"It's not that anyone is backing him...but...do you know why the old demon from Black Mountain is the most troublesome one among the many demon kings?" Hu Bufan pondered for a while and finally asked.

This question confused Lin Ge. Although Lin Ge had fought against the Black Mountain Old Demon twice, he didn't know much about the Black Mountain Old Demon.

In other words, we only stayed at the very few background descriptions of the Black Mountain Demon in "A Chinese Ghost Story" and "A Chinese Journey to the West".

Seeing Lin Ge shaking his head, Hu Bufan continued: "Have you heard of the City of Wasted Death?"

Lin Ge had certainly heard of the City of Wasted Death, but only to that extent.

Hu Bufan explained: "The City of Wasted Death is a ghost city created by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to house the souls of people who died in vain, because people who died in vain do not end their lives and need to wait until the end of their lives before they can enter reincarnation. But the City of Wasted Death is different from ordinary ghost cities. , the soul that enters the City of Vain Death cannot come out, to say the least...it's more like a prison in the underworld."

According to the setting of the underworld, a person is destined to die at the age of eighty. However, when he dies due to an accident at the age of forty, he will go to the City of Wasted Death after his death, and will not die until he spends the remaining forty years in the City of Wasted Death. be released. During this period, the dead souls imprisoned in the city of vain death can live like people in the Yang world, and can go to the city to wait and see whether the people who murdered him have received their due retribution.

However, their personal freedom will be strictly controlled. They will not be able to receive ghost paper and paper offerings burned to the dead souls by relatives and friends in the upper world, nor can they return to the upper world to accept offerings from relatives in the upper world like other dead souls during the Ghost Ghost Festival. The ghost coins, paper money and other belongings of these dead souls will be temporarily stored in the Venerable Mu Lian who assists Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, until these dead souls see with their own eyes that the people who murdered him get the retribution they deserve, and their resentment is comforted, and they propose to resolve various issues. The time of each prison in the palace means that these dead souls can be transferred after the expiration of their detention period in the City of Wasted Death, and then they will be reincarnated according to their good and evil deeds during their lifetime, whether rewarded or punished.

According to the description in the "Jade Calendar Treasure Notes", a strange book about hell, the City of Wasted Death is located on the right side of the Fengdu Emperor's Palace in the underworld, with its border close to Naihe Bridge and the exit being the Blood Basin Realm of Bitterness. The person in charge of the City of Wasted Death is the sixth of the ten palaces of Yama. The palace of King Yama is King Bian Cheng.

Hu Bufan explained this, and Lin Ge suddenly remembered the underworld in "2002". Huang Yongfa explained to him why there were so many lonely ghosts outside the ghost city who did not want to be reincarnated. Some of them were not "numbered", and more Part of it is due to a wasted death and an incomplete life span.

It's just that the setting of the City of Wasted Death did not appear in "2002", or the City of Wasted Death was the ghost town that Lin Ge failed to enter, which resulted in the ghosts everywhere outside the city.

Judging from the clues revealed in the movie "A Chinese Ghost Story", the original form of the Black Mountain Old Demon is a Black Mountain in the underworld that has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years. His own magic power is extremely powerful and he has great power in the underworld. Not only can he enter and exit the City of Wasted Death at will, He can also command the ghost generals and soldiers who have killed the city in vain.

As for its only weakness, it is that its main body is a mountain and it is difficult to move around. Therefore, it has always acted instead of its main body by incarnating or possessing other objects.

Therefore, when he appeared in the two movies, he either turned into a huge house or appeared directly in the form of a "mountain".

Although Hu Bufan's words were very "obscure", he connected the information he revealed with Lin Ge's own movie clues, and he immediately understood what Hu Bufan meant.

"Brother Hu, are you saying...that the old demon from Black Mountain might be related to King Bian Cheng, the lord of the City of Undeserved Death, who is the Tenth Hall of Hell?" Lin Ge asked.

Hu Bufan lowered his voice and said: "This is just the idle talk of the people below us, plus a little bit of inferences and speculations. After all... a demon king who can run rampant near the city of Wushu has not been defeated by Bian. The city king sent troops to suppress it, no matter how you think about it, it doesn’t feel right?”

"Good guy, did you hit one of your own heads with this beating?" Lin Ge was speechless.

Hu Bufan shook his head and said: "No, our underworld has many factions just like heaven. You are the judge of the Yin Law Department, and I guard the Blood River Hell and belong to the King of Five Senses. Neither of them has anything to do with the City of Wasted Death. That old demon from Black Mountain offended If you kill me, you will kill me, the system is different, even if King Bian Cheng wants to cause trouble for us, there is nothing we can do."

"Uh, can it still be calculated like this?"

"Brother, you are not in the underworld often, and you don't understand the things in the underworld. In fact, the wars in the underworld are even worse than those in the underworld. Not to mention the battles with the demon kings and ghost kings, even the Ten Palaces of Yama themselves There are also frequent conflicts, not to mention the Five Ghost Emperors."

