Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 362: People in the underworld, promotion and salary increase

Finding the souls of Ye Yilin's husband and Dr. Chen is not as simple as imagined, let alone whether the two have been extradited and reincarnated.

Even if he becomes an earthbound spirit and stays in the hospital, after such a long time, he may be subdued by a passing mage or swallowed by other resentful ghosts.

Besides, there is still a trickster like Ye Yilin who is dying. Although Lin Ge has used the quick-acting hemostatic spray and life restoration agent produced by the Lord God to hang Ye Yilin's breath away, he just doesn't know when this breath will die, unless Lin Ge is willing to spend one. "Jiuhua Yulu Pill" can extend your life.

Or, he could just take out his Black Impermanence Token to grab the business, and personally guard Ye Yilin. If he didn't seduce her, the other party would probably not be able to die.

Of course, this is all Lin Ge's idea. In order to implement it, it is estimated that you have to go through the procedures of the underworld. In the underworld of this world, even Hu Bufan has been in trouble once. There is nothing that can be solved by a "Nine Flower Jade Dew Pill". It is necessary to take this back door.

Just using "Nine Flower Jade Dew Pills" on such people, Lin Ge always felt a little shortchanged.

After a stick of incense, the little ghosts came back to life.

"Sir, we did not find the souls of this woman's husband and the doctor named Chen in the hospital. We have a small suspicion... that they must have been reincarnated."

Lin Ge frowned slightly when he heard this. Things had indeed developed in the direction he least wanted to see. Finding the souls of Ye Yilin's husband and Dr. Chen meant that there was no way to advance the plot.

When Lin Ge was thinking about whether to ask Hu Bufan for help, the Ghost King on the side said cautiously: "Sir, if you want to confirm whether the souls of those two people have been reincarnated, I have a way..."

"Oh? Tell me." Lin Ge asked.

The Ghost King continued: "Do you still remember the judge friend I mentioned to you before? I can go to the underworld to meet him and consult the "Book of Life and Death" to find the whereabouts of those two people."

The method proposed by the Ghost King was similar to what Lin Ge thought, except that Lin Ge needed to find Hu Bufan first, and then use Hu Bufan's "face" to ask the judge for help.

Now with the help of the Ghost King, one less step can be considered a time saver.

"Okay, I'll go to the underworld with you." After saying that, Lin Ge looked at Master Wu and said, "Master Wu, you charged me 80,000 yuan and asked you to do me a favor, okay?"

Master Wu hurriedly stepped forward: "Master Tao, just give me your orders. As long as it's your orders, I will go through fire and water without any hesitation."

Lin Ge pointed at Ye Yilin who was dying on the operating bed and Mrs. Chen who was unconscious after dripping "yin water" in the corner and said: "Keep an eye on these two people and Griffin for me. If something goes wrong with these three people before I come back, , you are the only one asking."

"Don't worry, Taoist Master, I will definitely take good care of them," Master Wu said quickly.

Of course, Lin Ge would not just hand over the three key characters of the plot to Master Wu. For safety reasons, he also left a "pendant" before going down to the underworld with the Ghost King.

Entering the underworld, the ghost king immediately dispersed the black mist used to "support the scene" and changed back to the ghost king holding the token.

Seeing Lin Ge sizing him up, the Ghost King hurriedly said: "I have been working in the Reincarnation Department for three hundred years, but my qualifications are actually very low. Otherwise, I would not have risked going to the world to accumulate merit. Sir, this way, my friend is on rotation today. You should rest at home.”

Under the leadership of the Ghost King, after entering the ghost town, they walked around and came to an old dilapidated tile-roofed house in the corner near the city wall.

"Wait." Lin Ge stopped the Ghost King who was about to knock on the door.

"grown ups?"

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows subtly: "If I remember correctly... you said your friend is a 'judge'?"

"Yes sir."

"He came here to investigate the case?"

"No, this is where my friend lives."

"Dignified 'Judge', do you live in a place like this?" Lin Ge's eyes trembled. If he hadn't just beaten the ghost king, he would have doubted whether the other party wanted to cheat him by playing "ghost jumping". .

The ghost king's pale face wrinkled together, and he said with a grimace: "My lord, you should not come to the ghost town often. Every inch of land here is precious. Don't look at this shabby house. It is actually a 'ghost town style'. It is also a villa in the human world." Super existence. This young friend still relied on his connections to spend a lot of money to buy this cabin."

