Chapter 365 A team of acting gods! sky! Big-holy!


Sasi was instantly struck black by lightning and let out a painful wail.

Although he heard the reminder from his teammates, hearing and reacting were two different things, not to mention that Lin Ge's sneak attack was so fast!

Lin Ge caught Sasi and mistakenly thought that the enemies were all restrained by his companions. He relaxed a little when he took time to recover, and directly used Tiyun Zong to increase his speed to the maximum.

Being hit by Lin Ge's "Lightning Thunder Fist" with all his strength, Sasi was either dead or maimed.

Lin Ge originally thought that Sasi's ability to react to his sneak attack was due to the reincarnation's two best skills, "life preservation" and "perception". He never thought that apart from the few people fighting, there were still people hiding in the dark. Observe the battlefield.

At this time, the sneak attack was successful, and just as he was about to take down Sass, a beautiful shadow suddenly fell from the sky, followed by a gorgeous turn and circle!

"Back to the days!"

As the person turned around, a powerful hurricane formed around her body, instantly turning into a semicircle to envelop her and Sass, while simultaneously knocking Lin Ge back.


Lin Ge let out a powerful roar, and the sound waves emitted by the lion's roar collided with the hurricane airflow of "Returning to Heaven", and immediately swung around, picking up the broken limbs and broken stones on the ground.

Although "Lion's Roar Skill" and "Return to Heaven" are both B-level skills, Lin Ge's spiritual energy is obviously superior, directly shattering the opponent's defense.

As his name suggests, Bai Bai suddenly turned pale with shock. He ignored the seriously injured Sasgei, turned around and retreated towards the building next to him.

Not to mention Sas's pale behavior, even Lin Ge was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but sigh that this woman's appearance and heart were completely inversely proportional, and she gave up on her teammates so decisively.

Lin Ge's fist glowed with electric light, and he punched Sass on the head on the ground, preparing to take this point first, and then go after Bai Wan.


The moment Lin Ge's electric fist touched Sasi's head, he saw Sasi blowing up a cloud of smoke, leaving only a wooden stake on the ground.

Hey, he really is a ninja, right?


Lin Ge pinched his hand and flicked it in front of his eyes, and his "barrier-breaking eyes" appeared, and he immediately caught Saasgei who was running away from the distance while using the "Substitute Technique" and the "Mist Hidden Technique".

"It turns out that I still have this hand. No wonder my teammates gave up the rescue so decisively." Lin Ge stepped forward, used Tiyun Zong to catch up, and once again used "Lightning Thunder Fist" to blast Sasse's vest.

Although Sasi knew that Lin Ge was chasing after him again, he still felt miserable at this time. The "Lightning Thunder Fist" he had just taken took half of his life. The recovery medicine in his mouth had not been digested yet, but he didn't want to The opponent actually broke his combined ninjutsu.


Sasz was punched again. Although he tried his best to move his body in the end, a bloody hole was directly punched in his left shoulder, and his entire left hand was broken.

Unlike Sasi, who was beaten unilaterally, his teammates were almost all beaten by a few members of the floating team, especially the big guy Lei Dun. He was completely incompetent against the Taoist priest who could only fight positional warfare and hide behind the zombie army to apply buffs. Dimensionality reduction strikes. In just a few minutes, the zombie army was smashed back to the ground with corpses, and even the Taoist priest himself suffered considerable injuries.

"Ghost Taoist, if you don't take action, don't expect me to help you!" The seriously injured Taoist shouted while using spells to limit the big man's offensive.

At this moment, a thin figure walked out of the burning building, wearing a black monk's robe, with a Bagua pattern printed on his chest, and a backpack on his back.

The face under the bamboo hat turned out to be a skull face!

The Ghost Taoist's eyes were each covered with a yellow talisman, and a red cloth was wrapped around his eyes, which looked strange and scary.

"Oh, to be honest, it's fun to watch you group of strange people compete with each other. But, if you can't even do this little thing well, how can I trust you to help me?" Ghost Taoist's tone was full of disdain.

The Taoist priest roared: "Then I will turn around and smash that thing. It will scatter in two pieces. No one can play with it!"

"How dare you!" Ghost Taoist said angrily.

The Taoist priest snorted coldly and asked, "Can you help me?"

"Trash!" Ghost Taoist cursed, but despite the scolding, he still planned to save these strangers who had an agreement with him.

The ghost Taoist walked to the street, took out two stacks of yellow talismans from his pocket, held one stack in each hand, and then recited the mantra: "As high as the heaven, and as low as the underworld!"

"Hurry as the law dictates!"

