"Hmph, a monkey is a monkey, and he dares to speak arrogant words even with a ray of divine consciousness. Don't say that you only have a ray of divine consciousness today. Even if you come, I won't take it seriously!"

The huge skull condensed in the black mist opened and closed with thunderous laughter, and the air flow almost lifted the big Raikage and Nita off the ground.

The big guy just wanted to escape now. From the appearance of Lin Ge and the Black Mountain Old Demon, he knew that the battle here was no longer something he could intervene in.

Nita also wanted to retreat. Although she didn't understand why Lin Ge turned into the Great Sage, the other party came to save her, so it was unreasonable for her to run away like this.

Although Nita's strength is far inferior to that of the Black Mountain Old Demon, her advantage is that the form of Ghost Rider can resist all evil, at least the pressure will not be greater than that of Big Man and others.

Due to the appearance of two super powerful "boss", Lin Ge and Black Mountain Old Demon, Iron Man and Ninja Village also stopped fighting.

If a small move provokes a backhand slap from the two bosses, it will be a big loss.

On the Taoist side, apart from Nita, who collected the heads floating in the water when she escaped from the ruins, and the Taoist himself who was torn apart by his "allies", the remaining two people, Shi Dake and Kuai Sheng, teamed up to barely block the two reincarnations in the Ninja Village. Just some minor injuries.

On the Ninja Village side, Sasi was taken away by Lin Ge with a stick, but the others were not seriously injured.

But now the situation has turned into a confrontation between two "boss". For a while, the reincarnator only thinks about how to stay away from the battlefield.

Lin Ge hovered in the air, brushed back the two phoenix feathers on his head, put a trident on his shoulder with one hand, and pointed at the old Black Mountain demon with one hand: "Don't say I bully you, I'll give you three moves!"


The huge skull of the old Black Mountain demon opened its mouth, and countless resentful ghosts flew out of his mouth. For a moment, the sky was like a group of demons dancing wildly.

The reincarnations who had been trying to escape were affected and had to face these resentful ghosts, and were forcibly dragged into the battle.

Among the resentful ghosts released by the Black Mountain old demon, there are still many ghost-level existences. The powerful Raikage can still protect himself, but his two ninja companions are not so lucky, facing endless attacks. Li Gui instantly met the same fate as the Taoist priest, and was torn into pieces.

Shi Dake didn't dare to stay here after seeing this. He kept flying upwards with rapid fire in hand, wanting to get away from the battlefield first and then stay away from here.

Lin Ge, on the other hand, yawned and stirred the trident. The tip of the trident stirred up a whirlwind of golden light, instantly burning up a large area of ​​resentful ghosts.

Although the performance of the god has greatly improved and consumes a lot of spiritual energy, the spiritual energy consumption of Lin Ge's performance as the Monkey King this time is far less than that of the chariot god.

On the one hand, the more powerful the spiritual consciousness is, the less dependent it is on the spiritual energy of the caster. On the other hand, Lin Ge has some relationship with the Great Sage.

Therefore, Lin Geyanshen only obtains a ray of divine consciousness, but he can also obtain the great sage's extremely powerful fighting power.

But even so, Lin Ge must fight quickly. Once he loses the power of the Great Sage, if he wants to deal with an opponent like the Black Mountain Old Demon who is far superior to the evil god, unless he ignores the threat of the Lord God and directly releases Huang Shang, maybe there will be a chance. The power of war.

After Lin Ge thought like this, he turned into a golden light and rushed towards the Black Mountain Old Demon. As the Black Mountain Old Demon fully recovered its strength, the huge black mist skull became ten times larger, about a hundred meters high.

As soon as Lin Ge approached the Black Mountain old demon, he saw a big hand of black mist condensing next to the opponent's big skull and grabbing at him. With the speed of the Great Sage's divine consciousness, Lin Ge's speed was already so fast that he couldn't see clearly. But the old demon from Montenegro was actually able to react.

The old demon from Montenegro grabbed Lin Ge with his big hand, and immediately grabbed the golden light that he had transformed into.

"Hahaha, you stinky monkey, you dare to be arrogant even with a ray of spiritual consciousness. Now I will let you recall the embarrassing incident when you were caught in the palm of Tathagata Buddha!"

"Just you?"


The giant hand of black mist condensed by the Black Mountain Demon seemed to be holding a golden flash bomb. The dazzling golden light broke through the big hand and instantly burst the Black Mountain Demon's big hand.

