Lin Ge broke the spells of the red ghost and the former ghost with one move, which surprised the red ghost and the other three companions.

They originally thought that the most difficult person to deal with would be the reincarnation in Ghost Rider form, not this man who looked ordinary except for his good looks.

Who knew that the other party was not only extremely powerful, but also a master with profound Taoism.

This was the first time since the red ghost and the former ghost exchanged their A-level bloodlines that they hit a wall before they could exert their strength. They suddenly realized that their opponent's strength was far superior to their own, and they were probably going to hit the iron plate now.

Lin Ge raised his hand, and with a golden light, the trident appeared in his hand. Then, he was about to fly out the former ghost before he could break the paper man's seal, but he saw the captain of the reincarnation team summoning a platoon first. The mechanical wall blocks the former ghost.

"Brother, wait a minute!" the captain shouted to Lin Ge.

Lin Ge sarcastically said: "I said you are really sick. You show off your power before starting the fight. If you can't fight, stop it immediately. Okay, it's okay if I let you go. Should I cede the land or pay compensation?"

The captain of the team obviously didn't expect Lin Ge to be so disrespectful. "Fight if you can't fight, talk if you can't" is the default rule of the reincarnation. In this space where the weak and the strong eat the fists, "submitting to the weak" is never a shameful thing. .

After all, none of the reincarnations had many trump cards. They were forced to pull out a missile and everyone broke up. The advantage was that they joined in without saving their lives.

Therefore, when reincarnators do not have an absolute advantage in the main god space, few people will generally choose to fight hard. Moreover, even if they win, they may not be able to get everything the other party has, and they will also bear the guilt value.

But Lin Ge chatted to death with just one sentence, and the captain had no chance of answering, so he winked and gestured to the team members. The two team members reacted very quickly and immediately took out their weapons. The woman in leather armor took out two daggers and held them in her hands, assuming a defensive posture.

The thin man on the right, about sixty years old, took out two black and white impermanence tied with paper, holding one in each hand.

The three of them formed a triangle formation, with the female reincarnator and the old reincarnator protecting the captain behind them. Directly in front of them were the red ghost who was casting a spell, and the former ghost who was sealed by Lin Ge's paper man.

Lin Ge noticed the opponent's response, and immediately controlled the paper man to strengthen the seal of the former ghost to prevent the opponent from running out early, and then left a message "Don't let them escape" and rushed out first.

Nita understood that Lin Ge was planning to recover the previous loss of sin points from these reincarnators. The moment Lin Ge rushed out, he swung the soul chain in his hand and headed towards the nearest red ghost trap ahead.

The captain of the Samsara Team held a laptop and continuously manipulated the mechanical fortifications in the control field for defense. At the same time, he shouted to his teammates: "Carter, help the Red Ghost block the Ghost Rider. You are not a warlock and should not be affected by his 'characteristics'. Old Liu, I leave that man to you!"

The captain added in a low voice at the end: "The priority is to save people. Before rescuing the ghost, immediately evacuate towards the door of the private space. We will deal with the situation later."



The two reincarnations immediately followed the captain's instructions, rolled out of the fortifications one on the left and one on the right, and rushed towards Lin Ge and Nita respectively.


The female reincarnation ducked and came behind Nita, swung two daggers, and while her whole body was spinning, countless afterimages of the daggers were shot towards Nita.

Nita rolled up the soul chain in her hand and directly deflected the daggers that were shot like pear blossom needles in a rainstorm. Then her eyes were replaced by flames, and she opened her eyes of judgment and stared at the female reincarnation.

The female reincarnator who was still spinning and releasing the blade at high speed was directly fixed by the Eye of Judgment. Before she could take the next step, she heard a "crash" and the soul chain had tied her into a rice dumpling.

"Wow, you can also do rope tricks with chains?" Lin Ge looked sideways at Nita and praised her.

Nita glanced at him and said calmly: "Your opponent is here, and you still have the leisure to guide me in my battle?"

The leisurely appearance of the two did not look like they were dealing with the reincarnation at all, but more like a normal exchange of ideas. The red ghost was so angry that he continuously cast spells to cooperate with the old man's attack.

At the same time, the old reincarnation man had already controlled the black and white Wuchang made of paper and attacked Lin Ge from the left to the right. The two black and white impermanences tied with paper are like puppets, moving according to the control of his right hand.

The old reincarnation man held up a strange and complicated seal in his left hand and read: "The commander Yin gives the order, and the soul-detaining envoy obeys the order and captures the fugitive!"

The old reincarnation man flew a yellow talisman towards Lin Ge, and then he saw that the two black and white impermanences tied with paper turned into wooden dolls, making a weird clicking sound when they stepped on the ground, waving mourning sticks He and the life hook attacked Lin Ge.

