The hospital had been abandoned for a long time, and benches in the halls and corridors were piled up and down in the corners. The moonlight shone in through the broken glass, making the old and yellowed photos of doctors and medical structural diagrams on the walls look very scary. The limestone sculptures hanging on the walls have long been weathered, creating a strange atmosphere. The iron cast brackets and drainage pipes on the floor were exposed to the air and looked out of place with everything around them.

Walking in the stairwell leading to the -1 floor, accompanied by endless darkness and silence, it seems that you can clearly hear the sound of your own heartbeat.

The thick dust beneath my feet seemed to be traces of forgotten time. The cold wind wandered weirdly in the corridor, constantly hitting the walls and door panels, making a creepy low moan.

Although Lin Ge determined through his eyes that the hospital was full of ghosts and red light beams, these ghosts seemed to be hiding in the dark, and even intentionally avoided their path. He had not been able to see them head-on since entering the hospital. A ghost is really weird.

Along the way, Master Wu and his disciples were still introducing the situation of "inhaling Yin Qi" to everyone, and explained it based on the situations of several people.

Through Master Wu's "narration", Lin Ge also understood the purpose of Qian Jiduo and others coming here.

Qian Jiduo wanted to see his deceased wife, and Griffin wanted to see the doctor who performed heart surgery on her. The young woman was named Ye Yilin. She wanted to see her husband who died during heart surgery in this hospital. And the seventy or eighty-year-old The elderly man came here to meet her son, who is a doctor in this hospital.

In general, every relative or friend that everyone wanted to see had some relationship with this hospital, and the coincidence was outrageous.

Soon, everyone went down the stairwell to the -1 floor. Lin Ge took advantage of the view blocked by the corner platform of the stairwell and threw a few yellow paper figures on the ground. He picked up the spell and controlled the paper figures to run up to the upper floors. everywhere, trying to find those hidden ghosts.

However, the strange thing is that Lin Ge clearly identified the room where the ghost existed before his eyes, but when the soul paper man arrived, he found that there was nothing there.

While Lin Ge was confused, Master Wu had already led everyone to the door of the morgue.

In the dark corridor, only the high-power flashlight in the hands of Master Wu's apprentice was lit. As the apprentice swept the flashlight towards the house number, just the decayed sign and the words "Morgue" made people's hair stand on end.

Master Wu pushed open the door of the morgue, turned around and said to everyone: "Don't worry, this hospital has been abandoned for a long time, and the corpses parked inside have been moved long ago."

Everyone: ...Is this what we are afraid of?


It is the scariest and most "mysterious" place in the hospital. Not many people dare to enter it during the day, let alone it is almost 12 o'clock in the evening, the time of day when the gloomy atmosphere is the heaviest.

Among them, except Lin Ge who was very calm, the seventy or eighty-year-old man didn't have much expression. On the contrary, Qian Jiduo, Griffin and Ye Yilin were very frightened.

"Let's go, everyone, please follow me in." Master Wu said, took out four sticks of incense and a lighter, lit the incense, held it in his hand, bowed to the empty morgue, and walked in first.

"Please." Master Wu's apprentice politely urged the hesitant people.

Lin Ge and the old lady walked into the morgue together. Qian Jiduo and the other two people behind saw them both going in, so they made up their minds and followed them in together.

The moment he stepped into the morgue, Lin Ge faintly heard a woman's voice, which seemed to be singing something in local dialect.

After listening carefully, it turned out to be the magic spell that the fairy used before.

"Yindan meets the underworld, the underworld is the master, and the master of the palace is opened. Take big steps to answer, and you can tell every inch. The big road passes, and the waves pass. The small road passes, and you penetrate the dungeon. The big road leads to the underworld city, and you find your parents and find family ties."

As soon as Ye Yilin entered the door, she suddenly screamed. Qian Jiduo was so frightened that she jumped up to Master Wu and couldn't help cursing: "Are you crazy?"

Ye Yilin only had fear and grievance on her face. She unconsciously approached Griffin beside her and said nervously: "You, you, did you, did you hear a woman's voice?"