After a pause, Hu Bufan continued: "But... the old demon of Montenegro has made many enemies. Many big bosses want its life, but they dare not do it because of the relationship with the City of Waste. The old demon of Montenegro knows this too. Because of this, we usually don’t judge people based on their true form. So far, except for King Bian Cheng, I’m afraid no one knows which mountain in the underworld the Black Mountain Old Demon’s true form is.”

"So...this old Black Mountain demon is also a ray of spiritual consciousness?" Lin Ge asked, looking at the giant black mist skull fighting the judges in the distance.

The strength of the old Black Mountain demon here far exceeds the old Black Mountain demon that Lin Ge saw in the underworld before. Of course, it is also possible that the Little King of Hell personally took action at that time and used the treasure of the ghost town, the "Soul Calming Bell". Lin Ge was the main character throughout the whole process. The matter of killing the old demon of Montenegro basically had nothing to do with him, and he had no exact idea of ​​the true strength of the old demon of Montenegro.

But this time is different. The strongest ones are the ghost general Hu Bufan and Judge Cui. The rest of the judge's Yin soldiers can at most deal with the evil ghosts released by the old demon of Black Mountain. If this is also the spiritual consciousness of the Black Mountain Old Demon, then Lin Ge can’t even imagine how strong the real Black Mountain Old Demon is!

Hu Bufan said: "The divine consciousness is true, but as far as I know, in order to escape from the demon body and achieve the true fruit, the old demon of Montenegro secretly sucks the 'Yangshou' of the people who died in vain in the city. For this reason, he still spreads his belief in the world of the world, and also There are many people who really believe in its 'Black Mountain Religion'."

"In order to absorb the power of faith faster, the Black Mountain Old Demon transferred most of his spiritual consciousness to the underworld and hid it in the altar of the Black Mountain Sect."

"I suspect that this is the spiritual consciousness that the Black Mountain Old Demon has absorbed a lot of power of faith. Therefore, as long as this ray of divine consciousness can be dealt with, the Black Mountain Old Demon will be severely injured and turn him from a demon king into an insignificant little monster."

Lin Ge heard the words and said: "That said, this old Black Mountain demon has absorbed too much power of faith, and its true body is evil energy. It is not easy to clear this evil energy all over the sky."

"It is indeed not easy. If it were before, I would not know what method to use to deal with the old monster of Montenegro, but it is different now... Brother, you borrowed a ray of divine consciousness from the Great Sage. Don't forget the Great Sage. After taking the scriptures, what position will I be granted?" Hu Bufan said meaningfully.

"Fighting and defeating the Buddha?"

"That's right, if you are a Buddha, you can use the 'Buddha's Light to Shine', and the Black Mountain Old Monster is a monster in the underworld, and what he fears most is the sun. If brother, you can use the power of the Great Sage to defeat the Buddha and dissolve the fog in the sky, Let the sun and Buddha's light shine on the earth, and the old monster from Black Mountain will have nowhere to hide."

Lin Ge frowned after hearing this. It was true that he had borrowed his spiritual consciousness from the Great Sage, but that was the power he obtained through "acting as a god" through the power of faith.

It is not difficult to "play" the images of the Monkey King, the Monkey King, the Monkey King, and even Sun Xingzhe, but when it comes to fighting and defeating the Buddha... the difficulty is not that high!

Firstly, there are very few "official" descriptions of the Great Sage after he became a Buddha. Secondly, "folk" rumors have always held the opposite attitude towards the Great Sage's "enlightenment".

There are even "rumors" that the person who became a Buddha was not the Great Sage, but a six-eared macaque.

This also makes the image of "Fighting and Victorious Buddha" difficult to control, and the biggest problem with "acting as a god" is that if you don't act like it, you won't be able to gain power.

Lin Ge is currently playing the role of "The Monkey King". On the one hand, his spiritual consciousness has been determined, but on the other hand, it is still unknown whether he can gain strength by repeating the performance.

However, Hu Bufan's "method" is not without its feasibility, because he also has a magic weapon in his hand that can reverse yin and yang and attract the sun!

"Brother Hu, I'm trying to get the Buddha's light and the sun, but it may take some time. Can you help me hold off the old Black Mountain demon?" Lin Ge asked.

Hu Bufan said: "You may not be able to ask me to kill the old Black Mountain demon, but if I buy you a stick of incense, there is no problem!"

"Okay! Brother Hu, it's up to you!"

"Don't worry, brother!"

Hu Bufan turned into a stream of light and rushed to the battlefield ahead. When he ordered the army of Yin soldiers to surround the ghost domain released by the Black Mountain old demon, he joined Cui Pan and told him and Lin Ge's plan.

Upon hearing this, Cui Pan thought for a moment and said, "General Hu, I have a method, but I don't know if it's feasible?"

"President Cui, please speak."