In just a few breaths, Lin Ge fought with the Black Mountain Old Demon more than a hundred times. However, the Black Mountain Old Demon was unable to do anything to Lin Ge who only had a ray of divine consciousness.

The huge hands in the sky cannot catch a single monkey!

This is not a monkey, it is just a loach!

The next moment, Lin Ge had already used Tiyun Zong to reach the head of the old Black Mountain demon. He held the trident in both hands and thrust it into the opponent's head.

When the trident pierced the head of the Black Mountain old demon, a cylindrical golden light instantly pierced it. At that moment, it was as if the trident turned into a wishful golden hoop.

This seemed like a powerful blow, but Lin Ge's face darkened the next moment, and he clearly felt that the blow was "empty."

Sure enough, when the "golden light pillar" penetrated the Black Mountain Old Demon's head and hit the ground, the entire huge skull once again dispersed into streaks of black mist.

The Black Mountain Old Demon has no "entity" at all, or in other words, the black mist all over the sky is its entity. If all the black mist is not eliminated, the Black Mountain Old Demon cannot be completely killed. However, this time Lin Ge could not completely disperse all the black mist without the help of the soul-crushing bell.

At the same time, the "Golden Light Pillar" pierced through the Black Mountain Old Demon and then hit the ground. Lin Ge's stick seemed to have pierced the ground, and the earth shook in an instant.

Seeing huge cracks appearing on the ground, Nita was about to use her soul chain to hook the building in the distance to escape, when she saw Lin Ge turned into a golden light and descended from the sky, came to her side, then hugged her, and got down. In an instant, he had jumped to the earthquake zone a hundred meters away.

Along with the two of them came out the big "Thunder Shadow" who turned into a flash of lightning, and the female ninja who was scared away by Lin Ge before.

Not far away in the other direction, "Iron Man" Shi Dake also flew out with a rapid fire and stopped on the roof of a building.

Lin Ge glanced at the big man and the female ninja with doubts. He couldn't understand why these people dared to wander around in this situation?

Lei Ying and others felt Lin Ge's gaze and immediately evacuated to a building, but they only hid in the building and did not escape through other exits.

"Tsk, you are indeed a reincarnationist, but you still want to steal someone's head in this situation?" Lin Ge joked.

Although he often does this kind of thing like "the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows", when two people above the evil god level fight, the damage is beyond what ordinary people can withstand. If you are not careful, you may become like those two ninjas. He was affected and died on the spot.

Nita suddenly said: "Maybe... I know why they don't leave."

"Why?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

Nita said: "When fighting that hedgehog-headed ninja, I deliberately used the fire of hell to lure the opponent to launch a large-scale fire attack. In addition, I was attacked by the Taoist group. The ninja probably got on top and was burned by the fire. The whole building.”

"so what?"

"Kill civilians."

"Huh?" Lin Ge was stunned and immediately slapped his forehead. Not to mention other reincarnations, even he had completely forgotten about killing civilians and losing points.

But that’s not to blame for the reincarnations’ disregard for human life. Even a fight between the Avengers can destroy Sokovia, not to mention that after being hit on the head by reincarnations who are comparable to supermen and have almost no concept of good and evil, how can they still survive? Don't worry about the lives of the surrounding civilians.

Of course, there may be another reason for Sass to let himself go so freely, and that is that the only four remaining reincarnation teams have all appeared. If he can kill all the remaining reincarnation teams and only his own team is left, it will not matter if he scores points. Got points.

This is the confidence that Sass has given to himself and the team. This can be seen from the extremely arrogant words of Raikage when the big guy appeared.

However, they miscalculated.

In the world of reincarnation, there is never a shortage of strong people.

They may still be able to fight against the evil god, but when faced with an enemy above the evil god, he becomes a weak ant.

And Sasse's crazy behavior put the remaining two people in the Ninja Village into an extremely passive and desperate situation...

If they leave, it means that they who have lost more than three digits will probably be the team that goes to hell in three days; if they don't leave, except for the two Iron Man who flew up that day, they will not be able to deal with even the ghosts in the sky.

However, "the burden of debt is too much", and they have already lost hundreds of points, so the two points of Shi Dake and Sui Sheo are not so important.

The big "Thunder Shadow" and the pale female ninja can only hide in the building and pray for a miracle to happen to them.

When Nita said this, Lin Ge immediately understood the intention of the big man and the female ninja to take risks, but then his expression changed: "Fuck! That's a joke!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the earthquake caused by Lin Ge's fork that pierced the ground caused the surrounding buildings to collapse due to the earthquake. Nita and Lin Ge's ears immediately heard the continuous prompts from the Lord God.