Lin Ge thrust the trident toward his feet, then raised his hand to take out the judge's pen and flicked it away, swinging away the black and white mourning stick and life hook.

Then, Lin Ge raised his hand and wrote the word "Edict" in the air. The word "Edict" flashed in golden light, and Black and White Wuchang stood still.

The next second, something happened that shocked the old reincarnation and his group. The two black and white Wu Chang who were invited by the old reincarnation from the underworld knelt down directly towards Lin Ge.

While the old reincarnation was stunned, Lin Ge had already used Qinggong to jump behind him, separating him from the captain behind the fortifications, preventing the other party from saving people at the critical moment.

"You don't even know the trident or the judge's pen, but you are still dealing with the underworld... You don't understand, right? Think about it after you get down!" Lin Ge turned around and kicked the old reincarnation directly towards Nita. Immediately understanding, the soul chain hooked again, trapping him and the female reincarnation together.

The Red Ghost didn't expect that the two teammates didn't help him buy time to break the seal of the former ghost. Now one hostage has become three hostages...

How to fight this?

At this moment, the captain hiding in the fortification threw away the notebook in his hand, and then raised his hand. All the surrounding mechanical fortifications flew towards him, forming a huge machine on his raised left arm. With his arms, he grabbed the two reincarnations who were bound by soul chains.

Seeing this, the red ghost turned into a red mist and enveloped the ex-ghost who was trapped by the paper man. Then the captain's huge mechanical hand swept horizontally and directly forced Nita back.

Just as he was about to hit Lin Ge, he saw Lin Ge raise his foot and step on it. Turbid water magma suddenly spread out from under his feet, and the big hand formed in the Yin Wu Lei field directly blocked the giant mechanical hand.

"The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law!" Lin Ge kicked his feet, used Ladder Cloud to fly into the air, and fired the Eighteen Demon-Subduing Golden Light Palm, blasting wildly at the captain himself.

The fight on Lin Ge's side was so lively that the Samsaras fighting in the distance were robbed of the "limelight". Looking again, several Jinmen were fighting in a melee.

There are dozens of people on my side, and there are only two Golden Gates in total. There are four directly on the opposite side. I don’t know if they will participate in the battle here after the battle.

The reincarnators who were fighting at the beginning stopped instead. Those who retreated to their private spaces retreated to their private spaces, and those who circled back to find the best position to pick up leaks. For a while, each had their own agenda.

The more lively Lin Ge's fight is, the happier these reincarnations will be.

But in fact, Lin Ge didn't want to waste more money. Otherwise, it would not be difficult to kill the reincarnations tied up by Nita first, and then go back to deal with those who want to reap the benefits.

It's just that it's not in Lin Ge's interests to be lonely for a long time, not to mention not making a penny, but also to bear the sin value of several, or even dozens of lives.

The turbid water of Yin Wulei is not only electrified, but also corrosive, instantly breaking the giant iron fist that the captain used to gather and transform with magnetic fruits.

However, at the moment when the iron fist collapsed, Nita was surprised to find that the female reincarnation had used some secret technique to take her companion Jin Chan out of her shell. When she wanted to tie them up again, the female reincarnation had already used Shunbu to drag the old reincarnation. He retreated to the captain and the red ghost.

"Brother, let's talk." The captain dispersed the metal fist and used the magnetic fruit to control it to form a defense fortification again, blocking the four of them inside the fortification, leaving only the ex-ghost controlled by the paper man outside.

Lin Ge clapped his hands together and pulled out a beam of lightning. He opened his hands, which were crackling with tears, and looked at the captain and asked with a smile, "Okay, how many dollars can we talk about?"

While speaking, Lin Ge had already walked up to the sealed ex-ghost, raising his hand to make a move. Once the captain and the others made a move, he would kill the ex-ghost without hesitation.

The captain took a step forward and said with a serious face: "It was our fault just now, and I am here to apologize to you. As long as you are willing to let our companions go, I, Kidd, as the captain, promise you that no matter whether you are in the main god space in the future, We are still in the world of reincarnation and we will never be your enemy. If you are not satisfied, we will never appear wherever you appear in the future. We will do our best to cooperate with you to complete the tasks and plots you like to ensure the success of our reincarnation. As for the main line, all other benefits will be given to you. In addition, we are willing to give out 10,000 reincarnation points, plus a B-level random item scroll as compensation."

The first half of this person's sentence is basically a "blank promise". After all, there are so many reincarnations, and no one knows when they will meet them in the reincarnation space.

As for the main god space, in just a few dozen days of rest, you can stagger the time of appearance as long as you are willing. What's more, Kidd and others can't beat them now. The world of reincarnation is a place where fists talk loudly. Even if they meet, there is no need. They guarantee that they also have no say.

However, 10,000 reincarnation points plus a B-level scroll are already worth the reward of an extremely difficult reincarnation. Considering that you can only get sin points by killing the ex-ghost, it is indeed a good deal.

