The Taoist team is left with Shi Dake and Rapid Fire, while the Ninja Village is left with "Thunder Shadow" and Wanwan. There are only two people left on both sides, but the final choices are different.

The two Samsara teams were ranked third from the bottom in Xiti, and the other ranked first in Xiti due to the "coquettish manipulations" given by Taoist priests and Sasse.

Carrying "minus hundreds" of points, there are only two choices before a few people -

Find a place to hide, pray that you can survive the endless hell, and wait until the end of this reincarnation to return to the main god space.

Kill the other reincarnators, as Lin Ge said, as long as the other contestants are killed, then there will be no ranking problem.

Stark and Rapid Fire chose the former. Not to mention the Black Mountain Old Demon, just the appearance of the Ghost Taoist made them realize the gap in strength.

Raikage and Wanwan chose the latter. The move given by Sass made them the last place. It was impossible to fill the huge hole of negative points in a short time.

If there is no way to deal with the other reincarnations, the next settlement will be that they will be sent to the endless hell.

Although I don’t know what the endless hell is in this world, according to the information collected in the past and the stories of reincarnations who have had similar experiences, the punishment place of competitive reincarnation usually has either the strongest boss in the world waiting for it, or the environment. Extremely harsh area.

"Endless Hell", judging from the name alone, is probably a combination of the two.

Instead of facing unknown monsters and environments, Lei Ying placed all his bets on Lin Ge and the Black Mountain Old Demon.

However, things went against expectations. When Lin Ge fought against King Bian Cheng, one of the Ten Palaces of Hell, and gained the upper hand, Lei Ying realized how wrong he was.

When Raikage wanted to escape, he was greeted by a golden trident, which took him flying out, smashed through several walls, and was nailed to the outermost wall.

"Spare me, I can give you all the reincarnation points and trophies!" Lei Ying raised his hand to pull out the trident inserted in his chest. Lin Ge did not shoot directly into the heart in order to squeeze out the remainder of his opponent. value.

After Lei Ying obediently handed over the trophies and more than 7,000 reincarnation points to Lin Ge, Lin Ge pulled out the trident nailed to the opponent's chest. Just as Lei Ying was about to leave, he saw Lin Ge raising the judge's pen in his hand.

"Wait a minute, I've given you everything I have!" Lei Ying said in shock.

Lin Ge said with a confused look: "But... I never said a word from the beginning to the end. You handed everything over on your own initiative?"



The judge's pen was raised, and the Raikage's head was swept away by the pen. Each hair injected with spiritual energy was as strong as steel, and it exploded directly into the Raikage's head.

As soon as Raikage's headless body fell down, Nita carried the pale white-eyed kunoichi to Lin Ge and threw her next to Raikage's body.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me! I, my reincarnation points are all for you, all for you! Leave me alive, I exchanged for B-level Byakugan, which can see through obstacles within a kilometer, and can also locate the target's weaknesses. ! I can help you, I can do it, I can do it..." Bai Bai took off his kimono, revealing his fragrant shoulders and wraps, and looked at Lin Ge pitifully. The meaning was self-evident.

Lin Ge picked up the trophies on the ground, raised his hand and swept it away. A giant hammer appeared in his hand, and directly knocked Bai Wan unconscious: "Take off your clothes if you don't agree with me, what's wrong with it."

Nita leaned against the half-broken wall with her hands folded, and said calmly: "She is really pretty. It seems we are going to have an extra female teammate?"

He also handed over all the reincarnation points and trophies on his body, but Lin Ge directly killed Lei Ying, but only knocked out Wan Wan. Coupled with Wan Wan's initiative to throw herself into bed, it was difficult not to let Nita have other ideas. .

"Sorry, I prefer new cars and don't have the habit of taking public transportation." Lin Ge said, jumping from the collapsed position of the building to the street below.


Although she was confused as to why Lin Ge didn't kill Bai Bai to score this point, Nita thought about it and still didn't hit the target, and followed Lin Ge to jump to the street.

"I'm curious. Since you didn't plan to take her with you, why didn't you just kill her? Although 1 point is useless against a negative score of 57, it's better than nothing, and it can prevent her from being robbed by other reincarnations." Nita walked in front of her. Beside Lin Ge, he asked doubtfully.

Lin Ge replied: "The second settlement is coming soon. We are currently ranked second, and the Ninja and Iron Man teams must be the last two. If we save her life, we will have one more week to get points, or... Kill the first reincarnator."

"Can it still be done like this?" Nita looked surprised.

Lin Ge said: "Why not? This is called reasonable application of rules."


There are so many people in your city. I want to go back to the temple.

In the next few days, apart from going to the Dazhong Temple to practice the power of faith and teaching Huo Wang some spells, Lin Ge and Nita were looking for new plots.

Although the ghost Taoist is dead, the plot of "Ghost Fighting 2" is based on the female protagonist. If a young female protagonist cannot be found, the plot cannot be developed.

In the second "settlement" two days later, Lin Ge and Nita were still ranked second with a score of minus 56 points, and the last-ranked team was thrown into endless hell.