"As for the 'judge'... Well, unless you are the person in charge of the four major judges, in this place like the ghost city, you can knock down several judges by throwing a brick. Not to mention the Yin ghost messenger, the soul restrainer, the demon ghost messenger and so on. It’s all over the place... If it weren’t for this, I wouldn’t have to go to the underworld to seek a life.”

Lin Ge:…….

For a moment, Lin Ge felt that there were too many flaws. In order to avoid being targeted by the River Crab Master, he finally said nothing and waved his hand, signaling the Ghost King to knock on the door.

"Old Wang, Old Wang!" The Ghost King banged on the crumbling "ghost town style" broken wooden door while shouting his friend's name.

With a harsh "creak" sound, the broken wooden door opened to both sides. At the same time, with a curse, one foot stretched out first, kicking the Ghost King out.

"Ghost, you *** bastard, you *** have the nerve to come see me? If you *** hadn't stolen my "Book of Life and Death", I *** would have been suspended for a hundred years, you *** You have the nerve to come to me? If I don’t beat you to death today, my surname will not be Wang!”

An ordinary-looking, pale-faced man with a mustache wearing a judge's uniform walked out of the dilapidated house. He greeted the eighteenth generation of the Ghost King's ancestors with a very "mommy" greeting.

"Old Wang, please listen to my explanation, wait, wait!" Gui Jianchou was kicked to the ground again by Lao Wang before Gui Jianchou could get up, and then received more than a dozen kicks on his face.

When Lao Wang was almost done with his anger, he realized there was another person standing next to him: "Who are you?"

When Gui Jianchou saw this, he quickly got up and said, "This is Mr. Black Impermanence. I brought him here to see you for something important."

Old Wang looked Lin Ge up and down, and then looked at Gui Jianchou with a puzzled face, which seemed to be saying, "Hei Wuchang is just a Soul Holder, and a Yin Ghost like you is only one level below him at most. Does this also require the word 'adult'?"

Gui Jianchou and Lao Wang have been friends for hundreds of years. He could tell what the other person wanted to say at a glance, so he quickly whispered a few words in Lao Wang's ear.

As soon as he heard that Lin Ge had an authentic magic weapon that enhanced or damaged the two generals, his expression suddenly changed. He respectfully bowed to Lin Ge: "I am here to see you, Judge Wang Defu of the Yin Law Department. If there is anything that offends you. , I hope you will understand me. I'm sorry for you, you idiot, you didn't even know to inform me in advance when you come in person."

Seeing that Gui's face was about to turn into a bitter melon, he muttered: "I've been giving you a wink since you came out, why don't you take a look at me!"

"Haha, haha. Sir, I wonder why you found Xiao Xiao?" Wang Defu laughed and asked Lin Ge.

Gui Jianchou first told what happened in the world of the world. After talking about the conflict between him and Lin Ge, he said: "My lord, I would like to borrow your "Book of Life and Death" to check the whereabouts of the two ghosts. It seems that they have already disappeared. Whether he was extradited or reincarnated, he was sent to another place."

Wang Defu looked at Gu Jianchou and cursed: "I have told you that your eyes are not easy to use. As the name suggests, ghosts make you worried when you see them. Even adults dare to offend you. What a fool, you can't think of the merits you have gained in the world of the world." I, when you get into trouble, you know how to ask me for help? If you are not an adult here today, don’t expect me to help you."

After performing the extremely "motherly" greeting again, Wang Defu looked at Lin Ge and sighed: "Sir, you don't know something. I was temporarily dismissed from my job due to this harmful friend, and the "Book of Life and Death" in my hand has been destroyed by Yinlu." Secretary Retrieval... But don’t worry, sir, it’s not difficult to find out the whereabouts of the two ghosts. All you need to do is go to the Yin Law Department with you and ask your colleagues below to help you check.”

After Wang Defu's explanation, Lin Ge realized that the "Book of Life and Death" equipped by these "judges" was different from the "Book of Life and Death" he thought.

The "Book of Life and Death", which truly records the life and death of all things in the underworld, has ten volumes, each in the hands of the Ten Palaces of Hell. The "Book of Life and Death" sent to the hands of the four great judges is a "rubbing book", which divides the underworld into countless small areas. distributed to the hands of judges in various places.

