that after all, he was in the company's management and knew how to exchange his "value" for protection.

In terms of overall quality, He Wuqing is good at martial arts, Luo Youwei, who is similar to Sun Kun as a "little brother", has a bit of a virgin heart, but most of the time, like Yu Mei, he knows how to read people's words and win over people's hearts, and Zhou Mo Zhao Qian took the initiative to reduce his presence. These five people are indeed better than the previous newcomers.

With Zhou Mo and Yu Mei trying to gain Dongdong's favor, Lin Ge also saved some energy. He originally wanted to take the opportunity to chat with Liu Qiren about the disappearance case, but the other party changed the topic on the grounds that the case was still under investigation and kept confidential.

Dongdong made some simple food in the evening. Although there were not many dishes, the rice was enough. Lin Ge took advantage of the "capital" reputation and took out some cans from his travel bag.

Although Dongdong was curious about why Lin Ge could take out half a box of cans from Lin Ge's travel bag, Dongdong couldn't say anything else after the other party left it to her to arrange everything on the grounds that it was their food for the next few days. After all, as the wife of a police sergeant, their monthly resources do not include such abundant cans.

"As expected of a person from the capital..." Liu Qiren couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Lin Ge and others knew that this time the world was set in the end of the world, and they did not have many requirements for food. Except for the two idols who complained while eating, Lin Ge glared at them and did not dare to say anything. Fairly enjoyable.

With the popularity of Zhou Mo and Yu Mei, Dongdong arranged rooms for everyone at night.

Due to the limited number of rooms, the two idols were assigned a room, He Wuqing and Zhao Qian were assigned a room, and Lin Ge and Luo Youwei were assigned a room. Dongdong lived in the same room as Zhou Mo and Yu Mei, and Liu Qiren was rushed to the living room by Dongdong on the grounds of "not disturbing their girlfriends' chat."

Lin Ge didn't have the habit of sharing a house with others, so he let Luo Youwei stay while he used the ladder from the balcony to lie down on the roof.

Looking at the dark night sky, where not even a single star could be seen, Lin Ge mobilized his spiritual energy to control the scattered paper figures and continued to explore the surrounding environment.

However, after a search, he didn't get much results. Lin Ge simply controlled the paper figures to set up Markov rays in the vicinity to prevent others from stealing his home.

Early the next morning, Liu Qiren was going to work at the police station. His original intention was to take Lin Ge and his party with him. After all, as "water quality investigators", they all had their own jobs.

But whether it was because we chatted too late last night or for some other reason, none of Zhou Mo, Yu Mei, and Dongdong got up.

Liu Qiren used to have breakfast with love, but today he could only eat the instant bread handed over by Lin Ge. There were other women living in the master bedroom, so he couldn't knock on the door.

Lin Ge wanted to take the opportunity to explore the city today, explore the background of the world, and explore branch lines. At the same time, he sent a few paper figures to the sewers to see if there really was a "father-in-law" living there. It would be inconvenient to bring new people with him. He kept all the newlyweds in the villa on the pretext of helping Liu Qiren design the house.

The branch line is second, but don’t delay him from getting the source.

As soon as they heard that they didn't have to take risks in the city, the two idols immediately raised their hands in agreement. He Wuqing didn't express his opinion. Luo Youwei was a little regretful, but since this was Lin Ge's arrangement, he couldn't go against it.

Of course, Lin Ge was worried and let the newlyweds stay alone in the villa. If something happened, it would be a "destruction of the group", so he kept the pendant according to the management.

A certain pendant has great objections to being a nanny. She would rather go to the city to fight.

"Haha, practicing with your sister Chang has made you more courageous, right?" Lin Ge teased.

Chen Qing put her hands on her hips and raised her head triumphantly: "Of course, I am a disciple of Zhijie Immortal! No matter what, I can't weaken the master's reputation. I have to show my due momentum."

"Oh, is this why you buy all your equipment to protect your life?"

"Well, didn't you start practicing at that time?"

"...The spells and the "Spiritual Cultivation Method" I taught were all fed to dogs, right?"

Chen Qing was stunned when he heard this, and then remembered that Lin Ge was still his "half master". For a moment, he didn't know how to answer the question, and looked at Lin Ge with a troubled face.

That look seemed to say...Brother, we have to be self-aware. When you say this, you have to beat Sister Chang first, right? (End of chapter)

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