"Don't run away. You are a star in my life. No matter how deep the night is, you are the brightest star in my life. Even if you run away to the ends of the world, I can still find you at a glance!"

"You are the lock on the road of my life. My heart has been locked by you. No matter how far the journey is, I will always follow you!"

"You run, I chase, to show that 'love at first sight'..."

With a harsh "squeaking" sound, Nita made a gorgeous flick on her Harley-Davidson, then pulled the burning soul chain in her hand into the air and shouted angrily: "Shut up!"

The hedgehog head hovered in the air to stabilize his figure, and when he reached out with his hands, an invisible energy wave formed to lock the soul chain in the air.

Originally in Nita's Ghost Rider form, the Harley-Davidson was traveling at such a speed that it would be able to get rid of the hedgehog behind it in just a few streets at most.

But in the end, Nita couldn't survive the hedgehog's earthy love words. Her anger level soared, and she lost her mind and attacked the hedgehog.

Even though she knew that Hedgehog Tou Biao's trash talk was to hold her back so that Hedgehog Tou's other teammates could support him and win her kill.

But in the face of trash talk, anger finally defeated reason. Facts have proved that "trash talk" is very lethal even in the world of reincarnation.

Nita even suspected that the hedgehog had a "word spirit" skill similar to the mouth evasion effect, otherwise she wouldn't have been so angry after just a few words.

Nita held one end of the soul chain and squeezed it hard, and the flames on the chain suddenly became more intense. However, the hedgehog smiled "evilly", pouted and sucked hard, swallowing the flames into his mouth.

"Woman, you're playing with fire again, but it's a pity that I'm a professional when it comes to playing with fire!" The hedgehog's head was now possessed by the Dragon King, and he was full of oil.

Before the hedgehog opened his mouth, Nita was about to vomit just because of that "evil smile", and her heart nearly stopped when she heard these words!

Psychic attack!

This is definitely a spiritual attack!

Nita raised her left hand and wrapped the soul chain around her arm to prevent it from being dragged away by the hedgehog head. At the same time, she took out the black demon knife with her right hand and slashed a black crescent knife into the air!

The flames of the two men clashed with each other and blasted out waves of heat. The people watching around them were immediately affected and were instantly engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

Just when Nita and the Hedgehog were having a fierce fight, the Ghost Rider's strong sense of evil aura led Nita to discover that someone was casting a familiar evil spell in a nearby building.

Although she was so disgusted by Hedgehog's "psychic attack" that she wanted to fill Hedgehog's mouth with the corpses on the ground, Nita knew that she and Hedgehog were being targeted at this time.

In the world of reincarnation, there is no shortage of scenes of "the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind". In order to avoid falling into a desperate situation, Nita shouted angrily, and her long hair turned into flames dancing in the wind. Her whole body was like a flame bomb exploding in the center. A fierce flame of hell spread out!

The hedgehog was initially a little surprised at how Nita changed her mind and adopted such a large-scale destruction ability, but the next moment he was surprised to find that Nita's figure was engulfed in flames. It seems that this terrifying wave of fire is not trying to burn the surrounding people with him, but is trying to hide itself with the flames!


Although the hedgehog does not have the perception of the Ghost Rider, there must be a demon when something goes wrong. In the past few hours of fighting with Nita, he has gradually figured out the opponent's three axes, so there is no reason for him to suddenly do this.

At this moment, two sharp arrows flew out of the window of the building next door with a "whistling" sound that broke through the air, and flew towards the hedgehog's vest at high speed.


The moment the arrow hit the hedgehog's head, a cloud of smoke exploded from his body. He used the "Substitute Technique" again to avoid the blow. However, after the sharp arrow hit the stake of the Substitute Technique, an invisible energy blast exploded with a "bang" sound. The impact exploded the hedgehog head that had just escaped into the distance!

The attacker was none other than the "rapid shooter" who had been seriously injured by the hedgehog before, and floated on the water to cover his escape. But he didn't expect that he would actually kill him!

Kuai Sheo and others already knew the general effect of the hedgehog-headed "substitute technique" through previous battles, and were prepared this time.

The first arrow broke through the substitute technique, and the second arrow hit the main body!

The hedgehog thought he could escape with the help of the substitute technique, but he didn't expect that the second arrow followed closely and hit the jetpack on his back.


The flight pack was detonated by a sharp arrow, directly blowing the hedgehog head out of the air and falling to the ground.

At the same time, a thick black gas spewed out from the entrance of the building where the sharp arrow was shot, towards the passers-by who were affected and died on the street.

When the black mist burst into the corpses, they bounced up from the ground like zombies in zombie movies when they wake up. They stretched their hands forward and stood upright.

In the building at this time, the Taoist priest whose Taoist robes were blown to tatters was standing in front of an altar holding a peach wood sword and performing rituals.