"The judge's pen held by our judges has the effect of binding the soul. I can work together with the judges to set up the Yinlu array and control one-third of the time that the old demon of Montenegro has to burn the incense. After that, the old demon of Montenegro will definitely escape from the formation. If they break through, then you, General Hu, will need to take action to suppress them!"

After a pause, Cui Pan continued: "I don't know whether it can hold up a stick of incense, but it will definitely limit the Black Mountain Old Demon's atomization and escape to the greatest extent."

"This method is feasible, just do what Cui Pan said." Hu Bufan has been a horseman for hundreds of years and is very good at the method of arresting souls. As long as Cui Pan can trap the Black Mountain old man with the Yinlu array, Demon, he can use magic weapons to suppress the formation to prevent the other party from escaping early.

After Hu Bufan and Cui Ban negotiated, the two immediately mobilized their troops and began to form a formation. Although the ghosts released by the Black Mountain Old Demon were a huge threat to the reincarnations, they were not enough for Hu Bufan and Cui Ban to arrest the ghosts. For the underworld employees, it is no different from giving away someone's head.

But the Black Mountain Old Demon has absorbed a lot of souls during this period, and together with the judges and Yin soldiers who died in the battle, the huge skull is several times larger than before.

After Cui Pan and other judges dispersed, they took up a position in the city that had been reduced to ruins. The position of the formation was naturally guarded by Cui Pan himself.

As the judges' curses spread throughout the ruined city, Hu Bufan waved his hand, and thousands of Yin soldiers and ghosts screamed for death. The Yin soldiers' soul-stirring spells were mixed with the judges' spells, and the sky was filled with fierce ghosts for a while. Only endless wailing remained, which continued to turn into black mist and dissipate.

The old demon from Montenegro roared angrily: "You, the judges, are just trying to restrain me because of your shady deeds? You are just dreaming! Take your life!"


The huge skull opened its mouth, and the black hurricane instantly swept through the entire ruins. Many Yin soldiers were swept out because they were too low.

Upon seeing this, Hu Bufan took out his soul-enchanting chain and ghost general's token, first threw the token into the air, and immediately turned into a huge token larger than a thirty- to fifty-story building, blocking it in front of the old demon head of Montenegro, and then seduced the soul. The chain was swung, and with a "clatter", the huge skull was directly wrapped around the ghost general's token.

But just a few breaths later, there was a loud noise. Not only did the old Black Mountain demon shatter the soul-enchanting chains that bound him, but Hu Bufan's ghost general token was also broken in the middle.

The strength of the old Black Mountain demon is far beyond everyone's imagination, but since Hu Bufan promised to buy Lin Ge a moment to burn incense, he would do it even if he risked his life!

Hu Bufan threw away the broken soul seducing chain and ghost general's token, summoned his own magical weapon, a dark red spear, stepped on it, and turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the old demon of Montenegro.




The shock waves caused by the collision of streams of light and black mist exploded in the air, sending all the surrounding ghosts and Yin soldiers flying away one by one.

Even some judges who maintained the formation were affected and involved in the battle between the ghost general and the demon king.

Time passed minute by minute. From a distance, most of the time for burning the incense had passed. The sky was still dark, and there seemed to be no sign of the "Buddha's Light Shining" or the "sun" appearing.

Cui Pan and the other judges felt that they could no longer maintain the formation, and just as Cui Pan had guessed, the Black Mountain Demon was preparing to break through from the weakest point of the formation.

Although Hu Bufan had tried his best to intercept the old Black Mountain demon, the gap in strength had left him bruised and bruised. However, even if his soul darkened, Hu Bufan was still unwilling to take a step back.

The big skeleton of the old monster from Montenegro opened and closed his mouth, and said extremely arrogantly: "A mere ghost general can actually fight with me for more than a hundred rounds. I recognize your strength, so tell me your name!"

"Guardian of Blood River Hell, Hu, no, Fan!" As soon as Hu Bufan finished his words, he turned into a stream of light again, and this time flew directly from the mouth of the Black Mountain Demon. Unexpectedly, the Black Mountain Demon saw through his intention and sprayed out directly. An extremely sinister aura knocked Hu Bufan away.

"Come again!"

Hu Bufan was knocked away again and again, and flew back again and again. He believed that as long as he persisted for one stick of incense, his brother would find a way to deal with the old demon from Montenegro!

At this moment, a long roar came from the dark sky, followed by that arrogant and unique voice: "Here comes my grandson!"


A golden light fell from the dark sky, directly from the center of the Black Mountain Old Demon's head, and penetrated its entire head.

Even though the old Black Mountain demon was pierced through the head, its body was filled with black mist evil spirit. Lin Ge had used the same method to attack before, and he laughed disdainfully: "I thought it was the smelly monkey who came in person, but it turns out it was just an excuse. A wisp of consciousness, a humble scum, you want to hurt me with your little deeds?"


"Can you say that again?"

Lin Ge's voice sounded in the center of the old Black Mountain demon Hei Wu's head. At the same time, as a burst of golden light fell, golden light rained all over the sky!

Turn things around!

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