Originally, the "Book of Life and Death" in Wang Defu's hand recorded an area centered on Chongshan Mountain in Taiwan Island. This is also the reason why the ghost went to Chongshan Mountain to become the ghost king.

Now that Wang Defu's "Book of Life and Death" has been recycled, the only way to find out the whereabouts of the ghosts of Ye Yilin's husband and Dr. Chen is to go to the Yin Law Department.

The Yin Lu Division is located in the center of the West District of the ghost town. It is a three-story ancient building. After entering, the style is quite different from the busy and dizzy underworld in "The Deadly Appointment".

There were almost no people (ghosts) on the first floor, except for a sleepy bearded judge guarding the "submission desk" behind the window.

Wang Defu stepped forward and knocked on the counter door. The bearded man inside opened his eyes and saw that it was Wang Defu. He said in surprise: "Old Wang? Have you been reinstated?"

"Oh, don't mention it. It's all because of that ********** bastard. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been suspended for a hundred years. Forget it, don't mention it. By the way, Lao Li, today I came to ask you a favor." Wang Defu briefly explained Lin Ge's purpose.

After hearing this, the bearded man sighed: "Old Wang, it's not that I won't help you, but if I want to find out the whereabouts of the ghosts in your area, I can only use your "Book of Life and Death". And after you were dismissed, the "Book of Life and Death" It was handed over. Now something happened, your "Book of Life and Death" will not be available for a while. Besides, you have been suspended for such a long time, and I don't know if your position will be replaced. If it happens to be divided, We still have to check who owns the "Book of Life and Death", I just submitted it now and I don't have the authority to check it."

What Wang Defu heard was not that the bearded man couldn't help, but that "something happened above". He immediately approached the window with a gossipy look and asked in a low voice: "What happened above?"

The bearded man whispered: "I heard that Cui Pan was ambushed by the Demon King on his way back to the city. In order to protect Cui Pan, his two envoys died and the other was seriously injured. Cui Pan was furious about this and summoned all the judges of our Yin Law Department. , mobilized ten battalions of Yin soldiers, and killed the demon king’s lair.”

Judge Cui is "Cui Jue", the leader of the Yin Law Department. If the judges of the "rewarding good" and "punishing evil" departments are responsible for catching ghosts, then the Yin Law Department is responsible for "trialing ghosts" in order to be captured. The ghost's life story is used to judge whether the other party will go to hell or be reincarnated.

Strictly speaking, Yin Lusi is more like the immediate boss of Soul Controller.

"Isn't Yin Lu Si a civil servant? Are you so brave?" Gui Jianchou on the side heard this and suddenly said in shock.

Wang Defu looked at Gui Jianchou with disdain and said, "You, Yin Gui Shi, are a martial artist. We can compete with each other, but I haven't seen you defeat me."


"So you are the only one guarding this Yinlu Department?" Wang Defu asked.

The bearded man said: "Not really, those guys on the third floor are still there, but you know, the third floor is not a place we can go, and I heard...recently, one of our four major judges may be 'parachuted' in, I just don’t know which department that person will go to.”

Lin Ge finally understood that the status of Yin Lu Division increased with the floor. The higher you go, the higher your status and the greater your power.

Cui Pan's "office" is on the third floor. Except for the left and right envoys, the rest are also his cronies. Naturally, they have no friendship with Wang Defu, Big Beard and other low-level officials.

"Airborne? Where did the news come from?" Wang Defu asked curiously.

The bearded man said: "It's the people from the military service. I heard that they even used the connections of the 'Six Cases of Merit'. To put it bluntly, they want to arrange their people from the military service to our Yinlu Department."

"Ox head and horse face?" Wang Defu asked.

The bearded man shook his head and said: "If it's a bull-headed horse, that's all. It can be regarded as a 'regular promotion' at least. At most, he will jump to a department. But I heard that the soul master will jump directly to the next level. He may go to our Yinlu Department to take his place. The leftist judge who died in the line of duty."

The person in charge of the Yin Law Department is Judge Cui Jue. Under him, there are two judges, "Left Judge" and "Right Judge". The one who died in the line of duty was the "Left Judge".

"Is this person with such a big background?" Wang Defu and Gui Jianchou were both interested.

The bearded man nodded and said, "Isn't that right? Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to hire the 'Six Cases of Merit'."