Although the strength of the remaining three teams, Lin Ge and Nita, had an absolute advantage, half of the island was destroyed due to the battle with the Black Mountain Old Demon, and a large number of residents fled to the mainland and Sakura Country, resulting in some people who could have triggered The plot has also been changed as a result.

Since the number of Taiwanese horror movies he had watched was limited, Lin Ge asked Chen Qing to check Huang Ni's computer in the astrolabe to search for new plots for him.

At the same time, he and Nita went to East Lake University to investigate, hoping to trigger the plot of "The Bridge of Female Ghosts", but unfortunately due to the timeline, they failed to trigger the plot.

But Lin Ge and Nita had unexpected gains at East Lake University, and met a man with glasses and a sniper who also came to try their luck.

The bespectacled man's biggest trump card is "summoning the evil god". Now this evil god is still in Lin Ge's pocket. Before, the entire team could not beat Lin Ge alone, and now that there are only two left, it is even more impossible to win.

If it were Shi Dake and Sui Sheng, Lin Ge might have spared their lives, but the man with glasses was "lucky" to take first place. If he didn't kill them, Lin Ge and Nita would most likely remain in second place.

The bespectacled man and the sniper may not have imagined until their death that the scores of the three teams behind them all dropped by several dozen points. If they had been more careful, they would not have died so quickly after their rankings were lowered before they came out to take action.

After solving the first place, Lin Ge and Nita successfully became the first place, and the other reincarnations were only Shi Dake and Sui Sheo.

Affected by the Taoist priests, they lost more points than Lin Ge, but they were obviously more stubborn than the man with glasses. When it was time to mark, Lin Ge discovered that they had actually hid in Penghu outside the main island.

Since he didn't know how many points the two sides had lost, in order to prevent Shi Dake from surpassing him in the ranking at the last moment, Lin Ge rushed to Penghu when the main god marked him, but he didn't expect that Shi Dake had no intention of fighting them, so he used the maneuverability of Mark's armor with rapid fire. Sex, fled back to the main island first.

Shi Dake and Su Shei made it clear that they would completely give up fighting Lin Ge and wait for the tickets to hell sent by the Lord God.

On the 21st day, Shi Dake and his wife got their wish and went to the endless hell. The only survivors of this reincarnation were Lin Ge and Nita.

In the remaining nine days, there was a rare "rest" time, so Lin Ge stayed in the hotel to practice, while Nita, who did not need to practice, rode a motorcycle all over the island and continued to explore the plot.

At the end of the thirty-day reincarnation, Lin Ge went to the Dazhong Temple to say goodbye to Huo Wang, and then returned to the main god space with Nita.


[Settlement: Team competition - "Taiwan Island", difficulty nightmare, exploration degree 81%, overall rating "S". The current clearance rate in the world of reincarnation is 7%, with additional rewards of reincarnation points x5000 and "f-d level random equipment scrolls" x3. 】

[Main mission: Survive for 30 days, reward 5,000 reincarnation points. Currently, 6 plot events have been solved, 11 members of the competitive reincarnation team have been killed, and a total of 29 points have been obtained. 】

[The actions of team members directly or indirectly caused 280 civilian deaths, 84 points were deducted, and the final points at the end of the reincarnation were -54. 】

[The team won first place in this competition mode and was awarded 50,000 reincarnation points. 】

[Start detecting the reincarnation status of "No. 23333"——]

[Testing completed. 】

2. Repair soul damage. Price: 173

Lin Ge's soul was slightly affected by his many performances as a god, but the 173 reincarnation points were completely negligible.

The only problem is that during the melee in the city, Nita mentioned "2800 sin points", and Lin Ge was also implicated in more than a thousand sins.

Nita was originally a Ghost Rider, so it didn't matter if she had some sin points on her body. However, as Lin Ge was a monk and had secrets involving the upper world, it was not a good thing to be marked by the Lord God.

So after discussing with Nita on the grounds of being a "cultivator", she decided to take out reincarnation points from this reward to smooth out her sinfulness.


2. Increase or decrease the "justice value/sin value".

Price: 100/point

1073 sin points equals 107,300 reincarnation points... Although Lin Ge and Nita earned nearly 150,000 reincarnation points in this reincarnation, only two-thirds of it was lost.

But it’s not Nita’s fault. After all, it’s not easy to survive the attack of two reincarnation teams in that situation. How can you take into account the life and death of the plot characters.

After completing the repairs and smoothing out the sin points, Nita gave half of the reincarnation points to Lin Ge as usual, and also gave him the loot obtained in reincarnation as a "crowdfunding" to resurrect Jiwotou.

Lin Ge glanced at the reincarnation points in his pocket, which were not increasing but decreasing, and suddenly felt that the "resurrection" of Jiwotou was far away.

"Still a lot worse?" Nita saw Lin Ge's subtle expression and thought that she had lost 100,000 reincarnation points due to improper operation this time, and she felt a little regretful.

"Not much, just tens of thousands."


Nita thought for a while and said: "I still have more than 8,000 reincarnation points. It will be 60 days before the next reincarnation. If I go to the guide mode twice, I should be able to save ten thousand or two thousand."

