When Hu Bufan rushed into the ghost realm to find Cui Pan to discuss delaying the Black Mountain old demon, Lin Ge had turned into a golden light and flew into the black mist-filled sky.

As the demon king of the underworld, the old demon of Montenegro is most afraid of "sunlight". If he wants to destroy his body of black mist at once, he has to expose it to the sun with the blessing of Buddha's light like in the movie.

Lin Ge is surrounded by Chen Qing, who specializes in music. Although I don't know if this "specialization" is used appropriately, but letting Chen Qing sing "The First Appearance of the Buddha's Light" may have unexpected effects.

But although BGM can be done, it is basically impossible for Lin Ge to perform the effect of "fighting and defeating the Buddha". In this way, he cannot use the Buddha's light to draw out the sun like the protagonist in the movie.


Lin Singer also has a magic weapon that can "turn things around" -

Five elements and eight trigrams plate.

Lin Ge flew into the black mist directly above the ghost realm, raised his hand and performed a secret.

"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person."

Golden light spell, turn on!

Under the blessing of the golden light spell, Lin Ge's armor glowed with dazzling golden light, as if he himself had become the "sun" at this moment.

It's more like a "light bulb" than a sun.

After all, the range of the sun's irradiation was obviously not only more than ten meters. Affected by the evil black mist, Lin Ge could only light up himself at the moment.

And this is still a golden light curse that has been strengthened by the power of the "acting god" consciousness. It is enough to show that this old Black Mountain demon is influenced by the "Black Mountain Cult" and is indeed powerful.

But he didn't expect a "golden light curse" to solve the old demon of Black Mountain. He just relied on the power of the golden light curse to resist the erosion of the evil black mist.

Lin Ge hovered in the air, manifested a dagger and cut a small incision on the five fingers of his right hand. He then took out the Five Elements Bagua Disk and held it in his hand. He inserted his right hand into the Bagua Disk and turned it. When the spiritual energy containing the power of divine consciousness entered In the plate, following the lines on the Five Elements Bagua plate, it flowed around, and a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared!

"The evil and filth dissipate, and the energy of Dao will always remain!"

As soon as the mantra for purifying heaven and earth came out, a golden light shot out from the center of the Five Elements Bagua disc and shot straight into the sky, followed by golden ripples that directly dispersed the black fog that filled the air.

As the ghost realm was broken, the originally foggy and dark sky was revealed. This kind of weather would be great without a heavy rain, and there was no way to count on the sun.

Lin Ge can only continuously inject the power of spiritual consciousness and spiritual energy into the Five Elements Bagua Disk in order to maximize the power of the Five Elements Bagua Disk and achieve the magical effect of Chen You turning the world around in the original film "Zombie".

However, when Chen You turned things around in "Zombie", he only changed the environment on that floor of the Tongzi Building, while what Lin Ge had to do was to change the environment and weather of the entire neighborhood, or even the entire island. The two levels of difficulty were completely different. level.

Fortunately, the Great Sage is indeed an "old acquaintance". This time he borrowed the method to give him enough face. On the one hand, the power of his spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful, but it is just what Lin Ge's cultivation level can bear. On the other hand, his spiritual consciousness The power took up the consumption, greatly reducing the pressure on Lin Ge's spiritual energy.

"Twist, turn, fuck, kun!"

As the power of spiritual consciousness was continuously injected, the power of the Five Elements Bagua Pan was fully exerted. The golden light shot into the sky in an instant and pushed away the clouds and fog, and the sky became clear.

In just a moment, the Five Elements and Bagua Disk can change its form and let the scorching sun shine on the earth!

At the same time, the underworld soldiers who were holding back the old demon of Black Mountain were killed and wounded numerous times, and Hu Bufan was severely injured as a result, with wounds all over his body.

Seeing this, Lin Ge used the power of his spiritual consciousness to drag the Five Elements Bagua Disk into the air. As the Five Elements Bagua Disk flew into the air, he turned into a golden light and rushed towards the ghost realm below.

Lin Ge instantly entered the "acting god" state. Since he practiced the "Spiritual Cultivation Method" that makes him "spiritual" at all times, switching roles like this is simply easy.

In an instant, Lin Ge had switched from "himself" to the performance of the Monkey King, and shouted in that arrogant and unique voice: "Here comes my grandson!"

Then Lin Ge turned into golden light and fell straight from the sky, penetrating from the center of the Black Mountain Old Demon's head through its entire head. Since the Black Mountain Old Demon's body was evil black mist, this blow did not cause any damage to the opponent, but instead allowed Lin Ge to pass through it. The huge skull of the old Black Mountain demon fell to the ground.