The Ten Halls of Yama are in charge of King Qin Guang who died young and long-lived. The six meritorious officials under his command are divided into Tian Cao, Di Cao and Ming Cao in the left class, and Shen Cao, Human Cao and Ghost Cao in the right class.

The duty of the Six Cao is to promptly deliver the official documents and reports from the underworld to Emperor Yin, and to quickly issue the edicts of Emperor Yin to various places.

According to folklore, all documents and reports that need to be "reached to heaven" in the human world are "presented" by the meritorious officials after they are burned. Then the meritorious officials next to King Yama will present the official documents and reports to King Yama.

In other words, the Six Cases Meritorious Officer is the "messenger" between the Four Great Judges and the Ten Palaces of Yama. His official position is only slightly lower than that of the Four Great Judges, but he is a person who can directly talk to the Lord of Hell.

Being able to ask the "Six Cases Meritorious Officer" to help with the matter shows that the other party is indeed capable and respectable.

"Isn't our Judge Cui and Judge Wei Zheng from the Good Rewards Department next door known as the two most selfless and upright judges among the four judges? He can make people 'leapfrog' through their connections?" Wang Defu asked curiously.

Big Beard said: "It's said to be 'leapfrogging', but actually it's not a completely trustworthy relationship. I heard that that person was Lao Hu's best friend, and they solved a problem in a region together. Even the whole village didn't want to The 'difficult and complicated disease' of reincarnation... That person has accumulated a lot of merit in his hands, but he has been suppressing his promotion. Lao Hu is going around again. As you all know, Lao Hu can't do anything, he just has a lot of face. so……"

Wang Defu, Gui Jianchou and Big Beard started gossiping and completely forgot what they were here for. Facts have proved that no matter in heaven or on earth, men or women, no one (ghost) is immune to gossip.

Lin Ge originally only listened to gossip, but something felt wrong when he heard it. Why did he seem to be eating melon on his own head?

That person with a big beard who "takes the back door" sounds more and more like me?

"Judge Li, the one you mentioned who might be parachuted into the four major judges is the impermanent envoy named Lin who worked with Hu Bufan to solve the stranded ghosts in Xingzhong Village on Taiwan Island some time ago?" Lin Ge asked tentatively.

The bearded man was stunned when he heard this. He was just gossiping with Wang Defu, and then he noticed that there was an "outsider" standing next to him.

"If it's Hu Bufan, Lao Hu, the Impermanence Envoy... then it should be right. However, I don't know if the Impermanence Envoy's surname is Lin." The bearded man said.

After listening for so long, Lin Ge finally understood the current situation of Yin Lusi, and asked: "Judge Li, I heard what you just said, the only way to find out the whereabouts of the two ghosts is Judge Wang's " "Book of Life and Death". But after the "Book of Life and Death" was recovered, we don't know where it went for the time being. If... the new judge can inherit the position of 'Left Judge', will he have the right to consult the "Book of Life and Death"? "

"What you said is correct...but I just heard it, and I don't know the specific situation." The bearded man said with an embarrassed look.

Lin Ge was originally struggling with the "promotion" opportunity that Hu Bufan had secured for him. Should he take a military position and choose a position among the bulls and horses and work hard as a ghost general in the future? Or should he go to judge lawsuits and start as a civilian.

If you take the martial arts route, you will undoubtedly be able to get more "combat-oriented" equipment, but Lin Ge already has the Fire Lotus Soul Cuffs, and they are still "genuine" items that can increase or decrease the number two generals. In addition, as a reincarnation person, there will be a fairy sword made by Huang Ni in the future, so there is really no need to worry about "weapons".

But if you choose to take a civilian job as a "judge", you can get a rubbing copy of the Book of Life and Death, and you don't have to ask anyone to help you find ghosts in the underworld.

The most important thing is that if you take the path of being a judge, you will have more contact with the Reincarnation Department and be able to build a good relationship with him. Lin Ge doesn’t have much in him, just a lot of ghosts. If one day a certain boss gets tired of playing, he will ask for help. It would be easier to communicate with the Reincarnation Department after reincarnation.

If Hu Bufan really takes care of things, changing his job to a judge would be a good choice. As for whether he is the "Zuo Shen" under Cui Pan, it is not that important.

