Lin Ge was delayed for two days in the underworld and the hospital. Due to the overlapping space, the contact device had no signal. When he came out of the hospital, Lin Ge discovered that the number of unconnected calls and messages exceeded three digits.

Lin Ge first replied to Nita with a message "Safe", and then when he was about to leave the hospital, he asked Master Wu to go back and tell Wu Jiali to go to the hotel to find him. Looking at Master Wu's expression, the other party obviously misunderstood what he meant.

However, Lin Ge was too lazy to explain and asked Master Wu to send a car to take him back to the hotel, and told him to contact him as soon as possible if there was any news about the ghost Taoist.

Master Wu learned from Gui Jianchou that Lin Ge had a strong background, but he still dared to think of rejecting him for a long time. The way he nodded and bowed didn't even look like a "master" at all.

On the way back, Nita connected the communicator.

After a simple communication, Lin Ge finally learned about hundreds of communication messages, the first dozens of which were sent by Nita to ensure his safety. The last few dozen were the "second mark" carried out by the Lord God two hours ago. While chasing the reincarnators, Nita tried to get in touch with Lin Ge and jointly eliminated the reincarnators who had escaped from Lin Ge.

That's right, on the tenth day of reincarnation, the reincarnation team that the main god reported was the same reincarnation team that summoned the evil god Zou Phi and killed three of them by Lin Ge.

At that time, Lin Ge was completing the judge's promotion ceremony in the underworld. After receiving a reminder from the Lord God that he and Nita were still number one, he ignored it.

After all, with Nita's abilities, as long as she doesn't encounter an evil god, isn't "marked" and is besieged by reincarnators, there is basically no danger.

After Nita dealt with Bayeye Mountain and returned to the hotel, Lin Ge was "trapped" in the hospital in "Guan Luoyin", and the two just "missed" the opportunity to reunite.

Nita continued to look for new plots. Although she didn't gain much in the plot in two days, she bumped into many reincarnators.

One is Lin Ge's previous opponent in Xingzhong Village, "Shui Diao" and several of his companions, and the other is a member of the suspected "former No. 1" reincarnation team.

While chasing the float, Nita had a series of encounters with the reincarnator. During the battle, she encountered a new crane mark marked by the Lord God.

Anyway, the experience of these two hours was more exciting than the previous two days combined, and Lin Ge also understood the current situation of each team through the intelligence collected by Nita.

Judging from the "elimination method", if the reincarnation in Xingzhong Village who uses the "Chinese Proud Jue" is not in the same team as the Shui Diao and Ke Phi summoning teams, then there is a high probability that he will be the first reincarnation team to be eliminated and thrown into the endless hell. .

Secondly, as Lin Ge expected, there may be a lot of folk customs in Taiwan, but there are actually not many after being divided by the five reincarnation teams. As a result, after two days, Lin Ge and Nita still scored "17 points". " has the advantage of occupying the first position, which does not include the 6 points of "Minxiong Haunted House" and "Guanluo Yin".

However, the Meupi Summoning Team lost three members in the battle with Lin Ge and was seriously injured, and the plot did not progress smoothly, so they naturally became "bottom".

"Where are you? What's the situation now?" Lin Ge asked with a walkie-talkie.

After waiting for two minutes, Nita replied: "I was disturbed by the reincarnation and ran away on the water. The team marked by the Lord God is in the city two kilometers away from me. The reincarnation is still following me and seems to have called We need more companions. How are you doing there?"

"Both plots are missing the heads of ghost Taoists. At present, the 'two ghost Taoists' should be the same person. Maybe they can also complete the plot of "Ghost Fighting 2"... and there is the underworld, Cui Pan Maybe it's a branch with the Demon King. But these are not important. Let's meet up with you first." Lin Ge said.

"I'm near the China Mall." Nita reported a rough address.

Lin Ge replied: "You continue to walk the dog, try to find a way to hold them back, I will come over as soon as possible."


Near the most prosperous Chunghwa Mall in the center of Taiwan, the streets in the downtown area were crowded with people. Everyone looked up at the balcony on the third floor of the mall.

No matter in any era, there are always people who like to watch the excitement, but it is a pity that there are still more than 30 years until the release of Westward Journey, otherwise the pedestrians on the street will definitely make fun of "come out to see God".

Because at a height of about ten meters from the rooftop of the shopping mall, a young man wearing gray shorts and a blue T-shirt, who looked to be about 20 years old, with black hair and a hedgehog head, was "hovering" in the air, his hands moving quickly After making incomprehensible handprints, a fireball as big as a car was ejected from his mouth.

At the edge of the rooftop, a man wearing a yellow Taoist robe held a mahogany sword and slashed open the huge fireball.

People in this era don't know anything about stunts and CG. At this time, everyone seemed to be seeing gods. There were even civilians who knelt down and worshiped the young man in the air.

The reason why he worshiped the young man was not only because the other person "can fly", but also because the scene of this man fighting a "female skeleton" with his body covered in flames half an hour ago made many people mistakenly think that this young man was a god descending to earth. , who came to the mortal world to slay demons.

