As the protective shield shattered, the world that had stopped in time returned to normal. Seeing this strange scene, the newcomers were immediately surprised.

There were only a few pedestrians on the smog-shrouded streets, and they all had their heads wrapped tightly in turbans, put on windproof glasses, and looked fully armed.

"Cough, cough."

The protective shield was gone, and the two women and two idols were the first to feel uncomfortable. Breathing became difficult, and they couldn't help but cover their mouths and cough violently.

"The travel bags around you usually have clothes and identities prepared by the Lord God to facilitate your movement in this world." Lin Ge reminded.

After hearing this, everyone opened their own travel bags and took a look. There was indeed a set of doomsday-style equipment inside. In fact, it was old, dirty, but very practical equipment.

For example, leather jackets, masks, goggles, etc. that have certain defensive properties.

"Welfare for newcomers...change quickly." Luo Youwei started taking off his clothes and changing equipment without saying a word. He wrapped himself tightly and became a "native" in the blink of an eye.

It must be said that Luo Youwei's "view on games" made Lin Ge very easy. With him taking the lead, other newcomers immediately took action.

Seeing everyone else starting to change their equipment, Zhou Mo said awkwardly: "Uh, do you have to change here?"

Luo Youwei looked at her and said, "Beauty, you don't even look at this environment, why do you still expect the Lord God to prepare a dressing room for you?"

"It's windy here and the smog is heavy. Taking off your clothes is not good for your skin." Wang Aidou covered his mouth and said with a look of disgust.

Bai Jie on the side advised: "Brother, just hold on. When we leave here, we will do a set of maintenance and recover slowly."

Zhou Mo glanced at Wang Aidou with a strange look on his face. It was just because she was a woman and she felt a little awkward in front of a group of men.

But Wang Aidou and Bai Jie are just mentally ill.

Lin Ge decided to take back the sentence "the newcomers of this class are not bad". If it were not for the purpose of filling the head count, he even wanted to throw these two idols into the sewer to die.

But except for these two people, the others were very "obedient" and changed the clothes in their travel bags. Even Zhou Mo, who was a little hesitant at first, followed Yu Mei's example and put the clothes from the travel bag directly on top of his own clothes, eliminating the need to take off his clothes.

In addition to simple clothes, the travel bag also contains identities arranged by the Lord God for everyone.

Including Lin Ge, the Lord God arranged for the eight people to serve as a "water source inspection team", which was sent directly from the capital to come to Yancheng to inspect the water source problem.

Now that he has an "official identity", as long as he meets with the police in Yancheng, he can meet the male protagonist of the movie, the heroine's husband, Chen Sir.

While everyone was waiting for the two idols to change clothes, the rusty iron door of the old building behind them opened with a creak, and a little gray face came out: "You... who are you and why?" In front of my house? We have no food at home... Can you let us go?"

The child looked to be eight or nine years old. He couldn't tell whether he was a boy or a girl from his voice. He had messy hair and a dirty face. He looked very pitiful.

Zhou Mo stepped forward and consoled him: "Kid, you misunderstood. We are members of the capital inspection team. We are not robbers, and we will not steal your things."


Lin Ge sighed inwardly when he saw this, and silently assigned Zhou Mo to the idol group.

Although Zhou Mo adapted to his identity very quickly, he had already begun to assume the role. But the problems of "overflowing maternal love" and "self-reporting of family status" are more or less speechless.

From the moment the child poked his head out, Lin Ge noticed that the "dirty" on the other person's body and the "panic" in his eyes were fake.

What's more, as the children said, they had no food at home and were worried about robbers coming in to steal things, so hiding quietly in the house was the best option.

Now that I have come out on my own initiative, I don’t have to guess that the next sentence will definitely be an invitation such as "Sister, you are good people, do you want to come in and sit down".

As expected, the child's next sentence was: "Sister, your voice is so nice. You are definitely not a bad person. I misunderstood you." Dad said that there is a smog warning in the city and the streets are very dangerous. you want to come in and hide? However, I have nothing to eat for you."

The smog is indeed serious and even affects normal breathing.

Before Zhou Mo could respond, Wang Aidou said first, "Okay, why don't we go hide in the house and wait until the smog clears before we make plans?"

"Brother is right, we'd better go inside and rest first. It's not too late anyway, right?" Wang Aidou's words immediately aroused Bai Jie's response.

But this "brother" call made Lin Ge, Luo Youwei, He Qingqing and others get goosebumps. Lin Ge even doubted whether Bai Jie meant "like sleeping with others" in his information introduction. This "brother".

He Wuqing and Luo Youwei looked at each other, and finally turned their attention to Lin Ge, obviously intending to follow Lin Ge's command.