Qian Jiduo said angrily: "I heard your voice."

"Shh." At this time, Griffin made a silencing gesture and said seriously: "Mr. Qian, don't be impatient. Listen carefully. There seems to be something real."

As soon as Griffin finished speaking, the others stopped talking. The moment of silence made the gloomy morgue look terrifying.

At the same time, Lin Ge heard the voice again.

"The talented dragon girl should proceed slowly, and two generals will accompany you. Cross the bridge with your feet and hands, and the copper snake and iron rat will step aside. Walk closely until you reach the hexagonal stone, where there are good tea leaves. Walk closely until you reach the hexagonal stone. There are good tea leaves in the ground. Hexagonal bricks, good tea soup underground. Walk closely until you reach the Hexagonal Bridge, shaking your feet and shaking your hands."

In a trance, Lin Ge had a picture of the fairy standing in front of the altar, shaking her head and casting spells, but what surprised him was that when the fairy was casting spells and chanting, they also covered their eyes with red cloth, and they did not see the scene of casting spells and spells at all. , but at this time, this picture became extremely clear in my mind.

Before Lin Ge could think about it, Master Wu interrupted his thoughts with a smile: "To be honest, it's not surprising that you can faintly hear some other sounds. Because after the fairy cast the spell and recited the spell, you have already stepped on the road. Once you get on the Naihe Bridge, you may see other ghosts."

"This is also a sign of 'success'. It proves that Yin Qi has appeared in your body. As long as you proceed to the second step, enter the morgue and lie down for a stick of incense, and inhale enough Yin Qi, you will be able to successfully see the doctor. The relatives and friends you miss.”

Ye Yilin swallowed nervously. This eerie morgue was scary enough, but now she had to lie down in the morgue?

Master Wu added: "Please follow my apprentice's instructions and stand in front of the corresponding morgue."

Only then did Lin Ge notice that the morgue cabinet nearby had been marked with a yellow charm with their names on it, and there were strange incantations painted on the entire cabinet door.

"Everyone please."

Faced with the "greeting" from Master Wu's apprentice, no one dared to step forward.

Lin Ge calmly walked to the morgue with his name on it and opened the cabinet. It was empty and smelled of disinfectant.

"We're all here, and we have to do this step sooner or later. I think everyone might as well seize the time to carry out the ceremony. Solve it early, see your relatives and friends early, and maybe go back to sleep and continue communicating in your dreams." Lin Ge With that said, he turned over and lay down in the morgue. He looked so agile and cheerful, as if he was lying not in a morgue, but on a comfortable big bed at home.

Qian Jiduo walked to the morgue next to Lin Ge and asked nervously: "Mr. Lin... are you feeling uncomfortable in there?"

"Oh, it's a bit cold. It would be better to lay out a blanket or give me a quilt next time." Lin Ge replied.


Master Wu's expression became strange when he heard this, "Brother, you are breathing in yin energy. Why the hell are you breathing in yin energy when you are wrapped in a rice dumpling?"

With Lin Ge "taking the lead", the rest of the group had no choice but to crawl into the morgue. Then Master Wu's apprentice pushed the door open and closed it.

Everyone was lying in the cabinet, and they could faintly hear Master Wu jumping around outside, casting spells and chanting spells.

"Keep walking, keep walking until you reach the hexagonal bricks. There is a good tea soup underground." At this moment, a mantra from the Fairy Goddess's "Invitation to the Gods" sounded in everyone's ears. The moment they heard this mantra, several people were surprised. I found that I was no longer in the "lying down" position, but standing in a dark space.



Griffin and Ye Yilin immediately screamed in fright, while Lin Ge tried to open his eyes to "break the barrier" to see if this was an illusion.

However, it was okay not to open his pupils. Once his pupils were opened, the dark space around him disappeared and was replaced by terrifying and twisted ghost faces.

It's like thousands or tens of thousands of ghosts are crowded together. You can't see their bodies, you can only see their twisted, ferocious, roaring, and screaming faces.

This scene was so shocking that even Lin Ge was stunned for a moment when he saw it.