And that "Fire Female Skeleton" is none other than Nita in Ghost Rider form. When she was chasing the water float, it was this hedgehog who came out and kicked her in, causing her to miss her target.

As a result, when the two of them were fighting inextricably, Shui Diao came back with his teammates, and Nita simply took the opportunity to run away and chase the crane tail team marked by the Lord God.

Unexpectedly, this hedgehog-headed man was very powerful. Not only did the three people floating in the water fail to defeat each other, but one of them was seriously injured.

The Taoist priest asked Shuishui to evacuate with the seriously injured Rapid Fire, while he stayed behind to hold the hedgehog's head down. When Nita, who was hiding in the dark, saw this, she immediately had the idea of ​​becoming a "golden bird".


Just when Nita was about to sneak attack on the hedgehog head in the air, a gunshot rang out. To be precise, the gunshot was not much different from the sound of cannon. Immediately afterwards, a "cannonball" was seen flying out of an old residential house in the distance and shot towards the hedgehog head in the air.

According to the information Lin Ge had provided before, the foursome on the water were responsible for long-range attacks and were quick-firers, but he was a bow and arrow user and was seriously injured by the hedgehog head.

This shell was aimed at the hedgehog, and it was not supported by the floating team, so there was only one possibility——

The marked team at the end of the crane fought back, trying to profit from the melee and win the head points of the Samsaras!

After confirming the identity of the other party, Nita immediately gave up the sneak attack on the hedgehog, immediately jumped out of the window of the residential building, and rushed towards the building where the gunshot was fired as fast as possible.

At the same time, the "cannonball" was so loud that even though it was very fast, it still aroused the vigilance of the hedgehog head.

When the cannonball was about to hit him, there was only a soft "bang" sound, and the hedgehog head exploded into a cloud of gray smoke and disappeared from the Taoist priest's eyes, leaving only a wooden stake in the gray smoke.


The Taoist priest made defensive preparations when he heard the gunshot. The moment he saw the shell hitting the hedgehog's head, he thought that if the other party was not dead, he would just grab his head.

Who would have thought that the hedgehog head would just use the Substitute Technique and run away? That was all, but there was still a wooden stake left at the original position that was hit by the cannonball!


The shell instantly erupted with a huge shock wave, and even the Taoist priest more than ten meters away was engulfed by the blast of flames.

The Taoist priest hurriedly stuffed a few recovery pills into his mouth. He could only escape as quickly as possible towards the China Mall below.

Nita determined the approximate location of the attacker through gunshots and ballistics. As soon as she rushed downstairs and was about to go upstairs, she suddenly felt a huge spiritual force covering her, and she was frozen in place, unable to move. This is an extremely powerful mental attack. The ability to have such an effect proves that the caster's mental power must be much higher than Nita's.

Although the force control effect may only last for one or two seconds, in the dangerous world of reincarnation, you may be headshot in even one second, not to mention one or two seconds!

At this time, this situation was also happening. Just one second after Nita was frozen, a sniper rifle shot was heard upstairs, and the bullet went straight to Nita's head!


If it were any other reincarnation, the one being controlled at this moment would definitely be shot in the head, but unfortunately Nita still maintains the form of the Ghost Rider.

Ghost Rider is also a "spiritual" being. Even if the opponent's mental power is higher than Nita's, he will suffer a huge backlash after controlling it for one second.

And at the same time as the gunshot, a stream of hellish flames erupted from Nita's body, directly forming a wall of fire and dissipating most of the power of the bullet.


The bullet hit Nita's skull and fell to the ground. She raised her head and looked upward, only to see a reincarnation directly above her shrinking her head and retracting her gun.

But the man's speed was still a few seconds slower, and Nita determined the floor he was on.

This time, there was no need to climb the stairs. He just rode the Harley in Ghost Rider mode and pressed straight up against the wall. Wherever the flaming tires passed, there were still traces of burning.

"Holy shit, what the hell is that!" The Samsara holding the gun turned around and saw the female teammate who had used mind control to interfere with Nita falling to the ground vomiting blood.

This female reincarnation is the spiritual reincarnation who was in the previous summoning team. Together with the male captain with glasses, she monitors the occupation on the rooftop and is responsible for contacting her teammates.

Originally, as the team's assistant, she didn't have to go to the front line. She was usually either with the captain or with this sniper, cooperating with the sniper in ambushes.

Mental control is her best skill. With the female reincarnator's mental power of 110+, she almost never fails.

The worst time was when he controlled the target for nearly two seconds, but today the control was less than half a second. Not only was the opponent able to break the control, but he also suffered a mental backlash!

The sniper and the female reincarnation have been working together for so long, but they have never seen this situation before. Their first reaction was that an assassin-type reincarnation had sneaked in, and they immediately changed the sniper rifle into two muskets.