[The actions of reincarnators directly or indirectly cause the death of civilians. Each person’s sin value is +10. If there are more than 10 people, the points will be -3. )]

[248 casualties, guilt value +2480, points -83. 】

[Your team’s current points are -63, ranking second. 】

Lin Ge:?


Lin Ge and Nita obviously didn't expect that even with "-63 points", they could still rank second. It is obvious that Sass caused greater casualties to Taoist priests and others, and they lost more points.

Instead, they ran away decisively from the beginning. The "Zui Phi Summoning Team", which was originally marked by the main god because of the lowest score, jumped to the first place with single-digit points.

Not to mention that Lin Ge and others did not expect that even the "Zui Phi Calling Team", which only had two members left, did not expect that after the sniper escaped, the leader, the man with glasses, drove to pick him up and decisively evacuated the city.

Looking at the city shrouded in black mist in the distance, the two looked at each other, and both saw shock, confusion... and greed in each other's eyes.

"Boss, should we... go back?" the sniper asked tentatively.

The man with glasses also wanted to go back, but this reincarnation caused them to lose too much. The team could even be described as "the team was wiped out."

As a team that can summon evil gods, they also have a deep understanding of evil spirits. In the world of reincarnation, rewards are usually accompanied by dangers, and the terrifying black mist aura even surpasses that of the evil god.

In the end, fear defeated greed. The man with glasses believed that since the goddess of luck gave them a first place in vain, they should cherish it.

Finally, the old pickup truck drove away from the city without looking back.

Although Lin Ge and Nita were a little surprised that they could maintain the "second" ranking, the current crisis was obviously not resolved yet.

Although the Black Mountain Old Demon could not kill Lin Ge in the state of "acting as a god", the same Lin Ge could not completely kill the Black Mountain Old Demon in the black mist state.

But the problem is that Lin Ge's state has a duration, and the Black Mountain Old Demon becomes stronger as he kills more reincarnations and civilians and absorbs more souls!

"What should I do?" Nita knew that the best way now was to run away and run as far as she could while Lin Ge still had the power of his spiritual consciousness.

But she already regarded Lin Ge as her "captain", and she did not hesitate to seek Lin Ge's opinion at this moment. If Lin Ge wanted to fight, she would not back down even if she faced an enemy above the evil gods.

Lin Ge muttered: "It's not difficult to escape, but Taiwan Island is such a big place. At the speed of the Black Mountain Demon, the whole island will sink in a short time."

Speaking of this, Lin Ge couldn't help but feel a little emotional in his heart. These reincarnations are really like disaster stars. Wherever they go, there is a high probability of ending in destruction.

In particular, Lin Ge's family has sunk Hong Kong Island twice and Sakura Island once. They dare to be called the second "island-destroying disaster star". It is estimated that no one dares to be called the first.

Although it would be okay to add Taiwan to Lin Ge's "remarkable record", the situation this time is slightly different from the previous times.

First of all, there is still half a month left before the end of reincarnation. If they leave Taiwan, the main god will definitely give them some "surprises" in the world of reincarnation. If he didn't leave, Lin Ge wouldn't be sure that he would be able to survive from the hands of the old monster from Montenegro after the sinking of Taiwan Island.

After hearing Lin Ge's answer, Nita silently took out a few high-level recovery pills from the [Inventory] and swallowed them, preparing to face the next battle in the best condition.

Lin Ge swallowed the two B-level Spirit Resurrection Pills he had at the bottom of the box and was thinking about how to break the situation when he suddenly slapped his forehead: "Damn, I just got promoted, how could I forget about this!"

Lin Ge has returned to his original habits, both in his words and facial expressions. The power of "acting as a god" lies in "acting". After he stopped acting, the power of his divine consciousness also faded away. But it's just that it has "diminished", not that it has lifted the state of acting.

Although the bonus of divine consciousness gained in this way is greatly reduced, it also reduces the consumption of spiritual energy.

It sounds similar to the concept of qigong from a guy with the same name next door. It reduces consumption to a minimum when not in use, and once it is turned on, it can fully unleash its combat power.

At this time, Lin Ge wanted to contact the underworld through the "Judge's Order", so naturally he would not need the power of the Great Sage's spiritual consciousness, but just dispersing like this would not be enough to activate the power of acting as a god next time.