Lin Ge thought for a moment and said, "That's fine. We need a place to stay anyway. Let's ask the locals about the situation here."

Although He Wuqing and Luo Youwei co-wrote the main plot of "The Three Heroes of the East", they only have a general understanding of Lin Ge.

According to past habits, if the newcomers this time are smart enough, Lin Ge also wants to take a chance on the "double reward" that will be settled at the end, and try his best to guide the newcomers to complete the task.

"Brother, sister, please come in." The child opened the door and invited everyone into the house.

Wang Aidou and Bai Jie could no longer stand the hazy weather outside, so they followed the child into the house without hesitation. Next was Zhou Mo, who entered the house with Yu Mei.

"You go ahead, I won't go." At this time, Zhao Qian, who had always had little presence among the seven newcomers, retreated to the half-collapsed wall beside the street and leaned against it, waving his hand and saying.

Lin Ge didn't know whether Zhao Qian had seen the clues or was more wary, but as he said, they really needed a place to stay to detect the news.

Lin Ge turned around and walked towards the building. He Qingqing followed him and whispered behind him: "Brother, I feel something is wrong. It's better to be careful."

Before Lin Ge could respond, Luo Youwei said first, "It's not that mysterious, is it? Although the background of the movie is the end of the world, there are troops and police in the city, so it won't become a lawless zone, right?"

"It's always better to be careful." He Wuqing reminded.

Seeing that Lin Ge and the others had not yet entered the house, the child ran to the door to call them. Wang Aidou, who entered the house first, couldn't help but urge: "Brothers, what are you waiting for? Come in quickly and close the door. It's such a hazy weather. I really can’t stand it for a moment.”

When Lin Ge heard this, he didn't bother to say anything and followed the child into the house.

Led by the child, everyone walked through a long corridor that had mostly collapsed and was blocked by a large stone, and arrived at a wide hall.

Lin Ge glanced around and found that although the house was in tatters, it was still tidy. The worn sofas and rusty chairs were placed together, giving it a doomsday feel.

"Brothers and sisters, please sit down. Dad is still resting. Grandpa should be collecting things on the rooftop. I will call them right away." The child greeted politely.

Wang Aidou and Bai Jie sat down on the sofa unceremoniously and carelessly, and even called others to sit down and rest.

However, before the two of them could get their butts warm, they heard the sound of footsteps. Eight men with blunt weapons rushed out from the balcony on the second floor and from the rooms on both sides, surrounding several people.

"You guys, what do you want to do?" Wang Aidou asked nervously.

At this time, two men, an old man and a young man, came down from the second floor. Not far behind them were the little boy who led everyone into the house.

The tall, thin, white-haired old man who looked to be in his sixties glanced at Lin Ge and the others, and finally rested on Zhou Mo and Yu Mei.

Although the two women put their clothes directly on top of their own clothes and looked a bit bloated, it was not difficult to tell their gender. In addition, Zhou Mo wiped the goggles and protective mask until they were clean, and he could just see her big and moving eyes through the goggles.

"Get these two women clean for me, and I'll inspect the goods first." The old man with white hair and short hair said maliciously with a lewd smile on his face.

"What do you want to do! Don't, don't mess around, I will call the police!" Zhou Mo said nervously.

The men holding blunt weapons around slowly approached and said with a lewd smile: "Hey, hey, you said what we want to 'do', of course we want to do something happy with you."

At this time, a man holding an iron rod stood next to the sofa and glanced at Wang Aidou and Bai Jie, who were hugging each other in fear on the sofa. His eyes lit up as if they had discovered a new world: "Boss, these two men Yes, those with fine skin and tender flesh are moister than women."

"Hahaha, let's do it together!" the white-haired old man laughed.

Zhou Mo and Yu Mei originally wanted to count on the man who was traveling with them to help, but they didn't expect that they were also targeted by the other party. The only ones we can count on are Lin Ge, He Qingqing and Luo Youwei, but there are ten men in total on the opposite side, one against three... I don't know if it will work.

At this time, a man with a baseball bat reached out to grab Yu Mei. He Wuqing, who was standing behind Yu Mei and was proficient in martial arts, did not move. However, Luo Youwei stood up and pushed Yu Mei aside.

"We are special investigators from the capital. If you dare to attack us, neither the police nor the military will let you go." Luo Youwei also tried to use his identity to scare the other party away.


The leader laughed and said, "You expect them? You might as well expect me to let you go... Those losers are busy looking for snitches all over the city, so they don't care about your life or death."


"Tie them all up for me!"

"Strip those two women and the two men on the sofa naked first!"

It turns out that it’s also dangerous for a man to be too girly.