When the old demon from Montenegro saw this, he immediately sneered disdainfully, but Lin Ge didn't care. He made a move with his hand, and as a burst of golden light fell, it rained golden light all over the sky!

The Five Elements Bagua Disk was fully powered by the power of divine consciousness, and instantly resolved the ghost realm of the Black Mountain Old Demon. As the dazzling and scorching sunshine accompanied by the golden light, the Black Mountain Old Demon suddenly let out bursts of miserable howls.



"my eyes!"

The empty pupils of the old Black Mountain demon's huge black skull were the first to be burned by the scorching sun, causing the opponent's skull to continue to sink.

Lin Ge kneaded the secret and wiped his eyes, opened his eyes and scanned the surroundings, targeting those who wanted to escape into the surrounding buildings or escape from the black mist in the neighborhood.

Then the fire sign was swept away, and the flames of hell directly turned into golden flames with the addition of the power of divine consciousness, instantly burning the surrounding black mist cleanly.

"Weren't you very arrogant just now? Now you know you are going to run away? If you want to escape from my hands, I think you are just dreaming!"

In just one stick of incense, Lin Ge returned the sarcasm of the old Black Mountain demon to him.

However, Lin Ge also noticed a strange thing. In "A Chinese Ghost Story 3", the protagonist relied on the golden Buddha body to summon the sun-burning Black Mountain Demon. The opponent's "eyes" were also hurt first.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Ge suddenly understood the reason. Hu Bufan once said that existences like the Black Mountain Old Demon who cultivated themselves into demons in the mountains of the underworld are inherently afraid of the sun, even to the point of being unable to "see". Therefore, the eyes have become the weakest part.

After thinking about this, Lin Ge immediately held the trident and the fire sign, and flew towards the skull of the old Black Mountain demon on the ladder cloud.

"Eat a forkful of me!"

The trident turned into golden light and shot into the left eye of the old Black Mountain demon. Lin Ge immediately flew after him and used the fire stick to summon flames to burn the opponent's right eye.

The main body of the Black Mountain Old Demon was damaged, and the scattered black mist was cleaned up by the surrounding underworld soldiers and judges. In addition, when Hu Bufan and Cui Pan saw Lin Ge's return, they had already prepared in advance to prevent the Black Mountain Old Demon from escaping. Increased the strength of the formation.


At this time, Lin Ge suddenly hovered in front of the skull of the old Black Mountain demon. Looking at the wailing appearance of the other party, he said with a smile: "I heard that you established the Black Mountain Cult and there are many believers... It is because of their contribution. It is the huge power of faith that makes this ray of consciousness of yours possess a strength comparable to the original body."

Lin Ge had recovered his voice at this time. Hu Bufan and Cui Fan below saw Lin Ge taking the initiative to talk to the Black Mountain old demon. They didn't understand what he wanted to do for a while, but they also respected the other party's choice and stopped attacking. Waiting for Lin Ge's next move.

In other words, these two people are "unfamiliar" with Lin Ge. If Nita is here, even her temporary teammate will know that when Lin Ge takes the initiative to negotiate terms with the captured head, he must be trying to squeeze out the other party's surplus. value.

Before Lin Ge finished speaking, the old Black Mountain demon suddenly burst out and opened its mouth to swallow him. In the huge skull's mouth, the tornado rolled up by the black mist was like a sharp blade, capable of crushing everything swallowed.

"Heh, it seems you haven't learned enough yet."

Lin Ge made a move with his hand, and a golden light fell from the sky. The Five Elements Bagua Disk appeared in his hand again, and then he looked at the open mouth of the old Black Mountain demon!

This is the Five Elements Bagua Disk activated by absorbing Lin Ge's spiritual blood that contains the power of divine consciousness. It is dozens of times more powerful than usual!


This golden light blasted down and immediately blew up most of the skull of the old Black Mountain demon.

Seeing that the old Black Mountain demon could be completely wiped out with one blow, Lin Ge stopped again and said with a smile: "Hey, how about we do a business? You release the power of your consciousness and let me absorb it. How about I swear in the name of Zuo Shen of the Yin Law Division that I will never harm your life and let you go back to the underworld?"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention the old demon of Montenegro was stunned, even Hu Bufan and others below were stunned. Making a deal with the cunning and deceitful old demon from Montenegro is undoubtedly seeking the skin of a tiger!