Singers Lin held the judge's order and pressed it on the ground, requesting "support" from the underworld as a judge. It just so happened that the Yin Lu Division to which Lin Ge belonged, Cui Pan was attacked by the Black Mountain Old Demon. He robbed many Yin Souls and also lost a general. It would be a good time to settle old and new grudges together!

Sure enough, after receiving Lin Ge's "order for help", Cui Pan personally brought the judges, Yin Chaos and Gui Chai from the Yin Lu Division to the world.

"Who used the decree to summon the judges of the Yin Law Department?" After Cui Cui came up, his voice was as dull as thunder. The resentful ghosts who originally wanted to approach were directly shaken away by this voice.

"The newly appointed judge of the Lower Yin Law Department, Zuo Shen Lin Ge, is paying homage to Judge Cui. I am using the order to ask for help from the underworld." Lin Ge immediately stepped forward and said.

This was the first time Lin Ge saw his "boss" after taking office. He didn't expect to be in such a scene.

"Prison Cui, a few days ago I heard that you were attacked by a demon king on your way out, and that the former Zuo Shen died in the line of duty. I thought that since I took over the position of Zuo Shen, I would seek justice for my predecessors, so I investigated all the way. Discover the conspiracy of several demon kings! And the mastermind behind this is the old demon from Montenegro!"

Lin Ge only knew that Cui Pan had a conflict with the Demon King, but did not know the specific circumstances, but this did not prevent him from adding fuel to the fire and holding the shit basin on the head of the old demon from Montenegro.

Under Lin Ge's emotional performance, Cui Pan had already mistook the demon king who attacked him as a subordinate of the Black Mountain Old Demon. At the same time, he saw that the world was reduced to purgatory under the Black Mountain Old Demon's wanton killing. He was immediately furious and headed towards Kill him in the ghost realm of the old demon from Montenegro.

In addition to Yin Lusi, Hu Bufan, who had been promoted to Ghost General, immediately gathered troops and horses to catch up after receiving Lin Ge's messenger.

"Brother, what's going on, such a big battle?" Hu Bufan asked in great surprise when he saw Taiwan Island where all life was in ruins and the sky was full of resentful ghosts.

You must know that it was only a few days since the last time I went to Taiwan. How come it was exchanged with hell and turned into purgatory on earth?

Lin Ge exaggerated the story about the old Black Mountain demon, and Hu Bufan realized the seriousness of the matter: "You mean... the demon king who sneaked up on Judge Cui and killed a judge is the old Black Mountain demon." Demon?"

"That's right! I just investigated this matter. I wanted to send the news back to the underworld, but I didn't want to be discovered by the old Black Mountain demon and cause this fierce battle!" Lin Ge said seriously.

Regardless of whether the demon king who sneaked up on Cui Pan was an old demon from Montenegro, under Lin Ge's control, he definitely was now.

"I see...Then we can't let the old Black Mountain demon continue to harm the common people. All the soldiers will obey the order and follow my general to assist Cui Pan and capture this demon king!"

Under Hu Bufan's order, a group of Yin soldiers turned into a sinister wind and swept towards the ghost realm, instantly fighting against the resentful ghosts all over the sky.

"Brother, why do I feel an unusual power in your body?" Hu Bufan was about to attack with the army when he suddenly asked Lin Ge in confusion.

Lin Ge chuckled and seamlessly switched to the divine state again: "Hey, to be honest, brother, I borrowed a ray of spiritual consciousness from the Great Sage!"


I don't know if I should be grateful for the "spiritual training method" of a certain crazy person. Lin Ge seemed to have a split personality. He could switch states whenever he was told, and he could fall out faster than flipping through a book.

With a raise of his hand, Qian Shinuo's "monkey face" makeup showed a ghostly smile, and he left a "stay here" to Nita. The next moment, he turned into golden light and rushed back to the ghost realm.

The old demon from Black Mountain had nothing to do against Lin Ge who was in the state of acting as a god. At this time, there was also the intervention of the underworld army. Even with his power above that of the evil god, he could not make trouble!

After Hu Bufan was promoted to Ghost General, his strength was also greatly improved. He also turned into a golden light and caught up with Lin Ge and said, "Brother, although you have the power of the Great Sage's consciousness, this old Black Mountain demon has a lot of background. It’s not that easy to kill him completely!”

Lin Ge felt something was wrong the first time he fought against the Black Mountain Old Demon. Its power at this time was even several times stronger than during the previous battle in the underworld.

"Oh? Brother Hu, what do you mean by this? Is there someone behind the old demon from Montenegro?" (End of Chapter)

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