Following the Taoist priest's drive, the "zombies" who were resurrected in droves downstairs jumped towards Nita in the sea of ​​​​fire.

However, it is a pity that what Nita is not afraid of the most is this kind of "negative attribute" enemy. With the eyes of judgment glaring and the fire of hell burning, all the zombies will die.

However, attacking Nita is just "incidental". The Taoist priest's main purpose is to drive these zombies to kill the hedgehog head with rapid fire and floating on the water.

Obviously, whether it was settling the previous scores or dividing the heads, the few people floating on the water were determined to take down the hedgehog head this time.

The hedgehog's jetpack was destroyed by rapid-fire arrows, and was besieged by a large number of zombies. He immediately stood up and stuffed a handful of recovery medicine into his mouth, followed by a quick seal.

"Fire Escape·The Great Fire Extinguishes!"

The hedgehog's cheeks bulged, and then a wave of fire that was ten times stronger than the flames Nita exploded before was sprayed out from its mouth!

When the fire wave engulfed the group of zombies in front of it, it also swallowed up the building where the Taoist priests and others were hiding behind. In an instant, the entire building turned into a sea of ​​​​fire. There were many residents in the building, and some because of the hedgehog head and Ni The tower battled the passers-by who hid inside, and heart-piercing screams suddenly came from the burning building.

The hedgehog head didn't care about the life or death of these people. He directly used the skill of pressing the bottom of the box in order to kill the Taoist priest and his group.

Obviously, the idea is wonderful.

The moment the whole building turned into a sea of ​​flames, there was a loud "crash" sound. Floating on the water, he smashed through the window and used Qing Kung Fu to fly to the opposite building. Shi Dake, who was wearing Mark armor, followed closely behind him with Rapid Fire in his arms. He also flew to the rooftop of the building opposite.

At the same time, a cloud of black mist flew out of the first floor of the building. When the black mist dissipated, it was the Taoist priest who had been inextricably linked with the hedgehog before, but was sneak attacked by the team behind the crane.

After the Taoist priest rushed out of the burning building, he kneaded the secrets with his left hand and took out a whisk with his right hand and whipped it towards the hedgehog head who was being surrounded by zombies in the distance. The next moment, the zombies he resurrected looked like they were on stimulants and started to move towards them like crazy. He launched a fierce attack with his hedgehog head.

Shi Dake and Sudaku, who fled to the opposite building, stood on the roof of the building to provide fire support. Sudden Fire could be called fire support, but Shi Dake's left arm turned into Gatling, and his right arm shot out small cannonballs, just like a set of firepower. Suppressive momentum.

The Hedgehog set fire to the building. Not only did he not kill the enemy, but he killed more ordinary people and added materials for the Taoist priest's resurrection.

At this time, facing Shi Dake's fire suppression, Hedgehog Tou suddenly fell into a passive position and was beaten. Seeing that the last few "substitutes" were all used up, he could only use his own trump card——

A "Ninjutsu Scroll".

"The art of multiple shadow clones!"

In an instant, hundreds of spiky heads appeared on the whole street, using different ninjutsu to attack the zombies and Shi Dake and others on the roof.

Nita originally wanted to hide in a nearby building and become a fisherman while the Taoist priest and others focused their attention on the hedgehog.

Therefore, with the help of the zombies' "offensive", they retreated while fighting and retreated into the building across the street. But by coincidence, this building was the new base chosen by Shui Diao and others to escape from the burning building.

Kuai Sheng and Shi Dake occupied the high point to attack Hedgehog Head. Shui Liao was supposed to be a "personal bodyguard" when he noticed Nita, an uninvited guest, and volunteered to rush into the building to grab this point.

For a moment, the city center was in chaos, and the melee between the three teams of reincarnators turned the neighborhood into ruins in an instant.

At this moment, a blue "portal door" appeared in the center of the roof of the three-story residential building opposite the building where Shi Dake was, and four reincarnators walked out of the door.

One of them, a tall, bald white man who looked like The Rock, looked around, walked to the rooftop and squatted down, then took out a loudspeaker and shouted down: "Sass, can you do it?" He was beaten into this state by a few bastards."

At this time, the hedgehog-headed Sasi downstairs used ninjutsu to block Shi Dake's artillery attack, while raising his head and cursing: "Fuck you, this is already the third wave of people, you guys might as well come a little later, directly Collect the bodies for me and divide the spoils."

"Good idea!" the big man laughed.

Sass was now ashamed and lost the calmness he had when chasing Nita. He cursed again: "If you want to help, then do it quickly. If you don't want to help, get out immediately!"

The big guy stood up, held a loudspeaker and let out a burst of thunderous laughter, then loudly said: "Since you sincerely asked for help, then we will help you with mercy... Brothers, the old rules , the one who gets the most head points will challenge for the spoils first!”

"Then I won't be polite!"

