It was obviously unreliable to expect his poor "Lucky 2" to open random reels, so Lin Ge finally pinned his hopes on Chen Qing.

Chen Qing was called out of the astrolabe by Lin Ge and learned that she would use her "luck" to open a random scroll. She immediately became interested. She rolled up her sleeves and said while arranging the coffee table: "Brother, ask me to open the scroll. Then you've found the right person. It's not my fault, I draw cards for my classmates in school, and they give me the nickname 'God's Hand'. With me, you never know what a 'guaranteed' is!"

Seeing Chen Qing busy arranging the coffee table and placing scented wax paper candles, Lin Ge raised his eyebrows: "So...are you setting up a card drawing array?"

"Of course, there is no card drawing without metaphysics. This is the most effective card drawing array that I have developed following the card drawing methods of squatting on the toilet, quilt, and rooftop. It is called the 'Nine-Five Lord' array." Chen Qing said , after moving the things on the coffee table, four jade stones were placed at the four corners, and an incense burner was placed in the center, but the burnt was filled with glutinous rice.

Lin Ge: ...Sister, are you drawing zombies or cards? Don't pull out some weird stuff!

"Just open this scroll, right? Let me open it up!" Chen Qing picked up the scroll next to Lin Ge, shook her head and pretended to start making spells and chanting.

Lin Ge listened carefully and found that the other party was singing in a low voice... "Good Luck"?

Lin Ge looked at Chen Qing, his expression became a little subtle, and he held back for a long time: "Your mother's temple... has a successor."

Chen Qing turned around and glared at Lin Ge: "It sounds like you are cursing someone."


Chen Qing ignored Lin Ge and shook the scroll in her hand: "The sky is moving, the earth is moving, the mistress is about to appear, give me a favor and get a top-quality magic weapon!"

As expected of a core member of the "Face Party", he has not forgotten the ability to activate the fruit of face at this time.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Qing unzipped the ribbon wrapped around the scroll, and with a ray of golden light, a rolled scroll about a foot long appeared on the coffee table.

["Hell in Disguise (Part 1)\

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