"Brother, no!" Hu Bufan said urgently.

Cui Pan also shouted: "Zuo Shen, if you let the old Black Mountain demon leave today, you must be letting the tiger return to the mountain. When its spiritual consciousness returns to its original body, it will be difficult to deal with it again!"

Lin Ge did not respond to Hu Bufan and the other two, but still looked at the old demon from Montenegro.

The old monster from Montenegro said in a deep voice: "Boy, don't even think about playing word games with me. Although I am a monster in the underworld, I have been worshiped in the human world for decades at least. You can swear not to hurt me." My life, but I didn’t say that these people from the underworld won’t deal with me!”

Lin Ge said: "I cannot represent the underworld, but I can guarantee that my oath includes not only me, but also my brothers and companions. If they can choose to come to the underworld to help me deal with you, they will naturally agree with my approach. I will not take action against you today."

"Is this true?" asked the old demon from Montenegro.

Lin Ge immediately raised his fingers to the sky and swore to his ancestor and the way of heaven seriously and resolutely. If he violated it, he would be doomed.

"I have made my oath, and now it is your turn to fulfill your promise and hand over the power of your faith." Lin Ge looked at the old Black Mountain demon and said.

The old demon of Montenegro said: "The power of faith is the power generated by my followers believing in me. You are not a believer of me, so how can I give this power to you?"

"It's simple." Lin Ge suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the void below. An invisible force instantly pulled up a figure hiding in the ruins. It was the ghost Taoist who released the old Black Mountain demon.

Lin Ge turned his head to look at the ghost Taoist who was holding his throat and said, "If I guess correctly, you should be the leader of the Black Mountain Sect. Even if you are not good enough, you are still a high-ranking person, right?"

"You, what do you want to do?" Seeing that even the Black Mountain old demon couldn't do anything to Lin Ge, the Ghost Taoist didn't dare to resist for a moment.

"I want to join a religion, is that okay?"

"No, no problem."

As the Ghost Taoist agreed to Lin Ge's entry into the religion, Lin Ge's mind immediately rang with the instructions from the Lord God.

[Successfully joined the "Black Mountain Cult (Taiwan Weird Things)" and became a follower of the Black Mountain Old Demon, with a crime value of +1000. 】

Lin Ge expected that joining the "Black Mountain Cult" would produce sin points, but he was not worried. After all, he was not marked by the Lord God now, and the income from reincarnation points in this reincarnation was not low. Returning to the Lord God's space consumes reincarnation points. Just wipe out the guilt value.

After all, reincarnation points are easy to earn, but the power of faith is not.

"Okay, I'm your believer now, can you give me the power of faith?" Lin Ge looked at the old Black Mountain demon and asked.

The old demon from Montenegro was confused by Lin Ge's weird behavior for a while. After all, an enemy who was at odds with him suddenly became a believer. No one could understand this.

But for a monk like Lin Ge, who has a patriarch and an official position in the underworld, the punishment of the heavenly oath is extremely serious. Once he violates it, he will never be able to break through for the rest of his life, and may even be sanctioned by heaven at any time and turned into ashes. It will disappear into ashes and will never be reincarnated.

For this "oath" to be established, the old demon from Montenegro must spread the power of faith.

Now the situation is completely under Lin Ge's control. If you don't agree, you will be completely burned to death by the golden light summoned by Lin Ge before you break out of the formation set up by the Yin Soldier Judge.

The old Black Mountain demon had no choice but to share the power of his faith with Lin Ge, the "believer".

Lin Ge was not polite and joined the "Black Mountain Sect". After being "favored" by the Black Mountain Old Demon, he activated Qian Shi Nuo and swallowed it up, absorbing thousands of the power of faith from the Black Mountain Old Demon in the blink of an eye.

As the power of faith absorbed by Qianshi Nuomian increased, the huge skull of the Black Mountain Old Demon continued to shrink, and finally became only a dozen meters tall when it was originally released.

"The power of faith has been given to you. Now it's time for you to fulfill your promise and let me leave?" the old Black Mountain demon said in a deep voice.

Lin Ge looked at the "1037" points of faith displayed on Qian Shinuo's face. He was in a good mood. He worked hard for a reincarnation and stayed at the Dazhong Temple for more than a week. Plus a small temple, the total was only three or four. The power of a hundred beliefs is not half as effective as this "black to eat black".