"Sir, do you know the nobleman who is about to come to the Yin Rhythm Department?" Wang Defu asked tentatively. In his opinion, if Lin Ge really knew him, then he would have been so busy helping, even though he didn't help in the end. , but at least the attitude is in place.

If he could use Lin Ge's "face" to get in touch with that noble man and get his official position reinstated, he would make a lot of money.

Lin Ge saw Wang Defu's appearance and immediately understood what he was thinking. He felt a little funny in his heart. Just now he was saying, "I'm not sure which of the four major trial departments I will parachute into", but now it feels like he has decided on the "left trial" The location is average.

"Maybe... the person you are talking about is me." Lin Ge said.

Wang Defu and the other three fell into petrification in an instant. They didn't know how to respond to Lin Ge's words. After all, they had been gossiping for a long time in front of the "person involved", and they suddenly felt like they were dead.

Lin Ge didn't expect that after detouring for a long time, he finally returned to the step of "finding Hu Bufan", so he took out the contact charm given by Hu Bufan to contact the other party.

Hu Bufan has been so busy in the past two days. On the one hand, he has to solve the problem of the ghosts in Xingzhong Village. On the other hand, he must prepare to be promoted to ghost general because of the great merit he has accumulated after he is reinstated. He also found time to take care of Lin Ge's promotion, which showed that he really kept Lin Ge's kindness in his heart.

At this moment, after receiving Lin Ge's message, he immediately rushed to the Yin Lu Department with the brothers with Ghost Eyes and Ghost Hands. Upon hearing Lin Ge's intention and promotion, he immediately confirmed the authenticity of Big Beard's "gossip".

However, Hu Bufan only mentioned the issue of Lin Ge's promotion at that time and did not confirm the direction of Lin Ge's promotion. He simply used his connections and activated the "Face Fruit" ability to find all the people he could find. , and even invited Cao Shi, one of the heroes of the Six Cases, to successfully reserve several plans for Lin Ge's promotion, waiting for him to take the time to choose.

Lin Ge was immediately moved when he heard this: "Brother Hu has troubled me about my affairs. I really don't know..."

"Hey!" Before Lin Ge could finish his words, he was interrupted by Hu Bufan with a wave of his hand: "Look what you said, this is a revelation. Brother, don't forget, if it weren't for you, our brothers would still be guarding the gate. .Thanks to your help, we got a lot of merit, and then we were reinstated."

"Brother Hu, if you hadn't accumulated a lot of merit before, you wouldn't have been directly promoted to Ghost General now." Lin Ge said with a smile.

Seeing the two brothers being so affectionate and complimenting each other, Ghost Eyes and Ghost Hands and the others couldn't help but thank Lin Ge. Wang Defu and Gui Jianjian, who were on the side, saw this and couldn't get anything to say, so they could only keep saying "Yes, yes." Yes” echoed.

But having said that, no matter which reincarnation world Lin Ge went to, he would always burn some money to pave the way for Hu Bufan and others, which more or less gave Hu Bufan "double face" below.

As the saying goes, "Money makes the world go round." With money and paper, it would be easier for Hu Bufan to build relationships and activate the power of the "fruit of face."

"So, brother, you finally fell in love with the position of 'Zuo Shen' in the Yin Law Department?" Hu Bufan asked.

During the conversation between Lin Ge and Hu Bufan, he discovered that although the other party had indeed helped him book a position in the Yin Lu Division, he had not exaggerated enough to appoint him as the "Left Judge".

After all, gossip is just gossip. If it is spread without mystery, then it does not deserve the word "gossip".

"As long as you can serve as a judge, it doesn't matter if you are a 'left judge' or not." Lin Ge thought that as long as he could get or see Wang Defu's "Book of Life and Death" and find the whereabouts of Ye Yilin's husband and the ghosts of Dr. Chen, the rest would be Not that it matters.

Hu Bufan said: "Hey, how can someone else get the position that my brother likes first? You wait first and let me take care of it."


Hu Bufan's name as "a householder with connections to the underworld" was obviously no joke. In less than half a day, he had arranged the position of "Zuo Shen" for Lin Ge.

If Yinlusi is compared to a company, the judges are equivalent to the employees in the company, and the "left judge" and "right judge" are equivalent to the managers.

Logically speaking, after becoming a judge of the Yin Law Department, you have to gain thousands of years of "qualifications" or obtain great merits before you can be promoted from an employee to a manager.