Lin Ge wondered why he was introducing such ruthless information. He was good at Five Elements Boxing and could knock down one or two, but at this time he silently stepped aside and stared at the gangsters who came forward warily.

"It seems that this person is planning to hide his skills..."

Lin Ge originally wanted to give He Wuqing a chance to perform and test the newcomers' adaptability. In the end, only Luo Youwei turned in a passing answer.


Lin Ge looked at the gangster leader and asked with a smile: "Look, there are ten of you, and the five men on our side are only one to two. Where did you get the confidence to make it seem like we are already yours? Same. By the way, I have a lot of research on Iai. If you just let us go like this, I can forget about it, otherwise... bad things may happen."

As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, the leader and others seemed to have heard the funniest digest in the world, and they burst out laughing: "Hahaha!"

"just you?"

"Do you think these are the only people we have?"

Bang bang!

The leader raised his hand and clapped his hands. From the gaps in the long corridor that had previously tilted the wall, many people emerged one after another. This time there were men, women, and children.

"Ah Cai, go teach him a lesson and let him see what Iai is!" The leader said, and a thin man walked out of the crowd in the corridor behind him, holding a watermelon knife in his hand.

Seeing Ah Cai walking towards him with a watermelon knife in his hand, Lin Ge asked, "Do you really not want to think about it anymore? If you force me to use the Dei Ihe Slash, it will not end well."

"Fuck him!"

After the leader gave the order, Ah Cai immediately pounced on Lin Ge.



As the sound of a shotgun being loaded rang out, followed by two gunshots, Ah Cai was directly ejected by the shotgun, leaving a big hole in his body and killing him on the spot.

Lin Ge pointed the shotgun at the sofa next to him and said with a smile: "Look, what I said, don't let me use force!"

Not only were the gangsters shocked, but Luo Youwei and others also looked shocked and in disbelief. First, no one saw where Lin Ge's weapon "changed" from, and second, he loaded and fired. The speed was too fast, and Ah Cai rushed forward on his own.

The gun was accurate and fast within seven steps, let alone less than three steps away. Lin Ge made it clear that he wanted to wait for Ah Cai to get close before shooting.

Luo Youwei swallowed and held back a sentence for a long time: " are practicing American Iai!"

"Want to play? Here you go." After Lin Ge finished speaking, he threw the shotgun directly to Luo Youwei.

Luo Youwei obviously underestimated the weight of the shotgun. The shotgun hit his chest, staggered and fell on the sofa.

The gangster standing next to the sofa quickly grabbed the shotgun from Luo Youwei's arms, pointed it at Lin Ge and cursed: "You bastard, raise your hands, or I'll kill you!"

"Then you're in trouble." Lin Ge urged impatiently.

The gangster glanced at the leader, immediately loaded his gun and aimed a shot at Lin Ge, scaring Zhou Mo, Yu Mei and others next to him with their eyes closed and screaming.

However, Lin Ge reached out and grabbed the air, directly opened the Yin Wu Lei Domain to form a black turbid water magma hand on his left hand, and caught countless bullets.

The gangster was dumbfounded. He never dreamed that someone could catch the shotgun bullet. Looking at Ah Cai's death, he realized that the gun was not fake!

The gangster's legs were trembling and he couldn't even hold the gun steady. Although Luo Youwei on the side was equally surprised by Lin Ge's method, he reacted quickly and took back the shotgun.

Lin Ge dispersed from the Yin Wulei domain and glanced at the leader not far away.

When the leader saw this, he knelt down towards Lin Ge with a thud, kowtowing and begging for mercy: "Sir, you have a lot of people, but I am too young to see the mountains. Please let me go... I am willing to work hard for you. , obey your orders and work hard for you!"

This change happened so fast that all the reincarnations were stunned.

Although the gangsters were surprised, their leaders also knelt down, and they quickly knelt down, and suddenly a large area fell to their knees.

"Now you know how to beg for mercy? What have you done!" Luo Youwei walked up to the leader with a shotgun and said coldly.

The leader sighed: "Sir, you don't know something, and we don't want to do this. But it is really helpless. The government only cares about the life and death of the city and ignores the citizens in the outer city. We have already run out of rice to cook, and we just got up. It’s really a helpless act to do something malicious.”

Lin Ge hummed: "That's very good. Don't say it next time. Why don't you tell me first, what are the things under that collapsed house?"

The leader's face changed when he heard this, and he said in surprise: "You, you, how do you know?"

Lin Ge walked towards the collapsed wall, raised his hand and pinched it in the air. The black turbid magma under his feet turned into a big hand and lifted the slanted wall, revealing the wooden door behind it. (End of chapter)

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