A huge golden Bagua suddenly appeared at the Ghost Taoist's feet, and then a ghost howl came from the burned-black building behind him.

The residents who were burned to death by Sars were transformed into resentful ghosts by the ghosts' magic and swarmed out.

At the same time, a loud "bang" sound came from the ruins on the opposite side, and Nita exploded the stone slab above and broke away from the ruins.

As soon as I came out of the ruins, I ran into "Hundred Ghosts Leaving the Cave".


Isn't this a coincidence?

Nita deliberately waited until the effect of the recovery medicine was fully exerted and her mental strength was almost restored before escaping from the ruins. As a result, she ran into big business as soon as she left the house!

When the resentful ghost collides with the Ghost Rider, it is like a mouse colliding with a cat, suppressed in all directions!

The Ghost Taoist just wanted to control the army of resentful ghosts to besiege the big guy, but he didn't want to kill a Ghost Rider halfway. The soul chain was swept away, and the flames of hell burned, killing and injuring a large number of people.

Now it was the Ghost Taoist's turn to be dumbfounded. There was actually a master?

The ghost Taoist realized that ordinary ghosts could not help Nita, and immediately shouted to the Taoist priest: "Hey, if you want me to help you deal with these people, just give me your stuff!"

The Taoist priest wanted to scold you for giving something to you, what if you ran away, but then he thought about it... Firstly, the mission props are not needed now, and secondly, if these reincarnators can be eliminated with the help of ghost Taoist priests, that means Since there is no opponent in this reincarnation, when the time comes to find a way to do the plot, won't there be no obstacles?

Thinking of this, the Taoist priest did not hesitate anymore and took out a ceramic jar and threw it to the ghost Taoist.

Ghost Taoist took the ceramic jar, glanced coldly at the Ghost Rider who was driving Wushuang, and sneered: "If you can enslave a Soul Eater, it would be a good choice!"

The Ghost Taoist held the ceramic jar in his arms, opened the lid, took out a purple talisman, lit it and threw it into the jar. Then he recited a strange spell and shook the jar.

"The spirits of the sky, the spirits of the earth, the demons and ghosts obey my orders!"


Kidaoren smashed the ceramic jar on the ground, and a black mist suddenly exploded, covering the entire neighborhood in an instant.



The resentful evil spirits who were previously enslaved by the ghost Taoists instantly turned into terrifying ghosts, howling and attacking the living people in the neighborhood shrouded in black mist. And every time a resident is killed by these evil ghosts, he will immediately turn into a new evil ghost and serve as the ghost Taoist's servant.

Originally, the Taoist priest was at the end of his rope in the face of the big man's onslaught. Seeing that he was about to get this head share, he didn't expect a strange phenomenon. The street was shrouded in black mist, the bright sky suddenly turned into black smoke, and the sky was full of evil ghosts. The big guy attacks.

Upon seeing this, the Taoist priest hurriedly ran towards the ghost Taoist. Unexpectedly, when he was halfway there, two fierce ghosts captured him, one on the left and one on the right.

"help me!"

Facing the Taoist priest's request for help, the ghost Taoist sneered and withdrew his gaze.

The next second, a black mist penetrated the Taoist priest's body, and then he was torn apart by two ghosts. The moment the Taoist priest's body was torn apart, a new ghost was born.

Seeking skin from a tiger, but ultimately falling into its mouth.

The big guy didn't expect that the opponent he had been fighting for so long would be defeated so easily, and he immediately realized the terror of the Ghost Taoist.

Lin Ge, who had the same idea as the big guy, was fighting against Saas.

The first blow, "Lightning Thunder Fist", hit directly. Just when Lin Ge thought he only had to stomp on the head to gain a point, the opponent used a combination of ninjutsu and ran away.

The second hit was "Lightning Thunder Fist". Just when I thought that Sass would lose his life, Sasse used his last trump card!


The Susano given by Sass is much better than a half-witnessed Susan.

First of all, the Purple Susan summoned by Sass is a complete energy body ghost warrior, about ten meters tall, holding a pair of purple swords.

The moment it appeared, Tesasi blocked Lin Ge's third strike, "Lightning Thunder Fist".

Secondly, Sass is protected in the heart of this giant samurai. If you want to kill the opponent, you must first destroy Susanoo.

"Tsk, it seems that I was really capable of occupying the first place before." After sighing, Lin Ge naturally would not let this point go away. He took out the fire lotus and was about to "ask God for help." He used the Gundam to deal with the Gundam, but he didn't expect the street in front of him to suddenly surge into black fog, shrouding the entire block.


Judging from the concentration of evil energy, it is at least an evil god-level ghost realm.