His two muskets have a great background, and they are a pair of suits. One is called "Shoot" and the other is called "Ah". When they launch a joint fire, they can beat the Mark rabbit into a sieve.

Directly taking out his trump card, it can be seen that the sniper is very afraid of enemies that can hurt his teammates.

"Quickly...let's go." The female reincarnator saw that this idiot teammate didn't know how to help her leave, so she just let it go. She actually held two guns and posed there, just to show off to you.

But the next moment the female reincarnator understood what the other party was thinking. After all, the two had cooperated for several reincarnations, so she quickly explained: "It's not...a sneak attack, it's a spiritual backlash. The other party is...a very powerful spirit, system, Let’s go quickly and meet up with the captain.”

Upon hearing this, the sniper immediately prepared to pick up the female reincarnation and run away, but only heard a "crash" sound of the chain shaking, and then a chain burning with blazing flames smashed through the balcony and flew in, accompanied by the sound of a motorcycle. With a roar, a flaming skull rode a motorcycle into the room.


It wasn't someone who screamed in terror, but after the sniper pulled the gun in his hand, as a woman's ecstatic voice sounded, one bullet instantly turned into dozens or hundreds of bullets "laying" towards Nita.


A wall of fire appeared in front of Nita, directly stopping all the bullets. At the same time, the iron chain in his hand rolled towards the female reincarnation on the ground. Judging from the opponent's condition, it should be the enemy who sneaked into her but was seriously injured by the mental backlash.

The world of reincarnation has a default "killing order"——

Kill the spiritual reincarnation first!

Although this kind of enemy that can cause damage to the target without contact has great limitations in its ability to activate, once their weird and unpredictable power is activated, it is likely to be "fatal".

Just like the "mind control" just now, but Vanita is not protected by the Ghost Rider, she will definitely end up being shot in the head by a sniper.

Although the female reincarnator has been seriously injured at this time, no one knows whether there will be another brief control at the next moment. After all, in the battle between reincarnators and reincarnators, one second is enough to change the situation of the battle!

Nita's soul chain was so fast that the sniper didn't react at all, and saw the female reincarnation being dragged in front of the enemy.

Nita was kind-hearted and used the soul chain to pull the female reincarnation over. Without even half a second of hesitation, she waved the black demon knife in her hand and directly cut off the female reincarnation's head.

"Ellie!" the sniper shouted in grief.

Nita originally thought that the other party would jump over the wall and launch a counterattack. Unexpectedly, at the same time as the "sorrowful howl" sounded, the sniper suddenly pulled the zipper of the bulletproof vest, and like a hen laying eggs, he dropped more than a dozen bullets from the vest. Smoke grenades, flash bangs and bombs.

Then the sniper turned transparent and disappeared into the smoke.

The most important thing that reincarnators lack is the means to save their lives. Although Nita was prepared, she did not expect that the other party would run away so decisively.




The huge explosion directly destroyed the entire building, and Nita was buried under the rubble. However, such an explosion and collapse would not cause fatal injuries to her.

A burst of flames suddenly spurted out from the gaps in the collapsed ruins, knocking off stones and wall panels. Nita rushed out of the ruins on a Harley motorcycle.

Nita concluded that the sniper couldn't run very far, and just as she was about to pull him out, she heard a frivolous laugh accompanied by a whistle.


The hedgehog-headed reincarnation wearing blue short-sleeves stood on the top of a two-story building next to the street and whistled to Nita: "Sister, you and I are destined to meet each other again... I see this, If you are willing to hand over all your reincarnation points and equipment, how about I tell the captain that you join us and be my little lover?"

Nita didn't bother to talk nonsense with the hedgehog, she just swung the soul chain and drew out a stream of hell flames.

"Woman, you are playing with fire. But unfortunately, I am an expert in playing with fire!" The hedgehog smiled contemptuously and quickly formed hand seals.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

The huge fireball collided with the flames of hell, and a huge wave of fire broke out, engulfing the surrounding onlookers and buildings.

When the fire wave dissipated, only the roar of the motorcycle was heard in the distance, and there was no trace of Nita.

It wasn't that Nita couldn't beat the prickly head, but the other person only hit him. What disgusted her the most was that while beating him, he said some earthy love words that were so oily that it made people numb.

Nita would rather fight the evil god than continue fighting with the hedgehog.

"Woman, you can't escape the palm of my hand!" At this time, a hedgehog's scalp-numbing laughter sounded in the distance.

Originally this chapter was a three-in-one 1W1, but there was a plot in the middle. Nita fought with the hedgehog, injured civilians and provoked the army. Many civilians were killed and injured in the melee. The Taoist priest appeared to resurrect the corpse, and the three-way melee controlled the corpse... It was about 4,000 words. The plot involving military and civilian casualties was deleted.

Also, the cold joke about the hedgehog making a gmd joke is a red line.

Deleting too much will affect the subsequent plot, and it won’t be corrected for a long time. So I will post one chapter first, and postpone the big chapter later. The three-in-one chapter will be posted tomorrow.

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