Lin Ge suddenly had an idea in his mind. It was not easy to win the favor of the gods and become an envoy. Wouldn't it be okay if he cultivated a few evil gods, spread faith, and then transferred the power of faith to himself?

As soon as this thought came out, a certain sapling suddenly trembled, feeling as if he was being targeted.

"Hey, I have given you the power of faith according to your request. Now it's time for you to fulfill your oath. You must think clearly about the price of a cultivator who violates his oath!" the old demon from Montenegro said in a deep voice.

Lin Ge immediately laughed and said: "Of course, of course, I always keep my word. If I don't deal with you, I will never take action. But I can only guarantee that I and the people in the underworld will not hurt your life, but I can't stop you. Others take action against you. Like, them."

As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, there was a roar of motorcycles. Nita, who had fully recovered her mental strength and injuries and transformed into the Ghost Rider, flew into the battlefield on a burning Harley motorcycle and landed below Lin Ge and the Black Mountain Old Demon. on the street.

As soon as Nita stopped, a small sapling jumped out from Lin Ge's travel bag on her back, and then turned into a towering dead tree.

The old demon of Black Mountain was severely damaged by Lin Ge, and his strength was reduced by less than one-tenth, and Nita Ghost Rider, as a negative attribute nemesis, also had an evil god-level mask.

In order to reduce the consumption of power, Zuopi had kept the form of a sapling and hid it in Lin Ge's travel bag. Even if he completely released his power at this time, he could still hold on for an hour or two and cooperate with Nita to deal with the seriously injured old Black Mountain demon. Not much of a problem.

And Lin Ge also "keeps his word". If he and the people in the underworld don't take action, it doesn't count as breaking their promise.

Obviously, the old demon from Montenegro, who prides himself on being smart, only thought about the first level. He did not expect that there was an evil god-level existence hidden behind Lin Ge.

"Boy, you are cheating!" the Black Mountain old demon said angrily.

When Lin Ge heard this, he immediately became angry: "He slandered me. He slandered me. I said that I and the people in the underworld would not harm your life. Have I broken my promise now? I hate people who slander me the most in my life. , you two, what are you waiting for? Just fuck him. Lao Pi, you saw that the old demon of Montenegro and the top demon king in the underworld are all reserved for you. I will think of you with all the good things. When you become a great god in the future, Don’t forget old friends!”

"Don't you dare, my lord is so kind and kind, the little god will never forget it!" At this time, the old dead tree's eyes were glowing green, and when he looked at the old demon from Montenegro, it was as if he saw Luo Wu, whom he had long admired. With huge steps, he greedily rushed towards the body of the Black Mountain Demon.

Lin Ge looked at Nita and said: "Eat the cake and eat it. Don't let him take the last head. The Demon King of the Underworld, this score is not low."

"I know." Nita stopped talking nonsense, started her Harley motorcycle, swung the flaming soul chain, and rushed towards the old demon of Montenegro.

Lin Ge fell to the ground and came to Hu Bufan and Cui Fan. He cupped his hands and thanked them: "Thank you for your help today. Thank you for your hard work."

Hu Bufan shook his head and said with a smile: "Brother, you are really... If you want to trick the Black Mountain old demon, you should have told me earlier. I was so scared that I thought you really wanted to let him go back to the underworld."

Cui Pan nodded in agreement: "That's right, so far no one knows where the Black Mountain Old Demon's body is. If it lets this ray of consciousness escape back to the underworld, it will not be that easy to find it again. On the contrary, in order to achieve righteousness, it , deliberately formed a cult to spread faith in the underworld, and even put the main consciousness into the underworld. If we can destroy its main consciousness, we may be able to destroy its tens of millions of years of cultivation."

"Hey, we can take credit for eliminating a major scourge in the underworld, right? I just wonder if the big boss behind the Black Mountain Old Demon will be pissed to death if he finds out about it?" Hu Bufan laughed.

As the saying goes, you can't talk about people during the day, and you can't talk about ghosts at night.

As Zuopi was feasting on the old Black Mountain demon, and Nita was about to burn away the last three-story-high evil black mist of the old Black Mountain demon, cracks suddenly appeared on the ground of the surrounding streets, glowing with green light. , thousands of underworld passages appeared at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, a group of Yin soldiers formed an array and neatly emerged from the underworld passage, surrounding the entire destroyed abandoned neighborhood.

"Everyone, show mercy!"

At this time, a dull voice echoed throughout the neighborhood, and then, a huge black mist turned into a red-faced and bearded man wearing a red King of Hell costume and appeared in front of everyone. (End of chapter)

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