Lin Ge didn't understand that the Iron Man vs. Ninja Village next door was going well, but why did an "evil god-level" ghost suddenly appear?

The battle situation becomes more and more complicated, and the longer it drags on, the more likely it is that danger will arise.

What's more, Lin Ge also had a temporary teammate who was buried under the ruins. Lin Ge didn't know that Nita had come out of the ruins and was fighting the culprit who released the evil god. He just wanted to deal with Sasse as soon as possible. Then go fish out Nita.

If he wanted to win a quick victory, Lin Ge was also prepared to use his trump card——

Qianshi Nuo, acting as a god!

"It's hard to accumulate the power of faith. Please don't come back to the unpopular gods. I don't want to play Deus Ex Machina!" As Lin Ge spoke, he used Ladder Cloud to fly backwards, avoiding Susanoo's slash and pulling away from him. distance.

Then he raised his hand and wiped it on his face, and the Qianshi Nuo face immediately appeared on his face.

Immediately afterwards, a golden thick mist appeared on Lin Ge's body, and quickly spread around his body, covering his entire body!

"Monkey King, Monkey King!"


Hearing this name, Lin Ge instantly became energetic.

When he put on the Qianshi Nuo mask, he just asked for an unpopular god to come and make him not know how to act. But unexpectedly, Qian Shi Nuo Mian gave him a big surprise!

The essence of Qian Shi Nuo's gathering of beliefs and performing the "Witch Technique" lies in the word "act"——

Not only do you have to act until you believe it, but you also have to act until others believe it. The more similar you act, the more power of divine consciousness you will gain and the stronger your strength will be.

When Lin Ge played the Goddess for the first time and got the role of the Car God, even though he didn't know how to act at all, he combined Arcee's Transformers power to stage a "Deus Ex Machina" drama, crushing the Samsara Team that summoned Mepi.

This time, the most well-known immortal character in the Great Celestial Dynasty was drawn, "Sun Wukong". If he didn't know how to act, I'm afraid that if Lin Ge could compete with "Kong Ting Yu Ye Liquor", he would be checked to see if he was a pure Chinese.

The most important thing is that there are many images of "Sun Wukong" in the Great Celestial Dynasty. No matter which one is well-known, if you choose any one to play, you can exert great power of spiritual consciousness!

The key point of Qianshi Nuo Noodles is to "use yourself to act as a god, use yourself to become a god, and use your life to act." The more realistic the acting, the stronger the power.

Great Sage, Lin Ge is so familiar that he is not afraid of not acting like him!

Lin Ge already had a clear image of this "acting as a god" in his mind through the prompt "Monkey King, the Monkey King" given by "Qianshi Nuo Noodle" at the moment of activation. He raised his left hand and consumed the spiritual energy to appear. A stick, dancing a few times, pointed at Susanoo not far away.

Since you want to act like a god, you must consider all the information about the "role" provided. Although the image of Sun Wukong is widely known, the actual identity and role of Sun Wukong are also very different with the "titles" of Sun Wukong in different periods!

"Monkey King"...that is naturally the craziest monkey!

"The spiritual energy that has swept through my Water Curtain Cave in the Flower and Fruit Mountain will make me the Monkey King, and the Jade Emperor and the Dragon King will make me... Xiao! Yao! Four! Fang!"

In an instant, Lin Ge's whole body was filled with golden light. The dazzling golden light made Sasi unable to open his eyes in Susanoo's body.

When the golden light dissipated, Lin Ge had transformed into the Monkey King wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings, gold chainmail, and walking on lotus root silk——

Sun, Wu, Kong!

Seeing the appearance of this classic image, Sasi Gei has already done something bad, but you already feel that something is not going to happen, so it is not a good idea to run away quickly, but this person still has a trace of luck in his heart.

After all, reincarnations have long been accustomed to having all kinds of strange abilities, so turning into a monkey seems to be nothing to be surprised about.

In addition, Sasse's Susanoo is an A-level skill developed by pooling the resources of the entire team. Sasse also has full confidence in his ability to keep the bottom of the box.

So, Sass controlled Susanoo and directly raised his big hand to grab Lin Ge.

Singer Lin held the stick that appeared and stabbed it upwards. After all, this stick was only a product of spiritual power, how could it withstand the power of the Monkey King's consciousness.

Lin Ge exerted force, and with a "bang" sound, the stick turned into powder, but even so, a golden light still swayed, and Susanoo's big hand bounced away.

"I'm sorry, this blow must have disappointed you." Lin Ge raised his head and looked at Saasgei, who had only fear on his face. He stepped down and used Ladder Cloud to fly up.