Before the big man could finish speaking, two young male reincarnations behind him, one tall and one quick, took the lead in forming seals and performing spells, and jumped towards the building opposite.

"Wanwan, aren't you going?" The big man looked at the long-haired female reincarnator who was standing motionless and asked.

Bai Bai shrugged: "Compared with grabbing points, I prefer picking up mistakes... Just go ahead and I will give you support at the right time."

"Tch, if you grab someone's head, grab their head. It's so fresh and refined." The big guy snorted coldly, stood on the edge of the rooftop and jumped downstairs.

In mid-air, the big man quickly formed seals.

"Armor of Thunder Escape!"

I saw a burst of lightning flashing, and the big man's whole body was crackling with lightning, as if he was wearing a suit of lightning armor.

Immediately afterwards, the big man turned into a bolt of thunder and lightning in the air, heading towards the Taoist priest below.

At the same time, two big teammates also "jumped" to the roof of the opposite building. One used the "Water Release Ninjutsu" and the other used the "Earth Release Ninjutsu" to fight with Shi Dake and Rapid Fire.

The female reincarnation who was still staying in the same place was pale, and her eyes also turned white at this time, which was the "white eye" in the "pupil technique".

Obviously, this five reincarnations, including the hedgehog-headed Sasse, all use "ninjutsu", a rare "specialized" reincarnation team.




Following the bursts of loud noises, the reincarnation person who used "Earth Escape" was like a demolition office commissioner, instantly smashing all the way from the rooftop to the inner layer of the building.

Nita was fighting with Sui Diao, and she had the upper hand. Just when she was about to kill a person, the building collapsed, and she and Sui Diao fell downstairs and were buried in the ruins.



At this time, Nita, who was buried under the ruins of the building, heard the communicator she carried ringing.

Nita maintained the Ghost Rider state for too long, and her mental strength was a little weak. She adjusted her posture, took out her hand, stuffed a handful of the elixir into her mouth, and pressed the communication button of the communicator.

"I'm here, which building are you in?"

"The building that collapsed."


Lin Ge had indeed arrived at the block, but when he arrived, he saw an entire building collapsed and quickly took out the communicator to contact Nita.

Although Nita was unfortunately in the collapsed building, her voice did not sound like she was fatally injured, which made Lin Ge sigh in relief.

"Need help?" Lin Ge asked.

Nita replied: "No need at the moment."

The meaning of Lin Ge's question was simple. If Nita needed help, then he would go get someone. If not, then the melee between the two reincarnation teams is obviously the best opportunity to steal someone's head.

"What caused you such misery?" Lin Ge asked again.

Nita said: "Actually, this level of collapse does not have much impact on the form of Ghost Rider. It's just that the stone slabs in the ruins are relatively heavy, so it's a bit troublesome to get out. But... if you want to find the target, use fire spells on it first. The hedgehog head was killed."

"Understood." Having said that, Lin Ge still sent a few paper figures into the ruins of the collapsed building to find Nita's whereabouts.

Lin Ge was standing on the balcony of a building at the corner of the street, watching the battle in the distance. Looking at the ninjutsu and cannonballs flying in the sky, he couldn't help but complain: "Is this Iron Man vs. Ninja Village?"

Soon, Lin Ge found the "hedgehog head" who was the focus of attention.

"How much is this guy hated?" Lin Ge was a little curious. What did this guy do to make Nita offer to kill first, and now he was the target of fire?

Originally, Lin Ge was quite interested in the Taoist priest. After all, he was obviously capable of controlling such a large number of zombies.

We didn't have many fights in Xingzhong Village. I only knew that the Taoist priest was good at the formation. Unexpectedly, he also had a hidden skill in "destroying corpses".

At this time, the big man who seemed to be possessed by the "Thunder Shadow" was using all kinds of thunder escapes and was fighting fiercely with the Taoist priests. On the roof in the distance, Shi Dake, wearing a Mark armor, was flying around, with fire support in several buildings. Jump around to avoid the rapid fire attacks of water escape and earth escape.

At present, the "Ninja Village" has the upper hand.

The support from his companions made Sasi's pressure drop drastically, and he finally had time to simply deal with his wounds. Lin Ge saw the right moment and prepared for a sneak attack, but he didn't expect that the female reincarnation upstairs discovered him first.

"Sasi, there's someone behind you!"

Sass instinctively flew a shuriken backwards, but what greeted him was the sky full of lightning, which instantly dispersed the rain of darts and struck Sass head-on!


Sasgei didn't expect that the other party would not only come quickly, but also attack with an astonishing intensity. He usually fought and sparred with the big guy, and it was already commonplace for him to be scorched black by Thunderbolt. In addition, he is good at playing with fire and has a certain immunity to "burning".

But when the thunder method enveloped him, Sass realized that he was wrong. Almost in an instant, he felt the power several times more powerful than the thunder escape!

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