Because he activated the double-pupil sky-eye barrier-breaking, he was able to break through the darkness. The other members of the group did not know this spell, so all they saw was endless darkness.

But fortunately, we can only see endless darkness. If we could see the faces behind the darkness, I'm afraid the five people would have to tell four of them to be here immediately.

Apart from being a bit "scary", these grimaces made no further movements, so Lin Ge simply stood there and continued to wait.

At this moment, with the sound of a morgue being dragged, Lin Ge found that his cabinet had been pulled open.

"Everyone, you can get up." At this time, Master Wu's voice sounded outside the cabinet.

Griffin and Ye Yilin crawled out of the cabinet in horror. Qian Jiduo sat up with a puzzled look on his face: "Is this... just the time for one stick of incense?"

In addition to these three people, the seventy or eighty-year-old woman was still lying in the morgue. When Lin Ge came out of the cabinet, he glanced subconsciously and saw that the old woman looked pale, as if she had been frightened.

However, whether the old lady was frightened by the dark space or saw those grimaces, it was a "miracle" that she was not taken away directly at the age of seventy or eighty years old.

After Master Wu and his apprentice worked together to help the old lady up from the cabinet, Master Wu stood in front of several people again, took out a yellow talisman and shook it.

"You have absorbed enough Yin Qi. Now I will summon the relatives you miss. No matter what happens, please don't be afraid, because... those are the relatives and friends you miss." Master Wu said while dancing the yellow talisman.

As Master Wu did this, several people clearly felt a biting chill on their backs. This chill continued to travel up their calves, caressing their backs and resting on their shoulders.

Of course, this does not include Lin Ge.

At this time, Lin Ge noticed with his peripheral vision that a ghost appeared behind Griffin, Ye Yilin, and the old lady. Strangely, the ghost that appeared behind Griffin and the old lady looked exactly the same. He was a man in his thirties, wearing a doctor's coat.

The man's face, which should have been handsome, turned pale and cold due to the ghost, especially the white eyes, which made people's hair stand on end.

The ghost man who appeared behind Ye Yilin was younger than the doctor's ghost, with short hair and average appearance.

At this time, the three "ghosts" were hanging on the backs of the three of them in a weird and twisted posture.

Lin Ge frowned slightly when he saw this scene. If he remembered correctly, he had seen these two faces among the thousands of weird and terrifying faces in that dark space.

Griffin wants to see the doctor who performed the surgery on her back then, while the old lady wants to see her son, a doctor. It seems that their target is the same person.

If this is the case, then it would be very problematic if a ghost with the same appearance appears behind the two of them at the same time.

Because from the two identical ghosts, it can be seen that the "three souls" are not separated, and it is impossible for a person to have two ghosts.

"Is this deliberately letting us lie in the morgue for a while so that we can confirm the target of our meeting, and then create a fake ghost to deceive people?"

At this moment, Lin Ge noticed that Master Wu glanced towards him, as if he was very surprised why there was no ghost behind him.

So Master Wu recited the incantation along with the spell, slowly moved his position to Lin Ge, and listed him as the main "casting" target.

A minute later, Lin Ge felt a chill behind him.

Lin Ge looked at the morgue directly in front of him. The silver-white smooth cabinet door became a reflector, accurately illuminating the ghost lying behind him.

Chen Qing.

The same pale and twisted face, with a strange posture.


Seeing Chen Qing's terrifying "look", Lin Ge couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing. What might seem horrifying to others turned out to be comical to him.

What is certain now is that Master Wu's spell casting is to make the ghost in that strange space look like the person in the mind of the "members". Lin Ge came here under the pretense of wanting to see his sister, and naturally he also had Chen Qing in mind.

Lin Ge suddenly smiled, which surprised Master Wu. Lin Ge quickly explained: "Sorry, sorry, because I miss my sister so much, I unconsciously think of the happy times with my sister."

This sounds fine, but Master Wu always feels that Lin Ge's behavior is strange.

At this moment, Chen Qing's voice sounded in Lin Ge's mind: "Ah, I'm so angry. Am I so ugly? And... what kind of posture is this? A ghost version of a koala? Brother, give me a hard time." Beat him so hard that his soul will fly away and he will never be reincarnated!"