Although Lin Ge has accumulated a lot of merit in several worlds, there is obviously still a long way to go before he can be promoted to a judge.

However, Lin Ge still has the title of "Wine Sacrifice Guest" on his head. Although this title seems ordinary in the world of the world, the underworld is the headquarters of the Taoist sect. No matter what, this title has to be "somewhat thin". What's more, Hu Bufan took care of it, so the superiors just turned a blind eye and let Lin Ge "skip".

Since Lin Ge was in a hurry to return to the earth to attend to matters, he could spare no effort in the promotion ceremony. Many of the judges on the third floor of the Yinlu Department were old acquaintances with Hu Bufan. When they learned that Lin Ge was Hu Bufan's brother, they naturally took advantage of it. He also thoughtfully found Wang Defu's "Book of Life and Death" for him.

[Successfully promoted from "Black Impermanent Envoy" to "Judge of the Yin Law Division", with the position of "Zuo Shen". In the reincarnation world with the underworld system, this status is also applicable. 】

The judge's order is a red token that is one circle smaller than the black impermanence token. On the front are the four characters "Zuo Shen: Lin Ge", and on the back are the judge's pen and the seal of the "Book of Life and Death".

The order can be turned into a pen to tell the story of the ghost's life. If he is good, he will be sent to reincarnation, and if he is bad, he will be sent to hell to be punished.

The book can be transformed into the "Book of Life and Death". At the current time, you can check the reasons for life and death and the time of death of the plot characters in the area under your jurisdiction. You can also consume a page of "rubbing paper" in other worlds to check the reasons for life and death and the time of death of the specified plot characters. .

["Book of Life and Death": Rubbing copy, page 99. 】

After Lin Ge completed his appointment, since Hu Bufan still had to prepare for his appointment, and the procedures and processes for serving as a ghost general were much more complicated, Lin Ge asked him to go and do the work while he stayed in the Yin Lu Division to investigate.

With the help of Hu Bufan's "face", the judges on the third floor treated Lin Ge very differently. With this relationship, Lin Ge maneuvered to reinstate Judge Wang Defu.

Hu Bufan made Lin Ge deeply understand the importance of "face" and "relationship" in the underworld. Although Wang Defu was reinstated as his subordinate, he still needed to cultivate a few more "confidants", especially those who like gossip. , don’t worry about it being difficult to find out information in the underworld.

Later, Lin Ge looked through Wang Defu's "Book of Life and Death" and found out the whereabouts of the ghosts of Ye Yilin's husband and Dr. Chen.

The ghost of the former is actually in the hospital, just because Gui Jianchou and Master Wu created an overlapping space to extradite the ghost, and Ye Yilin's husband was almost devoured by the hospital's resentful ghost because of his low strength, and was caught. Opportunity hid in the gaps of overlapping spaces and lingered.

The kid Lin Ge sent out to search said it was a "carpet search", but in fact they only searched the hospital's space, not the "gap" from the hospital to Chongshan, and missed the target.

As for Dr. Chen's soul, because he had lived under the arrangements of his "parents" all his life and never lived for himself, he came to the underworld after death and was sentenced to death for "fatigue and negligent surgery that killed an innocent person." A hundred years, but because he also saved many people when he was a doctor, his merits and demerits were balanced, and he was finally sentenced to "jail" for eight years.

Lin Ge couldn't help but sigh when he saw this. He caused one person to be sentenced to a hundred years, but saved more than ninety lives and reduced his sentence to more than ninety years. The punishment in the underworld is indeed completely different from that in the earth.

In the name of the judge's work, Lin Ge found Dr. Chen in the "hell" and told him about the situation of Mrs. Chen and Griffin. The doctor decided to follow Lin Ge to the mortal world to meet the two.

Back in the world, although it had been nearly a day since Lin Ge left, Master Wu kept his promise and stayed by the operating table to take care of Ye Yilin and Mrs. Chen. He also tried to escape, but was found by Griffin who was scared to death by the ghost in the hospital.

They were even worried that Ye Yilin would die, so they hired a team of professional doctors from the family to keep an eye on Ye Yilin's condition in the operating room.

As soon as Lin Ge came back, he saw that the originally empty and shabby operating room had been tidied up, and there was also a large group of people.