"You should keep it for now. If the car rolls over in the leader mode, there will still be reincarnation points for punishment." Lin Ge said casually.


Only then will you overturn in the leader mode!

Nita gave Lin Ge a big eye roll. The dignified Golden Gate Samsara overturned in the guide mode, which was lower than the probability of overturning in the extremely difficult mode.

[Reincarnator "No. 23333" please be prepared. You will be transferred to "Master God Space No. 999" in 10 seconds. 】




When the countdown ended, Lin Ge and Nita returned to the Main God Platform together. As soon as the scene in front of them changed, they heard a burst of gunfire.




Nita's body suddenly ignited with flames. When danger was detected, she immediately turned on the Ghost Rider mode. In this state, she was directly immune to ordinary gun damage.

Lin Ge's bullet was blocked by an invisible barrier one meter away from him. After detecting the threat, the "Dragon Horn Ring" turned on the "Dragon God's Asylum" mode, automatically consuming spiritual energy and condensing it into invisible spiritual energy. The wall blocked the bullet.

"Oh, it's so lively." Lin Ge glanced not far away. On the huge main god space platform, there were more than thirty reincarnations fighting in a melee.

Judging from the "doors" arranged in the distance, there are doors of various colors from green to gold, which shows that several reincarnation teams are fighting in a melee.

Since the main god space is not an absolute safe zone, and conflicts between reincarnators have long been commonplace, Lin Ge was not surprised by this "small scene".

For a moment, bullets were flying across the entire platform, explosives were thrown everywhere, mixed with various magics and skills, and the scene was chaotic.

At this moment, several white lights appeared about thirty meters away from Lin Ge, and another team returned, with three more people than Lin Ge.

Among the five reincarnators, the leader was wearing a black formal suit. When he raised his hand, a small handheld computer appeared in his hand. As he pressed a few times, defenses similar to a mechanical bunker appeared around them.

At this time, a Samsara who was nearly two meters tall, with his upper body naked and showing strong muscles, jumped onto the fortification and glanced at the Samsaras fighting around him.

"Wow, so lively?" He said, looking back at a teammate wearing a red mask behind him: "Red Ghost, there was no winner last time. Are you interested in a competition to see who can kill more?"

"It's a competition, who is afraid of whom... Anyway, after joining the 'Black Tide', the guilt value is an attribute that increases strength, and you are not afraid of killing a few more reincarnations." Red Mask said.

The muscular man looked at the reincarnator who was holding a computer and summoning fortifications. His tone suddenly became much weaker and he asked tentatively: "Boss, is it okay to make extra money?"

"As you please." The captain said calmly.

"Hey, thank you boss... Red Ghost, I want to fight ten of them!" the muscular man laughed.

The red ghost snorted coldly: "Ex-ghost, don't be arrogant. If you can fight ten, then I will fight twenty? Which side are you helping? The left or the right?"

The red ghost was naturally asking about the Samsaras who were fighting in the field. At a glance, the skills on both sides were clashing, and it seemed like they were divided into two camps.

"Don't worry about the melee. Anyway, you can get in at any time. What I hate most is people who hide aside and act like a sparrow!"

The ex-ghost's expression turned cold and he looked at the man and woman watching the battle in the distance.

"Be careful, that woman is the Ghost Rider, and I don't know what level of ability she has redeemed yet, so don't capsize in the gutter." The captain reminded kindly.

The former ghost stepped on his foot, leaving behind the words "It's not like I haven't killed the Ghost Rider in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." before turning into an afterimage and rushing toward Lin Ge.

"Red ghost!" The muscular man shouted.


The red ghost followed immediately, then took up the secret spell and recited the spell: "Use the blade of the secret curse to cut off the seal and break the curse! I command you to appear. You, the former ghost, obey my orders and slay the evil. !”

As soon as the red ghost's spell came out, it was like Toguro Ludi turned on 100% muscle mode. The muscles all over his body swelled, his body doubled in size, and his body was covered with Sanskrit curse marks.


Lin Ge looked at the muscular man who was already charging towards him and Nita in confusion, and said speechlessly: "No, is it a crime to just watch the fun now?"

"Who knows. Come on, I'm optimistic about you!" Nita shrugged and retreated behind Lin Ge, letting him out between herself and the charging muscular man.

"...Hey, hey, hey, haven't you been looking for the plot for a week...Besides, I'm not idle either, I'm practicing, practicing!"

"Here he comes."


Lin Ge raised his hand, took out the judge's pen and swung it. The tip of the pen dipped in cinnabar ink drew a red word "Edict" in the air.

Then he threw it with his left hand, and a handful of paper money was thrown into the air.

Then the yellow paper money turned into palm-sized soul paper figures in the air, and instantly pounced on the muscular man, burying him completely.

Looking at the muscular man buried in the paper figures in front of him, several yellow talismans hidden among the paper figures exploded, directly breaking the curse seal on the muscular man.

Lin Ge said disdainfully: "What kind of magic are you playing in front of me?"

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