"Okay, pay first." Lin Ge said with a smile.

Kidd hesitated for a moment. After all, Lin Ge was stronger than them. They had no choice but to take the money and not let him go.


Kidd only hesitated for a moment before agreeing to Lin Ge's proposal. He wanted to take the initiative to hand over the things, but he saw the female reincarnation Carter walking out first.

"Captain, I'm going."

After saying that, without waiting for Kidd's consent, he walked towards Lin Ge and traded him 10,000 reincarnation points. Then he turned back and stretched out his hand towards Kidd: "Captain, scroll."

Kidd threw the "B-grade random item scroll" to Carter. After Carter handed it to Lin Ge, he saw that the other party did nothing else. He took a step back and bowed: "Please keep your promise."

Lin Ge wanted to make a joke, but out of the corner of his eye he saw the reincarnator on the side was about to move, and he seemed to want to continue to stir up trouble, so he simply used the secret to untie the paper mannequin on the former ghost.


As soon as the ex-ghost was released, he immediately wanted to curse, but he heard Captain Kidd behind him scolding him first: "Ex-ghost, come back."

The former ghost glanced at Lin Ge and knew that he was no match. He gritted his teeth and jumped back to the fortification. As soon as he retreated, Carter immediately used Shunpo to return to Kidd.

Kidd cupped his hands towards Lin Ge and said, "As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. If you don't dislike me, can you please leave your name and make friends with me?"

"Lin Ge."

"Brother Lin, if we meet in the reincarnation world in the future, I hope you will show your favor. Our team is willing to put Brother Lin's interests first and fully cooperate with your actions. See you later."

Lin Ge nodded, acquiescing to Kidd's words "no fight, no acquaintance", and then Kidd said a few polite words and led the team back to the private space.

Lin Ge glanced around and asked with a smile: "Is there anyone else who wants to learn from each other?"

The reincarnators standing near the private space jumped back into the door without hesitation, while the previous reincarnators who wanted to be oriole acted like mice and fled back to the space in despair.

"Hey, it's really boring."


Reincarnator: ... Let’s compare 1W reincarnation points + a B-level random item scroll and it’s gone. Who dares to provoke you?

After making extra money, Lin Ge and Nita returned to Lin Ge's private space together to summarize the resources obtained in this reincarnation.

Generally speaking, the harvest this time was quite rich, but because in the end I was dragged down by two scammers, Sasse and the Taoist priest, and I lost two-thirds of the reincarnation points in vain.

Fortunately, there are still 50,000 reincarnation points left. In addition to Lin Ge's original 10,000, he earned 10,000 in extra money, and now he has a total of 70,000 reincarnation points.

Most of the equipment that Lin Ge "squeezed" from Lei Ying and Wanwan were mainly blades. The highest level was B level. It is estimated that if they were all sold, they would have 30,000 to 50,000 reincarnation points.

Now that he could accumulate 100,000 reincarnation points by just scraping together, whether to resurrect the third member of the team, "Jiwotou", became a question that Lin Ge needed to consider.

After discussing with Nita, Lin Ge decided to wait for the two of them to undergo one or two "guide reincarnations" to see how much reincarnation points were consumed before making a decision.

After Nita left, Lin Ge was also thinking about the chicken coop. If it's the original chicken coop, spending 100,000 to resurrect the opponent will definitely be no problem.

But Jiwotou is a "copy" and he had a rivalry with Chen Qing in "Silent Hill", so it would be a bit unrealistic for Chen Qing to form a noise band with him.

If the two are not allowed to cooperate, Jiwotou's positioning will be the same as that of Chen Qing in terms of ability alone, and Chen Qing is now training with Huang Shang. Regardless of the strengthening of the main god space, Jiwotou will not be as good as Chen Qing in terms of strength and potential. Spending 100,000 to resurrect a clone is really not cost-effective.

This is also the reason why Lin Ge keeps putting off resurrecting Jiwotou, but now that he has enough reincarnation points, it is not conducive to unity to ignore the life and death of his old teammates.

There was no better solution for this matter for a while, so Lin Ge simply gave it up and took out the random B-grade scroll he earned from Kidd and prepared to open it.

Random scrolls are different from exchange scrolls. The latter is to redeem items from the main god's space, while the former is something from the outside world and will not be marked by the main god, which eliminates the need to erase the mark.

Although Lin Ge gained a lot of reincarnation points in "Taiwan Island" this time, only the last Black Mountain old demon gave him a hundred. The mini-bosses in the previous plots only added up to a hundred, which is not even as good as before. Gains from two guide reincarnations.

Looking at the random scroll in front of him, Lin Ge let out a long sigh: "Oh, it's another day of missing Master Chicken." (End of Chapter)

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