At this time, Chen Qing, who was attached to Ye Yilin's hairpin, flew out and told him what happened after Lin Ge left. It can be seen that the Wu family, which has been cooperating with Gui Jianchou for a long time, has done a good job in making promises to ghosts and gods.

While Gui Jianchou was communicating with Master Wu, Lin Ge used magic to awaken the unconscious Mrs. Chen and Griffin, allowing them to see Dr. Chen as they wished.

Both women seemed to be doing good for Dr. Chen, but in fact they were the culprits who killed him. However, Dr. Chen was kind-hearted and did not blame them in the end. Instead, he persuaded them to let go so that he could be reincarnated with peace of mind.

The touching meeting with Dr. Chen made Ye Yilin hope to see her husband. She sat up, looked at Lin Ge and said anxiously: "Where is my husband? Where is my husband?"

If it weren't for the mission, Lin Ge really didn't want to talk to Ye Yilin. He wanted to use the judge's order to send two ghost servants to retrieve the soul of Ye Yilin's husband from the gap in space. When the ghost saw this, he quickly took over the job. Instead, he took advantage of it. The machine created Lin Ge's "favor".

Lin Ge was used to favoring characters in the plot. This was the first time that a character in the plot took the initiative to favor him, so he simply left the matter to Gui Jianchou.

After half an hour, Gui Jianchou finally found the ghost of Ye Yilin's husband who was about to be tortured and dissipated from an inconspicuous place in the overlapping space.

When one person and one ghost met, the scene was heart-tugging and touching... But the touching scene only lasted less than half a stick of incense. After Ye Yilin's husband heard that the other party was willing to cut his wrists and commit suicide to tell him the "good news", The soul that was about to dissipate was almost shaken away, and his face turned green with anger.

Lin Ge used magic and spiritual energy to stabilize Ye Yilin's husband's soul. Unexpectedly, Ye Yilin revealed the "truth" that she was pregnant with her husband's bloodline, which immediately shattered people's minds.

Lin Ge: ...Good guy, this is the ethical blockbuster of the year!

Before Lin Ge could finish sighing, Ye Yilin's husband turned "black" and turned into a resentful spirit, threatening to kill the fetus in Ye Yilin's belly.

Ye Yilin clutched her stomach and screamed hysterically: "I just want to continue the descendants of your family. What's wrong with me?"

"I'm going to kill you, you shameless thing!" Ye Yilin's husband roared.

Lin Ge, Master Wu, Gu Jianchou, and several personal doctors of the Wu family stood in a row, looking like they were watching a show. All they had was peanuts and melon seeds and popcorn.

Master Wu saw that Ye Yilin's face turned purple after being pinched by her husband. He looked at Lin Ge and couldn't help but ask: "Master Tao, do you think we should save that woman?"

"It is difficult for an upright official to resolve household affairs. When other young couples are fighting, why should we get involved?" Even so, Lin Ge still used the judge's pen to erase the resentment on Ye Yilin's husband, turning him from a resentful spirit back to a ghost.

After all, they had retrieved the ghost of Ye Yilin's husband. Although they had accomplished the task, it would be somewhat unjustifiable if others would never be reincarnated because of this.

Moreover, Lin Ge checked the cause of Ye Yilin's death through the "Book of Life and Death" and found that she still died from slitting her wrists, not a grudge seeking her life.

At this time, Doctor Chen's conversation was almost over. Lin Ge glanced at the task panel and confirmed that the three women's "long-cherished wish" had been achieved, and then asked Master Wu to stop Ye Yilin and his wife from continuing to cause trouble.

In the end, Lin Ge asked Gui Jianchou to take Ye Yilin's husband and Dr. Chen back to the underworld for extradition, and gave this merit to Gui Jianchou. This made Gui Jianchou so moved that he swore that Lin Ge would be his big brother from now on. As long as it was Lin Ge's order, he would go up and down the knife mountain and get into the frying pan. As long as Gui Jianchou frowned, he would be his brother for the rest of his life. What a bad guy.

The plot of "Guan Luo Yin" is half completed. Lin Ge not only went to the underworld to get a promotion, but also took in two horse boys.

In addition, a demon king suspected to be a branch plot was also discovered.

But before that, we have to solve Wu Jiali's problem and get the three points first.

2-in-1, there is still one chapter left to be edited, the 3-in-1 will be released tomorrow night.

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