The Tiyunzong in the state of acting is no different from stepping on a somersault cloud. With a pop, an afterimage appeared, and in the blink of an eye it came to Sasi, hovering in the air.

Then Singer Lin took a look, and the trident appeared in golden light, but he held it upside down in his hand, used the fork as a stick, and slammed it down at Susanoo!


The A-level Susanoo, who could block a single strike of "Lightning Thunder Fist", was shattered into dregs like glass under the double blow of the power of divine consciousness and the Oni Shogun's magic weapon.

Susanoo was "broken into pieces", and Sasi lost his defense and was directly smashed into a pulp with a stick.

Following the reminder that one point had been received, Lin Ge did not stop, stepped directly on the ladder cloud, and stepped on the somersault cloud to fly towards the distance at high speed.

At this time, the "Thunder Shadow" big guy and the "Ghost Rider" Nita, one in front of the burning building, the other in front of the collapsed ruins, desperately resisted in the face of the ghosts in the sky.

The Ghost Taoist stood in the middle of the street and used magic to control these evil spirits to attack Big Man and Nita. For a moment, he forced the reincarnations from two different teams to become "temporary teammates".

Unlike the big guy who can only rely on his thunder armor to protect himself from evil spirits, Nita's Ghost Rider's ability can restrain evil spirits.

But having said that, facing a steady stream of ghosts, Nita's only problem is that she can't keep up with the mental strength of the Ghost Rider. Even if she keeps stuffing medicine into her mouth, she still can't resist the continuous use of the Eye of Judgment and the Eye of Hell. Consumption of fire.

Just when he was about to lose his hold, a golden light suddenly flew from a distance and exploded above the block, directly swaying through the thick clouds.

"Hey, you're just fighting monsters, don't be afraid!"

A golden light fell from the sky and blocked Nita's path. Then Lin Singer raised his trident towards the sky, and most of the ghosts in the sky suddenly disappeared.

"Lin Ge?" Nita recognized Lin Ge's voice and recognized the appearance of the Monkey King, but when the two were put together, she felt extremely unfamiliar.

Although Nita knew that Lin Ge could "invite gods", she only asked the gods for help and strengthened herself with a piece of power.

It would be too outrageous to directly transform into the Monkey King!


"My name is... Qitian Da... ahhhhh... Holy! Don't call it wrong!" Lin Ge stretched out the word "big" to the point where it almost reached a high pitch, and followed it with a slightly naughty cry. The closing note, stepping down, flew into the air again.

The trident turned into a golden cudgel in Lin Singing's dance, causing strong winds to blow around him. It rolled up all the ghosts in the sky, and when he hit it with a stick, his soul was instantly gone!

If it was twenty minutes ago, when Ghost Taoist had not obtained the ceramic jar, he would have avoided an opponent like Lin Ge.

But now that he has got the coveted "Demon King Jar", even if the Monkey King really comes, he won't take it seriously!

"You draw like a monkey, do you think you are really a monkey? Humph, today the real Monkey King is here, and I will make him Bima Wen!" The Ghost Taoist snorted coldly, and kneaded the secret with both hands. Hundreds of purple talismans flew out of the basket on his back, condensing into the word "Edict" in the air.

Then the black mist dispersed by Lin Ge's stick quickly gathered together and turned into a huge skull flying in the air.

The huge skull opened and closed its mouth, making a thunderous sound: "Who summoned me?"

The ghost Taoist worshiped in the air: "King Wu of the Ghost Way pays homage to the old demon of Montenegro. I have mastered the evil magic of the Ghost Way. Please give me a helping hand and help me become a ghost immortal!"

The old Black Mountain demon didn't even pay attention to the ghost Taoist who was kneeling on the ground. He looked directly at Lin Ge, who was hovering in mid-air, and said coldly: "No wonder I smelled a stink as soon as I came out. It turned out to be you, a stinky monkey! Today It’s just time to settle the old and new accounts together!”

Faced with the "taunt" of the Black Mountain Old Demon, Lin Ge hovered in the air and ignored it. He leaned back on the trident leisurely, as if he were leaning on a big tree. He looked at the Black Mountain Old Demon indifferently and scratched his cheek.

"I'm thinking that not only will you not be able to clear your account today, you will also have to keep one more account!"

Lin Ge originally thought that the ghost Taoist was going to invite a Tathagata Buddha to come out, but he turned out to be a demon king... and he was an old demon from Montenegro who had already been beaten twice by him.

Do you expect the old demon from Montenegro to beat up the Monkey King for you?

Do you look down on monkeys?

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