Obviously, if it weren't for the fear of ruining Lin Ge's plan, Chen Qing could hardly bear to jump out and beat up the ghost.



This time, the four group members, including Lin Ge, all felt the yin energy behind them, and their bodies could not stop trembling.

Then, Griffin and the others felt a pale, clammy hand slowly move forward from the back of their necks, caressing their faces and across their eyes.

At this moment, they also saw the pale, clammy hand clearly. They wanted to scream, but found that their bodies were completely out of control.


At this time, an inappropriate sound sounded, and Lin Ge raised his hand and slapped his face: "Well... there are mosquitoes."

The moment he slapped his face, his hand was still glowing with lightning, and he struck the female ghost with one strike of lightning.

In fact, Lin Ge didn't want to be "exposed" so quickly, but letting that female ghost crawl on his back was already the limit, and this guy wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to suck his yang energy.

My brother couldn't bear it and my sister couldn't. If Lin Ge didn't take action, someone would do it for him.

Because the Yang Qi had only decreased by a "little", Chen Qing immediately reminded him that the red mist where Qimei was in the astrolabe was about to explode.

Lin Ge killed a ghost, and the ghosts lying on Griffin and others disappeared, and the entire morgue returned to calm.

"Why, why is this happening! Why is this happening! I clearly felt my son's breath just now, why is this happening!" To Lin Ge's surprise, the most excited person among them was the 70- or 80-year-old man. Mrs.

Ye Yilin also said: "Yes, I seemed to have seen my husband's hand just now, why did it suddenly disappear?"

At this time, Master Wu said in a deep voice: "Because someone destroyed the ceremony! Mr. Lin, I told you before entering the hospital that you must follow my arrangements after you get here. You have made strange actions again and again. Are you sincerely causing trouble by destroying the ceremony?"

Lin Ge said aggrievedly: "Brother, you asked me to lie down on the cupboard. When I lay down, I complained that it was a little cold. You asked me to stand still and I didn't move. But if a mosquito bites me, I have to bite it." ?”

It is actually far-fetched to say that Lin Ge destroyed the ceremony, but Master Wu felt that the problem with the ceremony must have something to do with this man who behaved strangely.

Master Wu originally wanted to find a reason for his apprentice to take Lin Ge out, but this ceremony was carefully planned by him and Xiangu, and no member of the group could be missing, which immediately made him a little entangled.

When Ye Yilin heard that Lin Ge had ruined the ceremony, she rushed to him and said excitedly: "Mr. Lin! I'm about to see my husband, why did you ruin the ceremony! Why!"

"Sister, is it possible that it's not my problem? Maybe your husband doesn't want to disturb your life. After all, yin and yang are orderly." Lin Ge persuaded.

Ye Yilin cried: "Have your husband ever died? How do you know how much I miss my husband? I, I have something very important to tell him! You won't understand!"

"Well, to be honest, I really can't understand it, because... I don't have a husband. Sister." Lin Ge said seriously.

At this moment, a dark wind blew through the corridor outside the morgue, followed by a loud "clang" and the door of the morgue was closed.

"Oops! Come on, everyone, stand at your previous positions and we will continue the ceremony." Master Wu's face changed drastically and he immediately urged.

Lin Ge said: "It's okay to continue the ceremony, but...Master Wu, I have a question, why only four of me, Ms. Ge, Sister Lin and the old lady almost saw the ghost, but Mr. Qian didn't react at all. By the way, where is Mr. Qian?"

Master Wu just wanted to "explain", but when he looked at Lin Ge, he was suddenly startled. He was surprised to find that the other person actually had double pupils.

"Double-eyed alien, you, you!" Master Wu seemed to know something about the double-pupil, pointing at Lin Ge and saying with a panicked expression.

The reason why Lin Ge opened his eyes was because as the morgue door was closed, his soul paper figures scattered throughout the hospital finally met the ghost!

It was at this moment that it seemed as if several spaces were overlapping each other, and the entire morgue was filled with all kinds of terrifying and weird ghosts!

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